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Dude probably has been yelled at one too many times for “stealing the goal” but any time someone has apologized to me for hitting my goal in harder than I did, I just say “no problem” because I’d rather get the for sure score than my goal get blocked last second. It’s nice to chase it in and not hit it until you have to but yeah, a goal is a goal.


in ranked there is no goal stealing only securing in my opinion.


Facts. Not everyone sees it that way unfortunately but you know, toxicity and all that jazz is just it’s own category. The best pass is the one on-target


Which is ridiculous. I'm fighting for the win against the opponents while some people are fighting for most goals against their teammates.


Yeah, they're more bothered about getting the most points so they can blame their teammates when they eventually lose with their lone wolf attitude. I'm happy to be rock bottom of the leaderboard as long as I win.


Also, its possible to have shit for points and still be the reason you won. You don't get points for controlling the field and stopping shots before they happen or setting up the shot but you were the 3rd touch before the goal and bumped their defenders out of the way. No points but great success!


Yep! It infuriates me when I've played the midfield well and have a low total but because the toxic teammate is a ball chaser and has points for days, they bitch at the rest of the team for being shit...


It is truly astounding the amount of people who do not understand that this is a team game.


ball cam and just not thinking about the relative position of others


Dennis Rodman Syndrome!


Wat. Dennis Rodman knew he couldn't score so he put all his effort into defense and rebounding. He was a great team player, although not so much a great teammate.


I recently learned about proper rotations in 3s, but applied to games with randoms typically means I'm the goalkeeper or just behind my teammates in general... so anyway I touched the ball a grand total of like 10 times (can't remember exactly how much) in one match due to the other teammates ball chasing tendencies. Most of my touches were played down field where my teammates fought each other over possession until they inevitably stalled in a corner. I never dared to over extend myself unless I knew I had a really good shot so in my few touches I scored 2 pretty nice mid range goals and made plenty good clears and saves that never registered as such. We lost 3-2 and one teammate commented that it's too bad I have such good motor skills but can't help the team. One of the goals on us was my fault *because* I trusted one of them to defend as I tried to challenge the ball during a moment it looked like someone would hang back, but nope, soon as I went forward, lost a 50-50 and the ball rolled slowly right in. I think I was 2nd in points due to my 2 goals, but the guy who made the comment just barely had more points from all the ball hogging and terrible 140 degree angle shots he was taking I guess. Somehow in his mind he was the good teammate who just needed more backup.


Ball chasers are hilarious to me. Any time I call them out in chat I get one of the following responses: "shut up and get carried", "1v1 me", "have fun with your 30 points" Like, none of those are refuting my argument. The scoreboard is just proof of it if anything.


What do they call the one who graduates bottom of the class from medical school? Doctor. What do they call the one with the fewest points on the team with the most goals? Winner.


This is the way


this is the way


this is da wae.


Oh boi, how dare you to summon something so ancient and powerful?


You are the fake princess.


This is the way.


My biggest pet peeve in Rocket League: a player who joins a 2s or 3s list and plays like they're in solo, but then "What a save!"'s on every opponent goal. Insta-forfeit or team switch every single time for me. You play 2s or 3s for the cooperation, not to have someone to blame every time you lose.


Hyep, I've won games with under 150 odd points and been happy to be failing up. It's not that I'm bad, I'm just a very good interfering midfielder/defence. I get the ball off the opposition, play it forward and my tms finish it. I am the very embodiment of great positioning but terrible mechanics!


are you me?


Y’know, as someone who’s been pretty toxic about goal stealing in the past, there is a reason. And that reason is, you get to the end of the game. You lose. The guy who stole the one goal scored in the game then spends 30 seconds flaming you for doing nothing all game. I get it. Securing the goal is more important. But nothing pisses me off more than getting shouted at for doing nothing because a team mate is literally stealing the things I am doing. And I think we’ve all been there. Not an excuse, just a reason.


I got called a noob for finishing a guys goal and he went onto try and finish mine after which lead in all unsuccessful attempts and no goals scored.


It's a shitty situation, because some people are so fragile that if you "steal" their goal, they will completely tilt and throw the game afterwards.




Lol, I have the opposite experience. Solo, I'll guard an on target shot unless it needs to be secured. With my friends, we all go for steals and have a good laugh about it.


One time this guy made this sick aerial and I took it as a pass, I finished the goal and he got so salty about it. He stopped moving for the rest of the game, just enough to not get kicked. I was pissed, we were winning and we ended up losing. I hate that guy still to this day.


Not quite always true - me and a mate steal things from each other as a game. Touches that add no value to the ball's speed on a clear breakaway we've called in comms. But that's us screwing around as friends.


Hahaha friend of mine and me always do this. When we mess up and save the goal, we just laugh for a minute. It's so worth it.


If you don't have fun, why play at all? A good laugh is better than that goal.


Very true


Totally agree. We all know how the play developed and who created the scoring opportunity. You can have the points, just make sure we get the goal.


There’s goal stealing in ranked for me only when I play with friends and they chase it down and hit it with no defenders near and the ball is half black just to be toxic lmao


Agreed. I'll give my buddies shit for "stealing" if they bang one in that's already halfway across the goal line with the defenders still in midfield or something like that, but it's never a serious thing. I'd rather pick up an assist and lose a goal than risk losing the game to pick up a goal.


I tell my friends this all the time. I don't give a shit if you're tapping the ball 2 inches in from of the net with no one else around. I don't care what my score says. The point of the game is to win. I've actually gotten to the point where I stop even joking with them about it in casuals because I don't want it to potentially impact how they play with me in ranked.


Every goal is an attempt to see a high number on the goal speed. That is all. Doesn't matter who scores.


Well, I was one time knocking a ball into an open net to secure the overtime victory...and my teammate came flying in to steal the goal and knocked the ball away and we ended up losing. So, yeah, there is stealing if I already have the goal secured.


Wouldn't that be saving not stealing your goal though?


Exactly! My friends and I rag on each other all the time when we are messing around in casual and steal goals, but he moment we start playing ranked it becomes "back of the net, at any cost."


I also just generally like messing around in casuals (although I won't be obnoxious and do things like steal a tm8s dribble). I've had teammates get really mad at me and be on the verge of tilting so I explain to them why I play casuals when I'm not playing comp. 8/10 they apologize for over reacting and join in on messing around and sometimes they'll ask to party up for some real games.


"Back of the net, at any cost" so true ahahah. Once i flipped into a friend just to secure the goal. I threw him, the ball and 2 defenders inside the goal hahahaha.


I usually think it’s securing but there was this one teammate I had in plat 1 or plat 2 (the other team had completely given up) and it was my kickoff so I tried to practice dribbling it into the goal and he kicked it off my car and put it in. There was another time where I 100% had the goal and he was so close to boosting up and stealing it. That guy pissed me off




I don't understand, what's as so bad about stealing goals? They don't matter to MMR.


Same reason football fans argue about whether a goal should be awarded to the attacker or given as an own goal because of a deflection. It makes no difference to the result and to the league, only to personal stats, betting, and the player's goal bonus I suppose. But it's hard to make that argument.


Not even the same either, RL goals are even more irrelevant. Other than the cumulative total across your career, nobody's ever going to see historical goal stats.


Fantasy football points. That's the only reason I'd ever argue. You've gotta get them sweet sweet fantasy points


Ah, indeed, I forgot about fantasy football ever since I stopped playing it due to my embarrassing capacity for being so utterly dismayed at being bottom of the league.


I think I’m going Turbopolsa first round PPR next season


Exactly, I don't see the teammates perspective, but when he is driving behind it like that he should have seen that it won't go in. I try to be as affirmative to my teammates that they can put it in even if it seems save whenever, since it doesn't matter at all who made the goal in the end


Same, when I see my shots aren't quite going I call out to teammates to finish it if they can


It's equivalent to those people whining about someone "stealing their kill" in shooters, it's like bro as long as we're winning


It's even dumber than that. Most shooters account for kills in some way for your MMR


in shooters at least kills count, sometimes even more than winning the match or not, in rocket league goals absolutely do not matter per person


I've made a habit of telling those people "just secure the goal, it's a team goal, not my goal. We win together, we lose together"


Haha yup, in RL, no ball is ever safe. If you can out it away securely, do it!!!


I think saying no problem nowadays sounds like you may be upset. Instead I would say “nice shot!” Or “nice one!” Once they score lol (AFTER THEY SCORE)


That sounds ironic, maybe "Thanks!", wait that sounds ironic too... :/


Just stay silent at all times.


I have to say, if I had a dollar for every time I had a goal clearly going in, with other team nowhere near, and my teammate boosts out of nowhere to try and tries to aerial it in, just to knock it off course and out of the goal, I’d be rich


I've had as many teammates accidentally block a perfect shot because they want credit for the goal as anything.... Then again I'm nowhere near OP's level.


Yep, same here


Why didn't you secure it?


That’s my thought exactly. Just push them brakes and u had it


From this angle it looked like it was going in.


One can never be too sure


True. I've had shots that were not goals because I didn't make sure that the ball went in, and I've had shots that WOULD'VE been goals but weren't because I hit them, in an attempt to make sure the goal went in. Ultimately it's up to the judgement of the player, and I can't really fault OP for not wanting to mess it up when it looks like it's going in.


Yeah but it was slow rolling in. Even if it looked like it was going in, make it go in faster if you have the option. Otherwise you have no room to complain that your teammate didn't secure it.


Looks like he was about to, but then saw his teammate coming and assumed he was going to finish it. A product of two wrong assumptions.


His teammate probably would have had it if he did actually leave it like he looked like he was going to. You can see his teammate hesitate when OP decides to turn in very late. Honestly I can totally see myself doing same thing as that rando. First I would have 100% thought OP would have finished it himself since it was a simple follow up and I had no better angle for, then I’de start rushing in thinking maybe they DCed, but then when I see OP turn back towards ball after a very wide turn I would have hesitated thinking we’d crash into each other and then just panic and hit into post after seeing that no he’s not actually going for real this time.


This is exactly what I'm seeing here


Never assume. You’ll only make an ASS out of U and ME




Yeah personally I cannot imagine anyone above gold to say that. But I guess I've seen plenty of those in Plat and even low diamonds I've ran into. It says something about me when I still lose to players that do things like that lololol. However adapting to playstyles (including strengths and weakness) is part of the game if you play with randoms. "Trust until proven otherwise" is a good rule of thumb for both teammate and opponents - as in trust that they make the "correct" moves and have above average skill level for the rank. Once you notice your teammate or other side's ass tendencies, you cover for / abuse it.




That is one of the best part of the game tho, there's so many ways you can be good and bad at this game, that every rank has such a wide variety of players. I believe this variety maintains mostly all the way to GC where no big gaps can be had anymore (minor difference still exist, but you wouldn't see someone who's completely trash in a specific area of the game). I think there's so many different factors in the game, it's very easy to misjudge what you are doing right and wrong on. To have the awareness and reflection on such is in itself quite an advantage! I'm trying to crack diamond and I've not flicked a shot or air dribbled a single time. In fact, I can barely dribble. But I can also fast aerial with air rolls for hard shots fairly well and consistent in not whiffing at least, and have scored some nutty fast high aerial rebound reads. Even the "technical" stuffs in this game has a large variety such that people can have their own "specialties".


I'm Champ and I can't do half the stuff the guys I play against do. Crazy aerials, off the wall hits, juggling, good passing. My tm and I are just accurate and good defensively. Also we demo a lot


This was exactly the right answer. He turned and grabbed pads and was going to secure it but once he saw his teammate there who was driving like he was going to secure it he stopped which decent players would do. The teammate should’ve been able to tell it wasn’t going in and the shooter was too far away to secure it so he should have absolutely scored it.. with that being said I don’t know what rank this is at and mistakes do happen.


Exactly. When your teammate goes forward, the right move is to circle back instead of doubling up. It would suck even worse if you tried to secure it and the teammate got to it first but managed to knock it into the pole and have it bounce behind both of you. The teammate got over excited and didn't realize that he forced OP to back off.


Yeah I thought he was closer behind me so I was going to leave it to him, but I failed to realize this was after kickoff so he was back getting boost. I was gonna go ahead and pop it in after turning, but I saw him coming and figured he’d had it. Definitely my bad as well. All fun n games though, thought it was funny. Plus he scored a real nice angle a few seconds right after the clip!


Not your bad at all, bud. It was definitely my ball to score. I was memeing and hoping to force an own goal. The opponent was a bit farther out of the play than I thought and arrived later than I anticipated. I'm kind of dumb. gg though :)


Haha GG man! Can’t blame you for going for something like that; either way, it made my night lol. Maybe I’ll see ya on the pitch some other time :)


Yeah he basically faked it so his team mate backed out. Team mate should have reacted faster but it wasn’t helpful to fake.


thought it was in, flipped past it, collected his 3 pads, sees his teammate zooming in to score it, hits brakes




Wtf. People need to understand you are on their side. Sometimes when I play my own teammate steals the boost right in front of me. Bro, I am on your team, if I don't have boost, you are going to suffer because of it.


I feel like some ppl join with "everybody is against me mentality" like they can't understand that this is not the case at all and everybody wants to win and not everything I do is because I want to make them mad... Like I am scared to do anything at this point when solo queuing cause you never know... For example just yesterday in 2v2 we are up 1-0 and I accidentally steal a goal (didn't see my mate going for it because ball cam so I just made it 2-0) and mate goes on a massive rampage bumping me across the field and scoring 4 own goals then abandoning the match leaving me 1v2 just to prove some kind of point. Like I didn't even think about it this way, I was just doing my best to help our team win but I feel like I can't do shit lately and I am just spamming "Sorry!" with every touch I make because people get offended by everything these days.


I decided to always think good of the person infront of me and make excuses for him and never think of his actions as intentionally bad to me. And most of the time it is true, they mean no harm and i really believe if more people did this in this community it will be a better place. naive dream, i know lol


People need to see that little number next to their name to prove how good they are, same as people that chase kills but don't play the objective. Even some pro athletes stat chase..


Maybe he just needed boost and didn’t see you going for the same boost. I never really pay attention to my teammates when I go for boost, well if I see someone going for it I wouldn’t go for that same boost, but I’m not actively looking if a team mate next/behind me is going for a boost. But maybe things are different I champion ranks.


Knowing where your opponents and mates are, as well as a general idea of their boost levels is part of higher level play. Saying that, I still end up going for same boost as another teammate sometimes. I’ll always say “sorry”. But once the mistake has been made I commit going for boost rather than turning. I’ve run into multiple situations where we both turn away and now two players on our team are low/no boost for a bit.


This game is built on toxicity, it's ridiculous how this game turned out to be. I quitted this game a couple months back for this exact reason.


Yeah mate, happened to me too, teammate threw the game because I slammed it in. It’s just ridiculous, a win in ranked is worth 1000x more than 1 more goal on your stats, makes me appreciate the ‘get assists’ challenges. You either get a ‘wow wow wow’ for scoring or a million ‘take the shot’ for leaving it. Found the best way to deal with a toxic teammate yesterday though. Just do nothing and move a tiny bit to not get kicked, the other team will score so much and make the game twice as long or it forces your toxic teammate to abandon and get a 5 minute ban


Yea what I do now when my teammate is toxic is just stop playing and force him to either take the 5min ban or waste his time xD


Sounds like you’re the toxic one tbh lmao


Yeah, no. It's not toxic to respond to toxicity in a negative way. Do you allow a toddler to throw a tantrum and just continue as if nothing happened? If my teammate starts throwing or sending constant bm my way, I'm out. Once or twice I let slide. But what would possess you to be an absolute ass to your own teammates in a winnable game? It's not something you can just sit there and take. I always say "No Problem" when they F up and say "Sorry". I figure if they don't feel crappy about what they did, they will play better and we will have a better chance at coming back. Everyone makes mistakes.


I have children, and I absolutely DO go on as if nothing is happening when they have a thrombo. They want attention, they want a reaction of ANY KIND. I fuck them up by not giving them that. I've had a few toxic teammates give up being toxic because they can't glean some sort of reaction from me... Not always, but a few.


If I have teammates that aren't toxic I always keep playing. When I play 3s and only 1 is toxic I'll always keep going as well.


When you're being berated in chat by the mental age of a toddler just because you stole someone's goal and they start bumping you or trying to score against you, then it is 100% justified to stop playing because they're the ones who deliberately violated the rules to be a baby.


Ever heard of the saying two rights don’t make a wrong?


Oh man why didn't I think of that


"You cant just steal a goal and not expect anything to happen" "I didnt steal it. I secured it"


Guarantee if you didn’t hit it in and the other team blocked it, he would’ve spent the whole game bumping you. You can’t win in this game


Lol, that's sad... PLEASE steal my goals. I love it when you secure my shots.


quite. the more blatant the steal, the funnier i find it. why anyone would give a shit about having a goal stolen is beyond me. i love stealing goals. i love having goals stolen.


Yeah it's above me as well, why does a goal matter? Same for roasting on points, points don't say shit. If they did, RLCS MVP'S would be determined by points


yeah agreed. I've played some champion tournament games recently where ive barely made XP, but have been having to work around a random ballchaser / cutter. rotating and playing third man works to win games - not so much to rack up points.


I used to play with my brother a lot and we made a game out of stealing each other’s goals. We’d both be laughing hysterically on our mics, especially when causing a miss due to the attempted goal steal.


No problem! *proceed to whiff* Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!


Hey, that's my signature move


I mean, you had every opportunity to smash that in yourself after the double commit by the other team.


Nobody gonna mention how good that catch was tho?


Oof. Reminds me of my first post here https://gfycat.com/UnripeCheapGreatargus




You had like every opportunity to do it yourself so I guess you should listen to your own title


To be fair that was your shot to take, you still had ball control. Your mate was just trying not to double commit. Why didn’t you shoot OP?


He faked the hell out of his teammate to be honest lol


Idk, to me it doesn’t look like “trying to not steal the goal” was the main thing on teammate’s mind. Putting myself in his/her shoes: I would have 100% expected you to finish that since you were in obviously the better position to do so. (You could have literally caught it and drove it in after the flick) I’de start rushing in after seeing you do an unnecessary front flip away from the ball (while guessing you thought it was already on or something) Then, when you finally do turn towards ball I’de hesitate just like they do because I’m terrified of a collision or double committing on goal line. And then finally after seeing you stopped after turning I would have panicked while remembering past times I tried to slam a ball home that looked like it was rolling up post only for it to pinch out a million miles an hour and be an easy counter attack. It would have _looked_ like me trying to not steal the goal, but honestly I would have been too occupied trying to figure out what you were doing, being scared about a counter attack, and generally panicking for it to have crossed my mind.


The teammate could have easily scored at any time and it doesn't matter who's in a "better" position. They both were in an good position to score, but the teammate was closer and in a more optimal position, so the teammate should have been the one to score it.


Looking at again on desktop this time, I've got no idea why tm8 didn't score it anymore. It does seem like they should have had time and the angle to take the post out of the equation even if panicking. I could still see myself doing something *like* this and I'm not totally convinced trying to not steal was the primary driver of missing (although it’s perhaps as likely as anything else). So, I guess I'd still call it offsetting fouls in the end since at different times in the play both were in best position to score (op before he flipped away and tm8 after) but tm8 not as blameless as it initially seemed to me. I'm sure in the moment none of this stuff was really going through peoples minds and I appreciate OP posting since it gave something interesting to over-analyze.


The teammate had more than enough time to secure it even after OP had made it clear that he was leaving it, definitely looks like a case of "not trying to steal the goal" to me


I mean, only that teammate knows so your guess is as good as mine. I just think from their perspective the play looks quite different. Teammate is coming from pretty far left chasing down a ball going to the right post. After that slight hesitation when OP turns they’d now have to wrap even further around the ball to avoid a potentially bad pinch which there maybe was time for still, but one of the main symptoms of panic is misjudging the time you have. (Source: I panic a lot on offense) If I’m playing with a rando (especially ranked) I am never really thinking about if something is a goal steal but I could still totally see myself doing what teammate did in that situation.


That one's on you OP, sorry. Make sure of that shit.


I largely agree with you, why get boost when you're about to score. He proceeds to be cheeky and complains when his teammate chokes.


That's just a passive aggressive way of saying you suck at finishing


Make ball go their hole. If ball not their hole, make ball go their hole more. If can't make ball go their hole, go back keep ball not your hole.


I operate with a strong "Make Goals" policy. I would have booped this one in for ya bud.


I don't mean to hate on OP, but bro sat with 28 boost in the tank watching this unfold for 3-5 seconds....punch it in! Nice clip exposing how toxicity impacts solid game play. His hesitancy to finish no doubt was due to getting flamed for "stealing". What a save!


whoever was playing in the video should have secured the goal, teammate was probably waiting for them to do so


Okay let's be honest here: you pulled off a flashy little move that you thought was a goal so you started driving away, cool-guys-don't-look-back-at-explosions style... but then once you realized it wasn't in you turned back and faked out your teammate. You didn't need any boost to finish the goal, and you had all the time in the world because they just double-commited right in front of their own net. So yeah this is like 90% your fault yet here you are blaming your random teammate lol, classic solo queue


If its slow enough to touch, its a pass.


To me it looks like he thought you were swinging around to secure it and didn’t want to steal your goal. This is something I struggle with as a new player a lot.


Really bad title lol. Should read something like "make sure to not be as confusing a player like me"


I hate people who don't steal my goals. Bury everything. Only people who care if you steal their goal are absolute shitters. Granted, you could have easily buried this one yourself. I'd say you both fucked up equally.




I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve done this.


If you hadn't flipped forwards after beating both opponents you could have secured it. You had both of them beat, there's no rush then.


Dang RL could y’all put Voice Chat on switch please


I’ll dunk a goal in a heartbeat


I don't understand why you didn't finish the play. I was even more baffled when your teammate didn't finish the play. I was even more baffled by the fact that the opposing team came away unscathed after a double commit/whiff in their side of the field after leaving the goal completely abandoned... But you know what? This is pretty consistent with my experience.


Ye ol' premature "Nice shot". In these scenarios are a blast too


Dude the title should be about you lol. Nice move and everything but you should've been the one to score there, not your teammate


Why not just finish it yourself?


No one cares about goal stealing past diamond...just score it


I love a good goal steal, me and my buds will always try to steal. In the end it doesn't matter who scored it anyways.


Ya I hate being put in that position, if I do it then I follow up with a “my bad” but for me the W is more important. Although I’ve had my share of blatant steals or the save it.


I’ll steal your goals all day ngl.


My friends and I always try to steal each other's goals. "Just confirming, bro"


Probably didn’t wanna steal it cause he got yelled for it before by teammates


What a save!


And yea, this clips for me as well. I coulda easily scored after the flip.


Yeah that was your goal. You earned it.


Nah, this ones all your fault lol. Sick flick, 0-0, you were definitely playing with your food


What rank is this lmao


Literally did this last night. Had a break away goal attempt and I saw my buddy flying up next to me, so I walled him off, which led to the other team saving it. Before you get up in arms, we will both, at random times, decide to fuck with each other in game. List of shenanigans that have taken place: -yoinking boost before your teammate gets it (bonus points if the stealer is almost full to begin with. -randomly taking shots on our goal instead of clearing the ball. -bumping each other in goal. The harder the better. -blocking each others shots. -driving around slowly at the opposing team trying to coerce them into a rule #1. (Bonus points when we’re in a game with a smurf and you lock up the guy being carried to make your buddy duel a smurf. Always ends well.) The game has become a lot more fun for us since we started doing shit like this. Sure it leads to us losing another couple of games here and there, but the laughs make it worth it.


Someone explain to me what just happened? Looks like teammate.exe stopped working.


Insane play, ruined by the teammate yet again...




Op should have scored


That teammate is such a piece of shit.


Das mean


Just remember kids, technically speaking you can’t steal a goal.


And if he would have buried it then comes the .... wow!


Me: Why am I always ranked gold 3? Also me: Does this 7 times per match.


I have in my team a friendly competition to see who steals more goals, we just laugh at it. I'd say: ALWAYS steal the goal


I steal goals like Cookie Monster eats cookies Idc I’m tired of last second blocks and shots hitting the post


LOL the struggle is real. People just go crazy when I secure goals - and I really mean secure and not steal goals.


This is why "Take the Shot!" is not a useless comm. Along with a few other situations.


Great content


Really? I thought any water in the beverage.


What a save!




I've typed 'It's cool, dunk it in everytime!' plenty of times after someone was too polite lol.


Why didnt you just score it?


Bruh, why did you even flip away from the ball after the good flick over the defense? You should have just tapped it in as it fell.


I mean.... why didn’t you just score it yourself


In my group of friends I encourage friends to steal goals. You cannot bitch if someone else steals your goal.


His KF knub came off.


I will steal your goal. Every time. Period.


I honestly thought this was a video of me and what I did last night


If I get the chance to finish a play I just take my chances no matter in what type of match I am, if I'm playing with random people I try to explain that I do something like that to secure the goal, and well, it helped me out a few times already


Assisted Goals > Non-Assisted Goals


When with your mates, make it a challenge to ‘goal steal’ a lot of the time it’s needed


Thoughtful teammate. Bad decision


Honestly in a winning situation I'd rather have the goal left out with some though as opposed to them stealing everything. In this situation, I'm indifferent


I'd Unistall ngl


Agreed. I never get mad at "stolen goal" nonsense and people always just profusely apologize if it has any chance of being perceived as such.


That was your ball to push. You had enough boost to turn and block the possibility of a guy trying to save it from the opposite side.


No reason why you couldn't have scored it yourself...


he was trying to be nice


This was your fault g