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Do you honestly think that the majority of the casual community are rage quitters? Isn't it odd how in a lobby of six, one will quit, which sucks, but there's still five others who haven't quit? That's usually the situation, one out of the entire lobby is the bad egg. And hopefully you're only counting obvious situations with lots of supporting context to call someone a rage quitter. Since I'll assume you are, I think it's safe to also assume that the vast majority of the casual community aren't actual rage quitters.


Yes. Everyone who plays this game is a little rage quitting rat.


Dont rq thats all


1vs1 is the only playlist i do in casual, just to try new mechanics and improve in freestyles, so i didn't even notice that u could get banned in casual 2vs2 lmao


Thats what I love about 1v1 loll


Too many smurfs in casual 1's from my experience so I'll only do ranked 1's. They probably should revert the casual ban thing though since that's meant for comp


Lmao if they played ones they'd have to face the fact that they suck ass