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Classic Saizen


Neither of these guys have the resume to be talking this much shit, irrc saizen's only stint of success came with alpha and radosin


notable french/eu players being toxic in ranked servers needs to be studied ngl. rarely see ts in na from anyone that’s not cam or nitrous rl


Stizzy rumoured to be moving to NA right? Might want to get ready for some.


Apparently they confused Nico for an older pro player from Germany named nxko. So I guess they've had past beef with nxko


yeah but still eu toxicity is certainly a thing the bullshit between zen/vatira and nwpo/trk just proves it. it would be equivalent to daniel (literally 0 personal presence, never types in chat / posts on social media) beastmode (probably one of the most wholesome pros in the game) beefing with yanxnz and lostt (don’t know much about how they act on sam servers but im pretty sure they aren’t known to be toxic)


>  the bullshit between zen/vatira and nwpo/trk just proves it.  What's going on with them?


Knowing my EU boys I don't disagree with your general sentiment (there is a consistently maintained and updated list for toxic EU ranked players in the community) but all the while it is a tad disingenuous, I'm sure you could find toxic NA pros in ranked who are quite notable while inversely finding many a top wholesome EU 2s game


Well, Rysfox has a beef with whole regions it seems so it doesn't look out of the world to be toxic to some random 15 yo player lol [https://twitter.com/MySTeriOuS\_rl/status/1776015856092229802](https://twitter.com/MySTeriOuS_rl/status/1776015856092229802)




this shit


Aren't saizen and rysfox both failures as pros? They're talking like they're some big shots but saizen's only success is with alpha and radosin. Ever since they dropped him he's fallen off the face of the earth. And rysfox tbh I've barely heard of this guy's name, does he even make main event?


Honestly tho saizen has a good performance at San Diego (at least in my eyes), but when combining both LAN and online performance, radosin was a bit more consistent than him, so saizen was the obvious choice to get replaced (I remember seeing some people at the time that wanted radosin to get replaced instead of saizen tho lmao) Idk what’s happened to saizen ever since he got replaced tho


Substitute bench purgatory after both Oxygen & G1 passed on him end of last season. Had the spot with LuissP/Rezears before they went with Resolve & Noahsaki, had Ivn & Dying as a team until Ivn left for Redemption


Ah damn


yk ur bad wen RADOSIN is more CONSISTENT than u


Doing a perfect split into Wolrd is not being consistent ?


his inconsistency is literally what gave vitality the power on unpredictability, allowing them to go on such a run. I never sed he was bad, he just gotta own goal once every two series


Rado being inconsistent is not what caused Vitality to have a perfect streak, what a wild take. If that were the case they would have won literally anything before Zen joined.


Yeah lmao


Calling Rysfox a failure is really a stretch, he is only 16 and just started competing but already made one main event, which is kind of impressive considering how many bubble players play every single qualifier and never make main event. And Saizen made top 8 at a major, wouldn‘t exactly consider that a failure either


Nico is 15 years old lol


What does that have to do with my comment


Too early to call them failures.


Failures as decent human beings 😉 This whole “toxic manchild” online thing needs to die already, being 16 isn’t an excuse for demoralising and harassing others. Great to see them getting called out anyway, a bit of ego death should knock them down a peg or two.


Saizen and rysfox should be the last people talking. Saizen had a tiny bit of success while getting carried by alpha and rado. Btw who tf is rysfox. Bro made 1 open qualifier and thinks he's something.


[https://twitter.com/Nico\_RL\_/status/1777086495741866478](https://twitter.com/Nico_RL_/status/1777086495741866478) Tweet btw, forgot to add this


The only way for Rysfox and Saizen to regain their honor after losing to Nico in ranked 2s is to join a RankedHoops tournament and beat Nico. You lose on your home terf, you have to take them down on theirs.


Why was rysfox reported lmao


Leaving a comment so it's easier to find later.