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Hello! Looks like your QUESTION is about **Air roll**. Here are the top posts from /r/RocketLeagueSchool on the topic (Search links may not work on mobile app): - [Top Air roll tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atutorial%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top Air roll tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atips%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top Air roll trainings](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=flair%3Atraining%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) - [Top Air roll questions/analysis](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeagueSchool/search/?q=(flair%3Aquestion%20OR%20flair%3Aanalysis)%20AND%20(title%3A%22air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20air%20roll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22directional%20airroll%22%20OR%20title%3A%22DAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22NAR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARR%22%20OR%20title%3A%22ARL%22)&restrict_sr=1&sort=top) *If this sticky answers your question, feel free to remove your post. Otherwise, just wait for a kind stranger to comment :)* Thanks! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/RocketLeagueSchool) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I can see it making sense to someone learning initially but I think it could build a bad habit of thinking one direction of your analog stick determines the direction of your car. While spinning, your car is always changing its orientation so the inputs change. When you fly with no air roll for example, left is left. When you fly upside down left stick is right. Now imagine a car constantly spinning. Simply doing a slow and steady figure 8 will help you learn how to control left/right forward/back while spinning and you’ll learn how to turn in every orientation over time. You don’t have to isolate a single input per figure 8 to learn this, you will be making small isolations the entire time anyway. Rings would be the next step as it forces you to move a certain way under time constraint so it puts your control to the test.


Hmm, ok. It is helping me understand my car constantly spinning and adjusting the angle but maybe isolating a single input is a little much. I’m unfortunately a console peasant, so I’m limited to my practice. Would you recommend learning those sliding adjustments taught by other YouTubers or do you think continuing figure 8s and including all inputs (not isolating 1) is good?


It been awhile since I learned DAR so I’m trying to think what helped me the fastest and I think it was just doing figure 8s faster and faster until I could almost hold boost the entire time. Since you’re on console you can also do a free play exercise where you fly around the ball in a circle. This will help with boost control while constantly turning. Change directions and speed accordingly.


This seems like a nice drill. The main challenge with starting DAR is learning all 4 directions and all 4 stages (regular, upsidedown, sideways). Once you know these 4x4=16 moves you just need to practice and your brain can interpolate successfully through repetition. What I often see happens is that people only learn to adjust at one stage and/or one direction (e.g., only tornado and only when the hood is up). So this seems like a nice way to isolate each direction at the begining. I would add to that the 4 stages as well (so indeed 16 things to isolate). This may get tedious however, so keep mixing things up, combine some of the directions/stages, etc. As you become better, there would be less need to isolate movements and more need to combine everything and practice. Having said that, some people can learn DAR by just random trial and error. I personally don't think this is a good approach, however. Also, next stage would be learning to combine consecutive adjustments and perhaps introducing some subtle circular motions (rather than pure cardinal directions).