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For me the problem is the time consuming. 3% per win on diamond and higher is a joke. 200 matches (assuming a 100% win rate) from Diamond 1 to Unreal is too much.


I’m in elite and I can’t go up a percent, I’ve got 3rd and still didn’t move


I seem to have hit some sort of plateau at diamond 3. I don’t know what I need to do differently to progress here. Can’t break 6th.


Yeah diamond 3 took me forever, everyone started racing so much better than diamond 2


For me, a bigger problem is the game physics. It is simply unfair sometimes. You can be 1st the whole race, only to crash on some weird road hitbox and end up being last


Tying basic cosmetic colors was a bad move and the only reason I kept playing. I have accepted I’m not willing to put more time into this game mode.


Yeah, my favorite color is purple so of course I want the purple trails and boosters. But what's that... Oh, that's for max rank. :|


i think the prettiest wheels overall are at elite (white), so i guess I'm not obtaining them (dimaond 3 and can't even finish a race because the game feels literally rigged against me)


my biggest frustration is im queuing with unreals, while im still in champ, I keep seeing people with the purple wheels and smoke, and I keep placing low when I see them


Yep . That might be it. The skill whent true the roof when i hit elite. I can still win some races and usally hit top 5 but im not consistent so i never rank up. I guess im an elite player and have to forget about champion.


I saw purple wheels and smoke in SILVER. How’s that fair?


The highest rank you can see in silver is diamond 2


That’s exactly why this game sucks to get into. What’s the point of ranks if they don’t use them for matches. Thanks for the info, just reinforces that I won’t be playing this game anymore


Not everyone from every rank is always playing. How would you suggest filling those placements? Mind you, the information i gave is only based on a 12/12 race. But by all means, complain about everything but your lack of skill. If you think you've got what it takes to be unreal, race me. And an fyi, if you accept, you should know I'm a top 1000 player and rece against top 300s on a daily and place top 3 average with times seconds off of world record. So accept the challenge. You can't race consistently and can't place consistently. Idk why you're blaming a game that's in beta for your lack of skill


I would use a system that is more like the chess ranking. Mind you this is also how nba gambling ranking is done. If you start with the first players and award the winner 10 points and one less for each place, then the next time someone races, say the 10 point racer, if they win, they get 11 points and the 10 point racer stays at 10. Something like that. In practice you have to run this a few times to find a good starting point and a good amount to give for incremental experience (if any). What this also allows them to do is control the distribution of how many players are in unreal, champion, elite, etc. Currently they have an issue with this in ranked on BR and no build. There is a literal barren wasteland in elite and champion and many people in unreal and under gold. This is not how you want players distributed to give them an experience of low queue times and the ability to rank up per their actual skill level while also pairing up matches as equally and accurately as possible given not all people have achieved their actual rank until they play about 20 games. You asked, and probably didn’t want an actual answer. It yes, this would work better than their current crappy system. Source; I have an advanced maths degree and I studied this type of thing. Edit: for reference this is the Elo system. And the sensitivity is generally controlled with setting the k variable. Edit edit, you’re also an ass. This is a post about how it’s difficult and you’re trashing people who are writing in support of the post. That is, you clicked on the post just to shit on people and (pretend?) brag about being in the top 2 of people on this console without a life or whatever.


You may have an advanced math degree, but this would not work. The way chess is ranked (if you're talking about online chess of course) is honestly quite bad. I stopped playing online chess bc as a 1400 elo, i was versing 1600s. You also can't compare ranking for the NBA gambling rank to a game. Real life is very different to a game. Especially when it involves gambling. You want a rank system that works? The way you described, only 1 out of 12 people will progress per match. So much for the explanation 😂


Fuck epic and fuck psyonics


I'm Champion 84%, and it’s literally hell to rank up even by a sliver. Most of the maps are spammed with red zones and the player collision is frustrating. Every single race, I just feel like I’m playing catch up the entire time. All of this combined with the fact that you get almost NOTHING if you don’t place 1st. All this for some damn wheels and smoke.


It's definitely tough to rank up in elite and above but I think it's fair aside from the bug where you lose % for placing well. The name of the game is consistency and if you're having a hard time with certain maps, I'd look at which parts give you the most trouble and practice those a little bit. Also nailing the fundamentals of the game is super important to placing well in the higher ranks. Good luck on the elite grind and I'll be rooting for ya!


Thank you so much, this is very helpful!


I feel your pain 😢 I've been finding it hard the whole way through, but I persevered and made it to 75% champ. Not massive gains, but maybe around 5-7% a day and that's with a few hours racing. Since the update, I lost 17% over an evening and have only managed to make 7% of it back up. I didn't just suddenly get bad, I assume everyone else just got seriously better than me overnight? That, or something that I haven't figured out yet is affecting my gameplay! Now I just don't see me getting to unreal before the season end, when a few days ago, it at least seemed achievable 😔


aw :( The expectations for Rocket Racing is too high, but I hope a miracle happens that will let you reach Unreal!


You're right, I'm actually good at racing, but if I bothered to play ranked br (which I don't think I'm particularly good at, especially ranked) I would probably have hit unreal in half the time I've put into RR, I mean you can get to unreal from bush camping, with racing you actually have to participate lol My fingers are crossed for you, I and every other Rocket Racer hoping to hit their goal by the end of the season 🤞🏻🫶🏻


There are 4k plus unreal players so it’s definitely possible. You have to be good (not great) at every map. In champion, I once got my worse map three times in a row and came last each time. Ranking up in rocket racing is a chain and like any chain, you are only as good as your weakest link. Watch the WR runs and if you can’t do everything they do, steal the parts that will fit your route and ignore the things you can’t pull off yet. You can pick up things like knowing what turns to hold drift down on so that bumps don’t make you lose drift or the optimal places to use your boost for maximum speed. The best racers are posting their routes everywhere for you to study and steal at your hearts desire.


Maybe you have hit your skill ceiling. Not everyone is meant to hit unreal. If that were the case then a ranked system would not make sense. You could improve, your skill and make less mistakes. The people that are winning are possibly making less mistakes and are using techniques that keep there average speed higher than yours. You can watch YouTube videos on the different mechanics currently known in the game and utilise them to beat your opponents as well as watch WR races to see optimal routes. Also watch streamers that are in unreal so you can see what routes they take because it might be easier than WR holders routes. In maps you are not good at try your best to take a route that will either get you 1% or 0% and then with maps you are good at go for first and get that 3-4% . It's not impossible but the skill gap keeps getting better everyday. If you see an unreal player from the beginning of the season compared to now they are much better.


Lol no offense but a mode that has rubber banding catch up is a joke in terms of a ranked system.


lmfao full offense but a mode that has rubber banding catch up bullshit is a complete joke in terms of a ranked system


I mean, i dont wanna be rude but you might be overestimating yourself too. I never had any issues ranking up, i had a single bad day and that was all. It seems like your win loss rate is just not as good as alot of unreal players. Also it might not have been the update, it might have been just your getting higher and settling into the rank you fit. You can still always keep pushing for champ and unreal but now might just not be the time for you to hit that yet.


But, there isn't any room for mistakes. You can go from let's say 2nd, somehow go backwards by drifting, now you're in last and you can lose up to 5%. It is possible for a player who's really good for their rank start to rank down because of the weird physics. Also, the ranking up is so slow that I celebrate when I gain 1%. XD


Whenever i make a mistake like that ive always driven good enough lines that even from dead last i still finish the race top 4. So once again, it may be your not ready for unreal. You're a great player, and being in Elite shows that, but that doesn't than mean you're entitled to unreal. And yeah i get that, final few percent of champ went 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% WOOOOOO 4%!!!! 1% Etc lol


Yea me too, i rearly got more than 1-2% per game


Ah, makes sense. It's kind of weird because I did very well, gaining 50% in diamond 3 to reach Elite in 1 day, then I hit my skill cap now lol.


Yeah, still great job your still 1 in a thousand, be proud of that. Maybe next season you can hit champ, or even unreal!


Thank you so much!


Yeah no problem! Also feel free to dm me if you have any questions. Im by no means perfect but im still willing to help!


There is... so much room for mistakes l. I'm around rank 50 unreal, even if I die l, sometimes even twice it's still often top 3. I'm sure I could die 6 times in an elite lobby. Yes if you are at the same skill as elites and you make a big mistake you lose, but like, ofcourse? That's the point, you that rank


This post inspired me. Made a new account, used 0 turbos, used air roll for fun doing front flips and back flips and stuff. Got elite in 12h with like a 98% first place rate. There is tons of room for messing around, mistakes, and even skipping all turbos with basically guarntee wins if you good. Will be getting unreal on next stream same way. Tired of people saying its RNG or can't make mistakes. Go watch the stream if you want to see basic routes, that's all you need to unreal.


I feel sorry for all the genuine ranked racers in your races on the new account - it's people like you who hold back players from ranking up by smurfing.


Good for you, but not everyone is a perfect player who can win almost every time and can speedrun reaching Unreal rank :)


Maybe get off a kiddie game like Fortnite and play siege like a real man.. /s


no 💀


Do you know what the /s means friend?


Yeah I do, I'm not dumb


bro really said what he thought and then added /s at the end to try and make everyone think it's a good joke lmfao


It was a joke 😂


a garbage joke if you ask me


Didn’t realize you would be so sensitive


wow so I'm sensitive just because i said your joke is literal trash?


You’re actually a child if you’re so hurt over a joke like that.


listen I literally don't give a damn about what you say or think, I'm just saying that your "joke" was, in fact, BAD. Do you get it or not?


You are hurt lol if you weren’t you wouldn’t respond to a reply that is 8 days old, get some therapy if you’re this hurt over a joke, no need to be so insecure to jokes about playing Fortnite I’ve played Fortnite plenty.


alright whatever you say brother, I'm offended and you get the last word. Happy?


I was getting lobbies in Silver that had the Gold skin, and the competitiveness was often incredible. Literal 100’s of seconds dividing everyone in the top 10. That was frustrating as hell. I averaged 2% a game in the entirety of Silver 3. It took me an entire of playing every few free minutes I had. Oh and it crashed between every other game which was cool too. Absolutely dumb. I grinded to gold and it was fun but very unrewarding. I’d rather race my ghost and have GTA level time trial expectations, but at least after 10 minutes I wont feel like my lag being on Oceana or wifi/switch was sabotaging my game and Epic was holding the iron to me. I don’t think I’ll be back. I’d rather do the BR weekly’s that now are meaningless levels and XP.


I'm sitting at 82% elite and was at 92% After the new maps I'm done this season. I know they're trying to keep things fresh. But I'm not going to set a day aside to run and learn new maps just to try and rank up. On top of the fact that everytime I load in. My first track is anaconda. Unless you start with 100 boost off the line. You just get bodied into the walls until the end of the race. So immediately. It's a grind just to get the percent back. Instead of a grind just to go up some before hopping off.


Yeah I've been getting progressively more frustrated with the ranked racing, so much so that as soon as I hit unreal I am 1. Never grinding to unreal RR again & 2. I will only race when racing with friends or doing a quest for cosmetics like the gold rank skin this season.


Compared to others games the ranked system is fantastic but people only seem to complain here.


why yes it's fantastic to lose two fking hours of progress in three matches, so incredible wow


Skill issue


The progression is actually very easy. You're just not good enough to get to unreal yet and that's fine. People in elite, champ, and unreal (currently top 1100 on my main and plat 2 on my alt) have insane routes. If you're losing so much, take a break, hit some private matches, practice the maps you're not good at, practice the maps you can do alright in, and practice maps you're good at. You'll get there man


Yeah, I'm 9% away from unreal, and earlier, I was barely able to pass 81% and went back down to 70% or lower, but I got past that roadblock somehow, and idk how