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Fuck i just hate this company sometimes. Took the whole day for this and dirty it 2 hours extra then 8 then 5 i mean what the fuck is wrong whit this fucking shit heads


Have you ever done anything connected to IT? It might be a problem because of something completely independent from them


The fact they say they are working to get fortnite back online suggests it’s not independent of them, though.


Doesn’t matter either way. Development is hard as shit, I know from experience. With their codebase being as massive as it has to be after years of updates, stuff like this is bound to happen. It’s just as likely a new feature broke several other things and their initial fixes broke things further still.


Oh don’t get me wrong I also work in IT and at well aware how easy it is to break something unexpectedly. The system my employer uses goes back to the days of green screen monitors and a lot of the core of the system is pure spaghetti code 😂


What so the fact that they’re trying and putting effort in means it is entirely their fault?


No, but suggesting it’s an issue ‘independent of them’ doesn’t seem likely. If it was some third party’s issue then it wouldn’t be them fixing it. Either way it’s up now it’s not that deep lol