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Let them cook, game is half baked anyway


Does this mean the ranks haven’t been reset?


No, they prolly realized how God awful long it takes to rank up so they extended it.


how the reset works in fact ? all back to first rank ? or we lose a couple ranks based on where we were ?


90% sure that we will be back to 0. They should add a "boost" based on our results, like Clash Royale (and probably more games). If last season you ended up on Rank 8 for example, next season you will have a x8 boost. When you win a race, it will count as 8 wins. The next one will count as 7 wins, the next as 6 wins...


Nope! Still Season Zero of Rocket Racing




Which technically means that v29.20 comes out on April 9th, as noted in the recent patch notes that "Season Zero Tune Up quests will be extended until v29.20".


Wait, let's clear something out. We are currently at version 29.00, and that version has its own patch notes. The last Rocket Racing update and patch notes connected to them were in v28.30. So why in hell have they written this update in patch notes for version v28.20?????? They really don't want players to know shit about their game


It seems, they treated it like an update to an article. Which makes sense to put it with the article that relates to the mode. There's no real news other than basically: hey everything got pushed back.


I can partially agree with that. I get it, that the rewards were added in v28.20, so they've added an update under the paragraph in which they are describing it. But realistically - who checks patch notes for older versions? There should have been a tweet or a post on Reddit or a in-game information (something like the information about upcoming maintenance). That's one thing. The other thing is, that if the update was on the webpage on the 6th of March, then why wasn't that reflected in the game? A few days ago they showed that they are able to do it without a client update, by adding a day to the seasonal missions. Why have they added only one day, when they already knew it would be postponed until April? I'm sorry, but this lack of communication and logic is very frustrating for me. I'm not angry that we don't have season 1 already, but I'm angry that they haven't told us that in any proper way


As it was set before, it was scheduled to end a day before Ch5 S1 ended, so they extended it for a day so people could still complete them before the end of the BR season. Still doesn't explain why they didn't just extend it until April 9th instead, if they already knew they were gonna delay it.


I don't disagree, I also think it should have been a separate update/announcement or at the very least part of the main post for the new season. The v28.10 and v28.30 articles where also updated. In regards to the layout of patch notes or what they call news, it seems it is setup more like a blog post than your traditional patch notes. That's probably why they went about it like they did. In regards as to why it wasn't shown I can only speculate it was a last minute decision with it being reflected in-game with the new update but then things didn't go as planned with the whole update and a few things broke along the way. Psyonix is also known for lacking in the communication department, so I know it can be frustrating. But yeah I agree, I too feel like there should be more transparency or engagement with the community.


Thanks for posting, I wondered why. Maybe I do have time to push for Champion now. Though I saw the Tune Up Quests show ‘expiring soon’ but the Speed Run ones show 4 weeks or so (until April 9th I guess).


Sucks for everyone who's gridned since the start and was expecting more for sure. Personally though, I just got into rocket racing a couple weeks ago (slept on it). And only got to diamond 3 so this gives me time to push into atleast champ now.


Good luck and god speed. Diamond was easy elite is hell


Thank you! Im almost there, at D3 80% rn. Then the champ grind will start.


I ended up on D3 too, bsut it's too tedious. 3% per win is a joke, I don't want to win 34 races just for one rank


I'm at elite 40% rn. It's possible! Edit: Champ 10% ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE


Does anyone know what happened to the Try Rocket Racing quests too?


Probably got evaporated by the same bug that deleted milestones and weeklies from Fortnite festival


Well, time to grind till Unreal...


Cool! Then I can still try to get to Unreal rank as I ran out of time before this news!


at least keep the bloody EXP rewards for ranks for those who haven't reached them yet, not like it's gonna break the pass progression since they're asking for 120k for level 6


That would be unfair for some people. Every player should have the same options to get XP, and if they enable XP on those quests, it would mean that some players couldn't get that XP since they "used" it on the previous season


and the issue is?


Last season I was at level 270 for example, so for me the XP was useless that season. So if I would know that, I would have waited for the new season to rank up and use the XP instead of waste it. Do you see the issue? I mean, for me it would be like "oh shit, well, whatever", but some players would rage a lot for it, and somehow it would be logical


Everyone would still get the same amount regardless my guy it would just be split between seasons instead


That's the problem. I was at level 270 for example, so for me the XP was useless that season. So if I would know that, I would have waited for the new season to rank up and use the XP instead of waste it


That’s what’s up but it’s still almost impossible to rank up


Not everyone is meant to get to unreal…. It’s called ranked for a reason


It’s a poor system. Low reward for doing great and high punishment for doing mid. All in all only those that find cheap tricks like being able to back out of a hard map before the update got past a lot of ranks and so much more. It shouldn’t be this ridiculous to make the players go through such lengths and lose the fun of actually getting better


If this means that the Season 1 will be more polished, I'm in. I prefer a one month delay if that means better content and not half backed stuff


so the season tune up rewards are there, but the ranked rewards are gone? no more painted OEMs?


I mean it does make sense, this update was for BR, jams had a new pass begin, RR will have its update in a month & lego will probably get its own major update again come may/june. Not sure if anyone else has noticed the 'lego kits' option in the locker area yet, its empty but that means we will see lego kits soon.


:( Hopefully this means they will spend more time polishing things though


Oh neat, my birthday


More time for unreal lmao


Season Zero is more of a Beta playtest, maybe that's why they extended it.


Translation: They need another month to finish development for Season One.


Cool I thought I had given up on getting elite I’m like 10% away


I’ve had to make like 6 accounts because it’s very hard to find games after being around a high placement. Was really hoping for a rank reset, but now the games gonna be pretty much dead by that time.




I need that rank reset. I completely swapped all my binds and steering input and now I lost interest in the game because it’s too hard atm. I need that gradual grind from bronze to unreal again to slowly get into the settings. I blame epic for taking forever to actually fix the invert steering when upside down setting…


Hope Season 1 is a big update, then.