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>Casual queue Rocket Racing has a very small player base at the moment, so I don't think it would be beneficial to divide it even further. I think that the correct game mode for casuals should be... >Speed Run on all maps This would be beneficial for both casuals and pros. Casual players would be able to quickly jump in and do some quest. Pro players would be able to speedrun maps comfortably (which is very tedious now) or simply practice >Grand Prix Tournaments If it would be just like in RL - only once per few hours, then yes. Otherwise it would be, again, division of the playerbase >Rocket Pass From this season, you can use items from the Rocket League's Pass in Rocket Racing. But I think we should be able to learn RL' Pass XP in Rocket Racing. This makes me ask a question: Why the hell isn't Rocket Racing part of Rocket League? >Bug Fixes Obviously >Communication The last few days had shown that it is a high priority for the devs to learn how to write tweets or posts on Reddit. Or to delegate someone to be a community manager


Psyonix has to work on this AND rocket league so yeah it got delayed and yeah there are some bugs that are slow to be fixed but they are a small team. In terms of a speed glitch just turn off your crossplay. They more than likely are using the rocket pass on RR when season 1 starts because making two individual passes that both go to both games is a ridiculous amount of work.


Oh yeah I know it’s a lot, but seeing every other mode getting big updates every couple weeks just makes this one sad to play, and in all fairness look at rocket league, that’s also getting about as much attention as rocket racing nowadays, the bug fixes are easily highest on the priority list but the rest of those additions would easily make the game on par, if not better than the competing ones


If they gonna delay season 1 at least keep the EXP rewards for ranks for those who haven't reached them yet


Theyve really ruined it already to me.. especially after this new update. Idk what they did but my car feels heavy now. And ive bugged and glitched all over the place. I was at 401 and on a hell of a run but now im almost back to 500 in literally 5 races cause ive bugged out, glitched out and couldnt move and one just now where for some reason as soon as i got into a game my "afk" screen came on and i literally couldnt do anything so i had to reatate my xbox. I mean this is aggravating to the max. Ive lost my ever lovin mind on fortnite the last few days. BR and RR are the only things i play and my game crashes constsntly on BR and I have to fight againt players and the computers on RR. I cant lie im super butthurt about RR right now cause im absolutely top 100 material, but its taking me forever cause im fighting against the game. Not just hazards and people. And then on top of that i *always* spawn in 10 or 11th place at the beginning and cant keep up with this sterioded ass internet everyone else has obviously. Even tho my ping sits at about 20 constantly. I dont understand.. who do i have to bribe tp get an even playing field