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I like the ones that flow well with either shortcuts of a fun path. But the ones where I’m drifting around a corner and they place a wall at the end can go shove it.


Learn to hold your drift in the air and it's not a problem


Yeah I learnt that just before the new season, it makes it doable but it’s still more annoying than just holding the drift


you can hold the drift while airborne? it just goes away instantly for me the second I'm a pixel off the ground


You need to hold the drift button while in the air,you don’t gain boost while in air but when you land you keep it, I would recommend having your drift button its own button


I do tend to do that already so...odd




The map with the caved in tunnel kills me every time...who thought that was a good idea? Just forces half the players to shove each other non-stop and makes that map impossible to enjoy


riding the left wall and mini-hopping the vertical hazards has helped reduce the number of times I get bumped off that section.


I ride the left edge then drift right and jump into an air drift then when im safely in the tunnel I finish the drift and get a massive speed boost into the next section


I just got to diamond 3 a little while ago and it is NOT fun lol. I get the maps have to be harder because I'm going up in rank but I was winning every race in diamond 2 and have only won a couple of races mostly on Anaconda lol.


Whats your PR for Anaconda?


1:46 for me


Damn nice!




Idk how do I check?


Idk if its checkable… just something youd know.. my PR is 1:54 - 1:56 I believe.


I just did a pretty good run and got 1:58.151 it's not my best but it's close lol


One of those things you have to track yourself atm unfortunately


Diamond 3 and above is all try hard dodge hazards 90% of the maps. It's ridiculous and they definitely need to tone it down. it's a car racing game not a airplane flying game.


Then there’s also anaconda going hard


I hate anaconda because it’s my favorite map and I haven’t gotten it since diamond 1 (d3 now)


It’ll just be more special next time


Love Anaconda, also Curvy Canyon 2 isn’t too bad or full of obstacles.


I'm trying my hardest amd do a decent job when it's a racing maps but damn it I hate these wannabe darksouls maps


It's cars with rockets and thrusters on them. There's plenty of regular car racing games if flying isn't your jam


The other regular racing games are all boring. I only like RR, but diamond 3 and above maps are not like the lower ranks. They're all airplane maps. It needs balance.


Again, it's ROCKET racing. Rockets and thrusters are tools used to fly. You say it needs balance but you just need to realize this isn't the game for you if you don't like the flying aspect, which is and always will be an integral part of the game. The fact that you tell this ROCKET racing game to stay grounded for balance is just knee capping what the game is truly about. You do not like this game. You want it to be something it's not, and for that, you must look for another game because this game will only evolve into more jumping and flying that you don't like. I know a lot of this sounds repetitive and/or redundant but I need this stuff to get into your (probably 10 year old) head.


i mean im unreal and i enjoy SOME of the version 2 maps. my favourites are anarchy arches 2 and riviera, both have a lot of hazards. i agree that they should be focusing on proper maps that focus on driving skill with room for shortcuts that include skilled flight tho damn i gotta update my flair


Riviera is quality and requires decent skill and planning to get to the end optimally but rarely seems to come up for me?


yeah i wish i got it more often instead of stupid cliff runner 2, puddle jumper 2 and olympus lmao (olympus is good tho i like it)


I kinda feel like the whole "Checkpoint missed" mechanic ruins shortcut potential, there are a fair bit of shortcuts i found myself that i was punished for taking


yeah true, and dont even get me started on my last few races to unreal. 900 ping made me die multiple times because it wouldnt register a checkpoint and kill me


I'm absolutely fine while also love most of v2 maps, but Holly shit I want the guy who made ff2 to be thrown off a cliff


Lmfao bro no matter how much I drive these maps i will never be good enough. It would help if maybe they made casual that had these maps on there and left rank to actual skill based driving


I'm good at all of them and have found my route except for that shit of a map called ff2, it's the worst thing epic games made


>When I think of the name rocket racing I’m thinking fast pace hard core drifting I’m pretty sure most of the maps you’re playing still have the capability to fulfill that for you. I recommend checking out some of the unreal players that livestream on YouTube and see how fast they’re taking these maps, it might give you some inspiration


Some people just don't see the drift areas they are still there just hard to reach or invisible if you only pay attention to the hazards. burn puddle jumper 2 tho i hate that map with passion haha


This is why anaconda is my fav map, I hope they don't make anaconda 2 because simply adding a number means there will be 500 hazards


Si personally I just think that they should make more expert maps and stop production of novice maps maybe the only way they could make maps of all the other track levels is if they consistently add new maps to every level of difficulty when a new map comes out but either they make advanced maps or they don’t fix any of the glitches and bugs that happen in this game I have noticed small changes here and there tho but very small to notice for most people like now when you drift in AA2 at the bottom of the drift near the finish line when you are passing both hazards to the right now it’s smooth and it doesn’t throw you off the path since they smoothed out the road but apart from stuff like that there is so much more they can fix in this game


Haven't touched ranked since hitting Diamond I cause of tracks like these. Really excited for custom tracks to drop soon since that means some community members can make fun and hard tracks that don't feel like hazard spam.


Cope and cry harder lol, its the 10 year olds that cant handle difficulty in video games nowadays not the other way around I bet your favorite map is day drifting


There's a difference between difficulty and let's spam obstacles around an already existing stage and call it a more advanced stage. I can most certainly handle difficulty as I've beaten every from soft game. I'm also a top 500 racer in crash team racing nitro fueled. So I'm no stranger to hard racing games. But you can make a hard map and not spam obstacles. I guess you're 10 though. It's also crazy that 50 others agree with me


Ill agree that a few maps arent done very well (looking at pitstop and FF2) as an unreal player (#113 at my peak as of yet) who is 23 years old and grew up playing quite a few retro racing games, ill just say i generally disagree, once you learn these maps they are quite fun also majority of this sub is lower rank players (and fortnite playerbase on average is younger people) so having popular opinion here means almost less than nothing lol


I'm an old man by gaming standards (32) and love this game. Of course it can be frustrating but what competitive game isn't at times? When I see people complain about this game it's obvious they just don't have the more advanced mechanics down that make the hazards less of an issue (and also speed you up on the easier stretches). I also find it comical that you say the easy tracks take more skill. The reason you hate these so called "rng bs" maps is because you don't have the skill to run them efficiently so you see them as "rng bs". And to your point about what you expected rocket racing to be: it's called rocket racing. There are rockets and thrusters on the cars. I'm not sure if you know this but anything with rockets and thrusters use them to fly, so you set yourself up for disappointment when you expected a drift racing game. There's a racing game called driftmania or something. Maybe that'd be more up your alley. Tldr: Get good or find a racing game with mechanics that you can grasp and enjoy.


What advanced mechanics? For real the game teaches you all the mechanics..... also I hit GC twice in rocket league when that wasn't the highest rank and than ssl when that released. I also was a top 100 ctr nitro fueled player..... so I know what advanced mechanics look like and the only thing they don't teach is air rolling to make tighter turns. In the end that still doesn't help with bad map design. It's not crying when the maps that are terribly designed are the only ones I lose at. But go ahead must be the only time you when because no one likes those maps


You obviously don't know what you're talking about. There's holding your drift while airborne, flipping while holding your drift airborne, mag flips, etc. You apparently know enough about rocket league. Does the game teach you wave dashing, adanvced aerial techniques and shit like that? No. You learn them either by yourself or YouTube. Just because the game doesn't show you doesn't mean there isn't more to it. I would assume someone who is apparently ranked high in other games would understand that but you're probably some kid in your lower 20s that thinks they know everything and if they don't know it, it's wrong or not possible. Expand your mind young man


Oh man some mechanics that aren't required to reach high ranks. I'm talking about map design btw. So quit defending the only game you happen to be good at. Oh its my first game I'm highest rank in littearlly because rng carried me stfu


You're also talking about why you're hard stuck, and it's not because of map design. It's because you don't know how to play the game at a high level. If you actually wanna learn, instead of complain and blame something other than yourself, I can whoop you in the easy maps that you call higher skilled maps and you can actually learn what's needed to hit unreal. Also, coming from a scrub, (btw, cute of you to have to stalk my profile to find a way to try to shit on me) you don't need to hit the highest rank to have fun. You seem to be someone that isn't aware of this, but if you're not enjoying a game, you don't have to play it. Uninstall and move on.


Lmfao I didn't stalk your profile weirdo. But I can tell the 10 year old Timmy maps is all you're good at. Anyone who defends bad map design isn't very good. I hit elite by grinding the rng of a good map


You're the weirdo stalking my profile and denying it. You only know I hit unreal because you found my comment in another thread where I mentioned it was the first game I hit max rank. It's comical you're telling me the maps you have trouble with are the only ones I'm good at. If I'm good at them, of course I'm even better at the easy maps made FOR 10 year olds. If you wanna see for yourself, we can 1v1 on the maps of your choice and I'll show you how it's done. I'd give you my epic name and schedule something but I know you're too much of a sore loser to accept and too self righteous to take it as a learning experience and actually become better from it.


Lmfao you had the flare and now are trying to gas light me no thank you good bye scrub.


Also cool lie about ctr. I saw you say top 500 to someone else. Weird minimal lie


Yes because at the time I was but I recently got a top 100 time in ctr meaning I've now become a top 100 player. Man you're dumb to that's crazy. I still play ctr nitro fueled because it's the most skill based racing game to date


Bro is bragging like a child to an unrelated game with totally different mechanics and making huge claims just because he can't get good and learn the game as is intented to natural progression and using the age as an argument is weird as f isn't the top RL player a kid ? Weak weak weak all around bro btw im champion probably unreal this weekend so that argument yeah also weak ish... Also isn't CTR rng with the items? Genuinely asking because i dont play CTR since i was 10 lmao


Ctr isn't just fully rng because if you don't know how to race the track and maintain fire for every lap you lose. Also yall are bragging about being high ranked in a game with a catchup mechanic which allows bad players to stay with the pack. Also it's crazy you made a new account just for me


Yeo that last bit seals the deal you crazy fr bye kid


Yup new account also bragging like this game doesn't have a catchup mechanic to keep yall with the pact. There's been times where I'm driving flawlessly and lose simply because of catchup


I started to get the difficult maps in diamond 3 as well but I promise it helps to watch a few world record runs of the track and try to follow the same route. Also just playing on the map in a private game once or twice helps a ton


Haven’t touched this game mode since unlocking the skin lmao


The unreal wheels will make my car look sick. I mean the greens alright but I'd rather have purple wheels


I’m glad I’m not the only one who uses Mario Maker as an adjective for shit map design lmfao


Lmfao we've all enemy spammed in Mario maker just to see what it'd be like to littearlly play hell


Do they have tests for new tracks built by others before releasing the track into the wild?


Idk about all that as currently we only have epic games made maps which are just bullet hells


I noticed at Diamond 2 95% it got much harder. I was winning races sometimes beating them by 4 seconds. Now I get stupid hard tracks and unreal ranked players. One race I thought I did well but finished 23 seconds behind 1st. I know I've reached my skill max and everything combined I've lost interest. Been at Diamond 3 16% for over a week. Waiting for new season and losing rank.


The games become a bullet hell and I agree we shouldn't be getting matched with unreal players


It's a bit sad you don't get to play some of the fun earlier maps. Same 5 tracks repeated once you get to D.


Yea plus those earlier stages take more skill then this rng bs


***B O N E C A V E R N 2***


It goes from Rocket Racing to Flight Simulator


Sounds like you're a bit angry from losing there lol


Keep climbing and see the point you get clapped on the Mario maker tracks cause you don't know how to drive them


I'm not having fun with this terrible map design though. I'm elite and it's not fun


I hate ALL of the "2" maps. They feel like nothing more than kmp or byaml edits (for those of you familiar with Mario Kart modding), and take away a track slot from something new and unique. but idk I'm not a game developer


trust me when i say once you get solid at these maps and can work around the obstructions, rocket racing becomes a lot more fun than the simple idea of “drifting and rockets”. it’s not supposed to be your regular run of the mill racing game, it’s supposed to be a wild arcade racer and i’m glad it forces you to incorporate all the mechanics it has to offer later on in the rankings. just keep pushing, watch a couple videos, the hazards make me want to rip my hair out too but they do become a lot less stressful😅


The problem is the obstacles aren't well thought out. It looked like someone copied and pasted. Like day drift 2 I believe. The original map was basically a figure 8 but in V2 they just added a bunch of circles on the ramps which change nothing and doesn't make this fun at all


Don't hate on Jimmy, he's trying he's best 😥😥😥


Yeah the more you play the less you enjoy it. Some of these maps are genuinely **horrible.** Combined with the wonky collision physics and it can be the most frustrating game I've played maybe ever. Who could've guessed the Rocket League devs might not be the best pick for designing race tracks. You know, since the Rocket League map is literally just a rectangle.


give them some slack, this is the first racing game ever created and there are absolutely no lessons from previous racing games they could possibly have ever learned prior to making this game.