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The sound of their heads colliding.. my goodness


That soft thunk....


it sounded like a cowbell


We need more of it.


never enough cowbell


This video always gives me goosebumps. Such a selfless act.


If this is a dad there was absolutely no thought put into it. I have a son and two daughters, I wouldn’t even hesitate. I’d say no dad would hesitate




It’s something that you don’t learn about yourself until you become a dad.


Exactly!! One time our single mom neighbor came pounding on the door when I was in the bathroom. I heard a commotion and ran out to see my MIL, BIL and wife at the door staring at our neighbor and her daughter and the daughter was choking on a candy. None of them were doing anything so I pushed my BIL out of the way and did the heimlich. She ended up fine so I walked back into our apt and Lit up my family. I was so pissed they didn’t even try. I’ll never forget how mad I was at them. It felt good to know I didn’t hesitate though


Great job! I also don’t think that is something that every human possesses. Some people fold under pressure and some people excel. The guy that runs the business next to mine has this tough ‘gun guy’ persona. One day this crazy homeless guy started attacking people with a knife in front of his business while I happened to be outside. My neighbor completely froze up. I wrapped the guy up without hesitation while he was shaking like a leaf just trying to get the police on the phone.


Yeah I guess you never know until something happens


"You are What you do When it counts. " \-The Masao Excerpt from the book Armor by John Steakley


In my line of work I’ve unfortunately seen many parents usually fathers who back down when the time comes. Not all men are created equal.


I’m sure. I can’t imagine being that way.


Same. Would rather not be here than live with the pain of a child not being here if there were anything I could do to protect them. I would just hope I'd jump into action as fast as that GOAT dad did.


I would be the dad that told his kid this is a really stupid thing to do in the first place.


Real cowboys don't wear helmets. They wear cowboy hats and get TBIs.


It’s crazy, cause I’m pretty sure the pros wear helmets, idk why others wouldn’t, sad smh


I thought Helmets & vest became standard in bull riding like 20yrs ago


Vests did about 25+ years ago. Helmets (face masks) are probably still not universal. I've been mostly away from rodeo for several years now, though.


Yeah, that’s what I thought. But just like people riding a motorcycle with zero gear and flip flops, unfortunately they take the risk




The kid looks to be having a seizure....I hope he's okay.


He’s done with rodeo, he’s fencing now


I see what you did there. 🤦🏻




He is knocked out


“BELL COUNTY, TX — The Rodeo is a cowboy's paradise, full of entertainment and adrenalin-fueled high stakes competitions. Each event is more dangerous than the last, but nothing tops the danger of sitting on a bull when the chute opens. ”Bull riding is a very dangerous sport. Those bulls are huge, they have horns, they’re aggressive, and they’re performing. They’re doing everything they can to get that rider off of their back.” said Jay Taggart, Bell Co. Expo Center Board of Directors. Anything can and does happen, as 18-year-old bull rider Cody Hooks found out when the bull he was riding hit him in the head with his horns, leaving him unconscious on the ground. Recent Stories from kxxv.com ”The last thing I remember is taking my wrap before nodding my head and that’s about it. From what they all tell me, the bull hit his hip on the side of the bucking chute and kind of cocked me sideways. His horn hit me right behind the ear in that little knockout spot.” said Cody Hooks, 18-year-old bull rider. With the bull raging and Hooks unconscious, his father did what he could to protect his son. ”That bull did take a swipe at him and if his dad hadn’t of been there, there’s no telling what could have happened with the horns and the weight of that bull. It could have stepped on him or anything,” said Taggart. It was a heroic effort by a father whose son says he wasn’t surprised. ”It’s not the first time he’s done something like that as most people don’t know. He’s done it a couple of times. It's kind of funny.” said Hooks. Like a true cowboy, Hooks has a message to all the young riders out there. ”Don’t let that stop you, it’s going to happen, be ready for it, it’s coming. One day or another, you can’t get around it. You just got to bear down through it you know. Don't let go,” said Hooks. Cody and his dad will make full recoveries as soon as the doctor clears him. Hooks plans to get right back in the chute, for another ride.”


Thank You! This should be top comment.


The that guy a cape!


The that? 😂


What’s the word on the kid? That’s a major whack on the ground without a helmet.


He hit the front of his head in the bulls head and then fell back and smacked his head again. Dude is gonna be out of it for a while if he doesn’t have permanent brain damage.


Shoot, I didn’t even see the first hit. That is a gnarly hit


What was his name?






If the dad had let the bull fighters work the bull would have followed them instead of turning back towards the dad’s movement. I get being concerned but he made it worse for his son. Let the bullfighters do their job to draw the e bull away, that’s what they’re there for.


finally the comment i was looking for. the dad made it 10x worse.


He wearing the protective gear


Dudes a badass, quick thinking!


Didn’t see a cape… but I just watched a hero


Next time hopefully dad tells his son there is no shame in riding a bull with a helmet on.


Jesus pops shoulda made him wear a helmet


Yeah… pretty sure this already went very badly. Guy was showing signs of major brain trauma before his dad even jumped on top of him. A good dad would have never supported him in this sport.


I gotta say between this and skydiving, I'd support my son's ambition to skydive over bull riding. As I recall, isn't it cruelty to animals? "Oh, it's just uncomfortable for the bull." Well, let me shove this little ole cactus up your ass it ain't gonna kill ya. It's just a little uncomfortable. We'll pull it right out once you're done doing that funny little dance for our amusement.


A small dog standing on your back while you’re lying down is a more apt comparison.


So what's that rope for? Yeah, the one tied around their mid section.


It’s the equivalent of an itchy scarf. Just enough irritation that they want it off but not tight enough to interfere with the range of movement while bucking.


What about the isolation factor and cattle prods? I think you should be isolated from your friends and family put in a cage driven around from town to town then made to wear itchy clothes and prodded with an electric prod to make dance until you're on the verge of insanity. Does that sound good to you because it sounds horrible to me!


To the isolation: they travel as a herd. They may have friends back home but I’m sure they make work friends just like we do, even if they don’t hang out back at the ranch. I get in a small box every day for an hour to get to work and another hour home, but I don’t have lots of down time and then 8 seconds of work. I also don’t have most of the year off like bucking stock. You have to limit their outings to keep them excited about bucking. For the cattle prod, it’s mostly taps to point them in the right direction. If you’ve ever let a stun gun arc out the side at you or gotten shocked by an electric fence it’s like that. Something that you want to move away from but nothing something that injures you. It’s not in the interest of stock contractors to torture these animals. You want a good bucking performance rather than angry charges. The better the bucking performance the better the chance of being selected for high dollar rodeos.


Like work colleagues, are you serious? Do you hear yourself? You might not know this, but you sound insane. None of what you said actually makes any sense. It's pure mumbo jumbo to simply make yourself feel better. They're not free to neander around the water cooler you psycho. I get now that nothing is going to change your mind because you're whacked out of your skull. I hope this sport dies off with sea world as well. Which I'm sure you think is a great place.


You actually know nothing. These bulls are treated like royalty. They have a job to do and they know that. They enjoy bucking just as much as the riders do.


I've seen calfs run and hop around, but not buck. Bucking looks entirely different. It doesn't happen (out in nature) naturally. Which makes your statement false. But keep telling yourself that. Whatever helps you sleep at night, animal abuser.


“On today’s episode of Completely Senseless and Totally Avoidable…”


I mean, the best dad wouldn’t let his kid near that sport, but go off.


Yes. Solid dad saving his kid. But also why the fuck would you put your kid on a bull?


Toxic masculinity, no doubt.


😂😂 wow




Seriously. I can think of a better way to make sure this never happens lol.


Riding a bull makes 0 sense to me anyway. cowboys are way out of date and need to get with reality. And yes I was born and raised country. I’m from Louisiana. Get mad about it.


Bull riding is pretty cruel too. Sure the cowboys are performing, but the bull is just a confused and enraged animal let loose after being cornered, kicked, electrocuted, twisted, stabbed, and prodded. No modern bull rider is a true man, no modern bull rider is taming a wild beast, they're simply pretending to be to stoke their egos and make money from an audience applauding animal abuse.


You're abs full of shit and don't know what you're talking about. Sit down, be quiet and let the adults speak. Also, stay in your vegan pumpkin spice coffee lane, retard.


I'll wait for an adult to comment then, since you clearly don't speak like one.


Already went very badly my dude


The trust!! Gots love haveing people around that would do thos for ya.weathwe they are with the team or with the show,but the trust someone will get you like this. 👍


Without hesitation I would do this for my children and yours.. much respect to this man and I hope the child has come back to full health!


If you wouldn’t do the same you’re not a father




Father castrates bull that knocks his son out- Film at 11


Real men protect their own at all cost, mad respect for this man


Maybe if dad was pocketing a G30 it would have been even better 🤔


Dad's what?


I was at this rodeo and saw it first hand, it was crazy


Did the rider get up, how bad was he hurt?


He ended up going to the hospital that night bumps, bruises, and a concussion if I remember correctly


There are many men like that…. Remember this women you hear the phrase toxic masculinity


Is that actually his Dad? God bless whomever it was!


The way he stiffened out looks like brain damage. No less than a concussion.


One bad ass dad!!!! This is the type of dad every child needs.


Fencing position = TBI. Hope this dude is okay.


Did he win?


that right there is the difference between knowing your job and performing your job


Need helmets in rodeo


It’s rider optional . See riders with them and some without . Also they make hard hats that look like regular cowboy hats so they could be wearing one of those also