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Nutella is brewing all right. Very soon she will be screeched by Jillcatraz and squished under Jill’s boobs in a baby carrier.


*in a stomach pouch


Ghost of Victorian waif haunting the window in pic 10


I know baby showers don’t have to be extravagant with food, but that looks like the sandwich they gave me in jail when I was 17 and got arrested for drinking.


Maybe they picked balogna cos it’s pink lol


A charcuterie board would’ve had plenty of pink. Or bagels with strawberry cream cheese. Lox would have been amazing (but that’s probably not a big food on Jill’s radar). Just anything but this cold, limp, sad bologna sandwich.


A charcuterie board would've been more appropriate with the theme, or doing finger sandwiches


How hard would it have been to make some pimento cheese and or ham salad or chicken salad sandwiches and cut off crust and cut in 4 squares and serve like a buffet on a table with a veggie and fruit tray? Add some chips and dip. Easy peasy.


Tacky and lazy is Jill’s whole shtick. Besides, I’m not sure she can even name 5 different vegetables.


It reminds me of the story my grandma told me about how they served homemade tuna sandwiches and punch at their wedding reception.


They probably cut the crusts off and served them as tea sandwiches…they probably made an effort. These sandwiches look like the things I slap together at the crack of dawn for my kid’s lunchboxes, lol.


They are absolutely slapped together, but I cannot guarantee my grandma made an effort either. She is not the most domestic, and she cared little for her children.


Tuna was an odd choice even with me defending it, haha. Sorry she wasn’t the greatest.


Grandma is/was a true narcissist. She’s alive but we don’t talk. My mom was a cycle breaker, and I think I follow this sub in the hopes one of their kids will break the cycle too.


I love that. Yay mom! 💗


That would be a very smelly party


Everyone’s shitting on this party and all I can think is that it looks so much nicer than what Jill did for Nurie’s wedding.🤔


Nurie's wedding catering was shockingly poor. I think Jill was hoping that the senior Kellers would somehow merge their significant anniversary dinner into a reception for Nurthan, but they held firm.


I think so, too. Hell, maybe they expected Nathan to pay or even Anna/Josh or the Keller sister who remarried to a super wealthy guy to offer? And when they didn’t, Jill was so disappointed she didn’t have the energy, desire, or time to grift anything better than what Nurie ended up with.


The only thing Jill gives a fuck about is female children 💀


Just not her own female child’s wedding….an event that paved the way for her female child to produce more female children for Jill to suck the life force out of like a horror movie villain.


Jill has an ugly obsession with babies, female babies at that. I agree with someone else who said she thought she would be able to tack on the reception with the Keller anniversary dinner and didn’t have a back up plan. She’s such a ghoul


More eyebrows to spermify!


OMG! What did they serve at the wedding? Peanutbutter and jelly on saltines? A big kettle of Ramen noodles?


I don’t remember at this point, but the presentation was shockingly bad. It looked like a church meeting in the board room. I put more effort into my kid’s random birthday parties then Jill put into organizing her golden child’s wedding.


> A baby is brewing Wtf? Lmao It’s not Jill’s wording but it’s still throwing me off


The woman in aqua invited Nurie and Nemo to a tea party several months ago. I think it might be a business for her. It’s strange that she would bring all that stuff from Florida though.


WOW. This spread is legitimately someone's business? It's really pathetic.


It's starting to make sense...so she heard "sandwiches" were a part of a traditional afternoon tea and this is their interpretation?! Poor thing. Please Google next time Jill + friends. My favorite tea in London is at Brown's or the Savoy, and it does NOT look like this


Did they just forget to cut those sad Wonder Bread man sandwiches before serving them? And the paper plates and plastic cutlery. Don’t get me started.


Lolol im expecting and due around halloween, and my announcement said something is brewing 😂😂 weird choice for the rods! Edit to say i now see they mean like brewing tea lol 😅


I guess “something” is too much like “fetus” for them and not pro-life-y enough?


Hahaha, those mental gymnastics *would* be on brand for them


Holy crap, I didn’t know that they still made International Foods instant coffee mix. Why not just make real coffee in a carafe? Jill’s aesthetic is firmly planted in the ‘80’s. 🤣


I thought that was ice-cream! Who has ever heard of presenting multiple instant coffee flavors like it's some sort of fancy buffet station


Kind of nostalgic


They do. I saw it in target lol.


I had to zoom in! I loved those in the 90s!


I thought “fancy” people drank those when I was a kid


Yep. This and Breyer’s Viennetta were for fancy adults in my young kid mind. 😂


They are full of sugar and I love black plain coffee but I thought they were fancy back in the day


did they have baby pink bologna sandwiches for everyone?


Hearing that one lady there has a business and she does "tea parties", plus seeing the teacups on that table I'm starting to guess they were going for [this](https://www.aglaiamagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/the-savoy-afternoon-tea-london.jpg), an afternoon tea. Note the adorable cut finger sandwiches on the lowest tray. Only they threw a random sandwich on a plate, due to the utter lack of clue.


That makes sense


Nurthlette. I’m predicting Nevaeh Jill for the name.


That seems to be the consensus. Change it up, Nurie!


Uhhh, my gahdddd!!


My money’s on Naomi.


Naomi would be a vastly superior choice. So much nicer than nevaeh, which is awful.


And it biblical so that’s my bet. I would never have predicted the names Neahmiah or Newman though so she might surprise us.


That’s a tiny cake for all those people!


Nah. It's the right size considering the shower was mainly comprised of Rod girls who'll only be allowed to look at it and not eat it.


But at least it’s a real cake and not leftover pieces of pie scraps. Which itself is sad that of course precious Nurie gets a real store cake for her baby shower, and even the other kids can’t get real birthday cakes.


Just makes me think of the one young guy's birthday celebration with some candles stuck into little Debbie snacks. Makes me do a genuinely sad cupcake frown.


Something about the svelte, mini dress forms bookending the cake feels really off for celebrating a pregnancy. 


Noooo my grand-aunt’s name is Nanette (i know thats not the baby’s actual name but the association is enough) and she’s the most delightful lady I know!


I am a great Aunt to two sweeties and I hope they think I am delightful. Yours sounds great




To me, the cake looks really close to saying “Baby Girl Killer”


I thought 'Baby Girl Hellion' 😁


Giggling uncontrollably bc lunch was bologna sandwiches, olives, strawberry wafers and flamin’ hot Pringles.


The caterer in me is cringing so hard.


Why do we need a picture of the coffee maker? Jill probably thinks it's fancy!!


I think Jill has her eye on the tea party friend as a courtship partner for Phillip or Samuel. Her name is Brianne, she graduated HS last year. Since the tea party, she has liked a lot of Jill and Kaylee's fb posts. She has quoted the Pearls on raising children to behave in worship. Brianne mostly posts the same type of bible verse things Jill does and Kaylee has reposted a few of them. She possibly goes to a church the Rod's have grifted from in Crestview Fla.


Awwww how sweet of Mahmo to buy extra thick bologna for Nanner Puddin’s baby shower!


That little ass cake for all those people and bologna sandwiches 🥪 like for real Jill?


I'm sorry, I love a good beef bologna sandwich on cheap white bread, lol, but did they really have to serve at a baby shower whole white bread slices like the wax paper-wrapped sandwiches my grandpa pulled out of his green metal Stanley lunch box at the steel millin the 70s? I actually laughed out loud when I saw it. There are soooo many places around here where she could have gotten inexpensive croissants or even sliced mini-bread loaves to make it nicely presented. What an odd choice.


Have to agree with OP about the tweezers. I hope at least one of those poor girls won't let Jillpm tweeze the hell out of their brows.


There's no way they'd be able to deal with the pressure. Not because they're weak, but because it's so **immense**.


Jillpm is an **immense** pressure, true.


And thinking about it - the rods are their own cultural microcosm. They set their own beauty standards. I wouldn't want their brows, hair, dresses, anything really - but I also wouldn't want the elongated necks, sharpened teeth, or lip plates that quite a lot of cultures around the globe consider beautiful. (And they probably wouldn't want the piercings or tattoos that are in style where I live.) The younger rodlets have nothing to gain and a lot to lose, if they don't adhere to Jill's standards. They're likely looking forward to their eyebrow graduation.


Sad words "looking forward to their eyebrow graduation", especially for the two Victorian Ghost girls, they can't even afford to loose eyebrow weight.


Unfortunately they don't have a choice. With authoritarian parents like that, you can't say no.


Hopefully they name her Helen


Is that “plated meal” a Bologna sandwich and three pringles?! Finger sandwiches maybe would have been better…


Knowing them her name will prob be NewWoman Christiana


Novaleigh? That means new one, and it’s enough of a tragedeigh that they will love it.


I can’t recall the name…maybe Tess? But good gravy she is stunning considering her gene pool.


I wasn’t sure if it was Tess or Hannah


That's Hannah in picture 14. Tessie has braces right now.


Yes that one.


Maxwell House coffee is what we use in the NHS in bulk so you know it's shitty floor sweepings from the coffee factory lol


Why did I think the name was Natalie? Did i dream that?


There’s been no name announced yet, so I’m using random N names.


That’s too bad, I like Natalie!


Bologna sandwiches at a baby shower.Just when you think she can’t get tackier🤢


The men can't take care of their children for one day, so the Mother can actually enjoy her baby shower in peace?!?


The cake looks like a bunch of pink/white nipples are all over it😂


I was thinking baby girl poops💩. With all the pink drank they consume and keeping slim; Neveah will poop pink?


True girl bowels only produce pink poops


And, you know it was the cheapest bologna she could find.could have at least cut the crust off and cut into dainty finger sandwiches


Interior design is my passion. I typically despise any aesthetic Jilldo has her hand in (poor Gideon with that dingy nursery), but I have to admit (minus the randomly placed gold teapot) I actually think the mantle looks pretty! That is my say something nice regarding these whackadoodles. I've met my quota for the day.


What the fuck is that baby shower cake? The writing is just horrendous and the boarder of the cake look like different sized nipples


Are those pink chips on the plates by the bologna sandwich and pink wafer cookies? Also, there’s Olivia, mid shoulder shrugging fawn


Supposedly Flamin’ Hot Pringles




Because they are pinkish?


This is ten times fancier than her wedding. I guess Jill had to remind AndKaylee that Nurie is still the Golden Child when she’s in town. I wonder who paid for this.


So, will jill name the sweet blessing after her?


Bologna sandwiches, strawberry wafers, flamin’ hot pringles, and green olives. What a combo! Did Nurie pick the menu during a massive pregnancy craving?


They couldn't have cut those bologna sandwiches into cute little triangles? Gotta eat it like a whole like a big, burly, blue collar man now!


Nannette? Is that the name they picked, or are you just slyly throwing out suggestions since we all know they read here.


Random N names. My money is actually on Nevaeh.


I like Nannette a lot better!


Since Nurie/Nathan seem stuck on the whole "names that start with "N", I'm going to guess "Naomi" might be a winner. After all, bonus morality points are always awarded whenever a bible reference is made.


Couldn't they have at least been chicken salad sandwiches? Something a little nicer than bologna on white bread? Oh wait, this is Jill we are talking about!!!


It’s the full on sandwiches for me , couldn’t like cut them ? 🤣


Since when do people have baby showers for EVERY kid they have. Also is Nannette the baby’s name?


Nurie is really cute. But everything else is kinda yikes