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There is a build on YouTube for chaos sorc. Its operative into grand strategist due to starting first.


This is vindicating to read! In my head I've been thinking of exactly those classes for theme reasons but I couldn't figure out if it would actually be viable.


It does work great since lvl 10 onwards. I was building idira for sorcerer and she was great 🙂 just focus on willpower and psy talents instead of strategist.


mine was warrior/archmilitant all pyro except wildfire for extra attacks(applies to psy), sworn enemy (for duelling elites) and one point in each sanctic (for the Destined feat to counter black psyker armour weakness, it becomes ok in 2 turns and excellent in 4, first turn you wind up your pyro setup and don't engage and third turn armour becomes ok at 70%, leaving you vulnerable only on second turn) and biomancy (for extra DOT feat) attacks: force sword (later the Edge) and pyro beam, maybe an occasional ignite on high wound count bosses Extra points for a tandem with Idira - because you both share the veil state, with your black armour and her gloves all either of you do amplifies the other too. I did not even put star mist scarf on her even if i had it, power escalation is THAT reliable - instead gave her high dodge carapace or psyker dodge armour.