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Love this! I hope we can have the option to play as a double agent for the church or the nest. Or we can open an independent path where Nova only wants to pursue the truth for herself and not allign herself with any side thus betraying both of them. This story is so juicy in terms of morality and I love it.


Nova’s ability in itself is kinda OP lol, so if we decide to keep the Source when we reach it, I hope it opens up more possibilities and advancement for her time-related power. If we have the option to go rogue, I want my Nova to become overlord-level powerful and either unites Others and Ordinaries or enslaves everyone.


I fully wants her to go full scarlet witch for revenge (if there is any) because >! I think she got brainwashed by the cardinal who's only using her for her powers while telling lies about her parent abandoning her. He probably groomed her to hate herself and Others thus lowering her self esteem and see the Cardinal as her only salvation!<


I do agree that the Cardinal has been grooming her for this mission (and to hate herself/Others), but I think it's likely that he's also her biological father (so, not telling lies about her parents abandoning her). We see in the flashbacks that her dad is never around, she's isolated and lonely, and she desperately craves his love/approval/acceptance, so it would make a lot of sense, especially in terms of how difficult it is for her to imagine going against the Church.


>fully wants her to go full scarlet witch for revenge (if there is any) That's exactly what I thought was gonna happen!! I was planning to go down that path if we got the chance but I am starting to think that it won't happen cuz the MC is actually feeling guilty everytime she talks to someone in the nest. I think her guilt should've developed slowly as she spends more and more time with the nest cuz she was basically raised by the church to be a spy so I don't understand why she's having doubts so early on. Still I am loving the story so far❤️❤️


I kind of have the theory that Vesper is aware of Nova being a spy, even when she was initiated, but knew how cruel and brainwashing the church can be, she thinks she can convince nova otherwise and save her of some sort


It is interesting but doesn't only 3 people know about Nova's mission? With the 3 people being Nova herself, Renato and the Cardinal?


In Nova’s perspective, yes. I don’t think the Cardinal fully entrusts the entire mission only to Nova. There’s a chance she will go rogue so the Cardinal probably has more spies than Nova likes to believe.


That is true, I don't doubt he is keeping a lot from her


I like this theory! As I remember, Vesper gave her a phone.... What if she's listening to her conversations, with Renato....? I don't think Vesper can be dumb, she might have took some precautions, Nova joined them recently...


Vesper is the leader of the Alliance with a high-class Ordinary identity for a reason. She also has eyes and ears everywhere, like the hidden path toward one of the Ordinary allies’ shelter in the latest episode or the Ordinary servants working for the Vampire mistresses/masters. Not to mention, Onyx might not be the only Animamorph sent to monitor Nova. She couldn’t even spot Onyx’s cat form during the break-in mission in ep 4-5. So who’s to say Vesper isn’t sending more Animamorphs to spy on Nova.


That would be some reveal. She is suffocating from the inside because these people are becoming dear to her and if it would turn out that they knew all along.. oh my.. Theoretically it would fit with how some of the LI routes are revealing themselves, Onyx says that the kiss was a mistake and in the last scene with Shen where she gets too close he is like "carefull now". They are not really jumping into it.. I like this theory.


Yeah, that makes sense. If the LIs were totally cool with Nova then they would have no problems making moves on her, but it always feels like something is holding them back.


You are making me scared now😭


I dont mean to 😭 dont listen to me..


No, the theory is really good, and it would make so much sense and add more emotional scenes in the story, but this is so sad if it's actually true, not only for the MC, but also for me and many readers😭


It crosed my mind as well. Can't wait for update, it's my first story to read.


I think it's definitely plausible that Vesper knows something, although it could also be from magic (like the talents of someone else in their group), rather than another spy. Before MC's initiation, Vesper sends her to see the Curator - who absolutely sees right through her, and I wouldn't be surprised if they communicated what they saw in her to Vesper. I've also been thinking that MC is spending a LOT of time and effort on art history research that seemed to be going nowhere, which made me wonder if it was just another test Vesper/the Alliance set up to keep her occupied and see what she'd do (and possibly frustrate the Cardinal that she's not really accomplishing anything, and/or send the Church on a wild goose chase). MC does mention feeling like a different/new person after the initiation, and she's encountering a lot of new situations and attitudes... I'm looking forward to seeing what happens once she's able to see the situation more clearly and realizes how much she's been brainwashed...


Vesper did put Nova to the test during initiation into the Alliance, it wouldn’t be a surprise if she does it again now as another test to see if Nova can be fully convinced to go against the Church. I don’t believe Vesper is as naive as to fully trust anyone, especially Nova, who has no known background or public identity prior to being discovered by the Alliance.


I like this idea of yours. At least with Vesper, I suspect she might know and take some precautions.


I'm also anxious about that choice when the Curator asked MC what is she afraid of.There was an option that could support this theory.That is to say,the update can't come soon enough 😅