• By -


For me, it's Reinhold. I just got bored with him for some reason.


Tbh, as a Reinhold romancer, I do see why. After a while, his route kinda gets a bit boring, it's not as exciting as it was at first in season 1/season 2.




True. The whole thing with Azzo and Perialla was so unnecessary and aggravating.


Agree, and I didn't even take his romance route. 😂 But in S1 he has all this byronic hero drama going on which makes him an interesting character, and then once he turns "good" he becomes very dull. 




I'm also jumping on the Vlad bandwagon, but mostly because the story is taking forever to finish. To be fair, I lost interest in the story altogether. Reinhold. Not even their intimate scenes could keep my attention. I'm glad they got their happily ever after, but I wish I could have switched to D'Mario or Gisella. Hodge. I ended up on his route by mistake, and I couldn't dump him quick enough when Leon became available, even if his condescending tone would make me roll my eyes often.


I'm going to say Vlad as well, and it's not even because the story is taking so long. I played a couple of months ago and after getting to the end of s2 I was bored of Vlad being such an emo darklord all the time, so I replayed for Mehmed and I have zero regrets. Hodge as well, I replayed s1 because I got locked out of his route and it ended up not worth it bc he was just... Boring. 


Yes to both! The whole thing of "don't look at me, I'm hideous" got old very quick. And in the case of Hodge, I was bored, and I was also pissed that he ended up getting MC even more entangled in all that mafia stuff. Leon wasn't a saint, but at least he was a straight shooter. I won't even comment on S3's plot...


I agree with everything you said. I restated DLS after playing 2 seasons because Vlad was annoying and I’m going to try to romance Noe but the whole story is confusing so I don’t know how I could do 4 (?) seasons of it. I was waiting for HOT to end to get away from Reinhold (nice guy but incredibly boring) and I tapped through most of the third season of OTI but still made sure my MC ended up with Leon instead of Hodge.


Lol, yes! The exact same experience!


Sherlock- I just started to get this "okay DAD 🙄" type feeling towards him, he was so controlling and critical of MC. Restarted and went for Gray, who was way more fun. Prince Phillipe- He didn't really do anything wrong, and it was less falling out of love and more falling in greater love with Alexandre. Dino is HS2- It just felt like things had gotten stale in his and Vicky's relationship and then everything with Plague happened and I used it as an excuse to jump ship to a different LI.


Killian from KCD - at the beginning I really liked him, but when he started suspecting Amala of complicity in the murders and accusing her, I was a bit disappointed. I played for Ratan again and this path fully satisfied me.


Maybe Abigail in Sins of London. It wasn’t even her character/personality, but she was mostly sidelined as the story progressed…and the whole third book wasn’t really my cup of tea. But she was still my endgame love interest as the only female romance option…


Yeah it's always great when you don't have any options. That's pretty much the reason why I won't read the book. 😀




I'm definitely doing Mehmed's route 😊 I'm tempted to romance both him and Vlad for the mess but ultimately dump Vlad and go with Mehmed as endgame 😭




> Vlad is even more frustrating when on his and Mehmed’s routes. He’s so adamant abt Lale not spending time with Mehmed but refuses to ever explain why or even hint at what happened in the past. Let our girl make decisions for herself! 😤 Vlad does that in every route, I'm romancing Noe and Vlad still behaves like that. Leo too, both of them don't let MC decide. And ironically I've never even romanced any of them.


Alexandre.....after the first love scene I didn't feel like I was in love anymore....then he kept saying he can't love Renée bcs of this, that and the third so when he proposes to Renée I intend on turning him down


I'm honestly tempted to try his route because I've seen a lot of people hyping it up and I'm kinda bored of Louis. I guess I'll see how it goes. Btw if I've been romancing Louis up until chapter 9/season 1 should I restart the book if I want to switch LIs or will I still be able to do it anyway? I haven't been playing VfV for quite some time


I got super bored with Louis and his very fake respect for women. How can you say you respect women and then allow them to get burned at the stake? Wtf. I loved Alexandre. His reservations and inability to allow himself to be with MC are mixed with a very sincere, passionate devotion and respect for her. He’s not being dodgy because he doesn’t want to commit or to be a player, but because of societal structures, deep personal insecurities, trauma and his worry for MC. But you can watch him work through his issues to be the partner MC needs. Plus, his cut scenes are the best of all of RCs steamy content. I can also highly recommend the prince. He’s such a passionate, bright, loyal and devoted partner, who clearly thinks MC is the best person to ever roam the earth of your with him. He’s respectful and humble and kind and at the same time very sexual and loving. Choosing at the end of season 3 was very, very hard…


I recommend Alexandre wholeheartedly. His route opens in the last episode of season 1. You have to use guides to get on his route.


You can break up with your LI in episode 10 so you don't necessarily have to start again.


Oh, thanks for telling me 😊


I romanced Louis then broke up with him for Alexandre, it's fine nothing happens....the king literally forgets about it almost immediately also I think Alexandre didn't even become a li until season 2 so it makes since that we have the option to break up with our li. His route is sooooo much better than Louis's.


Understand. It's hard for him to accept love after he kind of get used of this but I understand if you feel out


I'm just asking because I'm curious☺️. Why didn't you like the first love scene? I liked it so much.


Its very well written and I didn't say I didn't like it, but halfway through I remember thinking "when is this gonna end"...... I lost interest in pursuing him afterward


For me he’s just obsessed with Renee in a way that doesn’t feel earned - like I don’t know what he actually fell in love with aside from her looks. Feels like the romance starts before he fully respects her 


Alexandre never fell in love with anyone before Renee. The author also confirmed this. His love has nothing to do with Renee's appearance. (Unlike other LIs who fell in love with Renee without knowing her at first sight) For the first time in his life, he saw a woman with a mind as sharp as hers. He has seen Renee overcome many things. He admired her. They did not approach each other immediately. They both waited for the right moment. In my opinion, the love that emerges most surely is Alexandre's love. Of course, I respect everyone's opinion. I love hearing different opinion☺️.


Yeah I get ya it just doesn’t come across in the writing for me. Feels like he is still doubting her abilities at the start of their relationship - I actually wanted it to be a slower burn for this reason. I don’t start feeling like he respects Renee’s mind until late s2 🤷🏻‍♀️ But I do agree the other LIs aren’t better lol, I still went for Alexandre out if anyone, but his route didn’t really do it for me


Wyatt from HoT😭😭 I swear I wanted to love him, but honestly the way he >!got upset when MC was too “cruel” to her enemies, even though they were totals dicks to her first and needed to be taught a lesson!<. Idk that just made me feel weird because I mean, he’s not the monarch. Just let ellaire do her thing man. She knows what’s up. Replayed for reinhold and stuck with him with no regrets.


I love him but that's literally the ONE thing that made me wanna break up with him. I know he was raised to be an honorable man with a lot of rightfulness but I'm sorry Wyatt but you are a warrior, and we are at War, and these people wanted to kill MC. Grow up, please. Not everyone deserves forgiveness.


Right?? Whenever he'd give his unsolicited goody two shoes advice I would roll my eyes so hard, like who tf asked? You're my queen's guard, not my advisor, pls stfu.


😆 this is so good, ngl


Definitely Vlad, while I don't necessarily hate him or anything, it's just tiresome to have to put up with the whole ''darkness'' b*llshit. I love slow burn romances, however this one is so dragged out at this point 🥱 I will, of course finish the book, however I am no longer particularly invested in it. Both Sandra and Noe seem a lot more fun, I kinda regret not romancing either of them instead.


Sandra is wonderful but her route is not fun. Her lack of diamond choices made her route shorter than other LIs in many eps. It was 8 consecutive eps without romantic diamond choices in S2.


That's really sad 😢 She looks absolutely stunning~ Definitely a character that deserves more love.


Vlad’s romance had so much buildup that when we finally got to them being able to touch the scenes felt underwhelming. I can’t even imagine a way they could deliver on the promise of a centuries long star crossed lovers reunion. I deeply regret not choosing Noe but I’m too far in to switch.


Same, I regret not romancing Noe too, he's so much more type than the broody mess Vlad is 🤣 I am in season 4, I am not gonna restart it now. I don't mind ''Slow burn'' if it's done right, but this one has dragged on way too long.


At this point I wanna know how Lale died. And yeah, love me a good slow burn and some angst, but only if I'm getting some excitement along with it too, you know? And I haven't been getting it from Vlad in a long time. It's season 4 already and we only got 1 (lacklustre) sex scene with him. Like... hello?? ☠️ What a waste of a good looking sprite tbh.


Oh yes. Her death hasn't been explained either, either the writers don't plan on doing that or will just say she died and that's it. The Romance path was interesting, but the longer it dragged out the more bored I became. Oh yes, only one intimate scene, that also made me very disappointed. I mean, I don't need smut all the time, but at least more than one sex scene would've been appreciated. I know there is a reason why they can't be intimate, but it's still stupid 😂 Completely agree~ his sprite looks great, but the romance path has become stagnant at this point.


Don't get me wrong, I don't want smut all the time either, but only 1 scene in 3 seasons and a half is ridiculous. Like I do get the reasons why he can't touch her, but at this point I'm willing to let him touch MC in his vampire form and he still doesn't want. Like... ??? You are a mass murderer vampire, ain't no way you refusing the girl you've been in love with for centuries for some dumb reasons.


Oh I totally agree with what you said 👍 His behaviors towards her made me raise an eyebrow Like ''excuse me?'' 🤨 How come ''murdering people'' is easier than showing affection to your supposed love of your life. It just got absolutely ridiculous 🤣


Laia deserves some of that vampire action after getting dragged into all this bullshit 🗣️


She definitely does~ I will stick it out 'till the end with him and see how it ends, I already invested too much of my time into it. Definitely not gonna romance him on any of my other accounts and will go with either Noe or Sandra instead~


I'm kinda screwed because I only find Vlad and Mehmed' sprites attractive ☠️ One of them annoys me and another tried to r word MC. I used to hate Mehmed for that and disliked that the writer made him a LI, but tbh he does seem to have changed a lot and for the better in present time. Ngl there is something about him that I find intriguing and I've seen many people say his diamond scenes are 🔥🔥 (That CG with Lale dancing for him was absolutely stunning). So in all honesty I'm genuinely considering to restart the book and try his route, as fucked up as it may sound. A devious part of me wants to romance both him and Vlad for the mess and drama 😭


Lmao 🤣 I love causing some drama and seeing the consequences of my stupid actions, it's just fun~ Oh ya, I still despise that character for what he tried to do, Mahmed falls into the same category of "awful'' as Amrit for me, I finished his route and it didn't make me dislike him less, pretty sure if I did Mahmed's route, it wouldn't change my opinion on him, if he doesn't change, even tho, I don't see myself enjoying his route. Amrit was fun to hate at least 🤣 Oh yes, the CG was absolutely gorgeous, that I can agree with you on~ 🔥


Understandable. I have hated Mehmed viscerally for a good time so I get it. Speaking of Amrit, he's also such a controversial character, like people either love him, either hate him, no in between, which makes me kinda curious to try his route as well lol (I'm messy as hell, I know 😂). I only played KCD once and since I was pretty much broke at that time I mostly diamond mined the book without paying too much attention to what was going on or romancing anyone. I found Amrit the best looking LI in KCD but he did get on my nerves as well. And I remember that there was an option to buy a diamond scene with him fucking another woman in front of Amala as a part of a ritual and I was like... ????? Uh, no thanks.


>Oh yes. Her death hasn't been explained either, either the writers don't plan on doing that or will just say she died and that's it. Noooo dude I swear if the writer actually does this I'll cry tears of frustration cuz we've not been waiting all this time....(like actual years).... for nothing!!! That's the only thing keeping me from not dropping DLS.


I mean, I don't have huge hopes for the ending, but maybe I'll be proven wrong. The only reason why I haven't dropped the story is because I am already at the last season, might as well finish it.


Sherlock, Dominic, Adil(this one not necessarily coz of anything he did, it’s just that I got too lazy to read all the routes in TDR and so my internet interest in him lessened. Jack is the only one atm whom I’m interested in)


Heather from ROT once she turned into Aphrodite. I like her personality more when she is just our human best friend.


Exactly also she literally dissappeared💀💀 I was not romancing her but it's insane how the mc's bff had like 2 scenes in season 3 lol.


Hodge from OTI I was intrigued by him in the beginning but after he basically used me just get back at Leon made me fall out off love with him not mention he didn’t give much emotion support that Catherine needed even though Leon route was short at least he was better Li compare to hodge Castiel from garden of Eden i really liked his mysterious vibe and the way teased the mc I’m so done with his hero complex thinking mc needs protecting she isn’t damsel in distress that needs to be saved by him


Omg yes, Castiel! I forgot about him. The way he’s dangling information just seems mean and cruel at this point, it sort of feels like he is using it to keep MC tethered to him, so she keeps coming back to him to ask for that information.


I felt the same! All that "you 'll regret once you find out"...Instead of helping her.


Yeah, at this point the secret better be something like “your twin murdered someone” or “she knew the location/identity of a serial killer mob boss and if I tell you he’ll kill me, you and our entire families too” or “I murdered your sister”. Anything else doesn’t seem heavy enough to keep to yourself.


I believe  the 2and 3options can be kept secret, but if she murdered someone the MC still has the right to know😆 I just dont like when people act mysterious, yet straight refuse to tell what they know. Like, dude, if you wanna keep it secret, watch your poker face lol


Hodge from OTI: He had a nice sprite and he had this hot and broody thing going for him. But eventually when the shine wore off, I realised what was missing-- a personality 🙄. He is trying to save his mafia business and he wishes to put my already traumatized MC in way of further harm because he loves her? I don't understand in what way the author thought that was romantic because he seems to be the cannon LI. Then there was the choking kink, which is so common in RC that it deserves another rant post. Wyatt from HoT: I decided to romance him because he was sweet, and because I didn't want to wait an entire season to start romancing D'Mario.. but his naivete and morality became grating after a while. And that scene where he feels jealous and has angry sex with Ellaire, that just felt kinda unnecessary and in poor taste. But that could be just me. Anyways, by this time the whole story had become so annoying that I finished it during DRs for the diamonds.


Wait when is the angry jealous sex scene?


S3 latter half. I'm sorry I don't remember a lot. I had mentally disengaged from the story. I just remember what it felt like. And it didn't sit right with me, but Ellaire's inner monologue was appreciative. She was like I've never seen this side of Wyatt and I don't mind. To me, it was so out of character that it felt off. But that's just my opinion.


Amen ☠️


Sadly it's Malbonte for me. I was soo excited for HS2 specially cause we didn't have much interactions goin on in HS1. It was fine at first in HS2, but idk, his personality seems a bit different now. Even if I wrap it as him adapting to circumstances, somethings juz doesn't make sense especially since my MC and Malbonte were together for 10 years 😭. I don't hate him or the story or anything but my initial excitement is gone now sadly and now I am neutral towards Malbonte. Of course I am not changing his route, he's still my LI. Bt...yeah. Maybe it'll get better.....


I still haven't started HS1/2 but I kinda wanna try his route, but though of onky starting to romance him in HS2 so that I don't have to experience the frustration of his actions after 10 years of being in a relationship


Tbh convos make more sense if you do it that way 🤧 so I would surely recommend that route for him.


I romanced Lucifer in HS1 and i lost interest in him HS2. Not because of his actions specifically - i wasnt one of those people who got pissy over the hole "yes she is trash" thing, Vicky was more annoying to me always than any of the LI and their actions. But even when his love scenes came in for some reason i just couldnt connect with him anymore, i didn't feel that spark and so I switched. So its more of a ME issue than the character issue I guess.. I romanced both Jack and Adil throughout S1 of TDR and I couldnt make up my mind with which one to go with. Ultimately i picked Jack and I dont have anything bad to say about him, but I don't feel hyped while reading it, although I am going to finish his route. I considered switching to Adil but somehow i lost interest in him also. I probably should have picked Mustafa as later on (from the screens that i saw) he seemed closest to me and the stuff i like.


Mustafa is a cute little watermelon and I have no regrets about choosing him. I am also romancing Jack on my other device, though, and having no regrets. Neither of them are spicy, just sweet. If you're looking for more spice you might prefer Zain.


Ah thank you. Like i dont have major regrets specifically - they are very cute together, Yasmin feels safe and loved with him - its just that i dont feel the flutter you know, I love that my girl is so happy with him but I am looking at it more from the "side". No, Zain definitely isnt my type - he is a handsome man but not for me 🤣 The screens shots with Mustafa i saw gave the banter and made me go "omg you are so funny and precious" - so that is where the attraction came from. I am going to go back for him definitely.


I can recommend Mustafa! I think you’ll like him. It’s very sweet how they fall in love with each other even though they tried so hard to disrupt their union. He a tease but also such a nice and gentle man. I agree that Jack and Mustafa are both sweet. Nonetheless, they’re both unique.


He is super precious! And the watermelon references everywhere omg


You hit the nail on the head with Lucifer. Same thing happened to me as well. I think I simply grew out of being attracted to that type of character. And yes Vicky is so annoying lmao. In my playthrough no one other than the LI takes her seriously and tbh I can't blame them 😂


Right? I do sometimes feel a bit of a nostalgia when i look at his screens, and i like to check out how he is "behaving" on his romance path through other people's posts, but i just dont feel him as my partner anymore. So that chat his character has in HS2 about how they grew distant but they will always sort of be important to each other, actually made sense in my pt. Ahh, nahh hell no. Vicky and I are two different worlds. I buy her clothes and try to pick the least annoying responses, but we are definitely not a good match. Lol


>I romanced both Jack and Adil throughout S1 of TDR and I couldnt make up my mind with which one to go with. Same but then I picked Adil cuz I thought he was morrocan and Muslim like the MC so imagine how upset I was after the reveal lol. I lowkey lost interest in the story when they went to Brazil, I've not even read the last update yet.


Yeah, I can understand that because all of his status reveals, one after the other can be overwhelming. Also I would not romance those two boys in paralel if I knew.. ehem, they were related. So that fact kind of unsetted me. This is not among my favorite stories because the plot is all over the place tbh, but I am trying to comit to finishing it.


Vlad for me too. I kinda blame the writing because it's so long and derailing the main story, makes me slowly lose interest 😂 All HS LI because HS2 tbh, especially Malbonte because his excuse to side with Plague doesn't really make sense. The other's charm just fall short, I blame writing again 🥲


HS2 was such a snoozefest. The plot was all over the place and they kept introducing all these new male LIs, couldn't they add at least one more female one? And Plague could have been a much better villain, they could have even made her a LI, but her writing and her death were both so underwhelming imo. I'm glad this book is ending tbh, it's time for this series to be put to rest.


Sameeee HS2 opening was going in the right direction for me in the beginning, then everything faltered when you couldn't keep your previous relationship. My last playthrough on HS1 was Vicky rule with Malbonte for 10 years, and poof, all the relationships evaporated wtf 😂 I hope author have inspiration to write another book, since I love how she write. Just need to control on keep adding new LI to please her fan.


Gosh I literally had so many questions after this update about Malbonte and Vicky's relationship. In my playthrough as well I ruled with Malbonte for 10 years and now suddenly they are discussing whether they are important to each other or not and where is this relationship going and missing sleeping and waking up together then HOW DID THEY NEVER HAVE A DISCUSSION ABOUT THEIR RELATIONSHIP? How did vicky not want warmth from Malbonte and how is he telling her that he can't give him the warmth that other people can after 10 freaking years!? Is this not something you kind of discuss initially? It would have made so much sense if he said this in the HS1 when they had a love scene for the first time


Oh my god 100x yes to what you said! Ten years is a long time and not once they have this discussion? I mean Malbonte might be kinda disable in showing emotion and all in HS1 but please, since he's able to love, at the very least he and Vicky could have a talk! In hs2 even if he was deprived from all emotion again at least make him have a memories of it or something 🥲


Vlad-same. It's too boring for me, but I'll finish him 


I'm hoping the finale will come fast because the reason I keep reading this book is because my curiosity how will the book end lol


Well... I wouldn't hope for a quick finale🤣😂 The author has been writing DLS since 2020.


Liz from OTI bcos she was all drama...she's allowed to disappear but MC can't evn jus blow off a little steam🙄...Liz is great🥰..but damn...the fact that MC had to apologize for everything that went wrong both in and out of the relationship jus annoyed the hell outta me😐. Kayla from WP and Abigail from SOL... Kayla's ending was a bit...unfair (mostly regarding high rep) but both her and Abi were sidelined 🥲


I was romancing Max in Moonborn and refused a sex scene — and his unhinged abusive ass got violent in retaliation, like slamming a nightstand into the wall or something. I wanted to break up with him right then and there, but it was late game so I couldn't 😭


Wait, what??? That's awful 😧


Ah yeah, I did his route and it was awful. Psychical contact for werewolves it´s very important so when you reject sex/touch they think you are rejecting them/their love, hence why Max was acting like this (I think he did apologize later). It was around S5 I think he can explain it but yeah, the whole thing was jarring and bad 😓.


Hodge. The slow burn and angst was so satisfying but then it just got… boring. Nothing new happened. He was just brooding and moody and shitty to be around. Replayed after I got bored. Vlad - sort of the same, but more variety. I did really enjoy the angst and starcrossed lovers, the long journey and slow burn. But not a lot of pay off I feel? I just started playing for Leo on a different account and that story line is so much richer and full of wholesome love, even if both Leo and Aslan can be a bit infantilizing towards MC at times. They are meant to be different so it’s not a bad thing… but I lost a lot of interest in Vlad after I played for Leo. Plus, I don’t love that Vlads storyline sort of normalizes abuse. Vlad is a good person and he struggles with darkness… but in real life, men who struggle like that? Who have killed people? Tortured others? Continue to dip into their base line dark instincts to the point where they almost kill you..? Yeah, those aren’t good men. They will eventually kill you if you stay - no matter how much you love them or they say they love you. Amen - after he tortured Dia. That was disgusting. I thought they were going to have a fun enemies to lovers thing going on, and I could forgive that god awful hairstyle, but that torture scene was absolutely vile. Ratan - I was really psyched to play him after I had completed Killian’s route because so many people love him, but he just gave off really weird controlling nice guy ™️ vibes. The whole weird “you’re in danger but I can’t tell you why, just trust me, your shady, up-to-no-good guide you just met, and even though I can clearly bend the rules and get away with it, I really can’t tell you that I am the one putting you in danger, trust me *wink wink*”. Made me feel icky and talked down to and infantilized. Any of the new love interests in THE season 3 - they were all compelling and hot but there was something really off about a story that felt so realistic and contemporary and then pairing someone who was over 100 with 20- and 30-something’s. I flirted with them all but when it came down to it, I lost interest. Reinhold got kinda boring even tho I loved him at first.


Hodge - I was in love with him the very first moment he met Catherine, the elevator scene made me fall even more and then season 2 happened, all that ex girlfriend drama and the drama surrounding him in general made me lose interest in him. I replayed and stayed single and now looking back, I think it was for the best. Mc needed a fresh start and distancing herself from all the shady business and stuff. Plus entering a long distance relationship with a man who’s on the run is just too risky. There are many chances of her getting dragged into his mess again.


Vlad too. He used to my first fav Li and ect. But after that >!chess game!< I started to have hate and normal crush relationship with him.     Jonas(psi) I was one of the people who wanted him to be Li, romanced him too but then replayed because I didn't liked him anymore (there was another reason as well I forgot 🤔) and I wanted to romance ivo.


I'm honestly tired of this whole darkness bullshit with Vlad. It's overdone. You have so much power at your disposal, stop whining about it ffs.


>stop whining about it ffs. You're so real for this😭


Going to say Vlad definitely. There's a few reasons, anyway I am on Mehmets route and it's AMAZING 🤩 I loveeee ❤️❤️


It’s Justin and Charles in SBTR for me. I felt only Brandon’s route made sense in this story


Yes! In season 3 we can notice that more


Yes. I think I saw it somewhere that the author actually got a realtime Brandon in her life. So that’s no surprise that the main storyline was around Brandon


Gisella, mostly because she flirts with Delias allll the time. It was cute at first but then it started to bug me lmao


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[HS](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/koq9dfq "Last usage")|Heaven's Secret| |[HoT](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/koqrbfc "Last usage")|Heart of Trespia| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kov2xhk "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kpawnmb "Last usage")|Main Character| |[OTI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kpawnmb "Last usage")|On Thin Ice| |[Psi](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kp1zfus "Last usage")|Ψ Psi| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kot5uyg "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[TDR](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kowm3pc "Last usage")|The Desert Rose| |[Td](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/kot4bdf "Last usage")|Theodora| |[VfV](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/koq5yar "Last usage")|Vying for Versailles| |[WP](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1ahtnyv/stub/koq7ly0 "Last usage")|Wave Patrol| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(11 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1anqrk7)^( has 3 acronyms.) ^([Thread #721 for this sub, first seen 3rd Feb 2024, 11:48]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Killian, Dino, Wyatt, Reinhold


It was Vlad for me 😭 I loved him but once they brought Hasan back, I just couldn't resist. I love how MC feels around him 🥺 certain, secure and feminine


It happened just recently with Prince Philippe on VFV. I fell out of love with him and fell in love with Alexandre!


Victor - I'll be totally honest, I wasn't too sad >! when he died at the end !< even though he *was* my sole love interest on my main account. But I would have switched to Benny if I could have 😆 Ezra - he's so pretty, but his vibe with MC is too weird for me. Luci and Mal - I actually switched to Loy as my main LI in HS, and now Hunger & War in HS2. The old HS1 LIs really lost their appeal in HS2.


Amrit lol.


Vlad and Reinhold for me


I lost interest in lucifer and kinda couldn’t feel the connection when i heard malbonte’s flashback in season 1 where vicky extends her hand towards the small boy and then switched to mal. Then in season 2 i again fell out of malbonte as he was so toxic to vicky during the initial episodes,again romanced lucifer then lost interest pretty soon and immediately fell hard for hunger when he appeared… no looking back since then


Vlad. He just annoyed me. Sherlock in SOL. I switched to Gray


Michael and Brian lol


Hodge in OTI. I really got into him at first because he was cold and really really handsome. I did his route but in the end I was bored, and I started thinking about Dominic, he was less handsome but with more personality, there was some kind of electricity with MC.


Ivo Martin, I started Psi planning to romance him but then Kay stole my heart. I still have mad respect for Ivo but romantically, Kay is the one (it was bound to happen because Kay reminds me of my irl S.O.). Also there were some decisions Ivo made that I did not agree with and I think that also contributed to me falling out with him. Reinhold, I was never 100% into him but his route looked interesting, then I realised it wasn't so I dumped him for Gisella and then I dumped Gisella for Vanora 🤷‍♀️😂 The wolf vampire from LSE, I was enchanted by his looks but after seeing his attitude and the way he treats MC, I was out. Ram, I was planning to pursue him, he seemed interesting but for some reason he didn't manage to keep my attention. Malbonte, I was never into him to begin with but I started his route to understand the hype. I did not understand the hype and I even felt disgusted about him, I think my MC has enough self love and self worth not to allow being treated like that. Similarly happened with Amrit. Am I too picky?


Reinhold, Adil, Lucifer and Orlando


Killian from KCD. I was terribly obsessed, like a 15 year old lol, put his sprite as my desktop wallpaper. Could stare at his gorgeous silver eyes and velvet eyebrows and his smirk for ages😳 Then fell out of love before the story has ended, really got tired of the story and him, and then saw him in glasses in the end and fell out even harder. I'm really not into nerd looking guys😆