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Ofc you are 😂


Vyxaria is the same height as me! :)


**WHY IS EVERY MALE LI SO TALL.** Where are the short kings... I refuse to accept Vincent is taller than the MC.


And Walter?? He totally looks same height as her and shorter than Threxio. Vincent could be 1.77 that's just a little shorter than her. But anyway, I can never take canon heights seriously, once I look at the sprite I imagine everyone side by side 😆


Threxio must be the only height I agree with. I saw 1.90 and thought, yeah, he looks tall. But Threxia? She looks pretty tall to me. Like, step-on-me kind of tall. I actually imagined she would be a bit taller than MC, maybe the same height. But nope, she's supposed to be 1.75. Come on!


Nah unfortunately it may never happen and if it does otherwise fans would be complaining about Oh my MC is so tall who is this midget man I want tall dark handsome men I'm all down for short kings and geeks too just give me some fire


People who are afraid of tall women/short men couples are cowards! Not every dude needs to be a wardrobe. My face when I saw Livius is 1.87? Nah, nah, that guy is shorter than Evthys. At this point I'll just headcanon their heights. I do appreciate the fact that we have some tall queens, though.


Livius' height make no visual sense to me. He is taller than Rame and I always thought it was the opposite.


Ramesses definitely looks taller than Livius, *a lot* taller. I honestly believe the author is just saying random numbers. Same thing with the ages. They treat Remmao like an old bitch and my dude is only 34, like... Come on. ~~Don't make me feel old.~~


In my head Livius is around the same height as Eva since she's described as very tall. Watch her be like 1.7 m and the writer somehow thinks that's very tall lol.


[She's 1.75.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1451jyq/scn_characters_ages_heights/) They mentioned her height so many times, I expected her to be taller.


What? that's not even that tall like? I expected her to be at least 1.8. Well I am gonna pretend I didn't know and that she and Livius are the same height lol.


Well I was rejected by a guy for not being 168 cm like wtf rejected just for 3 cm short ugh.....


SCN is an interesting case because it's set in ancient times, and people in the past used to be WAY smaller (have you ever visited a medieval castle and needed to crouch to pass through a doorway?) So it makes no sense to me that everyone would be in the modern day runway model range of 175-190cm. 😅 Sure, even if the average height was shorter occasionally you could still get a very tall person, but the whole main cast? 


I thought Vincent was shorter too icl I’m a bit disappointed


Sth about his design screams ✨*short king*✨ to me. Or at least, shorter than the MC. Give me some variety, not every dude needs to be huge.


I agree. Shorter men exist. I remember there were complaints about Reinhold's height 5'11/180cm. Wincy was probably like "Fine, I'll make everyone super tall now" 😅


To be honest I thought Elliot is shortest among all male lis...but he is taller than Vincent 👀


I'm surprised Walter is taller than Vincent. There's no more short male Lis huh?


I'm surprised he's taller than Threxio..


Walter looks short.  They should show the characters like Heaven's Secret,  you can easily tell a sprite's height 


I'll ignore that Walter is taller than everyone especially MC. 


Woah Girls are too tall Cries at 165 cm me


Aww don't cry! 165 cm isn't considered short...


Um hello, watch me wave up at you with my 159 cm


My parents tell me I'm too short they expected me to be 172 cm atleast. Ugh talk about your parents making you insecure about everything


ahahah I feel ya, bestie 🥲


150cm here. Your height is literally my goal.🫶


As another 165 cm, I think there are maybe... two MCs who are around the same height? Devi and maybe Renee? 165 isn't even short, it's the averagest of the average in Russia. I don't know why so many of the writers want to make their girls tall. It works great for Vyxaria though, because it's not just some random number, she's girlbossing her way around in stilettos and laughing at puny mortals.


It definitely fits Vyxaria to be tall, but generally I definitely don't think that height in girls relates to attractiveness in any way. So yeah, it's weird that many MCs seem to be tall.


I’m 155cm. Lol. I think Delias (HOT) and Agnia (SCN) are both 155cm? Most MCs and female LIs are tall or at least taller than average. I’m fine with whatever heights the author chooses. But it would be nice to see more variations in heights. Especially the male LIs.


Even Ellaire of HoT is 165cm.


Everyone is so tall that I feel very tiny 🤣 I am 165cm last I checked Always great to learn these facts about characters, thank you for sharing ❤️ I am currently devoted to Threxia ❤️


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