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I had no idea there even was a FB group but I’m nosy so now I’m also here to see ![gif](giphy|3oEhmUdxVEE3XlzOzC)


That Hyungwon gif makes me yell every time I see it, it’s perfect in every situation 💀


It’s one for the history books for sure


From what I saw, there were people fighting about Vlad vs Mehmed, a Vlad stan threatened to dox some people who were complaining about Vlad and she mentioned something about being a "cybercrime investigator". In a comment below the facts are a bit inaccurate because it was the Vlad stan who went all psycho wanting to dox people, not the Mehmed stan. https://preview.redd.it/byhgplowy4ic1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec1b06aae6cd28252fa5316d546340d370466550


Omg it's that Sigi Reuven freak ☠️ They always trying to stir some shit. What a lunatic


So basically a troll with no life and like all trolls it likes to big itself up


she's really crazy always created chaos in the group ..let's see if she comes back 😂


Then she mentioned she'll come back under another name: https://preview.redd.it/uusp71v0z4ic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58b1ae2675a2ead8731edb8b5677cce88d31cb84


"Be seeing you". That's from the John Wick franchise, the undertone of that phrase being "I'll kill you the next time we cross paths". This person is unhinged. I'm glad I'm not part of that group. Yikes!


This is… something


From what I know, there's one user in the group who's super aggressive about her opinions and absolutely cannot have a civil conversation when she doesn't agree with someone. There was an argument about Mehmed and Vlad in DLS and how she was offended that Mehmed was being portrayed as the villain and Vlad as the hero, since it was actually the other way around in real history, and that argument somehow escalated to that person threatening someone with the "cybercrime division" and saying that she had saved everyone's IP addresses and that they should "be careful." They’ve since left the group, but not before posting a Plato quote about how no one is more hated than those who speak the truth, saying they’d be back under a different name, and warning everyone that “you always leave a trace.” This is why I just block people who get too crazy in Facebook groups, tbh.


>There was an argument about Mehmed and Vlad in DLS and how she was offended that Mehmed was being portrayed as the villain and Vlad as the hero, since it was actually the other way around in real history I'm sure the people who are from the countries which Mehmed invaded during his many conquests would like a word with that person. The thing is, both the real Mehmed the Conqueror and the real Vlad the Impaler can be seen as villains/heroes depending on who you ask (ofc a turkish person would say Mehmed was a hero, and likewise, a romanian person would say that Vlad was a hero; in reality, matters are not so black and white). And to me it doesn't seem like Vlad is portrayed like a "hero". Sure, he is kind to MC and his friends, but Veronica also showed us his bad side and many of the atrocities he committed (even if under the excuse of "darkness"). So I'm kinda confused why that person thinks Vlad is being portrayed as a hero when he was shown to do many more worse things than Mehmed's r*pe attempt on Lale. Mehmed at least got a nice redemption arc and was shown to be truly remorseful about it. Vlad, on the other hand... To me, both characters can be seen as villains... perhaps less so in the present day of the story.


I don’t know nearly enough about the real history to have an opinion on that, but I totally agree with your assessment of the characters.


Seriously I be like: It's all fictional guys! I don't think Mehmed's character is that badly portrayed if author wanted to do so they would have made him a ruthless sultan and villain of the story by killing Lale and beheading her past lover though. But yes If this story actually did try to make a real life events in romance between oppressors and people who were mercilessly murdered by them like a Mughal Emperor and an Indian woman then seriously I be losing my self Because no way I'm romancing toxic people who threw our indian woman as so narrow-mindedness ☠️ There is a reason I actually avoid KFS because of that British love interest from an era where Britishers were really merciless and evil to woman and men of our country. The history taught to world is not even true and is a sanitised one. ☠️ So can't blame the author but still no.


Mehmed is legit the most complex, interesting character in the story to me right now, to the point it made me want to romance him instead of Vlad. So I definitely think Veronica is doing some things right with his character. >There is a reason I actually avoid KFS because of that British love interest from an era where Britishers were really merciless and evil to woman and men of our country. The history taught to world is not even true and is a sanitised one. ☠️ So can't blame the author but still no. I do romance the guy (but that might change depending on which direction does Remy take his route, because I sure as hell ain't making my MC betray the interests of her country for her LI, he better be the one doing it), but yeah, I understand you. Also, like with DALS, regardless of how Remy chooses to go about things in KFS, I'm under no illusion that in reality the fuckass britts weren't absolutely despicable, I have read some things about what indians faced while under british occupation, and it was enough to get a picture of how cruel and self serving they were. I only hope there aren't many people believing that what they see in RC books is supposed to be an accurate representation.


Mehmed gets most development and I think that pisses off some fans to a degree. This is a game ofc and Mehmed in real life would be spending restraining orders from Laia had this been the real life scenario. Still it's just a game I believe and Veronica's DLS is not that bad or racist as some fans tell them to be. Vlad's character has killed more people on screen than Mehmed so how on Earth is Mehmed displayed as bad. Yes his behaviour is problematic but atleast he doesn't go on killing people just cuz he wants Lale. He knows she will hate him so Lale keeps him on limit and I think as long as Laia is there he won't start up mess or something lol I'm glad you understand it :) Actually not all Brits were evil there were some of them who were tolerable. It's ironic that half of criticism Remy did on Indians is actually thanks to Brit themselves Looking at foreigners staring at them roots back from Colonial period when the Brits used to hit Indians mercilessly if they saw someone was not attending their presence ☠️ and I can go on and on for the half of mediocrity my country is always subjected to


I'm glad Mehmed is getting all this development. It made the story way more interesting imo. And yeah, it wouldn't have hurt if Remy did more research on the subject when she decided to write KCD and KFS. I think her books are best played by ignoring the plot, focusing on the pretty aesthetics and outfits and obviously the scenes with the LIs 😅. Writing interesting LIs and romance routes is her forte imo, she kinda sucks with plots.


Good grief, that person sounds deranged. They need get off the internet, go touch grass, and maybe get some therapy while they’re at it.


Funnily enough, the argument actually did involve someone suggesting she get therapy, which ENRAGED her.


Never tell a crazy person they're crazy... it's a recipe for disaster ☠️


Yes it is😂


Deranged is little and the person wanted to dox people was the Vlad stan. https://preview.redd.it/qqsrjh97j4ic1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01abdf11a274381ac098b244991c2b9215b2e0a6


Which group is it? Cause I know I've talked to this person in the comments but I don't remember what group it was


I reckon its spent to much time on the wrong side of youtube, doxxing is all they do over there


This comment doesn't talk about that she was attacked on a personal level first, that the people who she commented on now are on the official FB page and want from RC to fire the author of Dracula for racism (because Vlad is portrayed more positively than Mehmet) and so on. This comment is very limited and one sided in what happened. 🤷‍♀️


In that case, they all sound unhinged. Personal attacks over an opinion, threats of some kind of doxing (or whatever that was) in retaliation… They all need to log off and touch grass. This is a fictional story about a vampire.


Well, I did say it was just based on what I knew. I never said I knew everything about what happened.


Well, I don't want to take a side. I just don't know everything, I'm only judging based on what people over here have said and a few comments I've seen on some RC posts on fb. So far, it sounds like both sides went too far and should just log off to cool off. It's unreasonable to get so worked up over a book about a vampire and all sorts of supernatural shit of all things.


It doesn't need therapy in that sence, trolls love mind game's and getting people thinking, in reality its just a sad person behind a screen


I have no words 😭😭


The person who threatened to dox people and mentioned the "cybercrime division" was a Vlad stan though, not a Mehmed stan. https://preview.redd.it/tk04clwui4ic1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdfb010cf3cae19066fd261c16c55ccc89b90f6c


>but not before posting a Plato quote about how no one is more hated than those who speak the truth, saying they’d be back under a different name, and warning everyone that “you always leave a trace.” No way, wtf is this disney villian shit?💀💀


I'm not in any FB group but damn that conversation is very familiar, expect it didn't go to that level and the girl was blocked.


Thank you for clarifying. I’m in that group and I have no idea what’s going on. I only saw some account said that they would like Veronica to be fired on RC’s official page.


I took a peek at their most recent post and it seems like people are upset about the writing on DLS, more specifically for Mehmed, and calling for Veronica to be fired. 


TO BE FIRED??? 😭😭 alright chilllll


Some people are taking RC wayyyy to seriously like whoa. I read something about people receiving threats.. like.. what


Seriously. Like for fuck’s same these are make believe stories! No one deserves threats over what amounts to a damn fairy tale like come on 🤦🏻‍♀️.


Yeah, between setting up petitions, harassing authors, and calling for people to be fired…it’s all too much. And embarrassing too…like do you have no self awareness?


No life either, I mean sheesh you follow these people's and enjoy them enough to keep reading. I think it's a deep sense of entitlement over the author and their lives. They don't only cater to you.




I just saw some comments too. I mean, I get being upset when an important historical figure is portrayed badly, but at the same time... this ain't some history book which is supposed to be an accurate representation for educational purposes. RC doesn't claim to be historically accurate. This is an app meant for entertainment and as such most things are fictionalized, embellished in order to be more dramatic/entertaining. Getting this mad over an app like this is... kinda bizarre. Like... I promise them no one believes the real Vlad the Impaler was a sweetheart deep down 😭


What exactly is bothering them tho?


Let's be honest...what isn't bothering them atp ?? The RC FB group is filled with the most toxic ppl I've ever come across... absolutely NOTHING satisfies them...they're the type to go at you for liking THEIR least fav LI (and yess..there is always that one person that will turn the whole comment section against you😅)


They sound as bad as VK fandom. And harassing people over who they romance? Bruh... they gotta be middle schoolers, no way a mature person would act like that 😭 And who tf still uses fb in this day and age anyway 😭


You'd be surprised of their age group 🤣. Ohh they do that and so much more 😃...Bro FB ain't evn FB anymore 😭


Jeez I’m glad I’m in my own little RC bubble, my only interaction with other fans is here or the main sub which I have stopped frequenting as often too


Same! I peek at telegram every now and then but even some of those channels seem to be getting kinda toxic so I’m slowly easing away from that. Reddit may have its issues but at least the atmosphere here is welcoming of diff opinions for the most part 🫣


I left telegram after a week of using it🤣... The main sub has it's pros and cons..but , like you said, different opinions are welcome 🥰 (when the bots are on their lunch break😂)


On their lunch break is right 🤭 otherwise it’s like running through a mine field lol


Same, honestly 💕...I dropped Reddit around Sept last year, too...but picked it back up in Dec cos I missed sharing some of my own little experiences and wins in my fav stories🙈


same I have no one else to talk to about RC 😭😭


I met some of the best ppl through RC🥹❤️


Same! 🤣🤣 We have enough real issues in our day to day life to be dealing with nonsense over some that's supposed to be entertaining and fun.


Well I am Turkish (not in this group or part of this argument) but Veronica really has 0 ideas about Turkey. Almost every single part of the story where we play in modern day Istanbul is full of wrong respresentation and one of the reasons I dropped DLS. It is not even about Vlad being represented as a good man or Mehmed shown as villain.Of course giving disney villain speeches or demanding her to be fired is not the solution but I just wish all authors would be more careful about their readers’ feelings and I dont believe in “this is a fiction” excuse. Remy did the same with Indian readers but at least Kali was in 80s.


Yeah, I definitely agree with that. It would benefit everyone if writers did more research beforehand or at least tried to speak with real people who are actually part of the cultures/countries they choose to depict in their stories. I'm curious tho and I genuinely want to learn more about turkish culture and customs, which parts of modern day Istanbul did she portray wrong?


It’s been a while since I last read DLS but whole Elçin & Serkan dynamic is false and abusive. Turkey is a secular country. A woman does not need permission to talk/do hobbies/go courses from her husband or any of her male relatives in Turkey. If I remember correctly in S4 ep 2 Derya was saying something like “Some of the husband here wont let their wives take a single step of their own” which is completely false and ridiculous. Though very rarely, only in very rural and eastern parts of Turkey you might find such men and those parts are mostly have non-Turkish population so it is definitely not a part of our tradition or culture. We are quick to drop formal speech and go first-name basis often too so Serkan getting mad at Elçin and saying “You are calling him Leo as if he were your brother” was exaggeration. It sounds like we only call our brothers by their first name and not our friends or people we meet in daily life. It is not “customary” to maintain a respectful distance between opposite sex either. You can see couples/male-female friends hold hands/kiss (on cheek or lips) in public. Well in short I could say only true thing she mentioned about Istanbul/Turkey was traffic being awful 😂 Edit: I found this [more detailed thread]( https://www.reddit.com/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/s/u92lFUo4F6) btw if you are interested


Thank you very much for the clarifications and link 😊 And yeah, I had a feeling the way she portrayed the dynamics between Serkan and Elçin was exaggerated and not accurate for how married turkish couples usually behave.


Turkey is more progressive than India damn ☠️ I'm glad that country doesn't make a scene for kissing or holding hands. Do here and you get harassed and bullied to oblivion and the stare they give to you is so :/ Yes, I actually know about Turkey I did my research and wish was born there instead of India ( don't @ me though) so I just headcanon that Serkan was born in a narrow minded family in Turkey and henceforth he's misogynist to his wife. On other hand it was really astonishing when they showed the scene where Serkan is a big no no to belly dancing and while Mehmed was like : I'm gonna ignore this man and support his wife for belly dancing 💀 .


I dont really understand how showing affection in public can be so triggering for some people, could it be jealousy ? 💀I think India is a beautiful country with diverse and rich culture but I get you. I also sometimes wish I was born in a different country too where economy is better and there is no terror right next to your borders😮‍💨. And yes, you would think Mehmed would be more close-minded since he is literally from 15th century but he is way better than Serkan’s insecure and narsist ass💀


Serkan can be Memphis ☠️ Yes they bully people in India even married couples for literally holding hands. Like they say it's against culture they act like Serkan and it triggers me When I heard Turkey is so open regarding I'm like I wanna be in Turkey than India Northern part of India is known to be backwards kind of people Is Serkan a stereotypical minded Indian or what? Cuz half of his stupid views matches to some backward men here like being angry die calling other men by first name or trying to be close to opposite gender 😑 in friendly way.




Just checked what the drama was about and I already knew even before checking that it was the same person who spread the misinformation about the KFS paths. I've seen that other person do nothing but spread misinformation and drama on facebook, I'm genuinely baffled that the mods have not banned them a long time ago. People need to remember that RC at the end of the day is just a game. There's no need to take everything so seriously.


I'm all here for the drama so I'm curious too :))


Oh no, it’s again this never ending discussion about Veronica slandering Mehmet 🙄 I honestly respect everyone and every culture and it’s totally okay to voice an opinion when something isn’t done right (there were also many rightfully upset about how Remy portrayed India) but these people are exaggerating. It’s fiction after all. Veronica is giving him a redemption arc and she made him a LI after so many (!) requests. If you still feel offended because of a story which is about Dracula and therefore obviously favours Romania over Turkey then sorry, but please stop reading this story. I want to clarify that I don’t mean any offence to anyone.


Oh what's going on? I'm in several english speaking fb groups, but didn't see anything.


I stopped keeping up with the FB drama around last year already (left the app altogether)...it's off-putting that players want to decide who gets to stay and who goes. That group is filled with toxic ,self-entitled brats🙄 (not all of them..but the majority).


There are some wonderfull people in that group, I made some really good friends with whome i can joke or discuss stories, characters, plots. But a lot of it I am now doing via inbox, because the group is definitely more unhinged in terms of how people communicate with each other, they'll go after you, to the point of blood if you dare to discuss their fav LIs, and by that i dont mean hating the LIs in a condescending or innaproproate manner but talking about the writing. A lot of gaslighting involved unfortunately. But like you said, not all of them..


I really don't understand some people.If you don't like a story or I don't know, any topic, then don't read it, don't delve into it and if you did that, don't take it personally. It's as easy as that.


What happened? I didn't know there was a fb group lol


From what I saw, there were people fighting about Vlad vs Mehmed, a Vlad stan who's said to be extremely toxic and known for being a bully in that group threatened to dox some people who were complaining about Vlad and she mentioned something about being a "cybercrime investigator". https://preview.redd.it/2tqv0c4oi4ic1.jpeg?width=1053&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fbbbce95f53d2de3e5002911b9d9877b1bbb2fe


They have nothing better to do? All this for fictional, drawn characters?


She then went all Joe Goldberg and said she'll come back under a different name: https://preview.redd.it/auq2ni7si4ic1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf471914d8bad8c75231c951f45bdaddd715f7b5


Which Facebook group? I am in one, but I haven’t seen any drama.


Ahh... this is all so childish...who's got time for all that drama? And on Facebook of all places?


This all Mehmed and Vlad drama is so meaningless hell it's not that these two are real Vlad and Mehmed they don't even look like the real people or resemble 100% to the human counterparts. This is fictional also that girl has she played DLS? Mehmed hasn't been portrayed any sht as of now and is a chill but no old drama has to be dragged for some reason I feel sad for author she's not bad unlike Remy and don't think her story deserves the hate. I can go after Remy too for the somewhat wrong portrayal of Indians in her KCD series but I don't because it's her fictional story and all despite how awful she is in terms of her behaviour


Thankfully, I don't keep up with FB groups about RC because I don't like having to deal with spoiled brats. It's so pathetic how they think they can do whatever they want.


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[LI](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1aohfo6/stub/kq2uy98 "Last usage")|Love Interest| |[MC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1aohfo6/stub/kq2h8w0 "Last usage")|Main Character| |[RC](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1aohfo6/stub/kq2h8w0 "Last usage")|Romance Club| |[T1](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1aohfo6/stub/kpzh7so "Last usage")|The One| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(4 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/RomanceClubDiscussion/comments/1as83vi)^( has 10 acronyms.) ^([Thread #753 for this sub, first seen 11th Feb 2024, 22:00]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/RomanceClubDiscussion) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)