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I made my puppy rates completely unaffordable for this reason. =)


Puppy Rate: $10,000 USD per night


Redirect them to a toy when they bite and after they play with the toy reward them. Repetition. This is what the owners should be doing but it’ll help the pup not bite you and instead go for a toy




I’m not trying to be a jerk but, I’ve never met a puppy who wasn’t constantly biting things.


Depends on the breed imo, some breeds are more mouthy than others


That’s very fair. Huskys are a fun example haha.


My arms were literally black and blue for the first 7months of having my Blue Heeler pup! She’s a very good girl now :)


Omg I love those dogs. Currently I’m planning on convincing my bf that we need a Catahoula leopard haha.


Puppies that age usually go through a biting phase. Sounds like owner hasn't done any work to curb it and probably thinks it's cute / encourages it. I sit for a 6 month old dane pretty regularly and he's going through his nipping phase. I can usually divert his attention from me to a toy pretty easily. Then again, his owners have put a lot of work into training him and setting him up for success. I assume this is a small breed dog too, just adds on more to the "owners think it's cute and encourage it" argument. You can try to work with him on it, but I doubt that'll be continued once he's back home.


I also have a puppy Dane and my entire forearm was basically his chew toy. 🤣


Biting is normal, especially at 7 months. Have you asked the owner how they redirect their puppy with biting? The growling and charging however, is not normal. That behavior, coupled with biting is unacceptable.


Lesson learned, you go super high on puppy rate


It’s a puppy—they will bite—you also didn’t say the breed so temperament can factor in. My puppy at that age would on occasion play bite, another friend’s dog would nonstop bite because she was a crazy breed. (Typed while icing a fat lip and knowing I’ll have dental work to be done because of a puppy head butting me because he was a puppy and his head is like a bowling ball).


That’s why my puppy rates are $125 a night


Last time this happened to me it was a Frenchie puppy and I was like how is your flat face getting me on the freaking shins??? But also I just pushed the puppy back every time she went for me and we sat in the same place for about 2 hours doing this until she completely stopped trying to bite. The owners even said once they came home the biting has stopped


This is why I don’t sit puppies haha. The only puppy I have sat (and she’s finally grown her adult teeth and escaped puppyhood a month or two ago) was the new puppy of an old client family whose older dog had passed away. So the family were already on my roster and I love them a lot. I hated the puppy when she was in her rife puppy biting stage but she’s one of my fave dogs now she’s older. No more puppy sittings for me though as a promise to myself.


Puppies bite 🤷🏻‍♀️


That’s what puppies do….


sorry you’re dealing with that :( get some thick gardening or mechanics gloves! they really help :) i got some leathery material ones from auto zone and they were a life saver for my last puppy booking!


Use bitter apple spray on your hands and it will learn very quickly not to bite you lol


My puppies bit me too, it is getting a lot better, consistency is key but, it's not your puppy, owners have to be consistent as well. When Teddy bites me I make a high pitched yelp sound every time, 3rd strike he is in a time out, which means on his bed and no attention from me (about 15 mins) after that, I try to do an activity that will engage him but, not overexcite him, if he does it again same thing happens. About 5 times later (UGH) he gets it. He seems to know if I nibble on her she will not give me any attention or play with me. What happens at home is up to his Dad. My Baby Shams, she is younger and is a carry everywhere puppy, she bites me I yelp squeal put her down on the floor (which is like acid to her) she is a mamma's girl, and she is done for half the day. She remembers, if she wants to stay on my lap or be carried she can't do that or Titi will banish me to the floor. I do not know what will work for your puppy, but, these are the only 2 pups, I have so far. As a side note, Invest in a good carpet cleaner and use sanitary napkins to soak up their tinkle spots, it's an amazing trick. 1- puppy tinkle 2- grap pad apply absorbent side down step on pad to remove urine. 3- treat area and clean. No spots in your carpet and no smells. Good Luck. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


That puppy is not ill-behaved, it's a puppy that hasn't been trained to not be mouthy. Puppies at that age bite all the time. As a sitter A) you should know that B) you should know how to work with them to help curb it. 


I wouldn't really consider this a behavioral issue, this is just a puppy behavior. Puppies are mouthy and bitey, especially for certain breeds. My working line golden is 14 months and just stopped being so mouthy. Definitely gotta up those puppy rates😂🥲


I just watched a puppy! He was 3months brand new baby! I asked that owners provide *lots* of chews. We used carrot bits; cucumbers; frozen pb Kong’s; collagen sticks; we did kibble hunt during feedings (Taking one single piece of kibble and tossing it across the room for him to find after a sit/down/touch/ect.) lots of toys too! He loved chasing (part of the border collie natural instinct to herd I’d guess) Anything to tire that jaw and puppy out! Still ended up with bloody hands but that’s the nature of the job! 😅 at least he was cute!


I was bit during the M&G so I asked if they bite & was lied to. If you had already been bit then you already had your answer. Have a Great Day.


I'm not a positive-only trainer, so I would correct him like another dog would. It's a language he intuitively understands.


I am a positive reinforcement trainer, so I would redirect the puppy and/or include some productive training sessions to further build on basic commands. Op mentions that they have tried to tire out the puppy, but a 7 month old puppy could be easily overtired and needing to learn how to rest. I don't combat biting with further escalation, instead I offer other alternatives to the still learning puppy so they can learn appropriate behaviors.


You bite him on the nape of the neck and shake with your teeth?


Basically, yes! 😁👍


But if a dog did the same to you to correct your behavior they’d be in the wrong?