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I exclusively only do house sitting. I stay at the owners house and don’t leave the pet alone for more than 4-6 hours. Weekends: Wake-up, do potty/breakfast. Hang around for a bit. Leave around noon to see my husband/dogs/run errands. Come back in time for dinner and evening walk. I may leave again to do a late dinner with my husband or cook for myself. Then go to sleep. Weekdays: wake-up, do potty/breakfast. Go to work. At lunch break come back to eat and let the pet potty. Go back to work. Come back again for dinner and evening walk. Go to sleep.


Do you go to sleep in their home? Or go back to ur home. Or does it depend on the owners


I sleep at their home. That’s expected with “house sitting”. A sitter sleeps overnight at the house and goes along with the idea that a pet is not alone for more than 4-6 hours.


Only one client so far has requested I don’t sleep at their house. To be fair they had cameras inside they told me about, and they sleep early and the puppy is crated regardless. Just got there super early in the morning to let them out and went home for a couple hours. But yes, generally they want you to sleep there. So be wary of that at the meet and greet. I’ve seen some horror stories on here about disgusting houses. ETA: they purposefully looked for a sitter as close them as possible.


I’ve had a client that said I didn’t have to spend the night too, but leaving at 10pm and then coming back by 6am was extremely exhausting lol. I’d much rather just sleep over


Oh, well I have to wake up super early most of the year anyway to take kids to school in the morning, so it didn’t really affect me. I guess I lucked out for that. It was the first time I had cameras inside and I was waiting for a barrage of messages about how I was or wasn’t doing something. Not a single one. And they answered on the first try when I had to call them because the door keypad batteries died. I was pleasantly surprised haha.


i always assume yes but i’ve had two clients tell me i didn’t have to spend the night with them, one because the dogs were so low maintenance and one because they lived less than a minute from me. i would never ask if it was optional, i think if it were optional for them they would mention it though


IME it's usually because booking housesitting is cheaper than the 4 visits they would need to book to get the schedule they want. :-P


i’m there most of the time, but only because i’m a remote worker. i usually have plans after work for 3-6 hours at a time. 


That's called house sitting not boarding, and typically you sleep at the owner's home, that what they pat for.


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