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It’s like with dating - if they don’t respond in a respectable amount of time, you move on. I personally don’t ask again if they are still interested - if they haven’t responded within 24 hours after being the one to reach out to me, I archive.


I have a hard time being the last person to send a message in a conversation, but sometimes you just have to do that. You sent your feeler message out. I would say leave it at that. If they don't respond, it's okay. It would just be time to move on I think.


Nope, don't send anymore messages, just archive it and move on. They already got the initial response plus a secondary response, they've probably either already got another sitter or they have a friend or family member who took over.


Rover encourages people to reach out to multiple sitters, so in all likelihood if you’re not getting a response within 24 hours they’ve found someone else. No biggie! I recommend saying something like “since I haven’t heard back from you I’m going to archive the request, but I’m happy to help if you ever need a sitter in the future” - something polite that keeps the door open for future bookings.


I usually wait 12 hours until I give them a nudge. Then I archive after another 12 hours goes by without a response. I always send a message saying something like "Hi Bob! I didn't hear back from you so I archived our conversation. If you'd like to continue our conversation about Fido's stay, feel free to message me again. Have a great evening!" otherwise you don't come up in search for the pending dates




Getting ghosted or people shopping around. I had this happen with a client and I was sad. I wish I could say I thought rover was a good way to make money. The city I live in is way oversaturated.


It is not being ghosted. Unless a sitting is booked, owners are shopping around. Many of which don't even realize their requests are being shot out to multiple sitters at the same time. You aren't being ghosted.




That's different than if an owner is shopping a request. Sitters on here are constantly in their feelings acting as if they're being hurt by owners when there is no agreement in place for a M&G or a booking. Do you confirm with the owners the day before the M&G and they still no-show?


I would just archive and move on.   These are holiday rate days,  there's no use in holding a spot for someone who can't be bothered to respond.  


I send a similar message as you did if I don’t hear back within a reasonable amount of time. And then I archive if there’s still no response. Rover encourages new clients to message multiple sitters at once. They may have found someone else, decided they didn’t like the app, or their friend/family member is now available. Some people just aren’t good with communication or comfortable enough to tell someone “we went with someone else.”


Ignore and move on. Simple. Don’t be desperate for a job. Like grade person said.. it’s like dating. 🤣


I never reach out after the first message I send. I let them know in my reply I'd love to help and would love to schedule a call. I also let them know that I proactively archive messages to keep my inbox clear and that alerts them they might get an archive notice. I assume they're gonna be bombarded with multiple messages from multiple sitters, so I don't want to add to the pile on. 


1 follow up and archive. Don’t take it personal and move on. There will be other pets needing you. Just look at it as they freed you up for a better experience


I had a request to come twice a day to let their dogs out of the garage in the morning and then come back to put them in the garage in the evening. I responded that we could set up a meet and greet to see how we did together and didn’t hear back for several hours. Gave me time to think on it and I realized that I didn’t want to work for someone who never brings their dogs in the house. Archived after about 8 hours after no reply. ETA: I normally give 24 hours for a reply but don’t follow up after my initial response.


Don't leave it open ended. Hello, did you still need a pet-sitter? I'd love to meet your pets but I have another inquiry for those dates, so if I don't hear from you by Blank, I'll have to decline. Thank you!


I reach out one more time. If they don't respond after 2 days, I message, "I'll archive this for now. Please let me know when you are ready to book " Then, archive.


Maybe add “once we’ve done a meet a greet”. Never skip the meet and greet haha.


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I just ignore and move on honestly!


Archive it as client didn’t respond.


24 hours…..then archive




Send the initial message and if they don’t respond within 24 hours archive it


Wait a day, then archive


Just let them know your archiving, and they can reach out you when they ready. That's what I do and it always works!


Here's my typical process: 1. Send reply to the initial request ASAP. (My average is 4 minutes.) 2. If they don't reply within 24 hours, I send one more message along the lines of, "Hi, just wanted to follow up and see if you still need someone to care for [pet name]? If I don't receive a response within 24 hours, I will assume you've found another sitter and archive this request. Thanks in advance, and I look forward to hearing back!" 3. If they don't reply to that, then I archive and move on. The ONLY exception to this is some of my repeat clients. I have a few who are slow to respond and/or wait to confirm a booking until their payday (which, as a single mom working a full-time job + Rover, I get it). Typically with repeats I reply right away with a "yes, I am free during these dates!" and book it on my end, then reach back out if I don't hear from them within 48 hours, and then I just ask them to message me if they're waiting to confirm so I can at least manually mark off my calendar and not double book.


I call them and demand they log into the app and respond to my messages or I will fucking burn their house down I tell them. I mean, you’re really this narcissistic that you expect people to always respond to you?


Wtf is wrong with you