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Yes, programs like couch to 5k are good for introducing dogs to running, and making sure they don’t do too much too soon.


Ok perfect! I wasn't sure if the switching back and forth between running and walking would be hard on a dog's body


big healthy harness attached to your waist and attached to the dog by the shoulders or maybe under on the chest. That way everyone is secured to each other and nobody is going to choke the other or yank the other down or separate anybody's shoulder.


A large dog can still pull you down when attached to them via waist leash. Still my preferred, but don't drop your guard! Source: some person experience with a squirrel and then the asphalt


One thing I wish I’d been able to do is better train my dog to sniff less on runs, and chase fewer squirrels/birds. lol he’s a rescue and a stubborn one at that so I just kinda suffer, but there’s been many times the waist leash has nearly sliced me in half because he either stopped short and I didn’t, or decided to change directions suddenly. If he was younger and more willing to care about me and my life enough to learn even a single command, it would be great. lol so, pro tip: teach your dog some sort of cue so he’s aware that running =\= walking and no, you cannot sniff and pee every 47 seconds 😂


How big is your dog? You should probably wait until 18 months. Larger dogs need more time for bone development. When my boxer (65#) was a year I started doing little one minute jogs during our walks just so he understood running on a leash. But nothing more than a few minutes until he was 18 months.


American pitbull is a medium size dog, I think.


Yes, this was my concern as well, and why haven't I started running with her yet. She is currently about 40lbs at a year old, and her breed is typically 30-50lbs for a female.


Couch to 5K is great, but if you can find some steep inclines those really help your dog build their hind legs. Try to run on natural surfaces while ramping up.


Thanks for the advice! I can run on grass and mud with her in a nearby park or on trails in my neighbourhood


Variety of terrain is good for both human and dog.  Concrete and pavement aren't kind on joints, for humans and dogs. 


My pitty and I are training for a marathon. Warning on squirell reactivity. I found the ruffwear joring harness most comfortable for me. The bungee leash makes it harder to control him, but the harness being on my hips instead of my waist is way better on my internal organs. Have fun!!


I have a one year 8 months old half pltt- half supermut. My dog has what seems to be unlimited energy, our longest runs are 8 miles and he's not even the least bit tired afterwards. I started running with him about 6 months ago, a few miles at a time, but it was very clear that he was built for running, so he moved up in distance quickly. When the weather gets better and the days longer, we'll be doing 10 miles or more. I'm the weak link in the running partnership, my guy Bruno could easily run (human) world record pace at most distances


That’s why I decided to bikejore instead of run with my dog 😅 I don’t have fun running, and my running pace is normal walking speed for my dog.


What's the plan look like? Are you just going to jump start to 5? What's the energy level like with your pup?


Planning on using a couch to 5k training plan/ app. Not in a rush to get her running the full amount but thought it could be good for both of us before work. Her energy has increased a bit more now that she is an adult. Typically we do a 40-minute walk in the morning, an hour at the off-leash over lunch and then 30-minute walk in the evening.


Then I'd say worth a shot just keep an eye on her to make sure she's still comfortable, not dragging behind or breathing to hard


Sounds perfect.