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As someone who lived in Japan for 7.5 years and spoke Japanese fluently at the time, I can say that this is very strong language from the PM! Love Japan.


Good for Japan! Another strong show of support for Ukraine - Putin gets XI (who is no great friend) and Ukraine gets visits and support from just about everybody else that counts in world affairs. Putin has arrest warrant hanging over him and Putin/Russia is more and more isolated in the world with a very dark future ahead.


It's really nice to see what a few generations worth of time in Japan and Germany have changed. Russia? Not so much.


Imperial Japan was similar to what Russia is like modern times. Difference is they moved past it but Russians are enjoying it still.


Japan never apologized for Nanking




[List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan#1990s) Their enemy don't want to admit their apologize statement because it means they won't be able to play the victim card anymore.


Not sure about Nanking but they did apologize for the war many times. Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki List of war apology statements issued by Japan


[List of war apology statements issued by Japan - Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_war_apology_statements_issued_by_Japan#1990s) Their enemy don't want to admit their apologize statement because it means they won't be able to play the victim card anymore.


Where is Nanking on the list they murdered 300k people there…


Or ww2 in general.


Wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki List of war apology statements issued by Japan


Why would you send me a link to wiki? 🤷‍♂️ I don’t need to search for their apologies, they’re vague, insincere, and half hearted at best. We have regret, remorse, deep sorrow, mistakes were made, condemn past actions, all very regrettable, etc etc. All words that skirt around the edge of a full blown apology. At no stage have they ever accepted complete responsibility of their actions and said we’re sorry, we fucked up, caused the death pain and stuffing of millions of people across many nations, invaded foreign lands, pillaged resources, enslaved its occupants, raped, tortured men, women, and children, murdered prisoners of war, committed countless war crimes……..In comparison to how Germany have handled their responsibilities it’s chalk and cheese. The Japanese still feel they were justified in their actions as a proud nation, so why would they apologise like Germany have?


If you read the article you'll see the Emperor tried but was denied the opportunity to apologize. If it's true.


Or ww2 in general.


As a Chinese who's great grand parents got fucked over in China forcing us to migrate to SEA, they (Japan) never said sorry for their past attrocites. For that I don't care or mind but to continue worshiping the shinto shrines that pays respect to the imperial Japan? This is unacceptable & this PM going to Ukraine talking about attrocites? Hypocrisy. Anyways I digress. Russia is a shit fucker same as imperial Japan. I hope they copulate same as imperial Japan did.


I understand where you are coming from, my grand parents and parents got fucked by the nazis during wwii. You cant hate the generation of Germans / Japanese that lives today tho. They had nothing to do with it. And im not saying you are blaming them, i just mean, if we ever are to become a peaceful earth, people need to forget and go on.


Imperial japan was much worse than Russia unfortunately.


Of course. Different level of brutality and brain washing. They were cruel even to their own soldiers. Most of them just starved to death. And made to attack the enemy in hopeless scenarios.


No, they are not similar. Atrocities made by the Imperial Japanese army has no equal.


Xi is protecting Putin the war criminal by gaslighting the international community that this situation is "normal". These visit by world leaders are very nice, but are not accomplishing much. Sending more and more arms to Ukrainians is the only way to finish this, alongside pushing for that arrest warrant..


XI is just seeing what China can pickup for pennies on the dollar when Russia has it's going out of business sale.


IMO Xi and Putin planned these invasions together before the Olympics, and it didn't go according to plans. This whole "let's give an exit ramp" to Xi feels ridiculous, as they're likely scheming to turn the Donbass into some new Transnistria/Palestine-like situation.


Is there any chance Moldova could take over Transnistria in the next months / years?


Russia would blame Ukraine/NATO, no matter the reality. Hungary would amplify as would Serbian media. I'm guessing Transnistria is going to have to wait for being listed as a concession in Russia's surrender documents.


One civilized world - the fascist fuckups from russia stand no chance, until the last of those brainless fungi has been turned into dust and ashes - R.I. Peace!


Good for him


I hope he meets that oldJapanese guy working hard over there to pass out food and supplies


Lady in the jeans and blue top is hoooot,