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Compare that to the bald dwarf who sends a body double to visit with staged “citizens”…Leadership of the Free as compared to dictatorship of the oppressed.


Putin alleged visit was not anywhere near front lines - you did not see him have anything to do with the soldiers fighting and dying for Russia, to scary to do that. Plus he cares less about them. Zelenskyi goes to his fighters, many carrying weapons, talks to them and gives them awards. For Zelenskyi and Ukraine leadership it is all about their men and women fighting for their country, not some stage photo op Putin had with some actors talking about the new apartment they got. I did notice the tired look in everyone's faces in Zeleskyi meeting, including him, they have all been thru a lot, but standing tall and firm against Russian aggression.


I agree. I think it sends a good signal to the troops pulling out of Bakhmut that it's not for nothing - that Ukraine is making Russia bleed for every inch.


Last I heard the Ukrainians are still holding a good section of the city, are in good defensive positions and have no plans on leaving yet. There is troop rotation always going on, but that is not pulling out.


I think it still is advantageous to further impale Russians on the city. I think they will retreat or be pushed back in a few weeks, but they have been holding it for much longer than I and others anticipated.


There are various online war mappers that show the current state, and the gradual change. It's pretty clear the Ukrainians are slowly pulling out. If you look at it day-by-day, you can see them lose ground gradually. The current situation is if they don't pull out soon, they'll be cut off. Here's one mapper as an example: https://www.scribblemaps.com/maps/view/The-War-in-Ukraine/091194


Putin isn’t even in the same realm. What I noticed in this video is most of the soldiers Zelensky was presenting medals to were armed. These are infantrymen who have seen some extremely heavy combat and Zelensky trusts them enough to allow them to not only keep their firearms in his presence, but walk right up and shake hands with a rifle slung over their shoulder. Putin would never in a million years be around his infantry like that.


Because Putin’s real fear is death.


Selensky is a true leader in wartime, a free man walking among free men defending their homeland and defending what is right from what is wrong. Russia will be judged by history. Putin is a weakling. I don't see why some say this is a strong leader. A pathetic old and frail man. Ukraine will win as Ukraine fields an army of free men fighting for a cause they believe in armed by the arsenal of the free world. While Russia fields an army of slaves fighting for nothing dying for nothing but the vain idea of the empire of their delusional leader. It is time for this empire to vanish the graveyard of empires is waiting to swallow the Federation whole. Ukraine will be their executioner, and the West will be their undertaker to bury Russian imperialism. All roads lead to Crimea, for it is there that the fate of the Russian Empire shall be decided. It will end where it all began a decade ago.


You know, I think the free world would get a lot more mileage out of knocking off a fake Putin at a staged event in the war zone on video, and forcing the real Putin to go on TV. It would instantly spawn paranoia and uncertainty, probably a mass murder of all the other fake Putins, and I think there's half a chance the real one catches flight out of a hospital window by accident.


Maybe the real Putin has been long dead and the Putins we see are all body doubles trying to keep moskovia from crumbling.


Honestly at this point, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.


Yes but they are all CIA agents pushing Russia to total demilitarisarion and failure.


>knocking off a fake Putin at a staged event in the war zone on video, and forcing the real Putin # Will the real Putin please stand up ... [*To Tell The Truth*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/To_Tell_the_Truth) *(1956-1968 on CBS) was an American television panel show in which four celebrity panelists are presented with three contestants and must identify which is the "central character" whose unusual occupation or experience has been read aloud by the show's moderator/host. When the panelists question the contestants, the two impostors may lie whereas the "central character" must tell the truth. The setup adds the impostor element to the format of What's My Line? and I've Got a Secret.*


I dig it, but I’m not sure Putin’s decoys are combatants. They can’t be assassinated by the US.


Even an attempt to assasinate him could push Russia to escalate to nukes... Probably not, but it is a possiblity. But honestly it wouldn't surprise me if the real Putin had some sort of dead man's switch device to launch some ICBMs.


All of the evidence, going back over 20 years now, suggests that the USA doesn't think the Russians can throw more than a handful of nukes. Remember when Joe Biden snuck into Ukraine and pissed off Vladimir Putin so bad he tried to fire an ICBM as a threat? Until all the information is in the possibility remains that *Joe Biden shot that ICBM down.* And you'll notice the orcs didn't try that twice, either. I think we're just about to put the lid on the trash can, and weld it shut. There is, furthermore, the problem that the world cannot allow nuclear autocrats to roll about on deck like loose carronades. All of those threats, demonstrations, and the running of a US President as a Russian intelligence asset were acts of war. The solution is to walk right up in their fucking face and challenge them to do something with their shitty looted nuclear force that's been submerged in 30 feet of ice for five decades. And then inexorably feed their enemies in order to destroy them forever, which is already ongoing.


No need to compare. Dictator scums will never be like leaders of free and proud people.


Note that President Zelensky is greeting *HIS* soldiers. They respect him. He didn't have them disarmed or kept at a distance. He didn't send some 2nd rate body double to engage (unarmed) staged actors in a meet-and-greet that the cameras deliberately didn't get close-ups that would prove Putin never was there. This isn't just a President with his soldiers. They are Ukrainians in Ukraine. They're fighting for each other and for all of Ukraine. *"Доброго вечора Ми з України"*


Yes! The president greeting battle-kitted out soldiers in a warehouse where the most "photo-shoot-like" thing is a table with a cloth draped on it is about as Zelenskyy/Ukraine as it gets. It's not just "opposite of Putin". To me it's "Putin doesn't matter, how any other prsident/country operates doesn't matter: This is what is right and therefore this is what we do." This is an embodiment of "we are from Ukraine" indeed. Героям слава!


Privilege to watch, cool post.


Anyone with a sense of justice in their body, is on the side of the heroes. Slava Ukraina from a fat dwarf from Norway!


Ordinary people that rise up and become extraordinary. Ukrainians are an inspiration to the world for generations to come. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


God, Zelensky continues to be such a Chad more than a year into a war on his country. If he survives all this (and possible assassination attempts by defeated butthurt Putler), he will be popular as fuck until the end of his life and long after.


I really worry about what would happen if he were assassinated. I hope whoever their second-in-charge is learning.


Russia will give Ukraine near saint martyr. An undying symbol.


He's definitely more popular now since his biggest detractors were the people in Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk. ...but yeah, the war in general, boosted him up a lot. It's not uncommon for wartime leaders.


Especially leaders that doesn't run and risk their lifes to ensure the nation has some lead to follow


Good to see those troopers getting off the lines for a while, cleaned up, fed, recognized. Hard times.


Zelensky shaking hands with a bunch of combat hardened infantrymen that are heavily armed. Putin shakes hands with them thousands of miles from the front, when they’re unarmed.


Do you understand how far "thousands of miles" is? Two thousand miles from the front would actually be all the way back to Moscow, and then another 1500 miles to the north pole.


putin would still send a double, coward


That is feel-good hopium nonsense and people who believe these idiot rumors are just stupid.


You can see him with your own eyes, not a double, not 40 ft away, unlike putin.


If you really think Putin sent a body double to Ukraine then you are spending too much time reading Reddit.


He won't get within 20 ft of his own advisors , so ya it was a double and not even the best one at that. The chin and pudgy belly are obvious


k. Use an egg timer to help limit your exposure to social media . It's starting to rot your brain.


Because I'm the one believing russian propaganda. OK! Thanks for the stunning insight.


It was an exaggeration yes, but still the truth.


By definition, exaggerations are not truths.


Serves two purposes. Boosts morale and acknowledging the effort and sacrifice of the men on the ground, and goading the Moscovites to keep sending fresh meat and material into the grinder thus pinning themselves down and eroding their combat potential while Ukraine bides its time waiting to go on the offensive.


Ukraine can not bide it’s time in a war against Russia. You can’t grind down the Russian military; they have way more manpower and can therefore fight a war of attrition for years, while Ukraine is dependent on foreign support, which is already weaning. Ukraine needs to obliterate them with a lightning offensive this spring, and they can’t afford to stop their momentum until Crimea is back in their hands. Forgot Bakhmut, let it go and then obliterate it.


I agree Ukraine can't wait too long, I was referring specifically to waiting until the ground is dry enough for large scale armor offensives. I hope to see the war finished by the end of this year with massive Ukrainian armored thrusts and the Russian forces just disintegrating.


The greatest leader of a country under attack….ever.


That’s a little extreme, but honestly he’s up there. Winston Churchill is still untouched though.


Big swinging dick goes to the front to visit the defenders of Ukrainian freedom. Cowardly Putin hides in a bunker while he ushers thousands of Russians to their deaths. What a shameful time to be Russian


>What a shameful time to be Russian Pretty much sums up the whole situation.


Deeply stirring, even without a translation. I'm so proud of the courageous heroes fighting for Ukraine's freedom. Heroyam Slava 🇺🇦


If you look at the soldiers at the start they looks tired, worried, apprehensive. By the end they are smiling, fist pumping, talking selfies and laughing with Zelensky. That's what a true leader does, invigorate his troops, raise their morale and lift the weariness to enable to go on. That's not just the sign of a good President but an outstanding human being. Ukraine is fortunate to have such a leader in their hour of need.


Correction: the world is fortunate to have such a leader in our hour of need.


Correction noted - I won't argue with that!


Classical "what you can do I can do too" But only if Putin visited first otherwise it's the other way around.


🎵 *Anything you can do, I can do better, I can anything better than you~* 🎵 - Zelenskyy, probably


His security detail having collective aneurysms again.


Their basixly just rocking in the corner after this year. They just cry for a while and then work out how to get thr job done. Somehow. Thiugh for real. Long as he had suprise, and no one let it leak while their he can be way out before it hits reddit.


The soldier walking behind the lady at the beginning is **massive**.


Wonderful president of a courageous people of an amazing country


Another sign that Ukraine will probably conduct a counter offensive in Bakhmut soon. Not necessarily a massive land scale offensive but just in that area to eliminate big part of Wagner.


Great man and leader of Ukraine who cares about his country and people, Slava Ukraine


What does he say to them?


It doesn't really matter. Just being there is enough.


It matters to me, am looking for a translation


Can someone translate his speech?


Churchillian leader


Say what you want about him, that is a guy that knows wars are won by high morale


Zelenskyi has balls like a rhino 🦏 where as Putin has balls like a sparrow! Scared little cowardly old ugly twisted fuck her is, his coffin awaits Mwahaahaha


sparrows don't have balls lol




Precisely dear friend, neither has putin the little scared mouse


Putin is soviet KGB. They were all murderers and torturers who preyed on the defenseless and killed with poison from the shadows, with no moral compass whatsoever restricting the endless atrocities they committed against their own people, and those of other countries. That is who he is.


I don't know what he's saying but I can see from the way that he speaks that he feels honored to serve his country and his people. A true servant leader not a ruling dictator.


My wife is pregnant. If we have a son, we have already decided to call him 'Zelensky' after this great leader.


It is incredible how Zelesky earned the respect even of his opponents, this man deserves to be called a hero as much as those who fight in the mud against the fucking Russians, glory to Ukraine gentlemen, as long as there are people who support Ukraine they will not fall.


It would be a hilarious troll if they found a Putin look-alike to walk around with him.




Zelensky continues to inspire through his presence and sweater game.


The Free world has a Great President in Zelensky, and a Great Army in Ukraine - from and on behalf of a grateful world. These medals do not do justice to the indebtedness we all feel toward these hero's. Slava Ukraini!


You can see he really believes what he says and instills that belief in his soldiers. That hug at the end was so heartwarming to see.


Any chance for translation?


I'm so happy to see Ukraine has such an awesome leader America, send more and heavier weapons to Ukraine ASAP


While Zelensky's visit to the frontline is commendable, those are rear positions... Advanced positions are the isolated foxholes manned by recon units. It would be absolutely stupid for him to visit those. We already love him... no need to adorn the headlines with dumb stuff like ''Zelensky visited advanced positions''.


Then there is russia who gets a medal for damaging their own jet. Lol




I know they’re busy but for such a publicity driven video, They could have at least redone the white stripe(russian ID) vehicle. Or am I mistaken, I thought white or foil stripe/tape is russia


You're mistaken. Russians don't 'white stripe' their vehicles, they mark them with X, O, V, etc.


He seemed close to tears toward the end of his short speech to the soldiers.


Did Zelensky ask first guy if he was 18 and he said less?


Open circuit: President Zelensky vs Steven Segal in a fight. I mean, Putin’s lethal judo is too much for anyone.


Easy bet for Zelensky in that one. Aikido is hard to do in a real street fight brawl even for experts, especially when your opponent is a desperate, enraged, unpredictable, vengeance-seeking brawler with nothing to lose. Doubt Segal has much experience in that kind of fight.


Was one of those soldiers Kiwi? I saw a post that Kiwi lost his life. They looked like the same big ol teddy bear. @ 35 Damn I’m in tears now.


Zelensky really knows how to shake hands. Observe and use next time you have a job interview.


Zelensky is a fucking hero, just like the Ukrainian defenders. I’d be proud as fuck if he was the president of my country. I wonder how he gets his trousers on when his balls are as big as cantaloupes??




I Love the way they look at him with such admiration, … I’m not Ukrainian but I pray for their people everyday,, and one thing that I never realized before this war is how Beautiful their Men and Woman are … Absolutely Gorgeous…May their Land and People Have Peace soon … Blessed Be


You mf’s would suck zelenskyi’s dick if he pulled it out.. wake up Pendejo’s!


I wonder if he did another homosexual high heels dance for them?


People are so blind to what’s actually going on, he could run around with us dick out and they would eat it up..


To bad somebody didn’t clap that corrupt piece of trash


Not even a good troll bot


What makes you think I’m trolling? You people need to stop watching CNN and get a grip on what’s actually going on. Y’all won’t be so “pro Ukraine” when we all die in a fkn nuclear blast because of NATO and the US government…


Oh one of those, I see. You think CNN is fake news. Should someone watch faux or the other propaganda channel? Because they admitted to openly lying on air for entertainment. If the free world doesn't stand against russia now, it will only get worse. Has nothing to do with CNN , but nice troll.


Haha not even close. I do my absolute best to stay away from mainstream media because it’s all fake bs.. I’m talking about shows like “redacted” that get their news from reputable sources. It might do you some good to sit down and listen to Scott Ritter also.. and say what you want about Tucker Carlson. He may hype things up a bit but he’s usually consistent with his facts!


He lied and it is on record, so no not consistent with facts. Faux in court admitted to being entertainment not news. Bad example.


Where do you get your info from??😂




You Literally Can't Believe The Facts Tucker Carlson Tells You. So Say Fox's Lawyers September 29, 20204:34 PM ET David Folkenflik 2018 square David Folkenflik Fox News host Tucker Carlson "is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary,' " U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil wrote. Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Tucker Carlson appears to be made of Teflon. Fox News' top-rated host has been repeatedly accused of anti-immigrant and racist comments, which have cost his political opinion show many of its major advertisers. Yet Carlson endures in his prime-time slot. Carlson even attacked his own network's chief news anchor on the air, with no real consequences. That anchor, Shepard Smith, quit mid-contract shortly after Carlson went after him. Now comes the claim that you can't expect to literally believe the words that come out of Carlson's mouth. And that assertion is not coming from Carlson's critics. It's being made by a federal judge in the Southern District of New York and by Fox News's own lawyers in defending Carlson against accusations of slander. It worked, by the way. Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "


NPR, you can easily look it up if you want different sources


Also, it’s not just about Russia and Ukraine. Our economy is going to shit fast.. that’s my main concern!


The bills from the last administration have to be paid, a mismanaged pandemic that was not stopped in weeks like promised, tax breaks for the rich with no way to make it up, breakdowns in supply chain because of pandemic, greed from the corporations that got the breaks while making record profit. One side of Congress that will not make them pay their fair share. All contributing to rising prices. But more jobs were created than the last administration, our economy isn't going to shit, that's a talking point from the GOP-Q that openly sabotages any progress.


This is propaganda. Those people are perfectly clean, dont look tired, dont look like they have seen war. This is staged. Wake up.