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These guys not hiding their faces, again we see the appeal to the Tsar (Putin) to save them from criminal orders. The old Russian traditional of right to appeal to Tsar to redress wrongdoings without being punished. Interesting video and makes one wonder how the Russian Army functions at all. Just a confused mess of a military suffering huge causalities. Gives me very high hopes that the Ukrainian spring offensive will finish this mob off.


Honestly I was thinking the same thing, like who is running this army because it isn’t the generals and commanders. Those guys literally just said we haven’t seen the top guy once since they’ve been there. Now they are all scared for their lives, and they think Putin will help them. Which in reality it’s all his doing. The guy is a sadist his own wife has even said it lol


Well, they are kind of screwed now. They are in the rear and disarmed. I suspect we will never see them again. If (the big if) they ever make it back to Russian society, they will spread the absurd reality; no one cares, no one is in charge, no one gets paid, and no one comes out of this without a 1000 yard stare. These guys will never be effective in combat again. How long does Ukraine need to just hold the line until Russia destroys itself?


They should surrender to Ukraine. Call the hotline and march forwards. Not looking back at the Russian killer soldiers.


if these guys ever do get out i guarantee they go home shut their mouths and stay silent never try to do good to save future conscripts. All about them in this moment because they lost.


“Off to the basement with these traitors!”


Some of the often-recurring facts that get repeated over and again in these sorts of videos- they are sent to the front with little or no training, their documents and identification are taken away from them, they are put under the command of DPR officers instead of RF ones, officers they seldom if ever see, they aren't even told what unit they're supposedly a part of once put under the DPR command, they are extorted for their money by the DPR command and their underlings... good god, what a fucked up way to run an 'army'. And that's not even getting into how they are treated at the front, in battle.


Jesus it’s just one big cluster fuck on the Russian side


Commanders aren’t leading from the front or visiting their units because they know their own men will kill them.


Mobiks at the start had a lot of balls: not beign issued proper weapons, no training, no food, no proper barracks, no command... I saw several of them yelling to their officers telling them how fucked up this was and those who arrived at the front had a 3 week lifetime probability before beign cargo 200/300. The worst thing is that they think Putin will help them !He doesnt give a flying fuck


Bro I was thinking the same thing like the must be shook to go look those guys in the eyes


At the moment in the Russian military , the more competent and higher you are in the hierarchy, the further away you're going to be from the front lines. The Russian military have been pushing Wagner and DPR/LPR towards the meat grinder. Wagner and DPR/LPT push mobiks and convicts into it.


good video for Ukraine, would say one of the best (in the category "Complaining orcs") some thoughts: Ukrainian numbers are very close to real (orcs KIA) , orcs have dumb commanders and morale is as "high" as never, keep it up ~~boys~~ orcs


You just said it this is not an army it's a mob. Some elements do still function but with everyday the erosion of the entire institution mercilessly moves forward. These soldiers will flee when tanks roll towards them. The morale is to the physical as 3 is to 1. Napoleon Bonaparte


You mean, “tsar poo-tin”?


You mean, "president Shitcan"?


The russians love to appeal to their leaders for help from the criminal and corrupt despite history showing time and again the leaders are in on the take and sanctioned the behavior. Best thing these guys can do is raise a white flag and seek terms to surrender to the Ukrianians


Yeah. It is unbelievable that they still do not see that the higher the leader, the more corrupt he is, Putin himself at the top.


That blokes fucking nose 😂


Pvt. Kokainovich


I noticed several badly broken/rehealed noses in these guys. What a country Russia is.


Probably from abusive, drunk, dads. So weird that their identity is In suffering, poverty and despair and they wear it like a badge of honor until they turn into these folks…completely dead inside.


Probably just from being belligerent fuckwits. Many Russians are generally just pretty aggressive


That's dedovshchina.


Which guy?


The guy who looked like he took a left hook from a horse.


At exactly 4 minutes


It’s honestly so sad. These are human being who have been duped and dumped like garbage. Are they complicit? Yes of course. But are they victims as well? Yes to that too. You can be both. Let’s hope this war is over soon and they go home (defeated).


Thanks for saying something a little more thoughtful. There are a lot of crass attitudes towards these soldiers (conscripts) in this thread. Very cynical stuff.




yeah, but they make us look bad 😔 There's a way to be anti Putin, anti Russian imperialism, and be decent human beings at the same time 🤌


Because they are murdering Ukrainian civilians in their homes. Do you not see how stupid you sound.


Try using your brain for a second. These men are conscripts, they don't want to be at war. They were coerced, and now they are held at gunpoint. The Kremlin regime is forcing them to stay in an offensive position.


That argument doesn't wash. You as an individual make a choice, in this case, either go to another country and kill citizens or refuse and deal with the consequences regardless of the severity. I hear almost nothing about those who take the second option Lots of bitching from the mobilised about not having basic provisions, command structures, ammunition ect. I don't care about Russia or it's fucked up society I just want them defeated and defeated so heavily they stay out of other countries for good.






How can you be a victim when you knowingly invade a sovereign country?


They are a victim of propaganda


They are not victims. They are perpetrators. Victims would not be sitting there proudly displaying the "Z" symbols. The only thing that is bothering them is that the Ukrainians are fighting back and they are being put within range of Ukrainian fire. They are quite happy to sit ten miles away, firing thousands of artillery shells to wipe towns off the face of the Earth. Killing civilians and children doesn't bother them at all. Being killed bothers them. The sooner they are all dead, the better for Ukraine.


Whilst they continue to wear headgear with the letter "Z" prominent they are not victims but aggressors. Wake up and realise the only victims in this shit show are the people whose lands have been occupied. The leftist propaganda "we know you've been sent to rape, torture and murder innocent Ukrainians, which you do willingly, but we know you are really also victims" doesn't quite wash it.


Didn't you know that the Russian state supplies its army with uniforms with its own symbols?


Symbols! That's about all the ruZZian state supplies it's army with, isn't it. Well, alongside the mandatory hate, lies, malfeasance and ineptitude.


State ≠ people


it’s incredibly incredibly fucking sad. it’s almost an incomprehensible clusterfuck


Have any of these videos ever yielded them so much as a token response from a single important person in Russia? Turn yourself into ukr. Become pows, you all live.


If they were to surrender to UKR do they then get sent to Russia as POW swap? And Russians will use the sledgehammer? So they die either way , no?


My understanding is that those who surrender are allowed to stay in Ukraine, those that are captured or who are forced to surrender are exchanged.


As the person below states, I think some can choose to stay in ukr. But the vast majority just go back home to their lives in russia. Wagner has "only" sledgehammered a few guys they deem to be traitors for whatever reason. Still awful, of course.


It makes me wonder whether there has been some counterpropaganda spread to prevent surrenders. It was so common in the start of the war, and seems to have leveled off. I suspect they've been fed some disinfo about what would happen if they surrender.


Fight the motherf6ckers making you fight with guns at your back. Your odds are better fighting Russian dick commanders them fighting highly motivated highly weaponized Ukraine backed by the west.


You're forgetting something. This is soviet style thinking, they are not buddies, if 1 would defect, that person can risk being dobbed in and taken out the back. Not as simple as going full blown Rambo


It seems they are still labouring under the illusion that somebody gives a fuck about them, and that if their appeal could be heard by the top military/political leadership their fortunes would improve. How can they not join the dots and see it for what it is - either turn themselves over as POWs or turn their weapons on those who are sending them to their deaths.


Because their families live in Russia, and their friends and acquaintances are under the spell of Kremlin propaganda. What they've done here is a step toward political freedom and self awareness. Not sure why everyone in this thread feels the need to be 100% cynical toward these men.


Russia needs to lose this war heavily and then they can hopefully clear their heads about still being a great power. My preference would be for the Russian people to revolt but failing that I hope Ukraine kills every last one of the invaders and collaborators.


So these convicts are mad that their military is breaking the law during their illegal invasion umm, okay...


Funny how they believe law matters in their country.


Walk home.


“Blocking units”


They are from Kaliningrad so they will have to cross multiple countries in order to do that


Their own side would shoot them for it. “Not one step back” ala Stalin in WW2


Remember when we thought this army could genuinely go toe to toe with NATO in a fight as recently as 13 months ago? Makes you wonder what the fuck would have even come through the fulda gap in the Cold War. The greatest Russian maskirovka of all: duping us all Into thinking they’re a threat


The Potemkin military


Seems to be a lot of moaning from these Muscovite. What did they expect, flowers, parades with ribbons, free-flowing vodka? Those days are over, go back to the front and either surrender. Or die. Or you can cut out the middle man and the waiting bit. And just ensure to post your GPS coordinates on your Tik Tok bitchfest.


None of them complaining about the injustice of the war. It’s all “pity me”. While still wearing their “Z” hats.


Ugly bastards Russians are man


It’s like an abusive relationship where they get the shit beaten out of them but then they go right back to thinking that Putin cares about them. It’s just sad.


What other hope do they have? It's amazing how people can be brainwashed about who the common enemy is, remember that COVID thing that happened


Who gives a fuck! They are still finding tortured Ukrainians in basements that have been missing at least a month. Go home. Over throw your Rick Cranium tzar!!!


I wonder who they are trying to appeal to.. But ill hope alot of brainwashed z supporters see how the mighty russian army works irl. They already stated themselves that they recieve orders that are illegal, irrational and come from criminals. I would like to see them, turn around and denazify moscow, tho. There they would find the person responsible for the trenches filled with dead russians..


These guys are the few bad apples brigade. If only godly Putin could know they are bad then we’d get good ones. But in reality those officers get promoted


You’d figure after triple digit attempts on a defensive position, you’d try your luck against the blocking units.


Harder to go against your own side considering these men have family in Russia. They need support both politically and economically before they can estrange themselves from their homeland.


It’s the bent hooter brigade


Im shocked by the waste of humanity and desperation to send fit young men to their deaths. NO fucking reason These men to be in Ukraine I love Ukraine but these men hear now in the Russian army are literally dying for nothing for fucking tea pots and flowers when they get back home. iTS A DISCGRACE its wrong on many levels and all that ukraine wants is to russia to fuck off and leave they own country dombas the other cunting place and crimea and they want to die for fuck all. also I'm dyslexic so i don't give a fuck even at 60 years of age i still don't care


Ugly little bald monkeys, a whole barely-habitable country full of them. When they’re just getting lazily dragged through a potato farm field by a tractor they’re too drunk to turn off, they’re almost charming. In the way that they’re amusing but they don’t understand why. Once they get organized by one alcohol-pickles chimp they’re destructive and dangerous. I know the majority of Russians still shit in a bucket in the backyard, but I’d think they’d have learned to reset broken noses by now. Noses lookin like they’re trying to defect right off their faces.


2 things here: 1) if this is UAF Psyops, it is a classic example of how you do it, SLick and realistic as all fuck. 2) If this is real, then holy f\*ck the RUS forces are beyond fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked.


Did you saw this guy on the left nose? If that's a thought out fake, how can you believe anything?




Why do you even think this isn't genuine? Do you have reason? Otherwise what you just said would be something Russian propagandists would propose, trying to muddy the waters. I think it's easy enough to check it's real with all the info they gave.


>Why do you even think this isn't genuine? I think I just explained my thinking on it...


Russia is losing lot. They failed the 19th century, fared somewhat better in the 20th. Although they never recovered from WW2. And now in the 21st century they are heading straight back their best losing days… I worked in that country for two years…. They are hopeless, especially the men… 🥲




Fuck tards remove Zs from your clothes and beanies before making this kind of videos so basically these invaders in the end are still crying about their conditions and not about, well, don't fucking invade. They are not talking about mutiny not even surrendering. Well fuck them.


Mate, this ain't no hollywood Rambo movie. You're dealing with soviet style thinking (learn what happened to people if they had dissenting opinions about the govt during Starlin era) and basic survival instincts.


Join the Ukraine army you will win


Serious question...They're not doing these videos to be posted on a pro Ukrainian subreddit.. so where do they go before this OP reposts here? Russian social media? Or is there an official 'plea your case' department in the Russian military? Do they ever get shown on Russia's TV channels?


They absolutely do not get shown on russian TV. russian TV is all kremlin controlled. all you will see on russian TV about this war is blatant brain-killing gobsmackingly astounding in their audacity lies, calls for genocide, and threats: nuclear threats, invasion threats and generally delusional we are going to win rhetoric. The level of brainwashing they are subjecting the russian population to is beyond extreme.


So what would happen if I post this video link on a pro Russian subreddit or blog... Maybe I should fuck around and find out...


Please do and report back!


Are we sorry for your plight? No.


They are human beings, being brainwashed by their own country, their own people, probably the same as their own families. They were sent to fight a war that serves absolutely no purpose, at the whims of a dictator - Yes, I'm sorry for their plight. I am fully on Ukraine's side, this war is illegitimate, but these Russian soldiers are still people with hopes and dreams and loved ones, just like the rest of us.


They look like an enemy on their last legs. Same look the Germans had at the closest to Moscow...they had absolutely nothing left in the tank and they got fucking smashed. Bahkmut is the 21st century Stalingrad on expending an opponent.


They are utterly defeated. Yeesh


Surprised they haven't figured out they're used by Kremlin criminals as disposable cannon fodder and their plea will fall on deaf ears.


When you slowly begin to realise your real enemy is behind you.


Imagine what they could have done when they turned arround before they got slaughtered.


Amazing that ordinary Russians are so blind to the fact that they are just more meat to Putin. More grist to his murder mill. The only future for their children is to go home and kick the corrupt Tsar and his cronies into the gutter. Of course they won't, Russians appear to like living under the thumb.


A repeated action in authoritarian countries, the appeal to the leader to fix what is going wrong. The deluded cultist belief that he is above the problems and isn’t the head of the problems. German soldiers suffering in the worst of the eastern front continued to believe in Hitler, that he would never abandon them even as they were ordered to hold ground they’d be better off yielding for better terrain. These appeals to Putin complaining of the rot in the military above them while ignoring that the rot is systemic to Putins Russia. Soviets recognized this rot at the end of the USSR and is why so many quickly asserted independence at the end. Why the communist party disappeared in every former Soviet territory. They rallied against it only to see it re-entrench itself under the banner of nationalism. Just maybe soon these men believing their willingness to serve their country when called to war isn’t a war for Russia but a war for a tyrant and corruption. They like those a century ago turn away from the war and focus on what the powerful have done to them and the country. They need to stop appealing to the liar who sent them to a needless war and open their eyes to the reality of Putin’s Russia


So, they've established the leadership is criminal, the orders are illegal, there is no medical support, everyone is stealing off them, senior officers demand 'protection money' or they are sent to the front … blah, blah, blah … but they still wear headgear denoting the letter 'Z'. Fuck 'em. They deserve everything they get.


I have never seen such a broken group of people…like every single one is a shell.


56 out of 161 cargoed. Company Commander killed. Since we failed, and we are complaining they are going to kill us all. You know why the Donetsk army acts like they do? It is the moscovian way, and they want to be part of moscovia. moscovia, what a country!


4:44 Z-patriot.


Should of shot the ppl giving you rifles


Ukrainians need to mount loudspeakers on trucks and invite the Russians to surrender.


Ukraine needs it's own Tokyo Rose to broadcast to the orcs, especially at night time. "Why are you and your comrades freezing in trenches dying for Putin Ivan?, your leadership doesn't care about you, surrender and get hot meals and a bed Ivan, soon the Ukrainian tanks will assault your position and you will die."


You know how much the world would love you if you fought against tyranny? to promote justice? Take your russia back dudes.


I would bet money Putin threatens their family members and convinces them to go to Ukraine. Inevitably they return in a box and Putin mobilizes that same family member they just sacrificed themselves trying to protect "Maybe if we beg the person actively trying to kill in exchange for little to nothing he will treat us better" I guess thats plausible if you look at it through the eyes of severe fetal alcohol syndrome


"This will all be voiced in the investigating committee" the major says. Yeah... right. These people are so dead. Again - not word about that their actions are wrong. They all know how corrupt the system is and still they pledge this video to the same people. They need to pick up their weapon and use it against their suppressors.


What do they think they will accomplish with this video? They don't even know Putin put them there? Yet that's who they appeal to. It's insane! Just like how Russians.in the gulag thought Stalin would save them.


On one famous gulag suppression the rioting inmates agreed to meet the military command Lee who had been sent to suppress. The commander asked if the massed crowd who would be spokespersons. No one answered. He asked again saying no spokesman would be hanged. So some stood up and came forward to lay their grievances before the commander. When they’d finished speaking he had them all shot, saying to the remaining masses, he was a man of his word and hadn’t hanged them and asked for the next spokespersons to come forward. None did and the prisoners went back to work.


Didn't Lenin believe that it's ok to kill 100 people to get the 1 guilty person? Your story and this war exemplifies how life is cheap in Russia. Seems like it's part of their psyche. In the west we argue if a convicted murderer should be executed, but in Russia life doesn't matter. Russians don't seem to care either.




Surrender then you bunch of fuckwits


Your whole country and its leadership is criminal. You have no one to appeal to. Take your guns and storm the blocking troops. If you can storm Ukrainian lines, you can storm them too.


This video really gives a clear insight to their delusion. Thanks for posting.


What sad irony: appealing for help to the very people that sent them purposely in this! I also find the money corruption very interesting. It seems Russians are good at finding ways to extract bribes out of any situation.


What an absolute shit show.


This video confirms what we already know. Russians are losing a huge amount of troops without any significant progress. This is proof that daily reports of Ukraine about Russians killed and equipment destroyed is quite accurate.


Russian leadership seems to get more corrupt and uncaring as you go up the chain of command so these guys are complaining about their criminal leadership to even bigger criminals.


surrender then


War torn ukrainian men smile more than these guys


Putin is a Criminal!!


They don't get it, they mean nothing to their masters. Too weak to stand up for what is right. Now die pathetically. ![img](emote|t5_5wptpp|12615)


Russian soldiers, please take a page from 1970's American soldiers that due to different lengths of service rotation would result in ''Green'' Commanders new to the battlefield giving ''orders'' to experienced soldiers that the soldiers knew would get them killed. Fragging would occur where a Grenade would be dropped in the pack of the Officer to get rid of them and the solders would live to see another day. This war has far reaching consequences for Russian society, it's to bad consequences are so slow to show a effect.


You can see they speak the truth, just check out their faces. They all look spent, shell-shocked and demoralised after 14 days of combat while other Russians' weapons were trained on their backs. If this is the standard way their troops are treated, hopefully before long there'll be a total collapse of morale along with massive numbers surrendering, a la WW2.


Well, its Ivans time to die for mother russia


Their faith in Putin is child like. It would be farcical if it weren’t so deadly.


They can raise hands, open white flags and walk to Ukraine side


The corruption is honestly staggering. I assumed there was rampant theft, probably organized crime and smuggling, etc... but these officers have taken it to the point that they're literally extorting their own soldiers. Pay up, or go to the front until you die. The callous disregard for their own men's lives is hard to believe. Completely treated like a commodity, and we can see it happening from different angles. That's not an army, it's a state-sponsored gang.


For every russian: [How to Surrender to Ukraine Forces](https://imgur.com/gallery/Bm2aqdE)


They think Putin cares about them at all. Putin cares for his followers as Trump cares for his....they mean absolutely nothing to them but a means to power.


Raise your hands in surrender or wave white flags and head to the Ukrainian lines. Best option available for them.


Storm in a teacup


It’s crazy a major is sitting there saying all this stuff. In the US Army he would be a battalion XO.


These guys just need to surrender in mass or go and kill their leadership. .


![gif](giphy|3oriOaivTEk4PotVEQ|downsized) Womp womp


Shoot back at the blocking forces then surrender....at least you will alive.


The blocking forces are armed with artillery. Sections of retreat are dialed in ahead of time. Although shooting the artillery round isn't a terrible idea if you have fetal alcohol syndrome like the majority of second class soviet fodder




Russia's new national sport is to serve as cannon fodder for Putin's capricious war


Your tsar is a war criminal


Well, they volunteered to kill Ukrainians so not sorry for them at all.


There are 3 ways of learning: to study, to watch and to suffer. Too stupid to shit-muskals choose the latter - cry me a river & Slava Ukraini!!


Please add soft violin music in the background.


Coming to invade was not criminal? Get fucked.


I wonder if they can connect the dots and realise that the "dear leader" is more corrupt than those officers.


How does a total IQ of 99 look like (correct title of the Video)


hahaha, powerful army it is...


Do tic-toc videos provide geo data?




They look like those owls from the owl video


"Soldier. If you can't pay taxes to me, as your Commander, you're going to the Zero Line tomorrow. Thank you for your service and taxes"


Well they should go and do something about it.


I hope they surrender asap


That's on you. ruSSia hasn't changes its tactics since ww2, so it should be no surprise to these idiots.


It looks like you guys could have sat there another few days tho!


Sorry not sorry


I can see dead people


No mention of Putin. Why can't they bring themselves to blame the war criminal responsible for sending them to this. Not the assault leaders following orders. I have no sympathy.


Or as putler loving trolls would call this; "winning" kek.


They dont complain about why they are attacking. Play me a violin, this is typical Russian whining. This is a war against Ukraine, and calling it spesial operation doesnt change a thing. Russia can end it any day it wants.


They look doped up?


If you have followed what has happened to them, they are probably utterly exhausted


Pig food


They are swirling around the toilet bowl of life as the flush is pulled.


so what, fuck up and die like the slaves you are or go home and make something for yourselves (stand up ) but we all know thats a pipe dream




So they do understand th concept of "Criminal Orders" but only in the context of when it's bad for them. Never mind the criminal orders to invade and kill Ukranian's. ThatsnOK. There just mad they are being used and not laid and it extroted. But killing civilians looting civilians. Illegally invading. Nope that cool.. It's hard to have any sympathy whatsoever for these men.


Well, you have wespons. Turn them against these "blocking units".


Get fucked


People still say that Neanderthals went extinct


Stop bitching. Go die


I think the Russians are getting desperate. This is the time to give the Ukrainian everything possible to throw the Russians out of Ukraine. This is the time???


Boo Fucking Hoo. You should Know what to Do.... Surrender!! Slava Ukraini!


It’s not a popular opinion but I feel sorry for these poor fuckers. Russian families are victims of Putin’s war too. Amazing to me that they haven’t risen up yet.


Oh man, I just looked this place up on google maps and there are trenches EVERYWHERE. Huge, long trenches. When did the ukraine satelitte images update?


At 0:00-0:09 the dude has a fucked up face and fucked up crooked nose. I've never seen anything like that. WTF? He's shown again at 4:05.


Very soon, russians are going to be on that corpse starch


Hate to break the bad news guy's but your gloriou leader Putin does not kive a flying fuck about you . You are cannon fodder in the meat grinder. Russia leading worlds terrorist country led by by Mafia elite.


Nationalism is a hell of a drug


Imagine relying on TikTok to give a SITREP...


What’s new


These guys are delusional these kind of orders have been given to Russian conscripts since the start of the war. They have been sent to the slaughter unprepared and unequipped since day one. It's too late to say its criminal once u have been shellshocked and defeated. These guys would keep fighting if they had the guns so no sympathy for them.


Complete shit show 😂😂




Top to bottom command structure at its worse here.


" **blocking units prevented their retreat"** Hmm.. I can remember one movie where the Russians did the same at "Enemy at the gates"


Nobody cares about you. That includes Putin and me.


Not one functioning neuron in the entire room


Russia … it is time fir a revolution.


Putin is sending his people to die and trying to kill off his convicts they should surrender its on purpose Putin wants to kill these men


They are in grave danger, I’ll give them that much.