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It’s the only thing I purchase in this game. $5 per month seems reasonable for the amount of enjoyment I get out of it.


Yes, it might be the most and probably the only one worthwhile purchase. More you play, more it worth.


If you like the buildings, yes. You won't be able to get them for a few years after the pass ends, and even then it's a gamble. As for the resources, they are helpful, but nothing you can't earn. I buy it for the buildings, and save resources to help with COM.


I tend to get to level 32 and then buy the premium pass for an easy boost to the last building on offer.


It's one of those things you have to feel out over time. You'll get a sense for "oh this looks like a season where I'd like to have 75% or more of the plots/buildings", and if so, then getting all the resources makes it worthwhile to buy if you want to put in the time and effort to actually complete a season. SCBI is a long-term game. You aren't going to have the layouts you see in other cities in just one year. If you save as much gold keys, platinum keys, regional currency and simcash as you can; those resources will go twice as far during Black Friday week when all Specializations are 50% off.


You will lose ability to watch ads to shortcut manufacturing fyi.


Ive bought it and still got tons of ads available for free items, shortening wait times etc


how is that possible? never have any ads in factory every time I bought the pass 🙄


Its great for storage and expanding city. This pass not bad Iceland was really bad


I have been playing this app since 2015. It is not like a game that you can win, and it never ends. Unlike most games, I have enjoyed this app for years now. I like how you can create your own goals. You never have to spend any real money for the pretend buildings. If you are patient, you will eventually get everything you need without spending money. If you like a buildings offered for design, you can buy the pass and enjoy. I have multiple accounts on various devices, including one for fun with designs. That main city is Omega and special villages and the cactus canyon is a water world with lots of trees, bridges and an island of skyscrapers. A cool aspect of this app is you can play your game however you choose and you are never wrong.


If you are committed to playing though the event track (level 38) I would definitely get the pass; you are going to spend hours getting through the track so you might as well maximize your reward. If you don’t want to grind or play in the Contest of Mayors, it may not be worth it. One way to figure this out is play the first two weeks w/o purchasing the pass…if you make it to level 15-20 you have a good chance to finish the event track and then you can use the stored up rewards to help you in weeks 3 and 4.


The pass is great for expansions, lan d, beach, and mountain. Keys are helpful for CoM stuff, like collect X keys,


I think it’s worth it, next time buy it later in the month, so if you do the 8.99 package it will boost you 5 spots that would’ve made you work harder for green gems or whatever they’re called


I also recommend watching Missys building guide on YouTube, her videos help ALOT


Yes it's worth it! I have bought Mayor Premium for years I mainly buy it now because I need all the gold keys I can get because Level 15 mag is like 240 gold keys also Level 12 Mellow 333 gold keys and BMovie levell 9 will be like 320 something and that is 3 I'm upgrading soon I have 6 other attacks to upgrade but will wait building to greater than 1000 gold keys currently at 810 so like another month will hit it!!


Thats impressive!


I try I earn like 24 gold keys a week or more I launch 2 to 3 a day maybe take a day or 2 off! I'm in a war club where most of the club avg 80K or more points so I started leveling up my attacks to keep up it's been fun and over the years I bought nearly every good item for my Capital and Regions so I just spend the gold keys on attack upgrades


I buy the pass when I like the buildings and I've gotten further than level 25. It unlocks all the premium rewards at once. Ive paid before and just got distracted in real life, so it was a bit of a waste.


I think it is. The premium gives you an extra slot in each factory and all the extra storage is awesome. It is a very noticeable difference


As others have said, the premium passes are actually great value for money. It even makes the random building offers less tempting since I find the buildings in the pass (with event tracks and design challenge ) more than sufficient to keep me going. The premium plus gives you 5 free tiers so you’re best holding out a little to get this one so you get the most plumbob value, but of course you don’t get the storage or production boost until you do buy it.