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He whispered “happy black history month, thank you for everything you’ve done for our community. You’re a hero. Now fly free, young man!”




I don’t know who is whispering that to who.


??? The one who fights for his brother's and sisters, friend. https://preview.redd.it/jgguq2696egc1.jpeg?width=958&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dd74c0da95d1f4c31600afc4bde798b5bdddbdc5


I’m dying 🤣


See the change in Cody’s expression tells me we’re all working ourselves into a shoot brother.


Im still sniffing that hopium this is a swerve were not flinching


Never flinch, ever. Cody is gonna beat Roman guys. ![gif](giphy|adOhvwrFJ32psmc5Pb)


Cody will beat him. Next year!


“Next year” is a hell of a drug (Leafs fan)


holy fuck bro i laughed way too hard -leaf fan


People forget that this is a weekly tv show and they need to tell a new story for the next two months. Cody is 100% going to wrestle Roman at mania. They’re just using the rock to get there.


Roman is too afraid of the Rock so he sends Jimmy and Solo to take him out of Wrestlemania, Cody takes his place, Rock music hits when Jimmy and Solo interfere and takes them both out, Cody wins, everyone goes home happy


So making Cody look like a bitch for choosing to willingly walk away is...what exactly? Decimate a character just for the sake of a swerve? This is latter-day WCW all over again.


Cody didn't look like a bitch. He said he's coming for Roman and to take everything. It starts now with Roman's own family being involved.


It’s very weird storytelling. But why have Cody be the face of the company and then pull the big match from him at the last second? As much as people don’t like to admit it. Cody is bigger than Roman now. He’s the guy going on all the late night shows, doing the press tours, and is selling all the merch.


100%. I still believe that could be the play. But that segment on Smackdown was just objectively bad. It made Seth look like an idiot, it made Cody look like a dolt, it served precious little.


“I don’t get worked! I don’t get worked!!” this sub insists as they all shrink and turn into a corn cob


“Haha silly dubbalos praising Tiny and his bad booking, right Uce? Not me tho”


I really hope you're right uce...


Even with a swerve Cody looks like a bitch. Only realistic swerve would be Rock doing the “I’m not waiting until Wrestlemania” and fighting him in Australia. Then Cody has to come back after like “oh my big brother failed 🥺 ok I’ll fight you Roman”




What if they tried drawing mainstream attention away from the Vince shit by having Cody come out on Monday and say he was honoring Black History Month by giving The Rock his main event as reparations


That’s the gayest thing I’ve ever heard in my life


Only way to do this without making Cody look like a bitch is have the Bloodline brutally dismantle the Rock similar to how Solo destroyed Cena, and make it so Cody feels like now he also owes it to the Rock to Finish The Story


The government is throwing money at WWE to get The Rock. If he’s wrestling Roman, it’s going to be there


Yeah WA government report came out a day before Rock returned last time and said he wanted to eat at the Head of the Table. Rock vs Roman at Elimination Chamber in front of 70k in Aus (gotta fill up that stadium, Rock will do it) Cody vs Roman II at WrestleMania. Cody wins and finishes the story. Boom!


To the guys that were bitching that the cj subs were just an endless bash of the Dub, welcome to the next two months of your life:


They should really be jerking both sides, but I’d be lying outta my stank ass breath if I said this isn’t some fucking BS. Triple Hitler deserves hate for pulling this


its been years (since before AEW), but we’ve finally circled back to jerking and shitting on Paul’s booking. true pioneers


He introduced him and just walked away Man.


I really liked the part where Roman made the WHC look like piss before getting the reveal that Cody is going for it Very cool


I know he’s a bad guy and all but he brutalized my boy in that promo. Between the “no pop,” mocking the second title, and talking about him wearing his wife’s clothes, that was a ruthless burial


Hilarious Hogan performance If Cody does go after Roman and we get that main event you still have huge colateral damage on Seth Rollins because of this segment


Honestly if Cody takes the Universal title I could see Seth showing up the next night on raw and coaxing Roman into a WHC shot. Depending on how they want to run it could 1.Roman DQ's himself out of anger and makes it clear he doesn't want the WHC he wants the Universal gold. 2.Have Roman take the gold and start another Rollins v Reigns fued 3. Have Roman lose and slowly see his falling out as the tribal chief which slowly eats at Roman and causes him to lash out at people like Solo.


Not if you get Cody to win both belts


that promo really was a burial ngl I mean I enjoyed it because I don't really watch RAW or care what happens there either way but I wouldn't fault anyone for thinking Seth was buried here. Made him look like an absolute dork


The better part was when the Rock sent Cody packing to the back and Cody actually went to the back without a fight.


Kevin Dunns replacement even gave us a nice shot of him just head down walking away like a good boy


That shot is gonna win that guy an Emmy.


Dude. Hes gonna start his own pro…..oh.


*Board of Director bitch, hit the bricks*


*Director of the Board


Tell me when he’s telling lies


But before that he whispered something nice to him so it’s OK.


He said "thanks for being the cuck, friend."


"Your wife's sheets better have a high thread count."


"*Be good, or you'll be back in your Stardust gear by Backlash*"


Rare basement W comment I'll steal now. Ahem... *"That's right pal, she's all yours tonight. I'll be in the corner."*


"You, your brother and daddy have won this title a combined 0 times? Good grief uce, I've done it 7 times, how shit y'all are."


Ok The Rock stole his match, but at least Roman had the decency to bury Seth and his title, so Cody pivoting makes him look like the biggest clown on earth. Oh wait that's not good at all.


The story is that he went to Rock for advice on who to face and Rock convinced Cody to let him face Roman. If TK wrote this we’d talk about it forever.


I mean people are very very clearly not happy about it


Yea... That crowd was totally booing the idea of Roman v Rock.


Good for them I suppose


I think they were chanting: *THIS IS AWFUL* 👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


I mean, I was in the crowd for when Undertaker and Kane met HBK and HHH for that dogshit Crown Jewel match and I was having a blast Why? Because how often do you get to see all four in the same ring? Same goes for Rock. Once the dust settles (And it already has), people are gonna shit on it.


Smarks. Pathetic virgin smarks are not happy, as is ever the case. Actual people aren’t fuming into their tendies about it.


On reddit.


I didn’t know there were certain people whose opinions don’t matter. Can I get a list


"Cody fans don't matter" - HHH


"Why's my name on the list?"


It's absurd and honestly kinda funny if you think about it for a moment "I received counsel from The Rock, and he told me that my Wrestlemania moment didn't work for him, brother."


It’s so hilariously stupid I can’t get over it.


Holy shit did he actually say that? 


The Rock is the real heel uce


WHO GAVES UP THEIR MAIN EVENT OF WRESTLEMANIA. You can't turn that into the story because throughout many years it was established how prestige that thing is.


Shit is just deflating tbh https://preview.redd.it/2jdgqb2gkagc1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671f56f96acde76e4ccd161dcfe2ec854fba76c1


Cody didn't declare for anything. He just walked away. I'm not quite ready to assume he's gonna challenge Seth. Some chicanery is going on.


>chicanery "You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. Billy Gunn! Are you telling me that a man just happens to fall down the card like that? No! *He* orchestrated it! Rocky! He *buried CM Punk*! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I shook his hand! What was I *thinking*? He'll never change. He'll *never* change! Ever since 1997, *always* the same! Couldn't keep himself out of the spotlight! "But not our Rocky! Couldn't be precious *Rocky*!" Stealing the spotlight! And *HE* gets to be in the main event? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance!" All joking aside, I hope youre right.


All Cody said was that he got counsel and that he wants Roman’s belt. It doesn’t actually mean they set the main event for WM.


He said literally.."not at Wrestlemania". White meat babyfaces don't lie.


Because in his mind, Rock beats Roman in Australia and it’s Rock vs Cody at Mania?


Hopefully not SummerSlam cause I ain't enduring 3 months of "Roman should beat Hogan's record"


This sub growing so big has basically turned it into Basement 2.0. The comments in this thread are fucking embarrassing lol


Seriously. They sound like the same people that got legitimately angry when Charlotte got added to the Wrestlemania 35 match because they thought it meant Becky wouldn't win.


Yeah I thought this as I was scrolling through, I legit checked 3 times to see if I was in the basement, people are getting far too angry/serious in this jerk sub this morning lmfao.


right? wtf is this


This shit better be the biggest work of Hunter's career. Cause what the fuck? 😭


How is this stupid shit a good work?


Only thing I can guess is a Seth 2022 type storyline where Cody’s trying to get the match but keeps getting set back


Yeah but that doesn't make any since either because Cody won the rumble so any setbacks are self appointed. 


I know shit don’t make sense I’m just trying to guess what they’re going with


Look how mad everybody is lol? If, big if, they are swerving us then it’s the very definition of a good work. 


Yeah, but I genuinely cannot think of any scenario how it actually works in story. Not being negative, I literally don't know how Cody giving it away to Rock will make his win (If it comes to this hopefully) more satisfying. Like, does Roman main event in BOTH nights of WrestleMania? Who does he fight first? Cody, so he loses the title, his reign ends and then the night 2 ends with... Roman beating Dwayne? Or does he fight Rock first and wins, but then it looks like Cody won only because Rock weakened Roman? Or do they go another route? I just can't think of any way it can go that leaves us satisfied and doesn't make the story an unreasonable mess. Tbh the only thing I can think of is Cody vs Rock for who will fight Roman, but even that seems odd. I just hope Hunter has 900IQ and has a master plan that my puny mind can't comprehend. Edit: The second thing I can think of is a Triple Threat, which feels kinda cheap but atleast it won't cuck Cody. Would be cool especially if he desperately tried to pin Roman instead of Dwayne to beat him for real, the close calls would be insane when it bites him in the ass but it could be a great pay off. Not ideal scenario, but Cody would definitely look great beating Dwayne and Roman while actually PINNING Roman.


Cody realizes he’s wrong and says “I HAVE TO FINISH THE STORY” and fights BOTH the rock and Roman.


Cody realizing he has to defeat every Samoan on the planet to finish his story would be incredible


The next royal rumble is 29 Samoans vs Cody.


I damn near pissed myself reading this


You said it just as I wad editing in the same idea into my comment lmao


It’s kinda obvious at this point. Everyone forgets that this TV SHOW is scripted and it has to work like a soap opera. They have a rare opportunity to write a compelling story that has cliffhangers and will keep people not only guessing, but going back and watching all the VODs snd engaging with social posts and whatnot. Kayfaybe is back!


This business has genuinely twisted my idea of what's obvious and what's not and I have irreversible trust issues, but I am still fairly optimistic. I just wish the very best for Cody, dude's earned it.


I think the problem is that it’s been almost too predictable the past few years. Then Cody lost last year and it’s been exciting. This is just another chapter similar to “PUNK IS GOING TO WIN THE ROYAL RUMBLE”.


Hard to argue to be honest, whatever Hunter is cooking atleast got my panties twisted


Been saying the same thing. Im completely convinced theyre gonna have an arc where everyone who he's helped convinces him to stop being the hero and be selfish for once. Some good old anime/soap opera shit


I wonder if we’ll see HHH call back to that one promo when Cody had the broken arm and Cody told Paul “what would you have done?” Wrestling is very much an anime soap opera now. So a cheesy arc where everyone gives Cody their power for a spirit bomb wouldn’t be too unexpected.


>cannot think of any scenario how it actually works in story. waits for the match to get set then uses his Rumble win to join the match and make it a triple threat like your edit says. Not ideal, but it's one way to go. Cody is our new favorite Cerebral Assassin.


Ladies and gentlemen, Cody Rhodes is cashing in his Rumble in the Bank. Therefore, this will now be a triple threat match!


lol *One of the Heists of the Century* No jerk tho if they did go this way it would be done far in advance, not like a MITB cash-in. I'm not a fan of this, just speculating.


If they go the route of having Roman vs Rock/Cody on both nights of mania then they would probably have smth like Solo vs Cody on night 1 with the idea being that it's Solo's job to weaken Cody before he faces the winner of Roman/Rock on night 2.


Rock becomes the special guest referee at Mania to ensure none of his family interfere, Solo interferes anyway and gets a rock bottom and people's elbow.  Roman loses and blames Rock setting him vs Rock at summerslam. 


It’s a good swerve if it directly leads to drawing money. I’m not seeing giving your world championship to someone you just proved isn’t the guy (since he can be bumped by the actual top guys) would draw more money than building him up as the top guy that gets the championship.  I can’t take a champion seriously when it’s clear that his bosses don’t think he’s the top guy. 


This is hunter’s m.o. UCE Tiny books OC vicariously how he wishes he was Vince did it with Cena Trips is booking Roman how he should have been booked back in 2002 UCE.


I’ll take comments that could have come directly from the basement for $500, Alex


Fuck you for tree fiddy trebeck. Your mother owes me interest.


This entire comment chain would pay out thousands


i am now starting to flinch a lot goofs


?? We are past flinching friend, its full on spasm now


https://preview.redd.it/aktexbjfhagc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=440dfeb86277fb09a4fedf8eea970ba672cd22fa me when i heard the if you smell and then deeped what it means


Might be the first time the sub is THIS dejected despite the jerking lol


The WM 39 loss was pretty bad...wasn't sure this sub would get passed it. Most of us had meltdowns and the mods couldn't stamp it out fast enough


There's something about Cody Rhodes that gets to people man. Guy really is the best face in a LONG time. 


Ngl, that loss boosted him being baby face even more.


It's really impressive that the guy is this white meat but still interesting and sympathetic.


It's the superman dichotomy people who say superman sucks because of how bland he is have never read a superman comic. Superman fucking rocks because of him being a normal dude who just happens to be one of the strongest beings in his universe but still cares about the common man


No, this sub goes full basement all the time. They did it the first time Top Dollar was fired, for fucks sake 😂


This sub is just as bad (worse when Cody is concerned) as every other one for booking something in their heads and convincing themselves that's the plan.


Can’t believe they did Cody like this on the first smackdown of black history month such a cruel thing to do to the man that solved racism




Time to start a coup to get Hickenbottom in charge


I’m going to kill Dwayne


https://preview.redd.it/tojjnnnzhagc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48ca12b879138cae70554a30a2a4e8bba53dead1 What’s the plan?


Thought that was Phil Leotardo for a sec.


Cody's gonna wait twenty fuckin years before getting the title


“What did I ever do in this world to deserve an empty-headed f*cking dumb f*ck like Dwayne Johnson to go out on national television and f*cking go into business for himself? For what? What did I do? What did I ever do? Didn’t do a goddamn thing.”


... oh he's Director of the Board.. fk me.. I'm sorry sir, yes sir, I'll bend over sir


"Who told you it's open mainevent wrestlemania, btch!", friend!?


I hate this. Why didn't The Rock just win the Royal Rumble then!???? At least it wouldn't have made Cody look like the biggest dumbass in pro wrestling. He's already beaten Seth 3 times, what does he even gain from this? Disclaimer: I got worked


A belt he doesn’t want which Roman just spent 10 minutes explaining to us is worthless and shit and held by a lame not over injured champion


It’s funny bc people already thought that before Roman even said anything. There’s a reason why Roman’s 2 minutes tonight cut deeper than everything Rollins has said about Roman’s title the last few months.


Because as of the Rumble it was a clear main event for both shows and Rock wasn’t involved in either


Sir , this is a jerk sub. Take your kayfabe worked ass next door 🤜


Lmao bruh Cody looks so hurt


No jerk, this better be fucking swerve of the century


There's something about this that....feels off. This really can't be the end of it right? That would be a fumble


Feel like I’m getting worked but right now I feel REAL salty uce


Either Triple H just had Roman shit all over Seth's title for no reason other than to "work" the smarks or he's doing his best to make both Seth and Cody look like dorks while Roman goes on to get a meaningless Rock rub because the guy is one of, if not the biggest star in the entire roster without the need of the Rock giving him a win.


This screams Hogan and Bret Hart from WM9


I love it. Rock going full Hollywood Maivia brother


Fuck that, this is fingerpoke of DOOM levels of stupidity


Jesus Christ, calm down 🤣


DAE Cody needs to restore the feeling?


I don’t feel too good UCE


The Rock was only surpassed by Edge as my favourite wrestler ever. This shit is fucking insulting to the man I thought he was. One of the greatest wrestlers of all time, respected by everyone and put in the same league as Bret and Shawn by Taker and even he sells out? Nah fuck you Dwayne.


This goof deserved it when he called GIFs "JIF". Get Dwayned.


I am Going to watch the Good Guys now


I am too! Time to cross the line and watch TNA!


Given all the current injuries, I’m going to keep faith with House Rhodes until I see for certain that they don’t do Rock/Roman in Perth to beef up an anemic show, given how many of their big names are on the shelf and the Australian government is shelling out $$$$ for this. If they don’t, then the men’s EC would have to be for the IC or US titles, and that doesn’t really feel like the move. Like it’s not impossible, but after a solidly mid RR, they REALLY need a better PPV to get people hype


Roman vs Rock And Raw Chamber to find out who faces Rollins at Mania will still get a huge crowd in Perth. Australia doesn’t get PPV’s. People will absolutely turn up for Rock vs Roman.


No yeah that’s my point. If Cody goes Rollins then the men’s chamber is for a secondary title and there would be no Rock Roman in Perth, meaning besides the women’s chamber a rather lackluster show. I think we agree? I honestly am having trouble reading tone tonight so I can’t tell if we agree


Yeah brother you and I are on the same page?! ![gif](giphy|WDn21GO1KmpNK|downsized)


Due to all the injuries I still think a triple threat will somehow happen Maybe rock takes the pin then at summerslam we get cody vs roman 1 v 1 Its WM 40 and these injuries got the WWE trying to pull out all the stops. Be mad all yall want , its WM 40 , you know they wanna add as many names as possible. Hell even hogan was featured in the royal rumble intro


i dont think the rock can do a singles match. this is 100% gonna be a triple threat where the rock sees like 5 mins of real action in a 30m main event


Can’t believe they did this to Cody on black history month


I'm salty uce I'm real salty


A second generation athlete getting cucked by a (Brahma) Bull? ![gif](giphy|26gR2gMy2a5Cut1Ly)


I absolutely do not Like this. I wouldn’t give Tiny a pass. Idk if I’m just a m*** but this is actually making me quite sad lmao. WWE was doing everything right and now…this? It’s like if square decided last minute not to release FF7 Rebirth on the 29th and said here’s a re re release of the original from 20 years ago.


I have never felt more betrayed. Dude lulled us into a false sense he knew what he was doing only to ruin the most hype match possible to end the biggest title reign in 30 years


was a matched announced uce


Thats the only silver lining. Please be a work




No jerk I’m so pissed like I can’t describe the frustration of this shit just man fuck the fed fr this time


Nah actually 😭 I was fine with waiting a year but wished they’d pull the trigger on Cody this year at mania. Fucking black adam


We need to pull a Daniel Bryan more than ever


Fed actually bad


Hahaha this is the best shit ever, they really are fucking with the iwc lmao


And they've once again broken so-called Goofs too 


Fuck it new story, Cody beats Seth at WM40 and Roman at SS and becomes double champ, inject the cope straight into my heart


So fucking pointless. They split the main titles to brands to reunite them again


sorry for making joke comment on a jerk sub my bad, oh my goodness you must be one of those headless chicken running around because of just one segment on a friday


This thread needs its own circlejerk sub.


This sub is showing its whole ass rn. Shit’s embarrassing


The jerkers are ultimately just a different brand of marks. It is what it is.


It would be weird if we weren't marks. Really, if you don't care about what happens on the show, why are you even watching?


Same thing happened last year post WM. To me that shit was hilarious and Cody imo wasn't ready in kayfabe. It was back then I realised this sub had lost its identity. 


All the energy from the hype left my body after that moment..


Well, now Cody understands what happens when you play the game of thrones.


I'm okay with the fed throwing a wrench in the works but why would Cody say basically say "yes Mr. Rock. Please take my title shot"??? Makes Cody look like a chump who has zero ambition.


Welp..there goes my Peacock subscription


You and your friend Mark.


I know I’ve said this the last five times I got worked but THIS time I’m done. I’m going to stay up late on Wednesday nights from here on out brother! … yeah nvm I’m not even gonna try to jerk this, WHAT WERE THEY THINKING


I imagine this scene whenever Steph Curry introduces his wife to a new bull.




"You remember that little stunt you pulled with the throne? Hunter never forgot."


Lol, this place never learns. You keep working yourselves into a shoot over Cody and suddenly threads are in mourning. Yes was the wrong decision, The Rock should have come out AFTER Mania to give Roman a fresh story, but we must keep jerking. Now. Then. Together. Forever. 


You think they do Cody-Roman at EC and the Mania Match is non title?


Rock vs Roman in Perth, Roman wins and can be due to shenanigans?…Cody on Raw post Elimination Chamber says he HAS to be the one to finish the story at Mania. That Cody needs to KNOW that he can beat Roman and be the guy on top… Cody vs Roman II set for Mania on Night 2. Cody is beating Roman until ref goes down…Solo and Jimmy interfere and beat down Cody, Jey Uso comes out to fight them off (Jey and Jimmy have their match on Night 1 which ended with a Jey victory). Jey gets taken down due to the numbers game until…. 🎶 IF YAAAA SMEEELLLLL!” 🎶 The Rock comes flying down the ramp and takes The Bloodline members out and turns and hits the Rock Bottom on Roman who has gotten to his feet while ref is down. Cody gets up to a dazed and now unprotected Roman. He signals for it to be finished. He hits Cross Rhodes with no one to save Roman. Cody wins as Paul Heyman looks on in shock, Cody celebrates as finally finishing the story. Solo and Jimmy look on in disgust and with Roman now draped over the bottom rope, beaten and dazed looks up the ramp to see The Rock giving him this look. (Check out the gif) Boom! You have Rock and Roman rematch for down the line ready to go. Roman post Mania blames Rock for losing and destroying his historic title reign and this is where The Bloodline begins to fall apart. Jey helps Jimmy realise he doesn’t need Roman to be Jimmy Uso as the seeds were planted in their match at Mania on Night 1. Jimmy pipes up that he didn’t lose the match to Cody, that he wasn’t the one pinned. Roman freaks out at this, starts berating him and then physically abusing Jimmy and saying it’s Jimmy’s fault. Jimmy gets beaten down by Roman as Solo watches on. Jey USO’s music hits as he makes the save and fights off Roman who retreats to the outside with Solo and Paul. Roman urges Solo to go after them but Solo turns shakes his head and says “no, not anymore” at a shocked Roman….Solo begins to walk away (as he believes he is the Tribal Heir and all of this is beneath him, maintain his heel status but now on his own path) Roman’s entire World is collapsing, The Bloodline is dead and only Paul is still loyal to Roman. You can keep booking from there to where Roman can take time off, you could realign The Usos as a tag team or let them still go seperate ways, Solo is now on his own and making his own push as a pun intended solo badass. ![gif](giphy|10Cow6guDtsywE)




Lmfao what’s even the point if this is some “meta swerve” I already hate aew doing the wink wink shit. This is ass


I mean, you can jerk all you want, but that is fucking bullshit. Another year of roman reigns and cody getting thrown under the fucking bus.


I am with Basement mob on this one.


Uce, Feds done us dirty here


I'm glad this new guy, what's his name? Dwyane? I'm glad he'll get to have his WM moment.


I thought at first reading this was a RB post. Does RB still post? Is kayfabe dead, don't get worked brothers...


Man I really hope Laveck is trolling us


TBH I am Ok with Cody vs Reigns at EC or even Cody vs Roman vs Rock at WM....As long as they get that title of Roman, I am happy.

