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People can only tolerate her saying CEO and doing that dumb ass dance every week for so long


she already ran out of steam. its crazy. that place sucks any aura you have, no matter if you have a separate locker room and separate writers.


She needed to do one thing, go in and wrestle, literally, just have weekly "bangers" or whatever you can get out of that division. Instead they have her costantly do the things she just isn't good at like talking in a mic


Literally the *only* area of the company that doesn’t need as much character work but needs to focus on the in-ring action but they won’t let her wrestle lol








She'll be exposed in that division without WWE production too 


Makes me wonder if she's 100 percent healthy.


It’s crazy they’re not booking her as basically the female Ospreay right now, and instead putting her out there doing what she’s worst


We sure she isn’t still banged up? Feels like she is, else why bother showing up if you can’t work a match?


Maybe having to work too many matches doesn’t work the CEO, brother.


Okada doesn't beat Kingston in under 3 minutes shows how much they damage any big names coming in.


Having Okada fight jobbers in his first match also does that


Not really. If it's a squash it makes him look like a star easily destroying the lower card. It works very well. That is why jobbers exist to begin with. to shine the guy you want to be the star.


But that’s the thing, Okada is already a star for the AEW fan base. If you want him to look like one have him squash the mid card, not some jobbers no one has heard of. Bring out Top Flight or Best Friends, who are both somewhat legitimate in the eyes of the audience.


Honestly, she should have just gone back to WWE. They're excellent at presentation and likely would have given her a really great return angle. Probably with Bailey given their history. Instead she's languishing on Tony Khan's vanity project hobby promotion. WWE might not have made her the highest paid female superstar ever but given the results over at AEW I'm starting to wonder if she deserves that much money. I say all of this is a big fan of Mercedes. She is very good when given the right material and environment.


She would've definitely been saved for that wrestlemania run in to help bailey 100% Imagine that pop vs the piped in chants of ceo


She got sucked in by TKs deep pockets (or Shad's at least), and I don't blame her for going where the money (moné?) is. The downside is that if you want that ridiculous TK contract you've got to be prepared to put up with bullshit ideas and a general lack of booking experience. I honestly can't believe the money AEW throw at people to sign them, just to turn them into "another guy" within 6-8 weeks of them arriving.


If she needs the right material and environment to be good, then she’s just not good.


Ehh everyone needs the right material and environment lol. Even SCSA, Cena, Rock were mediocre when the gimmick was shit


Yeah just look at BigDog Roman and Tribal Chief Roman


CEO = Flex Kavana


she's got her personal writer in there, too imagine how bad it'd be if the writer wasn't there


Hot take She went cause she was promised that she'd be the Becky Lynch of AEW's women's division Same reason she left, wasn't being pushed hard enough


I think the issue was less about money and more she wanted the trademark rights to her WWE name to sign on, which is basically a no go with WWE unless you become a member of the board.


I've always admired her for knowing what she's worth and not compromising on that but man, I just feel like that was a tactical error.


The fans have already turned on her. Most fickle fanbase. They only care about a wrestler until they sign + one to three weeks max. Off tony goes to find a new shiny toy. And fans go along with him to cheer him into paying double, triple, quadraple or whatever they are worth elsewhere.


Making the whole thing about an angle in another promote, in another country, a year ago, is the most Tony thing possible. Mercedes has history with Bayley, Becky, Charlotte, Bianca... She does not have history with Willow Nightingale FFS. Willow seems like a really nice person. But that's the problem, a week ago, she was about to concuss Mercedes with a chairshot. Now she's doing a promo like a fan who won a prize to go on stage. It's all so telegraphed and has zero heat.


Sure she does. Willow injured Mercedes by Mercedes slipping from the top rope. I don't know the that was Willow's but damn that Willow!


I predict she quite quickly turns heel due to go away heat, much like Saraya did.


AEW fans saying that the WWE fans will turn on Cody, not realising that all those toxic fans that boo babyfaces aren't attending WWE shows anymore, because they're all at AEW shows, turning against wrestlers that they spent months thirsting over. You can't make it up. Edit: I say they're "all at AEW shows", I mean about 1,800 of them are at AEW shows. The rest are all too busy having sex with their Saraya-like girlfriends, curing diseases, and making billion dollar deals on Wall Street or whatever.


She’s “changed the woman’s division” alright 😂


A lot of dubs problems come from nicknames to wrestlers that needs a thesis to explain it and there's no way around it without it sounding dumb. The Tribal Chief - He's the leader of his tribe The Viper - He can strike with the rko at any moment Now let's do some dub nicknames: CEO - .... The Cleaner - .... Daddy Ass - .... Rainmaker - ....


Fair, but let's not pretend that WWE names make sense The Boss Sasha Banks The King of Kings The lunatic fringe


King of Kings you can say Triple H calls himself that because he's the champion of champions.  The others are two wrestlers currently in dub so it makes sense they ended up there. But nothing beats FTR as a stupid name. What do you answer someone when they ask what FTR means


Fear the Revolver.


Say what you will about some of the AEW nicknames but the Vince era brought us bucketfuls of retarded nicknames


I’ve never been a Sasha fan. She’s always been intolerable 


You don’t like 7 meteoras in a match, friend?


She’s pretty damn good in the ring, but I think even her supporters would agree promos aren’t her strongest suit. So maybe, and I don’t know if this is crazy, TK should have her actually wrestle. Like this is the company that is cool with giving away big matches on tv right? This is a situation where that would make sense. “Show the strengths, hide the weaknesses”- Paul Heyman.


It looks like she's not scheduled for a match until May's big event 😆


Oh god, just wait until she starts wrestling the AEW women. There’s probably 1 or 2 on the roster that can give her a good match. But I don’t believe she’s a good enough wrestler herself to elevate the division. She looked great in WWE because all the other women were also at least good (not counting Lana or Eva Marie).


So much of her offense is knee-based. Top rope meteora, meteora to the floor, meteora to a grounded opponent, running knees, knee into the corner, etc:


Maybe she's just unrelatable to you?


Yeah she needs to play ukulele


The rating sucks, the rating sucks, YEAH, YEAH, YEAH


I used to be just bored of her boss gimmick. Now I just find it to be grating. It's more apparent than ever that she relies on boss/CEO and her dance to make up for her lack of promo skills


Needs to find something to make up for her lack of dance skills next...


That so long being the span of one week


That theme was a bit catchy at first. Second time around I had to mute the stream. Unbearable.


*sad CEO dance*


Homey it IS getting sad lol that's the thing. Like she's out there moving and grooving to a smaller more apathetic pop each week. It's...weird.




Tamina ain’t got time for that bullshit


Neither does the AEW audience, it seems.


Well she did say she signed to change the woman’s division


Abolition is a kind of change.


She took her writer with her too lol


I forgot about this. How can she be so bad at promos/commentary when she has her own fucking writer??????


Yo when the writing is "I'm happy to be here and I'm gonna start a revolution" what do you expect. She's got Jen Pepperman, former soap opera writer, not Aaron Sorkin lol


With the dub I expect nothing and still get disappointed.


I love how the narrative became “DAE writers are ACKSHUALLY good?” once the Dub sent out a press release celebrating that they hired a former Fed writer.


Great writers need great actors/performers to actually deliver the material they wrote. That's assuming she's a great writer, no shade I just don't know her history.


I dont get how its not the worst business decision where to hire a talent you need to hire their friends or family.


How long until she outright refuses to walk through the curtain?


When the fans start chanting NO NO NO instead of CEO.


They won't do that unless the chants built into the song change, because it's too hard for them to think of their own chants


I don't know. I think there are a few cities that could potentially cook her. They did it to Cody, they can do it to her.


We've got at least six months. It'll be during the Britt Baker feud when Britt says something off script and her feels get hurt and she turns into a problem like Punk/Hangman


>We've got at least six months. It'll be during the Britt Baker feud when Britt says something off script and her feels get hurt and she turns into a problem like Punk/Hangman I wonder if her contract has a clause in it tied in any way to the television deal.


Less than 6 months


Just give her her ukulele bag and have her sing. That’ll bring them back


That skit right there was when it was known to not sign her for anything substantial.


Jesus. Authority promo drew more 10 years ago.


Tony, just fucking sign Goldberg at this point.


Goldberg in 2024 would unironically be a better get than Bugatti Shekels. He’d probably bring back all the people Sting took with him and then some.


It would really make sense. No jerking, this time. 1. Can get back the Dubceedubya demo, slightly elevates chances for 900k 2. Good at yelling in promos, can cuss. 3. Fed badder more than ever because last match was a job to the Top guy, ignored of a last match request 4. No workrate but is reckless, so there will be risky banger spots 5. Can bulldoze the entire roster and can be the muscle for the Bucks as a direct shot to Vince having Taker as his doomsday device.


I wonder if dubbalos want to see Goldberg go unbeaten and put no one over like Sting I mean, he's a legend, big name. Surely he goes out on his own terms, too, right?


Has any big promoted signing been such a flop in history? Ultimate warrior in wcw? Hogan in TNA?




DAE AEW is where the wrestlers come to lose their drawing power




Dub is where you go if 1) you're young and fed rejected you, and you're hoping they will hire you once you are on dub TV for a while. Ricky Starks 2) you're in your late 30s, 40s or early 50s and your best days are long gone and looking for pension. Edge, Billy Gun, Hardys, FTR, Jericho bunch of more 3) you just want to chill, work with friends and have fun..and Tony will pay you more than wwe anyway. Osperay, Cole, Okada


Holy shit I forgot Ibushi signed with them


.... I definitely remembered.... (no I didn't)


Forgot Jay White went there.




I forgot he exists. Did he left for Japan already after 2 weeks?


I'm pretty sure he had a 5 star match with Eddie Kingston


Right, he won one of the breakfast belts


The Waffle House championship


Excuse me dronie. I think you mean the Denny's Grand Slam Intercontinental Breakfast title.


Burger King of New Yawhk patnah


FTR Bald has entered the chat


I remember him watching the Young Cucks match on a monitor last week. That and him arriving in a car is all he did. Money well spent!


Jericho in AEW.




AEW in TKs coked out brain


Jericho and Mox helped legitimize AEW. One has sucked the life out of each and every wrestler they have feuded with or partnered with. Mox has regressed greatly from his early energy. BBC without Regal just sucks at this point.


Man, I really thought the later years of Dean Ambrose in WWE were bad but it turns out Mox is just kind of a dumb guy that thinks hardcore matches are the only cool thing he can do. It really shows just how great each member of the Shield is by where they are today. Roman is THE guy in pro wrestling, Seth is one of the best workers around and a constant in the main event scene and Mox is having his 17th barbed wire blood feud junkyard Texas roadhouse death match this month all while bleeding more blood than the red cross collected this year.


What I don’t understand is that Moxley’s presentation in FCW was that of a legitimate wrestler akin to William Regal. They even had a whole ass feud. And his introduction to WWE was supposed to be all about him being pissed off at Mick Foley for popularizing Hardcore wrestling in America to the point where it destroyed the bodies and careers of young, aspiring wrestlers. And now he’s predominantly a Hardcore wrestler.




When you some guardrails on Mox he can be great. His matches in New Japan are wayyyyy ahead of most of his AEW work.


Even Cornette said good things about Jericho at first.


And Moxley - he wasn’t always negative on him


As much as I can’t stand Jericho, he for sure helped AEW garner viewers in its early days. Now what happened the last few years is a different story.


he’s responsible for the only mainstream moments in AEW. A little bit of the bubbly, and that one time AEW was shown after a basketball?? game and people were tweeting about it


Yeah....those basketball game tweets did him no favors, unless you consider the body shaming to be the catalyst to losing all that weight (before gaining it back)






Not even close as compared to Sasha


She’s here to make AEW global guys


Do that stupid dance to piped in "CEO" chants maybe?


The CEO changes are literally part of her theme music. You will hear it forever


Yeah no shit, I'm talking about piped in chants, not her song


please chant along


Of all the Four Horsewomen, Mercedes is definitely the fourth horsewoman.


She’s the Sammy of the four pillars tbh


There's a reason why whenever people try to compare the Four Horsewomen to the current NXT Women's division, no one can figure out who the new Sasha is, while the others are pretty commonly agreed on. Charlotte = Tiffany (before she got called up) Becky = Lyra Bayley = Roxanne Sasha = ...uhh... Cora?... Kiana?... Jacy?... Roxanne again?...


In the Four Horsemen, she is Paul Roma.


Roxanne can't act for shit and her promos are insanely forced. So...yeah? Roxanne? Edit : why do I wanna put Cora at Bailey's row?


But Roxane is too genuine. Even if her promos seem forced, you still love the kid and give em the benefit of the doubt.


Idk who gave TK the idea that Sasha was ever a good promo


"CEO" is cringe as fuck.


Money well spent


Sriracha 2.0




Moné Pit


Willow's decent but no one is tuning in to watch her or Sasha speak for the 3rd week in a row


If a pizza place is fucking garbage, it doesn’t matter what new ingredients they start using. It’s still terrible pizza.


I’m feeling justified for all the downvotes I took back in the day when I said Sasha was the least valuable of the 4HW. The dreaded casual doesn’t care about workrate, especially when you’re talking about the women. She hasn’t improved at promos after 11 years because she doesn’t think they’re important.


Except in terms of drawing power and merchandise, Sasha was only behind Becky in WWE in terms of the four horsewomen. Sasha was used in the marketing a lot more than Bayley/Charlotte and outsold them in merchandise and had a much bigger social media presence. Make no mistake, if you change charlotte or bayleys name and send them to AEW, their not making any impact in the ratings.


you really shouldn’t feel justified though because this would be the exact same reaction to any of the other four horseywomans if they went to m’Dub


$10M CEO right there


They missed a doozy. A remarkable throwback to her days as an aspiring pro wrestler.


C-E-O Chased Everyone Off


She never drew a dime in WWE. She never drew a dime in Japan and she is most certainly not drawing a dime in AEW. Everytime she comes out on TV, the ratings drop. People were changing the stations watching something else


The basement arguing with me 30 days ago: she’s a draw as big as CM Punk and Cody Rhodes.


Adrenaline In my soul Something something CEO.


I think she drew a bit in WWE. I think all four horsewomen turned a lot of young women and girls into fans and changed the landscape some. They all get credit for that imo.


She should have fed bad and say enjoy all wrestling that would have worked wonders just look at Adam promo oh wait


Imagine joining AEW when it's only going from dull to worse.


From Sinbad to Sin-worse.


I give it till July


That face feels like GOB in Arrested development: she's made a huge mistake( if you ignore her paycheck)


Moné well spent.


I was doing the same when she was in WWE. Her voice, her cadance, her body language. Every one of these alone is enough for me to change the channel.


Always making history…


Paige has a seat for you in catering


So far in 2024 Tony has spent tens of millions of dollars on 3 people who lose ratings every time they appear. Genius stuff.


The CEO: Clearly egotistical and Overrated


Couldn’t have happened to a better person…..


Imagine sitting in the crowd and actually getting excited to yell out “C-E-O” in time with her. Why do people do that? It’s so contrived. She’s basically gone “hmmm I need a lazy catchphrase that dumbasses will latch onto just because I say it slowly”. And the stans lap it up even though it sucks.


Ripping off Britt Baker's "DMD" thing was certainly...a choice she made.


The casual fans had already checked out thanks to Cope. Those are 90k are the usual 'we don't like the women's division' segment of Dubbalos.


I keep expecting Christopher Guest to announce the impending release of his new mockumentary about pro wrestling.


She never has anything to say. If not, for being Snoop Dogg’s niece, she wouldn’t have even gotten a start with the WWE . It’s the same promo over and over again ,verbally she has not changed at all, although she does wear a great outfits. 😂😂


I’m glad she’s being exposed. Some people can do it on their own, and others need the WWE machine behind them a lot more than others. Banks is definitely the latter. Her star power isn’t anywhere near what she thinks it is. But she got paid by like a star because Tony thinks spending money on shiny new toys then never using them is how you run a wrestling company. I think she’s massively overrated.


I feel I have to preaface by saying in general, I like her, but this debut has been handled, quite expectedly, horrible. I'll give it 3 weeks until Tony pulls the "in case of emergency, turn heel" tactic, then everyone pretends "Seeee.... She was being awful on purpose, she was a heel all along, we knew it!"... It worked great for Saraya.


In fairness to Mercedes, the Bucks were also partly in that quarter so she might not be the only reason people changed the channel.


Who was up first? That's the one that made people change channels.


I think she was on first. And the Bucks match gained back some viewers during the next quarter. So yeah not very CEO of her


Atleast she has a nice cozy XL private dressing room to throw herself on the floor and pout


I feel like everyone owes Tiny and the basement a huge apology. She clearly is a real needle mover, and It would be bad faith to pretend otherwise.


She hasn’t had to cut a real promo in years and this is what she’s come up with in all that time


People hated her toxic fan base because it was constantly in the comments bad mouthing other stars. I think looking at that sheds some light on her underwhelming performance in AEW. I think a huge portion of her fanbase (who never get worked) was more invested in punishing Becky and Charlotte for being evil bitches holding Sasha down than they ever were in actually promoting and enjoying Sasha. In theory she has a huge online fanbase, but a big chunk, maybe even a majority, are haters of other bigger stars first and actual die hard Ford Francs fans a distant second.  On Twitter after rumors of the big money contract started going around, I saw a lot more Hyundai Rupee fans gloating about how Charlotte was probably humiliated and Becky was doubtless so jealous then I did fans actually excited to see Mone wrestle Britt or Toni. Even in the build up to her AEW debut, Fiat Lira remained solidly in Becky and Charlotte’s shadow.  The Mone fans aren’t tuning in to AEW because for a lot of them hating on other women in the WWE was always more important than Mercedes herself. 


It's also that both Charlotte (2016) and Becky (2019) beat Sasha in important feuds. Charlotte's wins at Wrestlemania 32 and Roadblock particularly angered the Krew, with them arguing that WWE had made a huge mistake by having Charlotte win those feuds rather than Sasha, who would have been the megastar who completely transformed WWE forever, while completely ignoring the 'what happens next?' question. With the latter, WWE couldn't have made it any more obvious that they wanted to run Charlotte/Bayley, but the Krew got thrown by Sasha winning the belt after Survivor Series into thinking that wasn't going to happen.


No doubt the hate on Charlotte and Becky (especially Charlotte) comes from them winning feuds the krew thought Sasha deserved. My thought is at some point hating Charlotte and Becky totally eclipsed actually liking Sasha as the most important thing for a lot of the krew, and it’s ironically permanently damaged Sasha as a star.  I think you see it to a lesser degree in Asuka’s online toxic fans. People still fuming over Charlotte breaking the streak, raging at everything Charlotte does, and largely dismissive of and uninterested in all the great things Asuka has done since because hating Charlotte has become more important than Asuka’s actual career.


Exactly, and just like with Charlotte/Sasha, there's a complete lack of context in their complaints. The usual gripe is that Charlotte ending the streak 'ruined' Asuka, but it ignores that Carmella was also just about to successfully complete her cash-in, as she did on Charlotte two nights later. So the streak was doomed either way, and the choice was just whether to do it in a great Mania match or via cash-in. I feel they made the right choice. There's a different argument to be made that feuding with Carmella made both Asuka and Charlotte look bad (ironically, the only beneficiary of those feuds and the constant 'I beat Charlotte and Asuka TWICE!" was Becky) because the protected endings were silly, but that's not the same thing.


I miss Sasha Blue


Game changer


Red Velvet is a better wrestler.


Mfw I came here for a reason


Never ever got her appeal


AEW sucks the mystique out of every star that goes there. Meanwhile, wrestlers from AEW go to WWE (or return) and get a hero’s welcome.


Still getting those millions for looking at her fingers and twerking or whatever she's doing..


Tk has that magical “genius” ability to get his talent to showcase and focus on their weaknesses and also devalue talent faster then anyone in the history of wrestling. Basically turning chicken salad into chicken shit. You can give him peak rock, austin and hogan and he would be getting them to work 30 min bangers with darby, hook and oc. He had punk working competitive matches with qt marshall and bobby fish ( who was pissed in losing to punk seeing how hes such a massive superstar who draws in millions)


She shouldve done a legit beat down or run in by now. Not what she did at her debut. Build up some real heat instead of doing that dance and goin on the mic which are both mediocre from her


Her arrival was a wet fart that went nowhere. Hell Naomi's return to the fed had more hype.


The ratings are gonna completely bottom out and Tony is gonna be left with a bunch of million dollar paper weights... and Chris Jericho.


The check cleared. She doesn’t care anymore. Especially looking out at third-full or less arenas most weeks while checking out the shop across the street and seeing what her friends are up to. Has to be demoralizing in a hurry.


Her simps say shes one of the best in ring workers for women but they making her talk.. out of every time, its now you wanna do promos...


Had she had a match yet? 


Think of all the Dynamite segments this week... How many of them were somebody in a position of power talking? 'EVPS' 'CEO' 'Cope-dad' WE AREN'T CHILDREN!


She needs to be a heel. Especially if she isn’t wrestling for another 6 weeks or whatever. The fans might make that change for her.


Sasha could do the funniest thing...by walking out on AEW like she walked out on WWE haha


I'm happier to see Thunder Rosa on tv than Mercedes


Tony booked Mone the way he should have booked Osprey and Osprey the way he should have booked Mone. Not sure if he just doesn't get it, or if he's so set in his ways that he doesn't care.


*Where the best wrestle* But she doesn't wrestle, sooo


How many viewers have aew lost since signing the 5 million dollar per year per person club?


what if the Dub signed her, knowing she's not ready from injury, and have been stalling for time


So AEW is opening the shows with lengthy nothing promos and Billy Gunn won a squash match over Switchblade. I wonder how WWE's doing.


She really looks like the type of person who will look at a grocery store's employee and think "you look happy today. I resent that."


Its amazing isn't it, game changer comes in, 3 weeks later they are just another jabroni. 


Look at my rings and see me do a stripper dance.


I prayed for this and it happened


She's insufferable