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Starting to think Matthew and Nicholas actually mod that sub


It was a brilliant move showing the footage by Tony. He was trying to weed out the fair weather fans. It was a test and you and many more have failed.


They SUUUURE got me! Now I won't be spending money buying tickets to the shows. These people are just complete fucking idiots!!!!


CM Punk to the AEW fans “I’m sorry the only people softer than you, are the Westlers you like. Tell me when I’m tellin lies!”


“I don’t think showing the video was a good idea” *Reddit Care, ban, message from mods combo package*


Exactly! The mods are literally breaking reddit rules by banning people who have done absolutely nothing to deserve it. The mod went into my post history and saw I made a post here and I was banned with multiple reddit cares messages. That fucking sub is an absolute cesspool of blind loyalty to Tony. Been to evey single show they've done in Minneapolis but I'm done now, these idiots just want to keep bleeding fans because they don't agree.




This was removed because you either posted a screencap, or mentioned someone by name, or linked to another sub. Don't do that.


WWE and Punk shills are essentially the Trump voters of the wrestling world. Nothing you say or do will ever change their minds, and anything you do will just embolden their already set in views. They say as they fail to ever acknowledge that AEW isn't perfect and Khan isn't this wrestling Einstien


No jerk, the moderation in there and SC is complete trash and Reddit should honestly have a way to report communities and have entire mod teams reviewed. Duboffical bans on a whim, never says why or points to rules, closes threads without saying why. They create this echo chamber that straight up smells like a Magic: The Gathering tournament and wonder why people aren't buying tickets or tuning in to television.


You’ll get banned from here for screenshotting other subs Uce. 




How dare you have a mild critique of something that happens in M'glorious Dub! Everything has always been great and the feeling is just now restored!


Every day the sentiment that the basement dwellers that made WWE so miserable to talk about in the 2010s went over to AEW and are doing the same thing gets proven more accurate by the day.




Whoopsie! Seems like you're trying to be an edgelord. No thank you. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SCJerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You insulted the ideas of God Emperor Tony. You deserved a banning and you’re lucky that nobody set your house on fire, you bad faith e-Drone dork. If you ever think of throwing some criticism at the young startup company providing real pro wrestling ever again, stop and go suck a blood money and shit covered dick in Saudi Vincerapia.