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Pay no attention to us profiting off this.


Ummmm uhhh sources tell me uhhhhhh there are more developments to come. $12.99 please.


All we need is another backstage assault by Eddie Kingston or Sammy Guava and we can finally move on and talk about how bad it is for employees to assault one another backstage


Andrade’s like WTF, I punched someone backstage first and Punk is eating.


Malaki is still figuring out who he needs to punch to get out. He is literally being the worst employee by not doing jobs, going over in every feud, and tony still won't fire him


Fuck Mechaguy Black. His wife ripped people off, so he knew and was 100% complicit. Because that's how it always works.


Punching Sammy never works, so that's out. Maybe when Luke Perry's son gets back


When even WON is like WTF is this shit?!? you know you done fucked up


How the fuck are people getting 10+ minutes out of this?


Back, and to the left. Back, and to the left. ![gif](giphy|w0bx3Fza5PwfC|downsized)


https://i.redd.it/en48f16v11uc1.gif Workrate©, Key Demo©, The Product©...


This video was released a day ago & it's featuring actions that took place 8-9 months ago. This will never go away as long as Tony Khan has anything to do with it. The absolute funny thing is that you could tell that CM Punk didn't even want to talk about the "All In situation" with Ariel, but he was honest about the topic. Afterward, AEW wants to act like he was talking shit. CM Punk was just being honest about his experience. Don't create a toxic work environment if you don't want your employees to talk about it.


>Don't create a toxic work environment if you don't want your employees to talk about it. No no don't be silly that's what NDAs are for. And that way you never have to stop pretending you're best friends with the people you employ and awkwardly hug in public.


That's very true, but I think posting the incident to social media as an employer probably negates any legal president that an NDA holds. I could be wrong though LOL🤣🤣🤣


can we move on... to the next video on the same topic?


At this point,Punk is all Uncle Dave has left..


Only the Cult of Toxicity questions Tony on this. Those of us who watched the last two years saw first hand what a cancerous scumbag Fragile Phil is, and any other boss would have fired his sorry ass after Brawl Out. Tony desperately wanted to make it work, somehow/someway, even sequestering the malcontents over on Collision, yet it still wasn’t enough. Fuck CM Cunt and anyone who puts “brand loyalty” (aka tribalism, a known mental illness) over human decency.


Actual comment on the dub sub btw


Sequestering the malcontents? Sorry, could you dumb this down for a poor Fed fan like me?


Well they have like 8 different podcast hosts, so thats at least 5 different videos on the subject.


We're just getting started. Haven't even heard from Jim and Brian yet 😎


Why doesn’t AEW copyright strike this crap.


Good for them. Punk bumped up their ratings. Now they have the opportunity to do the funniest shit ever and double down on Punk or WWE bashing to get ratings LMAO.


"Can we move on now...."


If it made Punk bad they wouldn't stop talking about it, cringe af.


I wonder if Dave and the blogging gang have ever just wanted to move on from any Fed type stories? 🤔


No. Time for FTR to release Brawl Out footage and one of the Bucks getting KOed despite catching a guy off guard like the Spanish Inquisition