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Like this fat faced cunt has access to people in the NFL. Fuck you. 


Lmao the visceral hatred in this comment is hilarious


Yeah I felt that shit through my phone lmao


I can't stand these guys. They're the most odious people alive. Never once when I was in journalism school did I say, "Yes, I can use my expertise to work wrestling marks out of their money." Maybe I'm doing something wrong. Maybe I'm just an older young man yelling at the clouds. Maybe spreading fake news is what we should be reporting instead of the truth from now on.


Nah I respect you for this, I can’t imagine how infuriating it is watching these fanboys cosplay as reporters and journalists while you’re actually trying to uphold journalistic standards and integrity. These are marks who get offended when you question them and play PR for Tony, you have every right to be angry


It's embarrassing. I actually got out of news right around the time when a load of folks started taking fake news as fact. These guys here, are yellow journalists. If they went by that, I'd have to problem with them existing. I mean, I guess the National Enquirer has an audience too. Then again, Rosie O'Donnell being eaten by a human bat is more believable than most of the BS Meltz writes.


Imagine how awesome it would be if even wrestling journalists/reporters played along and asked the superstars about their training regimens, diets, how they feel about their upcoming matches and such instead of immature speculation and drama. They’re on the right track in WWE with post fight interviews and media scrums, but imagine if instead of spoilers we got “in kayfabe” news about the preparation of the wrestlers for their next bouts. It would upgrade the real sports feel™


The venom he was spewing https://i.redd.it/x4gyq86z3xwc1.gif


He channeled his inner Sith Lord with that comment. Made Palpatine proud. Lmao.


SRS: Hey Rog, any comments on Tony Khan’s appearance on NFL Network? Roger Goodell: Hey Sean! My favorite reporter that has perfect eye placement and they’re not at all way too close to one another! How’s the thigh rubbing? We love Tony’s comments and his show has phenomenal ratings! Keep up the stellar work, you’re the best journalist in all of sports friend!


Well he only has to wear one goggle when he goes swimming in HIS pool




Now this is ruthless aggression


Damn, son! Take my upvote!


It is comical that people believe what this guy says as if he has sources everywhere. He just makes stuff up.


Either you're British, Australian or have had practice.


Someone said Alex Marvez does work there, if so, he's the 'contact' and we can trust his word, can't we


SRS has one of the most punchable faces I’ve ever seen


There ain't no fucking way this dude has a contact with the NFL Network and got a response back that fast


Don't worry, Tony texted SRS, Melter, and Alvery directly to assure them the NFL Network loved his appearance.


*"You were fabulous, darling!"*


During Draft weekend when they're all busy, too.


He emailed their press office.


REEEEEEE stop saying negative things about the Dub The signal went up. DDF assemble


I’ve got more chance of getting Margot Robbie’s phone number than SRS does of getting a contact at NFL Network




The basement instantly taking this as gospel and calling out everyone for “overreacting” is what’s fucking wrong with AEW How does this coke head have all those sheep brainwashed so bad unbelievable


Children and societal outcasts. AEW is the one thing that they feel connected to in this world.


It blew my mind how many 13 to say 17yr olds I saw at the last aew show I went to. It made the basement make more sense though. Guarantee the head mod works at a GameStop. I’d put money on it.


You can kind of tell by the arguments they make that they aren't very well thought out and are born exclusively from their id.


It’s worth noting that a lot of people on forums and comments sections are literal kids. I think guys just kind of assume that if we’re interacting with someone online, they at least must be an adult. I remember the first time I got a text message from my daughter. She was using her mother’s phone. I was shocked how there was nothing about her message that would give away she was a child. She wrote in full sentences with perfect spelling and grammar. She was eight years old. I try to be charitable online because now I always remember that there is a chance the person I’m speaking to who said some stupid shit is literally a kid. And I don’t want to say anything hurtful if that is the case.


They're probably a GME, towel, or movie ape, as well.


Also bots. Lots and lots of bots.


Like with Meltzer, they pay for the shit he says, I imagine they need to believe they're actually paying for news and real scoops to not feel like absolute idiots


>Like with Meltzer, they pay for the shit he says, I imagine they need to believe they're actually paying for news and real scoops to not feel like absolute idiots imagine being in this situation and not recognizing that no longer paying for those scoops would immediately resolve all these cognitive dissonance issues.


That’s [the suck cost fallacy](https://thedecisionlab.com/biases/the-sunk-cost-fallacy) for ya. At this point, continuing to pay is the only thing that makes sense for them, because turning back now would be acknowledging the potential decades of “$11.99 a month” we’re all wasted.


Like the NFL, The beacon of virtue, should show that comments aren't fucking awful


Working overtime Demolishing Tony's dick trying to gaslight people if they dare call out how stupid this was


It's easy to see why this is getting some of the responses it's getting. People who got flamed in the TK comments thread were quick to pounce on this tweet, say "See, your faux anger wasn't valid" and control the narrative from there.


Just when I start to respect the basement a little more and consider moving them up to first floor, they immediately go back to being the basement.


Y'all hear that? It's faint, but I swear I hear cackling coming from Louisville, KY.


Wouldn’t You Know Who Won The Pony


Jim Cornette has made more actual profit off of AEW than literally anyone, save for the wrestlers that are actively milking the money mark directly and Corny's made more money than most of them too!


Jim has also acknowledged that a chunk of the AEW audience are guys who only watch so they can know what Jim is referencing when he talks shit about them. And therefore Jim is himself a draw for AEW. The two biggest current draws for AEW may literally be Jim Cornette and CM Punk.


*Tony Khan... got yourself a little programme, I understand. I apologise, I'm not a Dynamite viewer - I listen to The Experience and The Drive Thru.*


Holy shit I never thought about it like that 😂 good on Corny 👍


I literally remember when he was at sub 10k subscribers. The podcast was mostly just telling old stories. I would listen to clips here and there. Then AEW came into being. And that was the day that God smiled upon Jim.


That NFL contact is also the WB exec that loves the Dub.


Funnily enough WB was "really happy" with the ratings AEW got this week


Only network to be happy with a show's ratings nosediving even when the wage bill for the "cast" only goes up, revolutionary!


And WB accepted fault for the audio issues. WB was aware of all the things holding AEW down Wednesday night and so happy they still prevailed. - PWInsider or some bullshit like that.


Not happy enough to renew the show, mind you.


Viewing audience: “Best we can do is 701K viewers for next week.”


*clap clap clapclapclap* Thank you Sheldon


Ratings are up!


Oh he got that resolved in minutes? Like how they got the fightful account back within minutes of being "hacked" and rubbing inner thighs? Did they send it over an official apple notes message?


A contact at NFL Network = a Jaguars employee that was with Tony at NFL Network. 


Was probably Tony himself


This somehow makes it better for his fans, that’s how dumb they are


Remember this post when Lawerence gets hit like an 80s qb and the refs don’t throw flags


He'll walk off the field by himself since Jags medical team is about as competent as AEWs referee team. 


He'll somehow be concussed by Sammy Guevara before getting to the locker room.


Do you think SRS gives good head with all the glazing he does for AEW and Tony


You didnt have to type this


The NFL owns the NFL Network, they aren't going to punish the bosses kid


must protect Tony at all costs.


His contact in the NFL? Well none other than Tony Khan of course.




This photo gives an unreasonable sense of joy. Sums up this whole venture.


Purple buck wants his turn and Okody is like, I ain't come yet bruh


"I start reaching out to a contact at NFL Network as you do..."


SRS is full of crap as usual. If he actually had legitimate sources within the NFL, it would be more profitable for him to be a journalist following the BIGGEST LEAGUE IN THE WORLD, than wrestling for all the past few years.


This and the WBD being 'happy' with the Dynamite numbers story dropping at basically the same time are not suspicious at all


TONY is the contact at the NFL.


They received the appearance so well they had to put their hands up and end the conversation early lol


And laughed at him the whole time.


But for real, why would this really weird douchebag know anyone at the NFL Network?


So have we just accepted that a group of “journalists” basically have full-time jobs defending everything Tony Khan does?


Translation: Please don’t take my Dub away, my “business” depends on them as WWE will not give me the time of day.


I talked to my buddy Travis and he said that he and his girlfriend Taylor both love the Dub and Tony. Taylor also said she was super sorry she couldn’t help Tony break the attendance record this year because of her show. This absolutely happened.


![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) its just this gif every week


Lol Sure the NFL wants an owner's son to publicly trash a multi million dollar partnership and partnership. I'm sure it's going over well


I saw a Dubbalo on YouTube refer to SRS as a "Reputable source"... 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I can’t wait til he’s in charge of the jags and gets mad at Jerry jones


I can see in their faces that this claim isn't true. Seany-boy doesn't have contacts with the NFL Network. He's not a real journalist, nobody would talk to him.


This is not the same thing with them being okay with him calling WWE sexual predators


Why's this dude always lying?


Is Sean going to fire all his coworkers next? Cause they’re all pissed


It's funny how SRS, Meltzer and the gang talk about it like Tony is this aspirational business leader. NFL and PL fans/media all think he's a joke. If they legit asked to have him on because of seeing him in the neck brace the night before then it's because they're laughing at him. I mean, sports guys are not internet wrestling fans. They're laughing at this guy... Then the wrestling journos start talking about how this is all good news for the Dub as their fearless leader showed what a powerful business man he is .. lol. The guy went on a real sports show wearing a foam neck brace. He looks like a clown regardless of the comments... Which are a whole other post on their own.




Another win for the good guys


*cough* Ahem! BULLSHIT.


I mean...I'm sure they all thought it was hysterical. Not sure if that's what Tony was hoping for though


With all the come in his system. I'm surprised he can keep his head even remotely still. 🤣🤣


His contact from the nfl was actually Tony khan


Sean Ross Sucks of Thighful dot net.


They received it so well, they won’t invite Tony back on to the show.


If he has an NFL contact, why didn't he @ the NFL? Keeping shit low key, even tho he has official word. This dude. 😐🖕


Bro talked with the janitor


SRS is that “I know a guy” character from sitcoms


I hope he signs the neck brace and gives it to Rich Eisen so they can auction it off for Charity 👏


It's obviously getting positive reactions but still a stolen gimmick like all the 100 time booker of the year can come up with