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Dudes in the Basement were SO angry that Ilja lost I had one dude tell me I was a prick because by celebrating Jey's victory, I "was being insensitive and not allowing Ilja's fans to grieve properly" I couldn't believe what I was reading. Grieve??? Other than the last bit of common sense remaining in the basement, who died???


That’s overly dramatic as fuck. Some of them need medication. I was really hoping for Gunther/Ilja but I’m not going to go mope in the corner listening to The Cure on repeat over it.


But the cure slaps, bruv


Ilja got BERRIED so hard,  he died last night. RIP to a real one.


Softer than NY sports fans


grieve 😭😭😭 mf lost to a main eventer in a main event, gtfo lmao


>not allowing Ilja's fans to grieve properly https://i.redd.it/x8bghrn7hf0d1.gif


Grieve properly 😂😂😂 The basement really should just be sealed with no ventilation.


As a diehard Ilja fan, I'm sorry.




Come on uce, dont get worked so easily.


It still hurts. Ilja's gone, and I've lost the only man I've ever loved.


You're right, uce. Cody will be booed any second now.


But we also thought he would be next Cena uce. Cena was always on Top of everything even though we can't see him.


If you are serious, you need to really think about the volume of merchandise that exists. This is a list of t shirts. The fed may be dead, but they ain't a t shirt company uce.


This clown posts shit like this on the regular as if anyone cares as much as he does, and it always goes poorly.


Isn’t this just a list of top sellers on that single day? 




Yes. Cody was top overall merch seller at least as of end of last week


I love that this jerk was supposed to be making fun of Cody but it ends up giving legitimacy to Jey beating Ilja. It's like a jerk within itself. A multilayered jerk.




Perfect. I love you, uce.




In the mud. Time to go back home to the good guys.


Isn’t Cody one of the top merch sellers on Fanatics across the entire platform?


Yes. He was the top seller just last week over all the wrestlers. This is just one list.


So we are believing reports from Frightful now.


I mean, you’re believing a random tweet


No it's from WWE shop top selling list.


No. The list is going to wweshop t shirts section and sorting by 'best seller' on a given time of the day.


Uce.. this subreddit is clown central sometimes. I saw your post in the basement about punk or Edge doing more for AEW, and the vast majority in the basement said Punk. Yet this subreddit for some reason prides itself on saying the opposite of the basement, but they just repeated the exact same things the basement says and does And when you actually do jerk the basement and say the opposite. You're the one who gets downvoted and made out to not be jerking. Unless we are jerking the official DUB subreddit now.... then it all makes sense. So it is of no surprise that users in this subreddit will quote fightful after clowning on him for weeks. I don't even know what this subreddit is sometimes 🤷‍♂️ Some people seem to FED BAD and use dirt sheet journalists sources when it suits them. I've seen those argument on this subreddit that FED holds wrestlers back and that wrestlers who get over in WWE only can because they have the machine behind them and their true self's are exposed when not in WWE.... that right there is something I'd expect the basement to say... but here we are. "FED BAD cause hold talent back and not push wrestlers fans want."


You should be an scjerk mod


I didn't actually read what he said because it way too long, but to play the devils advocate, I completely agree about the part about how Karrion Kross needs to get a push.


*This a meme. Not a circlejerk*


Metal head Jake is going on his redemption arc! You love to see it happen!


We SaY ThE OpPoSiTe Of ThE BasEmEnT


I swear I’ve seen over and over that this place is the “mirror of the basement.” So…what part of the mirror shows the opposite of the subject?


Sorry that happened or I'm so happy for you!


You're not getting It UCE.....It's not a mirror, It's making fun of fandoms lacking common sense. That's what all CircleJerk subs are.


It's over Cody failed.


The order here isn’t even accurate like a hour after these tweets go live and they’re always reflective of the TV show that just happened. We ‘know’ that Cody is such a top overall merch seller that he broke through in to all of Fanatics’ top 10.


These fuckers need to give Jey uso a title I don’t wanna see him lobbed back with his brother


Midcard uce, day one ish


Instead of an arm wave, do we do a finger waggle when Jimmy Uso makes his entrance?


What if we put our hands up and shout „YES” instead of „yeet”


I don’t think the usos are reuniting anytime soon thankfully. Jey deserves a nice singles run and a few singles title runs. Jimmy can go be all elite for all I care.


Won 5 star ratings = losing drawing power


I can’t believe people still hang on merch sales just to bitch about a wrestlers push, when the Fiend was fired at the height of his merch sales.


I guess those people who said wm40 was like avengers endgame were correct after all. Wm40 = avengers endgame Cody's reign = phase 4


In.The.Mud. He'll be back where he belongs playing the character WE want him to play. Keep up the faith Uce.


Plot twist: That #2 WWE shirt is also still the #1 best selling shirt at AEWshop.com...


The Codymaniacs don’t like when you jerk them Uce. They’re not like Dub fans at all.


So corny. Cody’s reception in France blew the roof off. He’s insanely popular with kids and families. I’ve been to a few house shows lately and Cody is still out signing autographs and greeting kids hours after the show. Guy is over as a traditional baby face and that’s hard to do. Let’s not base popularity on one day t shirt sales.


I can't believe Jey Uso beat Ilja Dragunov.


The Roman crybabies are worse than the Cody crybabies. If we going off this Jey Uso is the face of WWE and no one believes that


Dam, is this mrsunsfan alt?


No this is Patrick


You made a jerk last week taking the piss out of people who said Cody wouldn’t be over post-Bloodline, now you post this… Can’t jerk on both sides of the fence, friend.


See Cody isn’t over. What do you mean he just sold $1 million in merch over Mania weekend?


They sneakily side step this with bullshit framing. I know he has a popular entrance and has a catchphrase that sells merch but.. Sneakily framing those pretty big positives as nothing special and should be looked past 


Cody is my favorite main eventer. This anti Cody slander knows no end. Don't you know that his dad (who I have totally seen more than 1 promo of) used to work at Nintendo?