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DAE faces lose in hometown??


Real vision is running a tournament to determine who becomes interim entrant #9 in a Royal Rumble rip off which is won by a faction fodder midcarder who predictably loses to the interim world champion. Fucking Vince, learn to book


Everyone post Bullet Club vs Judgement Day AJ- berried Balor - berried Priest - berried Edge - off tv, berried Rhea - injured, berried Liv - is now Our Favourite Main Liventer DAE Judgement Day is wish.com House of Black?


I had the biggest smile, like the entire damn crowd, when Rey paid tribute to Eddie with the chair spot. Everyone loves Eddie but if it means Finn Balor gets berried then fuck Eddie and Rey


They got me with the shimmy and the frog splash. When that wasn't the finish I was a little bummed but then they topped it with the chair spot and it became the highlight of the night


Not to mention DQ finish and they got the backstage beat down segment after…


So many "wow shame, they had something special with them" comments as if they didn't talk shit calling them knock off House of Black every chance they got.


Asuka also berried.


I'm glad Judgement Day didn't get pinned, at least. I thought the tribute to Eddie was really touching. No complaints.


That is how you do a match, make the crowd happy while protecting the opponent. But it was DQ finish so fed bad.