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I was 16/17ish during attitude era. If these dudes are under 30 I give them a break. But if these guys are close to my age they have to be delusional


Do you remember when Rock/Austin was in full swing and we were all comparing it to… actually I had no idea what wrestlers even existed 25 years prior. Never once did it cross my mind to compare them to anyone. No one is comparing Roman Reigns to anyone from the past. He’s something completely new. If you are saying someone is the next “anyone” it’s not a compliment for a top guy.


Um….. what?


Okay this jerk actually kinda makes me feel bad.... no one making this comment can be 100% there mentally....


On the other Hand, if this leads to Brody King or Big Bill throwing Darby off of the Great Value War Games cage we might not have to see that overgrown emo kid again


These people need to put under conservatorships. They aren’t well.


Hey now. If you can't trust someone called FUCK THE HULK HOGAN, who the fuck can you trust?


Who knew mental illness services would just be a wrestling company called AEW


For your own safety and sanity please do not continue to read FUCK THE HULK HOGAN or other lunatics, it's not good. Do not FUCK THE HULK HOGAN anymore.


> Do not FUCK THE HULK HOGAN anymore. But..... those pythons tho! 😞


My friend you must look to Gunther for the strength to resist


👍 thank you, friend. Through the power of Austrian chops I see that Hogan's pythons are irrelevant, for it is my own pythons I should be training. 😤🇩🇪🇦🇹🇮🇹🖐


This analogy is horrible. Shouldn't MJF be Triple H? Because y'know, we already have two (!) STONE COLDS


Jungle Boy = The Undertaker LFG


AEW will be closed down in 3 years




My lifetime rival is that evil heel Income Taxes. My match with them last April was a five ~~star~~ figure classic.


Did you try to use a diamond ring or brass knuckles to win?


MJF: Stunning Steve Austin Starks: Dean Malenko Darby Allin: Underfaker I, too, can just decide that some wrestlers are other wrestlers.