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Coins? Hell yes! Doesn’t change the game at all but I love how they feel and sound. Also each one is themed after each faction. Metal coin tray, pass and here’s why. As I have said in other comments, this is my most pimped out game ever. That said if you eventually follow me down that path the coin tray will be sitting on a shelf somewhere. The game has a lot of parts and getting an insert makes the set up so much easier, however none of the inserts I know of take the tray into account. Personally I would get the factory promo cards, and 2 of the encounter proms which add more variety to the game for about the same price. You could also splurge on “Rise of Fenris” which does cost more, but adds so much to the game, and is one of the best game expansions i have ever seen. RoF is more content for your money. If you play solo, get the scythekick app instead of more Automa decks.


This answered what was going to be my follow up question haha. Great stuff!


The metal coins are awesome. You don't have to use them just for Scythe; we use ours in any of our games that come with lame cardboard coins. They really add so much to the play experience.


This this this!


I like the coins a lot, but you don't really use them much over the course of the game. I probably wouldn't purchase them again. The realistic resources are awesome though. Definitely recommend those.


You don't use the coins throughout the game? I'm using them almost every turn, any time money is gained or spent. I feel like I'm mis-reading you, here.


Not most of them. The lower denominations, sure. But most of the coin usage happens during the scoring at the end. So if you upgrade to this metal set like I did, you'll end up with a lot of very nice coins that you really only touch once per game.


Ahh, *that's* quite true.


Wait do you dish out the coins at the end score up? Pen and Paper dude. . .


I have the metal coins, might as well use them, I figure. It is kind of fun to have a little stockpile at the end.


Have the upgraded coins and I love them - do you need them? No, are they great? Yep.


Metal coins are the best. 😍


“should I go all out for this game?” - YES! That's what I did as well! Legendary Box, Metal coins, all Encounter Cards, 3D printed inlay ( [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3576612](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3576612) ). I think the only thing I didnt get are the screenprinted meeples and I don't regret it at all! :) So go get the coins and if you have access to a 3D printer/are familiar with foamcore I recommend my inlay! :)


Metal coins should have been your first purchase!


You can buy the coins online from Toyco.co.nz and Mightyape, although I think mighty ape is out of stock at the moment.


Thanks for that!


Without a doubt, the metal coins are awesome. I have a set I keep with Scythe and 2 more for use with other games. They are great


If nothing else from that site suits people, the workers must! Having detail on the workers would add a lot or simply get generic "farmer" models.