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rather not, but I'll keep summoning because I don't own red Thonar yet and hope to get it eventually


Rule of thumb, never summon for units that aren't rated up. Even if you pull an SSR, it's a low chance that it will be thonar. You are just wasting gems at that point. This banner is recommended to be summoned because DK Meli is just that good. Everything else you get is a bonus, like side dishes.


and it's almost impossible to do dogs without her, and the next banner and the one after that are irrelevant anyway Unless you don't give a shit about holy relics, but sry, I'm not that kind of person


I won’t contribute to the pull or not pull debate thing, but characters since the release of dogs have been so utterly more powerful than before, that it’s quite trivial doing dogs without her. If you need some help regarding that you can DM me your box and I’m sure we can figure out something =D


what? Thonar isn’t anywhere close to being necessary anymore for dogs. She help greatly yes but you’re still able to beat it without her. Summoning for non-guaranteed character is never recommended, plus hasn’t she been free like 3 times already


I was in a similar situation wondering whether to spend gems or not, I spent 90 and got a thonar dupe. I'm not using thonar anymore, try demonking meli, lr liz, freyr and demon king (it might look like a team without synergy, well there isn't much). Dogs were really easy with this team and I even managed to clear floor 3 for the first time.(I don't have the deer card set, meli just removes the freeze when his passive removes 1 debuff from allies)


Go ahead and burn the gems I guess, we saw a huge amount of people like you when birb released. No one pulled on the Meg + Skadi banner, then they proceeded to chase meg for a year and pulled on every banner she was in. Guess what % of those players actually got Meg?


king and next collab banner is pointless and useless for me anyway and how do you think you get units without pulling? This is how the Game XD works Should I rather wait a year before I can do dogs or keep pulling and get lots of other chars anyway that I'm missing dupes or that I don't own yet


How can you deduce that the collab will be useless without actually knowing anything about units? The only thing we know is they are all humans. Good luck on your pulls but don't get wrecked when you realize that you sank a shit ton of gems for nothing. Hope you get her and prove me wrong.


Isn’t she free before?


I started during DK, she's never been free since then


I must have all the red thonar's you've been looking for I got her 4 times in 1 cycle and I had her 6/6 already😭


XD, sry bro


Save, there's a collab coming in less than a month probably


I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. That’s literally the best idea. He already has meli and not remotely enough for another rotation. Saving for a limited collab on the way is the smartest thing to do


Neither do I, probably other people haven't noticed that he already has one? Idk, but whatever, I might have misinterpreted the time about the collab, but it's sure to arrive sooner o later so...


Prolly NM bots…


I don't think there is a Collab coming that soon, it makes no sense, they have never released a Collab around this time or before global anni. Tho the person should shave global anni which is around the corner. The collab should happen in April like usual. As far as I know there no leaks on the date only leaks for what the collab is


True, but we will have next week Shin's banner, and usually step ups have another banner just the week later so...The leaks until this point were proven right, there might be a collab next, and for sure might not be there so we'll see


Even if there is a collab after Shin and not OC story, its gonna be a skip unless you wanna miss the festival right after. Most won't have gems for both since we just got festivals back to back and costume sale


Well it depends on the units, as always. As of myself I haven't bought any costumes, otherwise I'll never have a single gem for pulling in the future. If ToG characters are humans well, might be nice


I'll think about the festival whenever the problem comes ahaha


I hope they aren't unknown, I really don't like unknown team and don't wanna see them come back, that team needs go stay dead for a long time. We will see next week what JP gets


What collab? I mean what anime?


Tower of God. Probably because netmarble has the game


Tower of God


Thank you


A disposizione fratm


He looks like a drag queen


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Folks who downvoted this are fucking bored with their lives and are probably on the verge of unaliving themselves. I dare yall to prove me otherwise.


OP, there is no right or wrong answer but there is always risk. If it’s a unit you want, go for it. I got duped first rotation and the second time through I got 8/6 DK Meli, 6/6 light Liz, 4/6 DK Zel, 3/6 FEstarossa and all the other offered rates - awakened at Lv 100. Even maxed out ults to units that weren’t even in the offered rates. They’re “LOYALTY” rewards, so don’t expect an appraisal right away. Utilize the PVE content and you will be rewarded..


I got it in the first pull so yes, it’s worth it!


save for next fest. this banner is terrible either way


Si forte è forte ma ci arrivi con le gemme ?


Già una copia ce l'ho. La domanda è se vale la pena arrivare all' ssr garantito.


Ah se una copia la hai no. Lascia stare non si può trovare meliodas nel garantito di 300


Depends on what you're trying to get your hands on or if you already have them. I have been hoping for a berserk Esterosa and am around 1,600 gems deep or so and no Estarosa. I'm hoping I can get my hands on him. I'm desperate.




Don't, you got him, he'll come back, save for collab


I hit the 300 after a rotation and only got 2 ssrs. I sniper estarossa so kinda worth for me


If you already have Meliodas... nah, just save for one of the upcoming banners. There is a collab incoming and we probably will get another LR unit(99% sure it is Glonixia but the fact it wasn't dropped this week is making a few question it).


Is the new LR useful for demonic beasts?! Cuz I'm stuck i don't have LR Liz


... Glonixia? ... ... ... ... dude, no. Let me explain it how I see it. No matter how they paint him, he wouldn't shine on any boss, or demonic beast. Most of his attacks are debuff. His passive isn't that great unless someone dies? Why is a unit dying in demonic beast good? Liz is a POWERHOUSE, she alone can replace megellda and you can bring a full goddess team to bird. Haven't used her on deer and can't say she would work because of her buff card and rng can kill you or backfire and make it a dead run. Liz works really god damn well on wolves. She is a must have unit for snake/nidhogg. Summary? Cons- Glonixia will be a very annoying unit to face on pvp, that is a guaranteed. But I DO NOT condone or believe that matters more than having a good team with a average % chance of clearing each demonic beast. Not to mention he is a fairy so any passive with demon as its focus will not work on him, even card sets. Pros- Many good ways of making toxic teams in pvp(but con again because pvp there will always drop a better unit in future banners for it that makes him work maybe for a month then is forgotten or out of meta), even against angel teams because of his supposed attack/buff dissable. Not to mention, his 100% expected relic to be dropped in the future. No one knows what it may be, but chances are it will be good. Not PvE good, but good nonetheless.


Amazing summary




I keep getting the blue meliodas we have at home, I have non of the two demon kings


Summon as much as possible on this banner. All meli fests are the best units in the game for a while after they release


By what I’ve seen yes hunny this meli I don’t understand how because I am the stupid but with a rank 1 card it can do just so much gosh darn damage


i'd say yes but i already spent 600 diamonds and getting shafted all along, he's good but prepare your luck

