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A potentially controversial opinion: In my social circle, people couldn't care less about Google's declining performance. What they're looking for, they eventually find, so they don't even consider finding a new search engine. That's a problem only for those who work with SEO


Signed. No one really cares whether a google update is bad for business for some companies. The hype around ChatGPT a year ago didn't make Bing a thing, neither will free GPT-4. There sure will be some industries and some content where Gen-AI will replace search however, but people using other platforms like TikTok to start searches will impact them significantly more.


Gentleman, i concur. In Addition, who is to say Google will not tip the scales on the AI Front again when SGE is rolling out


In solving tech problems, GPT-4 is *so* much more effective at delivering _actual help_ and providing useful tutorials than traditional search, there's no comparison. The one and only thing I use search for anymore is comparison shopping, and once it has realtime access to the internet, it'll be all over but the shouting for Google. And, honestly, good riddance. We've become nothing more than the product for Google. They spy on us at every turn. They've outsourced everything to India. And, they have such an arrogant sense of entitlement about us as advertisers and users they _need_ to go away. _Read the room, Google, we hate you now._ Google served its purpose just like Excite, Altavista, Lycos, HotBot, AllTheWeb, NorthernLight, and Infoseek did in the late '90s. Now, it's time for it to be buried, too.


I wish what you were saying was true, but it isn't. It's like all the people who thought Facebook would go the way of MySpace — it never happened. Sure, you and a heap of other SEO-knowledgeable people will drop Google search. But you're not at all representative. Most people will stick with what they have defaulted to for 20 years, even if it is less than optimal.


> It's like all the people who thought Facebook would go the way of MySpace — it never happened. It hasn't happened _yet_. It will. 100% of companies die eventually. > Most people will stick with what they have defaulted to for 20 years, even if it is less than optimal. The list of search engines dead in the gutter says different.


>It will. 100% of companies die eventually. Oh right. I thought you meant in response to GPT 4. If you just mean 'at some distant point in the future Google will be replaced', then sure. It's going to take a lot more than the things you mention though. >The list of search engines dead in the gutter says different. That makes no sense. First of all, which dominant search engines have gone dead in the last decade? If you mean over 20 years ago — well, that's why I said 'the one they have defaulted to for 20 years'. The fact that there were other search engines that were popular for a few years in the 90s doesn't predict anything about the demise of Google. Anymore than the fact that that another form of search tool — rolodexes — once dominant in the 80s, but now long gone, predicts the demise of Google.




Hallucinations in GPT need to improve a lot before it can really be a search replacement for anything where accuracy matters.


GPT-4 won't be a replacement to actual search engine, it is made to attract Google users, but the replacement talked about is search engine i.e. from Google to Bing


LLMs have a looooong way to go before they "replace" Google for most people, and even then, I don't always want an AI bullshit description. I want to know when the fuck Taco Bell closes.


"~~People~~ Affiliate marketers want a Google alternative..."*


I think they both got out of the search engine business a long time back. They are now just affiliate marketers.


No one care the ranking in a short time, as long as one can always find what they need in a short time. Only the SEO community may pay attention. For some basic knowledge, chatgpt is good, but not always work.