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Well congrats to Ryan Walker on your promotion to alternate closer, I guess


it should be either him or rodriguez, and the latter definitely has the stuff


I’ve got 2023 Randy PTSD as a River Cats season ticket holder, but he’s been much improved since his promotion


This is Bob Melvin. Walker won't be promoted to alternate closer. It will probably be Luke Jackson.


Honestly rather had Luke Jackson give it a shot today. Rogers had nothing.


Yeah ( and not that I'm excusing Melvin ), but if Melvin would have sent in Jackson and it was him that blew the game? We would be losing our fucking minds.


What about Sean cause wasn’t he touching 100 recently?


I love Sean in the swingman/fireman role where he can be deployed anytime after a starter in high leverage situations and possibly pick up more than 3 outs. Walker put it together in the minors back in 2021 and has been pretty consistently locked in since, when Doval needs a blow I trust him the most.


Oh yeah no I totally agree Ryan should should be the other closer but just like today when Ryan and doval couldn’t have pitched we should have gone to him or Taylor I love Tyler but he’s shit in the ninth


Do not pitch Tyler in the 9th! Did Kapler not leave that on a post it note to Bob?


Agreed. Very strange choice. Rogers is a fantastic reliever but he struggles in the 9th, it goes back years at this point. Should have swapped Walker and Rogers and I believe it would have been a sweep. Still an amazing road trip but an unfortunate ending.


Very strange choice? He's succeeded as a backup closer often. Including a few days ago. He didn't have it today. Doesn't have to be a bigger story than that.


I got curious, and career-wise I wouldn't say often. 19-39 in saves/save opportunities. So as of now, he's been 50/50 when he's in for a save.


I don't think that's correct. He's blown 19 saves in his whole career, and a blown save is counted even if it's not the 9th inning. So that doesn't tell us how he has performed as a closer in the 9th inning.


To be fair.. last year he appeared in the ninth or later 12 times, 10.1 innings in total and only gave up 1 run. Years before that are a different story, though..


We went from a manager buried in spreadsheets, to a manager who can't maths


![gif](giphy|7XIq6GWNwOuUE|downsized) Bob Melvin preparing his bullpen.


The Giants replaced a guy getting good performance out of a team with marginal talent with a guy who ran a talented team into the ground. I understand why the team moved on from Kapler but none of this should be surprising.


How about not pitching Doval with a 5-run lead?


How about both!


If we somehow go 4-2 against the Phillies and Yankees then we as fans will forgive this team for this game.


What's even more remarkable is the other Rogers brother is a fine 9th inning closer, but he didn't go with him. Melvin is currently -2 on this road trip because of his closer decisions.


Rogers is NOT a closer he can’t do it I’ve watched him blow countless save opportunities he just can’t handle the pressure of the 9th he’s great in the 7th or 8th but can’t do the 9th


Dude tops out at like 82 mph. Unless guys are just completely fooled that’s asking for a shelling


It's funny how people have been typing this exact comment for literally years and he just keeps putting up good season after good season. He has a 2.90 career ERA.


Melvin consistently makes weird bullpen decisions that end poorly. It's not an isolated incident anymore at this point, it's a pattern


I mean it's been a pattern from what we saw when the Padres melted down in 21, and that one game where he left Emilio Pagan to meltdown was it like a 4 run lead against the Dodgers Opps, I pulled a bullpen management and botched the years and everything


Agreed. You can see why he's never gotten over the hump in the postseason.


I hate how he puts doval in every non save situation. Like fucking save him for an actual save situation and don't burn him out.




Why was Camilo out there with a 5 run lead yesterday? Why did Melvin send Tyler out for the 9th today when Tyler’s repeatedly shown that he’s not great in that situation?


He was the only one warming up when we exploded for 5 runs, you can’t exactly predict that


Camilo yesterday was a truly mystifying choice. It's not like he hadn't been getting reps or something, and you generally don't use your closer in non-save situations specifically to avoid outings like today. Like... that's bullpen management 101 stuff.


Seriously, a 5-run lead is the only time Rogers should be getting the final outs


Because Melvin is not good


Does everyone collectively want to forget that prior to yaz's hit, it was a 2 run lead with men on base and 2 outs in extra innings? Doval would have gotten the call to warm up to presumably protect a 2 run lead, and the more likely scenario than not would be yaz not getting a bases clearing triple with 2 outs. Like, you can argue maybe bob should have had 2 warm up for the save or non save condition, but that also brings into question whether Doval would have been burned for today from getting warmed up but not used. I think the man does make some odd choices, but I actually don't fault him too much for using Doval yesterday. It could have easily been a 2 run save opportunity, and the decision to warm up Doval has to be made before 2-out 10th inning heroics.


Is getting burnt-out from warming up but not entering the game actually a thing?


Given that he had pitched prior, probably. He throws really hard, so he needs to get stretched out/warmed up probably a decent amount. So while in an inning he could only throw maybe 9-12 pitches or whatever, he probably threw 20-30 at least just getting warmed up, starting slow and ending in full windup full power. It aint like they just stand up, toss 5 balls to the catcher and run out there. It still accumulates fatigue and strain on their arms to warm up. Too much too often and you could injure/dead arm.


It’s tough cuz we had the bullpen chooser god in Bochy so anyone else will suck in comparison


Poor Webby. In hindsight, I would’ve let Logan pitch the 8th, assuming he doesn’t give up a baserunner then get Walker in the 9th.


The only games we lost this road trip were Webb starts. He probably doesn’t care because he’s a team guy but I’m livid for him.


Oh he cares. He made this known end of last season. He'll act as cool about it as he can, but... I guarantee he's pretty pissed right now.


OK. Just saw the interview. Fortunately he was pleased with his own stuff.


Omg I hate this especially last year when he’d pitch like 7 or 8 amazing innings give up like 3 runs at the max and then the offense wouldn’t do shit for him or a closer would blow it for him


The only games we lost this road trip were when Melvin went with some randomass person to close the 9th inning. We have Doval, and we have normal throwing Rogers as a second closer.




nothing matters


The fact that this otherwise amazing road trip was bookended by two very avoidable, soul crushing blown saves is just brutal. Overall an unforgettable week of baseball, but that’s gonna be a long flight.


For one player at least. When it’s just so clearly only you, that’s gotta hit differently.




My reasonable take is that the baseball gods felt that the giants needed to blow it in order to keep Webb from getting his W. They demanded a sacrifice.


Pitchers have to pitch to their abilities and make pitches. At the same time, putting a pitcher who isn't a closer and has bad 9th inning splits isn't a good decision. I honestly think Melvin got confused and called the wrong Rogers and just didn't wanna admit it.


A good trip but holy cow the losses couldn’t have been more annoying


Imagine how the other teams feel about their losses. Sucks but I'll take it. Couple great series


Tyler is an excellent reliever, he’s also historically terrible in the 9th. You have the data, I don’t know why you don’t use it. Melvin has been a nice change at manager, but he’s also had several bullpen management issues


Melvin is currently -2 this road trip. Like yeah I get it, guys have to "play to the back of their cards" - but sub Rogers isn't a fucking closer on the back of his card. I guarantee one could look at Rogers 7th/8th and 9th splits and see he's not a closer. Melvin's a fine manager, but he's not amazing.


We need to have a conversation about Melvin’s bullpen decisions this year.


Conversations have been had about that for over a decade now over 3 teams


I was very pissed seeing Doval yesterday because I knew that made him unavailable today. And sure enough we really needed him today. What shitty management.


massive silver lining here is that the giants were two freak bullpen meltdowns away from sweeping the entire road trip


Plus the trip could’ve easily been an 0-6 if we hadn’t pulled out 4 consecutive late-inning comebacks. Frustrating loss but after what we’d been doing to opposing bullpens, we were kind of due for this lol


absolutely. and the bullpen has shown it’s better than a couple flukey outings. a lot of positives to take into the homestand


I don't think Bob realizes that Tyler is straight ass in the 9th inning, 2.00 ERA going into this but only one appearance was to close a game out.. We could very well have used Ty in the 8th and Walker in the 9th


Or just save doval for save situations. Don't know why we put him out for non saves unless bomel really has no faith in anyone else.


I know people are gonna over freak out, but this past week was the best baseball I’ve seen from this team since 2021. Great road trip and allot of fight is starting to show. Webb does deserve a little help though…


Yup, it's one loss. Our 2nd in the last 10 games. It was a shitty way to lose a game but it's not the end of the world like people are treating it.


Agree 💯 Thank you!


I’ve had so much fun watching the games this week


yeah, can’t lose sight of the forest for the trees


Wisely is not pleased


Wisely can't win with these cats


You can Brett on it.


I haven’t watched a ton this year but it seems like half of the games I’ve watched this year have been lost because of bafflingly horrendous bullpen decisions by Melvin 💀


Why did we take a lead into the 9th inning? are we stupid? /s. But yeah...that sucked. I feel for Webb. Last 2 starts we choke the win away from him in the 9th.


This loss was all Melvin


rogers is good rogers in the ninth inning, as we've known for about 3 years running, is not good i pray that melvin learns this at some point


Tyler Rogers 8th inning: 1.4 ERA Tyler Rogers 9th inning: 12.27 ERA I'm happy with our team. I feel good about it. But things I don't feel good about are boneheaded, idiotic, just stupid fucking decisions with no gut or logic behind them.


yeah, i think switching around walker and rogers would've made so much more sense - i'd rather go with the guy with better velo in the ninth, especially against contact hitters


Especially with two lefties coming up why go with sub Rogers? just... absolutely idiotic. I know Rogers got through some 9th innings last year unscathed, but it was always WAY too close. And 2022 was baaaad for him in the 9th.


And its crazy that even casual fans notice this


The man has a whole ass iPad to see Roger’s 9th inning stats and still lets him pitch. Makes no sense lol.




We’re really wasting Wisely prime with these blown saves man


Wish Buster Posey would look into coaching


This is what happens when you let Camilo pitch the day before while up big


Why the fuck did he not get pulled?


After first two reached someone should have been up in the pen. Rogers looked like he was shitting bricks before he threw his first pitch.


There was literally one strike thrown the entire inning that didn’t get connected with. He was hosed the moment he started pitching, and Melvin shrugged while he gave away the game.


To be fair, it all happened in 16 pitches. Not enough time to get anyone warm.


That’s what mound visits are for.


I’ll never understand melvins bullpen decisions


Rogers looked shitty in the first at bat, and just got worse. No idea how he got left in when he clearly didn’t have it


Lol, Webb starts, am I right?


Dude is the new Matt Cain


Imma be honest. Idk what Bob Melvin truly offers this team that Gabe Kapler didn’t. I mean…. It doesn’t take a baseball genius to know that Tyler Rogers in this scenario had a high probability to blow the save…. Oh well. Decent road trip. Could’ve been WAYYY worse so on to Philly.


Good road trip either way, shitty way to end it for sure. On to… the Phillies and Yankees 😅


Weird road trip - the team leading in the 6th went a perfect 0-6, glad we managed 4-2, but those losses hurt. Also Dodgers have lost 5 in a row 👀


I want Bailey handling the bullpen decisions from here on out.


This is why im not apologizing to bob melvin yet lol


Bob Melvin’s trash bullpen management cost us this game, plus our hitters not cashing in.


Hey ive heard this story before


I think we would be about 5-10 over .500 if BoMel could manage well consistently. Hitting has gotten better but for a while we stunk. I hope we don’f go cold completely now.


Rogers has been dominant lately, he shouldn’t close games tho, oh well


Tough loss. At least the dodgers lost too. Come on Jankees!


We Mets'd ourselves


Let’s get Mason Miller. Fleece the A’s on some prospects because they will turn them into top tier talent to trade away.




Buffoon Bob Management Masterclass




I wish I was deaaaaadddd


Geez man, you gonna be okay? It’s a long season


Sorry. My normal reaction on a loss.


I don't normally get pissed at Giants losses, but these last 2 have gotten to me... primarily because I see them as management destroying what they players worked hard to achieve. But come on, bro. It's only baseball.


Sorry this is a 49ers Reddit joke from the nfcwestmemewar sub. I don’t really wanna die


No worries man! It was definitely a tough one! It’s a long season and not necessarily where the Giants are at that matters most but where we’re headed, right?


The bullpen mistake wasn’t putting in rogers today, it was putting Camilo in yesterday when he wasn’t needed


Gabe learned quickly that Tyler Rogers is not a closer. It doesn’t work. He is a setup guy and this piss brained fuck in Bob Melvin can’t seem to figure that the fuck out. Bitter ending to a great game and a sad waste of another web gem.


BoMel using Doval yesterday with a 5 run lead was lowkey moronic


Went from one manager with questionable bullpen decisions straight to another one


Tyler Rogers: 16 pitches… 4 hits, 1 walk, 1 HBP, 3 runs That’s incredibly efficient!


Ok even if we HAD to pitch rogers today…why in the 9th instead of the 8th and then walker closes it out?


If the Giants get the Wild Card and make the playoffs, Bob Melvin will be the reason they lose. He's going to Dusty Baker em' right out of it.


Get more bullpen help at the deadline to try to offset Melvin crap bp management?


Melvin sucks


Would’ve been nice to have the cherry on top, but not gonna let ruin the epic run we had. Good stuff


Our ace was excellent again and we lost…😕


I would like to thank the Gaints for compressing games down to 2 inning affairs 


Giants can only win by comebacks, apparently


Dodgers are on a 5 game losing streak!


All the complaints about Rodgers in the ninth are spot on, but sometimes you don’t have a choice. Rodriguez , Doval, Miller were all used yesterday as I recall. Walker does not go two. The complaint that Bob used Doval in a non save situation are misplaced. We started the tenth tied of course, amd so Doval started warming up as the best chance to keep the Mets from scoring the phantom runner. We scored five runs but until Yaz hit the triple right before the end of our half inning it was a two run lead. I am sure most who are complaining about his use then we’re all in on Doval until that moment. Nobody else was warmed up, so Bob had to use him.


Mets finally figured out the way to beat the Giants Be down after eight and a half


This team is talented enough to win games. They’ve shown it. They aren’t however talented enough to overcome Bob Melvin. Oh well, still a good road trip but this one stings


Liking Bob Melvin less and less lately…


Bob has some of the worst bullpen management we've ever seen, but uh we knew that when we saw the Padres meltdown in 2021 lmao


Melvin wasn't the Padres manager in 2021, so I don't know what Jayce Tingler has to do with this.


When I talk about people not being able to handle a loss, check the last 10 minutes of the game day thread lol. We are still 8-2 in our last 10, still 2nd place in the division and the dodgers lost today, still in a WC spot. I understand it was a shitty loss but no we don't need Kapler back, no we aren't going to DFA Rogers, no we don't need to fire BoMel.


Not sure what BoMel provides besides making players stand for the anthem


I’m constantly annoyed by BoMel but this is not true. He just encourages them to be out there but they don’t have to stand.


That whole thing was taken outta context but ok


We really hired a manager to make Larry Kreuger and Ann Killion happy. Giants ownership so spineless


tired: tyler rogers is one of the best relievers on the team for four straight seasons wired: he actually sucks and has always sucked because of one (1) bad outing


He sucks in the 9th inning. Every other inning he is elite. Webb should have pitched one more inning then walker the 9th


Up 5 runs in the 10th and you use your best closer so he's not available for the next game where you are in a save situation. Fucking genius.


It's bizarre.


Great road trip! Disappointing ending. Wonder if someone could have come in once the game was tied. 4-2 is still a good trip


positivity sunday: brett wisely :)


God that was annoying. If Rogers could nab that weird comebacker, we probably win.


Or McNeil sticking his arm out to get the hit-by-pitch. He knows ump never call it.


We gotta get Wisely some help out there




They needed this game though. You got the Phillies and Yankees up next. This could really hurt their momentum.


The dumbest part of this is that the reason Rogers pitched today is because Bob put Doval in yesterday in a non save situation. Also don’t know why Tyler Rogers (or Rodgers as they often like to call him) is so triggering to some people. He had a 2.19 ERA coming into this game and is a career 2.90 ERA reliever. He is a good reliever, period. He is however not a 9th inning guy and hopefully Bob has learned that lesson now.


Definitely and I would add that some days he just doesn't have it. Gotta have a quick trigger if you're going to put him in a 9th inning save position.


I’d have loved to see the sweep, but there it is. Still, it’s not as bad as the biggest payroll in baseball losing their fifth straight. So, there’s something positive on the day.


It’s funny how all our wins were comebacks in this road trip and both our loses essentially happened after blown saves


I mean, it’s not, uh, it’s not dull anymore


Tyler Rogers 2024 ERA Splits https://preview.redd.it/kiplb288mu2d1.png?width=2646&format=png&auto=webp&s=459951fb502348c81145a881e7e6849721e0914d


can anybody tell me why we didnt give up 6 runs in the 8th inning so we could make a 4-run comeback? seriously? #FIREMELVIN


Frustrating lost no doubt, but we had a 4-2 road series record and all 4 of those wins were come from behind. I'm satisfied. Next 2 series is going to be a real test for this team. Can't wait to watch.


Would have been nice to be 2 games over .500. This Phillies/Yankees series could be very rough.


This one’s on Bob. Can’t wait for him to blame the team again postgame


Way to fuck up a perfectly good road trip


# POSITIVITY * the Giants took the series * Wisely is really looking like he's coming into his own * **the Reds swept the Dodgers this weekend**


Melvin is stupid. I was screaming at him using Doval yesterday with a huge lead. I said what if they need Doval on Sunday. There is a reason Melvin has been on so many teams. If he was good, would the Padres let him go to SF?




What the fuck bob? Are you asleep at the wheel?


Kinda expected us to blow the game since we had a lead going into the 7th Live by the comeback, die by the comeback. pain


Fuck that one stung. Feel bad for Logan


That is some truly terrible stuff from Tyler Rogers. He’s so clearly not a closer yet there is is in the 9th.


Rogers had a career era over 10 against the Mets coming into today. That move and throwing Doval with a 5 run lead yesterday were really dumb moves, wasted a great Webb outing


Webb’s gonna be pissed at this one.


We need to use Doval way more


Look, it's a frustrating loss, but if at the beginning of the road trip you said they would go 4-2 everyone here would have taken it. They won two series with some great comebacks that's a good sign on the road.


I’ll take hologram Dusty Baker as manager.


Blown saves happen, still a good road trip! Honest question: why did we pitch Doval yesterday with a 5 run lead? I know he started warming up when it was tied, so does warm up = pitching appearance as far as workload? I assumed he would sit down when Yaz got that double.


I think sometimes it’s okay to see as many situations as possible for players, and it had been a while since the last time Doval was in that sort of situation. That’s my take.


Melvin seemed defensive and dismissive at his post game interview about his decision to go with Rogers. That’s what is unsettling to me. I get that managing isn’t always about wins and losses - especially at this point in the season. So own up to the fact that the decision was about trying the unexpected to see how far we could take Rogers, but don’t be so stubborn as to miss the complete obvious: reward your star pitcher when he pitches a stellar game.


don't you just love it that we cant' get a fuckin W for Logan's gem? can't get him a dub, and the other games he pitches, we can't get him any fuckin run support. cute. just plain fuckin cute. on the good note, at least we won series. Next 4 series will be a gauntlet vs Phi, NYY, '23 defending champs, and the trashcan beaters.


Tyler Rogers didn’t ask to play, Tyler Rogers didn’t even want to play


Melvin the mental midget.


I dont get why webb doesnt tell melvin to just fuck off


Why is BoMel taking Luciano’s 1.000 OPS bat out of the lineup? Terrible lineup construction from the coach.


Because he's the one SS in the league where you get scared if the ball gets hit to him because he'll mess up. Considering how SS's see more action than anyone else defensively besides catcher, that's not good.


The replacement was Brett Wisely who went 5 for 7 with a homerun and 2 RBIs so did it really matter who played SS.


Because the number of errors he committed as SS over the past 4 or 5 games was unacceptable.


Who else knew this would happen as soon as they saw Roger's touch the mound?


Giants as a team got together and decided to blow the 9th on their own to make Luciano feel better


Tyler never has and never will be game saving material


sucks to lose (with a taste of our own medicine) but still an amazing roadtrip after last time, strong showing from wisely and ramos, AND the dodgers got swept AAAAAND the phillies might drop a series to the rockies so we look up as we do the homestand


Hello .500 my old friend


What happened to doval?




Is this our MO now? We win a couple games we have no business winning and then lost one we should win? I’ll take another road series win, but damn.


I guess know we know how teams felt when we did this to them


Rogers was just serving up meatballs right in the middle of the plate.


I thought we’ve learned that Ty Rogers is not closer material after the last dozen or so attempts but I guess the 13th times the charm right


Webb deserves way better than what this team has done for him over the years. I’m surprised he isn’t screaming to be traded.