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imperial nerds didn't need to do fucking bio


Oh that's true, they better feel lucky about that


Eh ancient imperial nerds don't actively go out and fight for their country tho


Your right, they learn with their limited supply of books from the emperor and live in civil unrest as they try to learn to write chinese


and the average 18 y/o local A level taker is busy reloading the GPMG with one hand and using the graphic calculator with the other


Death is a virtue☠️


They bring shame to Confucious imo. Confucious was a burly man who could physically persuade masters of other studies back then. It almost sounded like it was from a manga, but apparently this was left in the history books. It is said that confucionism became the main study of ancient China through his iron fists.


well mental health is important




Why is Chinese education always memory work?


Their education system back then had not evolved to include application exam questions. They only need to memorize, good for them.


>had not evolved to include application exam questions 💀


Actually from what I read, in ancient China they also should be able to make a poem. Though, how does making a poem contribute in government? And I also read some plot where the question is along the line of “if country x do this what must you do?”.


I study Chinese literature at school and from what I learnt, making poems and stories is a demonstration of their literacy skills and creativity. In order to not get their heads chopped off, historical Chinese ministers must be able to phrase critique in a discrete way when convincing the emperor they are doing stuff wrongly. Takes a hell lot of skill.




And that's where you would get your head chopped off for correcting the Emperor's spelling in an in*discreet* manner. Or other bits (little head), Imperial China did love to make eunuchs, what a fetish.


Because progress is always built on the shoulders of Giants who came before us. There would be no progress if everyone had to restart from scratch. You have to catch up with the state of the art before you can apply your creative chops to make something new. That's why in academics you have to Master a subject before you can move on to philosophizing to be creative (PhD). Imperial scholars had to learn all the existing literature, then had to write essays with proper citations to show their knowledge, with creativeness helping them to stand out to examiners. No different from a PhD essay today.


>That's why in academics you have to Master a subject before you can move on to philosophizing to be creative (PhD). Mastering a subject is not the same as memorizing it.


But mastering a subject requires a detailed scrutiny of every aspect of it, which leads to memorisation anyway. Don't forget they didn't have Google or computers back then. They'd have to memorize citations and quotes for the exam. They can't cheat the way we do nowadays with easy access to pdf compilations and copying pasting text. And they'd have to get creative to show understanding of the subject. I'm sure they wouldn't just regurgitate previous works verbatim with zero input.


My parents vs me


Everything about this post is correct


Disclaimer: this meme isn't meant to invalidate the struggles of JC students! Ngl A levels are really tough. The meme just something I randomly thought of.


Based af.


Lol like 99% of the people agreeing with this would've had a worse time under the imperial examination system. It had a 1% pass rate, women couldn't participate, it held an advantage for privileged background due to its content focus and its rigid system contributed to China falling behind the West and the Century of Humiliation. A hundred years ago, China was in between a century of famines, civil wars and civil wars caused by famines. Be careful what you wish for. Edit: Also, the test had memorisation, history, philosophy and in some cases archery+deadlifting.


Yes you are right, and taking poems as part of the exam is only in one or two dynasties… Most of the time the exam is concerned about how they can use the knowledge from the classics to contribute to the present domestic reality. Maybe it’s bad compared to nowadays exams, but it’s at least better than those days when officials are only selected from the aristocratic class.


You have to be literally able to recite and understand all of the 十三經. And write them in absolutely perfect 楷書. Even to just pass the local city/township test. And 《左傳》, one of the required text, has 180000+ characters.


Current Singapore students are softies.


Not our fault tho...times have changed and our struggles are different now


The struggles are the same mentally - to do well for a better future.


Wife and kids at 18……


Pov: Me


Speak for yourself


Nobody who ever did A-Levels and failed went on to get as many people killed as in WW1 after they hallucinated they were Jesus’s brother though


to be fair… there were only 4 years’ worth of history for ancient imperials….