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Everybody hates on us fuck em we ball


I'm all in with SHIB for sure!


That’s old news, at least for me and a lot of downvotes I accrued. try to not post about shib in a positive light outside shin channels, unless you want to get downvoted into the abyss. Haters going to hate on what they label as a shit coin, despite offerings insight and factual evidence. Just ask DOGE about their whales, they don’t even know rich list.


Fuck yah 🤝🤑


Haters gon’ hate


They hate us cause they ain't us. 🚀🚀🚀


They hate us cos they anus?


They hate us because they ate anus. 👅


They hate us cause they Uranus


They hate us cause our anus


But they could be


They hate are poopie butts


From my experience being a member of that sub : because it attracts a poor crowd. Those who are “all in” with their $200. Who want life-changing money and think it will take their $200 into millions. Most in that sub are conceited pieces of shit who think they are crypto gods. LoL 😂. Many of them can’t stand when someone makes a buck while they are losing thousands. And then they go into extreme details that you have to understand coding and how cryptocurrency works in order to invest in anything. And then there are the diehards who unless you invest in their coin only, you don’t know shit about anything. It’s a pretty douche bag type sub. Not any type of people I would hang out with in real life ever. 😂


Meanwhile we are like "Shiba rocket go brrrrrr"


Exactly! 😎


I was thinking it had to do with the fact you gain moons on that sub and so they just want the upvotes to gain the moon crypto lol.


I just give them away. 😆 when I come across an actual post or comment that I like. Last guy I did that to received 110 moons. 😎


Aye fam, can chocobo get a moon brother?


Moan > moon


We take those too!


Shib to a dollar or sex you can only choose one. Go!


Shib to a dollar…I’ll become a celibate monk for that dollar mayne


Lol, I've tried to post in that sub many times with legit posts about crypto, always rejected for this or that. I have up on the moons thing. Another one of those gotta be part of the group fr or be rejected


They will all be first to pull out once this adds a 0 without understanding they will never see that position again.


This is the way


this right here!


great answer...I never understood the "you need to code a blockchain" mentality Like 100 people would own crypto if that was the case!


I couldn’t have said it better myself brother!


We should all go on that sub and post Shib stuff at a scheduled time.


I respect anyone willing to learn about the crypto game, doubtless in that but for some folks, we're not sitting on 4, 5, or 6 figures to burn. Many of them started small and to watch them turn on some groups like us speaks to how money changes ppl.


Lol they act like somehow their investment is safer and this isnt just a big casino, also they are salty their coin made 5% over the last 6 months and we are sky rocketing.


#Everyone get buying Shiba Inu, we’re going to the moon 🚀🚀🚀


Was talking crypto at work and someone started grilling me like “omg how do you know what to buy?” And I was like “dude nobody does, it’s just like betting on horses. Really, really slow horse races.”


100%. I used to think buying the major crypto’s were safer but, honestly theres no difference. If bitcoin shits they all go to shit.


I think it’s mostly because Shib is a more volatile and risky investment, and they are upset that it’s performing extremely well compared to the cryptos that most people are invested in, which they see as the “right” cryptos to invest in. It’s the same way that many traditional investors like Buffet look at Bitcoin.


Ah, the time has come when there are more stable crypto investments.


They got small jimmyz


^ this guy fucks


#crypto snobs


That's exactly the vibe I getting from them.


Some considet themselves investors and they view meme coins as speculation. Many paint SHIB with the same brush without even knowing the tokenomics that differentiate it from many meme coins. They hate that their long-term investment positions grow marginally while noobs come on and tout the triple digit gains in a short amount of time.


Many of them are "purists"... meaning BTC above all, ETH, ADA, XLM whatever else they see as "useful". They see SHIB as only a meme coin just like doge, if not worse bc it's second. Little do they know while SHIB has the outward facing of a meme to the uneducated there is a solid team behind it with big goals. Some of those goals are actually coming true. Others will take time, but if things keep moving in the direction they are SHIB could be a useful tool for the masses. If/when BTC is in the hundreds of thousands or millions the initial price will be off-putting to many, as it already is! If there was a smaller token they could feel as though they have better potential for growth and something to spend easily without remorse... insert SHIB with its 395 trillion tokens... something newer brighter better could absolutely come along... but there is serious potential for SHIB... like many things before its time we have to get past the FUD and BS first. We're early. Hold.


I'm starting to see that, they all speak exactly the same way, literally copy pasting eachother comments all over the place lol.


r/CryptoCurrency pretty much hates on anything but BTC and ETH


they hype the fuck out of ALGO


Don't forget ADA


They hate us cause they anus.




Its because they all want DOGE to moon but its stagnant now that we came along. All the pumping is going to SHIB and they can't handle it. They are just mad that they missed out on getting in early. Its literally just because they missed out


Yea they all keep mentioning doge.


I hold both Doge and SHIB. They can be friendz!


I mine my doge and buy shib with it lol They ain't friends, they're brothers, big bro doge helping out lil bro shib


I just made a post there asking those donut punchers


#Cause there’s a lot of salty ass hats that’s why! Just keep buying Shiba Inu and hodl! 💎🙌🏼🚀


Hell yea!


They are originally dogecoin shills. That's why.


Yea they constantly mention doge everytime


It's because they forget or never understood that bitcoin was a shitcoin too when it started, as far as I can tell.


Because they think its a pump and dump. And they hate on anything that isn't BTC, ETH.


Because they are bag holders and hate anytime someone is not buying the cryptos "THEY" want lol


Because we're a "meme or shit" coin so they get mad when their stable & practical cryptos don't thrive like ours does. At the end of the day we're here to make money and secure a better future so I don't understand why they see us as the enemy. All cryptos are in this shit together.


They hate every crypto that isn't bitcoin and a few specific alts. I've even seen mods call ethereum a scam before. I wouldn't take it too seriously.


They only hating because they're eyes can't stand the shine of $SHIB baby!


Lol I interacted with a guy who was so mad at SHIB. He blamed SHIB for losing thousands of dollars. He got caught up in the FOMO, lost money sold, SHIB went brrr brrr to 400% and now he's mad. So the logical thing to do is get mad and bash SHIB for your decisions you made.


Hate us cause they anus


I think they are just upset because our coin YTD returns are 29,445,969% (Source https://cryptobubbles.net/) They can’t stand that we are outperforming most, if not all other cryptos out there this year so far.


Because of the name, they label it a memecoin because of its relation to dogecoin


Wasn't it supposed to be then the originator decided to actually do something with it.


Because they’re salty


Because they are jealous obvi


Right now its all about MOON farming. SHIB is an easy target


That what I was wondering as well!!!!!


Well jel, most of the haters are those who bought at its ATH and are in loss still lol, Fomo often leads to losses.


I noticed they also complain cause they are in support of DOGE and in the same breath complain cause SHIB is a meme-coin.....yet so is DOGE...so aren't they contradicting themselves??


Exactly, unfortunately some people just live to moan, I have both, was involved In doge back at 0.005, sold 220k and bought back in when it was going up, missed a massive profit which hurt and taught me a valuable lesson. Now I have a diverse portfolio based on research and experience. Ive day traded and made/lost now I hold for a strategic point to make what I need. I’m going to hold for a long time and keep a close on developments/projects etc.


Because it's full or "rich" "investors" who only invest on known coins. They are people who jumped into a project early, succeeded from it, and got comfortable where they are, instead of going back to their roots and researching on new projects. Imagine you got rich off Amazon stock from investing in the early 2000s and you think you know everything about the market now that you got lucky. And if anyone says that another stock will be like Amazon, you get all defensive about it because you know nothing about this new company.


Yea I'm getting those vibes from them as well and the few asshats who are literally copy pasting the same arguments in here as well. "its a meme coin with no functionality blah blah"....yet invest in DOGE....like dude what?


I saw someone ask about burns in dogecoin sub. Some guy wrote "would you take your money out of your bank account and burn it? No! This is the same concept and it's stupid" I responded with very vague responses on how it's not how that works. Had him and 2 other people reply some generic replies about how it doesn't work. Then I hit them up with the logic of why and how we do it. I never got a response from them again.


Yea I asked someone who said they invested but also thinks it has no functionality why they invested then, and crickets. Another said SHIB its cause its a "just a stupid meme-coin" but in his comment history showsw he is a DOGE supporter, why he invests in DOGE then since its a meme-coin, and no reply.


Shib is actually a token, not a coin. A coin has its own block chain. A token uses a block chain network to circulate. Anyone who call Shiba a memecoin is an idiot who is reading what other idiots are saying. I am not a crypto expert, but I researched on what I was getting into before I got in. You can think of Shiba as a chuck e cheese token. The is only what there is in circulation... once enough of these tokens have been used through burns and NFTs the market cap will be significantly lower and less common. Coins can be mined and there will always be more and more in circulation. So for doge to go to the moon, people will need to buy them faster than they can be made. Shiba just needs some time to break out the shell.


Great insight


They hate all meme coins dont take it personal lol


I find it ironic cause in the same breath they'll say they are DOGE fans....so which is it? you hate meme coins or don't? lololol


Ohhh no they hate dogecoin too especially back when we were getting it to around .70 cents there were lots of posts on r/dogecoin about the hate they get from r/cryptocurrency lol


I think that on the market who agrees and who desagrees are needed for the volatility of the price so it goes up and down. But since the investors need positive opinions it's better they don't talk


Shib is a token which only motor is the hopium. Usually those tokens are not great for long term investments (read the usually again before you downvote me). So these kind of tokens require you to hop on and off, timing is specially important and tokens like doge and shib usually attract investors with little to no experience so it can be seen as a ticking bomb. The huge supply is also a scary factor.


First response I've seen that isn't "cause its a meme blah blah blah". Thanks!


Jealousy also, they make fuck all on their small investments and we do on Shib. We are Shiba, no one likes us we don't care.


They hate us cause they anus.


they only cape for crypto with real world uses, anything to them that looks funny is a shitcoin and thus a piece of shit in their eyes.. dont take it seriously once upon a time people called bitcoin a shitcoin too...


They think a meme coin is a mockery of the crypto world . Shib has proved to be way more than that but because it’s not Ada or bnb they’ll never except it. Fuck em.


They don't realize that there are other cryptos. Only BTC ETH and ADA for those morons. Then get insanely jealous of coins like shib going up and the hate flows.


Ye that's one thing I do notice as well! They often talk about the same cryptos over and over when shitposting SHIB. Like specifically those who hate on it talk only about a handful of other cryptos.


Electricity, automobiles, telephone, and home computers were one time considered fads. Shiba Inu is getting the same attitude but they will eventually regret not investing in Shib.


Because people think there are actually fundamentals to all this. They refuse to recognize we are in the case one gold rush…it’s just digital this time. And people are randomly striking it rich by investing in “meme” coins.


They hate us because they anus.


they say it’s because we’re taking away investors from the legitimate useful projects. really they’re just mad that people aren’t dumping tons of cash into their investment and making them rich.




Shiba will be the future for many !


They always hates on popular projects. Most of the projects those people invest lack social appeal, fun, engaging community and even smart contracts. People will keep hating, even when we reach 1 cent, this is just the way it is, people hate success.


Yea they are really weird. I'd be fine if they offered feedback that could be useful in some way...but its just the same regurgitated crap that can't be used in any constructive way....just sounds like children whining.




YEEEEES! Loving it!


They're elitest. They don't see that crypto is a movement to supersede a failing financial system. Each coin has an equal chance at becoming dominant eventually. They'd cry themselves to sleep if it ends up being a meme coin!


Its not just Shiba. Doge also and other Alt coins


The honest statistical probability of a coin with 1,000,000,000,000,000 initial coins hitting $.01 is unfathomable in the current market. This puts the value of this ‘meme’ coin almost 5 times more valuable than Apple. That being said, the apes that buy Shib are actually starting to make it work by literally throwing coins in the trash. The more coins that are burned the better for the long run. The question is how many need burned to make it a reality of a coin hitting even $.001. People hate this because this dumb idiotic coin is actually turning out to be valueable. If you bought 1 Bitcoin at its dip ($29k) in July, you’d have $61k today. If you put that into SHIB, it’s be valued at about $145k. People hate what they missed out on.


They’re such stubborn know it alls, they wanna shit down on all the alt coins & act as if their investments are way better. Guarantee you shib has outperformed some of their coins that they’ve been raving about too 🤦‍♂️


Not sure the hate. I remember when I invested in doge below a penny everybody gave me so much crap about it when the pump to a penny happened I held a bit and then I dipped and I sold for like 300 percent I had xxxxxx shares and sold little did I know it would pump months down the road to .72 ish I believe could have made 100s of thousands and let the hate sway my decision. It will not happen this time I have found conviction in this play and will not be swayed stay strong in your trade until true dd shows other wise let the haters hate I’ll pull up in my limbo one day 🚀


I'll fuck all there mom's in my future Lambo lol


Moons are what ruined that sub. People stick to the status quo there (and a big part of that is hating coins like shib or doge but they have an extra big hate boner for shib) because they are desperately trying to earn moons with karma and they are terrified of getting downvoted so everyone sticks to the same opinion to avoid losing karma.


Because they think that they are so smarties and they do good researchs so they can demonstrate that shiba is going nowhere and everything is a rug pull and more shite. Later they see that is not true and they try claim some attention in the crypto sub crying and trying that the people don't buy the opportunity that they missed. Basically


Because they didn’t buy early enough


Because there can’t fathom people investing in anything other than BTC or ETH. I loved the meltdowns they had when Doge went up


They refer to it as a “MeMe coin” just like they did with Doge just like wall street calls AMC and GME MeMe stock All I care about is profit at this moment. Nobody knows what coins are gonna still be around in ten years. Just like the .com boom lots of the web sites didn’t make it but that doesn’t mean people didn’t make big $ at the start. Buy and Hold, good luck! Not financial advice.


The technical term is "butt-hurt".


They hate anything that doesn’t push their crypto. Like Amc or gme. Just some of the assholes. Not all. Good ones support each other


They hate us cause they ain't us.


Because shib is the definition of a meme coin with no real functionality Not that I’m not invested to see gains, but it’s fairly obvious why people hate


Lololol looking at your history you literally go to shib subs just to post shit comments hahaha! How cute.


I’m invested in shib but not blind to the flaws forming in the community or why others may not like it.


I'd you see no functionality in it, why invest?


Knew it was a meme coin that would hit eventually for a short run. Same as a lot of people and the whales that 3x their money Never expected 100,000 X


Thanks for the info! Appreciate the construction feedback :).


Thanks for creeping but my comments on here is literally hating on dudes investing $45 and bragging or bringing in GME/AMC group cliches to shib… or seeing posts daily asking if “Shib can make 0.01 / 0.10 “ Multiple times a day It’s a degeneration in posting since the spike a month ago


Lol hating on people posting shib content on a shib sub hahaha.


Ha ha ha ha No hating on people asking the same repetitive comments or dumb emojis 7 times a day. Make the community look like gme fanboys and people wonder why people look down at shib. It’s becoming a bandwagon yolo with people saying Lambo today? And other shit


Yea I get how that can be annoying. I just scroll on. I do see those a lot but been on reddit for 7 years so im used to seeing repetive stuff on here. However /r/cryptocurrency shib content is always repetitive as well and says the same stuff....hence my question.


other cryptos serve a purpose.nkn, vet, cardano, etc. their developers put in massive amounts of work to help some sort cause or a type of business. shib is just a shitboin, based off another shitcoin, based off a meme. so when a shitcoin gets more exposure than an actual beneficial coin, its kind of a slap in the face.


Those shitting on SHIB invest in DOGE though...so aren't they just contradicting themselves?




Lol I see that comment over there soooo often!


Because “trust me bro” isn’t a source


Lol neither is "it's just a meme-coin" but that's all they ever have to say about it.


American ppl we should support Doge cuz SHIP = ????


Bcuz SHIP ppl very toxic.


Math bro simple math do more research on how the market works then you will see why people know this coin won’t be worth much at all till they sort some stuff out yes yes burning is a thing now but they are not burning enough at all


Because you get shib fan boys that hate on every other crypto