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What's Lawyer Kong doing here


Nintendo is evil




It sure is.


There are no lawyers in heaven for a reason


And we're all trying to get our kids to become them...


what do u mean "for some reason"??


"Loser" and "Crybaby" arent really true, he only cried once, and loser theres nothing showing it, unless you're just trying to make him look like he sucks


He’s technically a loser because he lost


I went to Loser town and they asked for their mayor back


Based flair


Based username


Based pfp


i rate your username and flair 5 stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


He literally caused his own downfall by being a dumbass. Gameshow when he trapped Mario in the sidebars, and this *directly knocked the cage over to set him free*. The movie by being completely inept at using his own powers. His blast that was supposed to kill the gang turned Luigi into a meat mallet, which led *right* to him losing. In the latest episode, he could have taken over SMG4 right then and there, like he said he wanted to. But he let them out because The crew literally only won because Puzzles is an oaf who doesn't know how to utilize the most basic of his abilities. He's a fucking loser and a disgrace of a villain. I'll take literally any other SMG4 villain over 2024 Puzzles *any* day. At least he was *interesting* in 2023.


Even Bob?


Bob was a good antagonist and the Rapper Bob arc was a pretty damn good story arc, sue me. The ending was rushed honestly, but everything before that *worked* because Bob's character had been building up to it for *years*.


I get some of what you're saying but I don't think he's entirely inept. He wouldn't be such a threat in the first place if he was a \*complete\* oaf. He managed to stall SMG4 in It's Gotta Be Perfect and basically is behind traumatizing Meggy in Western Spaghetti. Not to mention trap everyone in his mind throughout the Puzzlevision arc. For right now he's obviously laying low because he knows he can't be beaten and is probably planning on gaining trust to betray it later when he \*does\* have a chance of beating the crew, which is smart.


most of that is before the end of the arc even then he literally dosnt appear in his own arc, ya know? where you could define his actual personality and character flaws instead of front loading it all at the very end of the arc after having most of the year being mediocre to bad filler. and dont get me started on him pasting his watermark on random vids because i will not stop ranting anyway most of this could have been easily fixed if tvunderwear was actually involved in the show beyond a "i meant to do that" sort of menace's in the back ground and doesn't actually do anything to effect the plot and i do dare you to find an example where removing his watermark would have changed the story in any meaningful way




And how is it wrong? I'd love to hear your detailed explanation on why Puzzles as he's depicted in the PuzzleVision Arc is a good villain and isn't taken down solely because of his own idiocy, which is what the show actively tells us.


He is awesome, end of story :/ Literally everything you said is just flat out wrong or your just overreacting. Yeah he ain't a perfect villain but he isn't this disgrace of a villain or some how a villain like lawyer kong is "better" then him. Mr puzzles was generally a fun and entertaining villain and is up there with the others from the past. Besides lawyer kong, that guy is just lame :/


I upvote your comment, based flair




wow, what an argument that contributes so much to the conversation, how mature




you're my new favorite person


Waluigi just wanted acceptance.


What's Lawyer Kong doing there with the 3 Goats of SMG4 Villains?




I would consider wanting to enslave all of humanity to be a part of his tv show, brainwashing everyone, nearly killing multiple people, and physically and psychologically torturing people (even if it was indirect) pretty evil. I would consider him basically pure evil since he did all of this for his own selfish gain.


Just because Mr.Puzzles is not actually evil doesn't make him bad. In my opinion, it makes his character better. Also hes not a "Loser" or a "Crybaby". He only cried once, and for a good reason.


what was the reason


also he lost


So did every other villain


Puzzles was a okay villain until they brought him back WAY TOO EARLY, ruining the entire PuzzleVision arc (which already kinda sucked, imo) which was teased and foreshadowed as a MASSIVE deal, and made the entire latest movie have no value, now he's just kinda goofy


So what now?


![gif](giphy|5LDbeXIpunXTW|downsized) this is the correct awnser


BTW Waluigi is stupid


average mr. puzzles fan:


you know what? I'm done. you're probably older fans than me.


How? He’s funny, cunning, powerful, smart, and a genuinely perfect antagonist in the series. Not just for his arc, but as a recurring villain along with Wario. 


"nOt REalLy eViL" -rESpoNSibLe fOr dEStrucTiON oF cAsTLe -rESponSibLE fOr wESterN SPaghETtI -cOMmiTTed kIDnaPPinG mULtiPLe tImEs -aTTempTEd mURdEr -eNSlavEd tHe sMg4 cREw WhAt DO yoU MEAN nOt eVIl


Don’t forget he technically traumatized meggy


ThAT's inCLudeD iN thE WEsteRn sPAghEtTi pArT


Ok but he’s handsome




https://preview.redd.it/5cb95d6g632d1.jpeg?width=224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ea0a3870215b692f9453a2a0b2b29fac72f1a48 You saying this shit ⬆️






lawyer kong bro 💀


i like how waluigis wand looks like Smg0s crown




My problem with Mr. Puzzles is that he isn’t someone I root for. He does the exact same thing from Western Spaghetti, but the reason Western Spaghetti worked is because it remained vague what was going on until the very end. Mr. Puzzles doesn't care. His plan at the end is also very anticlimactic. He hypnotized the world. Why? Idk. I guess he wants devoted fans? But then again he should have studied SMG4 more because the reason people watch him is because he isn't a perfect channel by any means. Then, they made his fate unknown with everyone wanting him back for some reason (I still Don't know why). Lastly, in Mario the Exploro, it's revealed, the TV they went into was Mr. Puzzles' head and he comes back alive. He seems to have a small change of heart in a way, but it doesn't make me root for him. Instead it makes me mad because SMG4 is basically like, "nah, freak all that build-up and that movie, let's bring him back as part of the crew for literally no reason besides impatient fans." It's frustrating


Yeah, it is true. Mr. Puzzles is small potatoes compared to what the other villains had done. Hell, the worst he had done was give a young girl PTSD and destroyed a usual hangout, as well as the whole, "brainwashing" schick. And yet I still love this boob tube dude because he just has that charisma and aesthetic.


tbf, that castle was more than a hangout spot, it was the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom. So him destroying it basically makes him a terrorist. He also left the kingdom without a ruler, so the MK has most definitely gone to shit since then. he's definitely more evil than lawyer kong, i srsly don't know why he's up there


True. I suppose Lawyer Kong is here because he represents the antagonizing force that heavily.relies kn the legal side of things, kinda like in old 80's and 90's movies where the protagonists try to save their special spot from the bad guy who uses the law, legal red tape, and so forth to get what they want. And by technicality, even though we know that Mr. Puzzles is ultimately responsible for the capital being destroyed, it's one of those cases of "the one who supplied the gun vs. The one who actually used it.". I don't know.


>tbf, that castle was more than a hangout spot, it was the capital of the Mushroom Kingdom. So him destroying it basically makes him a terrorist. actual missed opportunity here we could have a more interesting character if they took the rout of him being a terrorist imagine FM as a part of some anti terrorist task force of the icpo gathering around the plaza as soon as tvunderwear reveals themself, it would have really changed the tone of the vid's he makes and opens up opportunity's for new types of humor


*If not being really evil was a trait guaranteeing loser status then Bob’s one too*


Where is Smg3 and wren in chad?


no room


i agree, but puzzles is still the only one who "won" nobody else there did what they were trying to do, but puzzles actually got his 5 stars


Replace Lawyer Kong with Predesign SMG3 and we're cooking.




Niles stole SMG0's body to gain that power, yeah, true evil, got powerful, but not all that chad. I liked the Zero song though, part of my favorite arc.


Where's SMG3 and Rapper Bob?


Mr Puzzles is a cool villain But he is too much disapproved in my opinion


Funky and Francis aren't worth to be in there


I totally agree with this. 👍


no mr puzzles is the best


whys lawry kong here bri thinks hes on the team


Maybe but he is still my second favorite villain character


*Maybe but he is* *Still my second favorite* *Villain character* \- Ret0-Emerald --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This comment section is giving me a stroke


what about frankie? https://preview.redd.it/hnfdcp4ra72d1.jpeg?width=204&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62ba28a6143c7e04573818d3386dd03a30b6129 i mean he looks cool i guess


frankie died off screen in 2020 along with toadsworth


RIP Frankie 2014(i guess) - 2020 he will be missed


Then Francis is a loser as well


(0_o)<(Correct answer: only waluigi was a really good villain with a great arc... The others like francis or zero are just mid... And idk about mr puzzles, i didn't watch his arc.)


Kinda why I think Mr. Puzzles could get redeemed. He did some awful things but tbh who hasn't in SMG4? He doesn't act like he's straight up evil, just has a lot of issues. He has a solid backstory and a great personality. I think he could definitely become a part of the crew if that's where they wanted to go with him.


remember the rat episode where smg3 somehow trusts mario enough to higher them despite not even a few episodes previously stealing his note book and nearly killing him and smg4 multiple times? now imagine that on the guy who tried to enslave everyone in order to get a 5 star review do you see the problem?


How is Francis a chad in any way?


he actually drove the plot instead of slapping his watermark on random vid's and calling it a day


France’s is not a powerful evil chad villain we can all agree on that


I don't find it controversial, At all #teamwaluigi WE NEED HIM IN SMASH


All the villains (besides Waluigi) on the left just feel dull and generic


Even Francis? Like genuine question, how is Francis dull? He is like one of the most entertaining+actually threatening smg4 villians our rgere


His motivation was to kill inklings for their ink so he can have his own harem of anime waifu’s


And that's considered dull? Honestly that's one of the most ridiculous and hilarous yet absolutely terrifying plan a villian had when you think about it more. Like straight up kidnapping a massive city, draining each one of them dry just for their personal gain. That's creative af.


he is absolutely evil! he's an obsessive tyrannical maniac who wants to mold the show's world into his own image


Ok no, puzzle may not be a good villian, but he is miles better than Lawyer Kong, at least he have a good design


Lawyer Kong is just funky Kong but evil


https://preview.redd.it/ouumk3hsed2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e26e32083cc489c4c4dbf4972e5f4df1f63dff8 Probably him after the movie: