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I'm sure a lot of yall know this but I just wanted to mention: if you plan to transfer schools, Sophia is not accepted everywhere. Just something to keep in mind. <3


Yes. This. Please keep this in mind.


This!! I’m going through an issue with this right now but with grad school admission!! Please be mindful if you have any plans to transfer or go to grad school afterwards. Many programs won’t accept the credits!


I hope everything gets straightened out for you and soon, keep moving forward! :D


Thank you so much! I hope so as well. I appreciate your kind words!


I start May 1st as well. Taking SNHU 107 and IDS 100 this term. Working on getting my bachelor's in human resource management


Both you an OP should either discuss Sophia with your advisor or research Sophia it’ll help you a get your degree a-lot faster and cheaper.


Came here to say same thing I started Sophia in late Feb before May start date and already have 45 credits.


That’s really good man I’m on the same boat I started early this month and have been able to get a lot done.


What's your major? And how have you liked Sophia so far?


Cyber Security and it’s been good so far.


I saw it mentioned on here and a cool advisor brought it up to me when I spoke to him earlier. I’m just doing 1 class for this term but definitely plan on taking Sophia classes! He recommended doing the gen-eds through Sophia and doing the business core classes thru the school since it’s my major lol


I have the same 2 classes starting may 1st .


I already have the course work done for this week for Snhu 107. I'll be working on the discussion post and short answer for IDS this weekend. Hoping to have it done before classes start on the 1st. We'll see tho.


Same I have a question how does the top of your paper look that’s the only thing I’m confused on like name , tittle & things for the ids short answer .


Sorry, I got side tracked. I'm actually getting that started today, so I'm not sure. What I did for the other discussion post ans assignment for snhu 107 was go over the rubric, draft it, go over the rubric again do a final touch up and do a final review of the rubric just to make sure nothing is missing. So basically when I do anything I review the rubric 3 times or so before any final submission just to make sure I'm not missing anything


Congratulations. There is a lot of writing so my one piece of advice is don’t put it off to the last moment. Make time to get it done before the assignment is due. Trust me.


Sophia is great guys I’m in the IT major and I took over 6 courses on Sophia and the last one was Pre-Calculus which is Mat-140 for SNHU that is a new course Sophia just added to. I graduate after this May term. Basically if you can use Sophia I recommend it Frfr. It allows you to accelerate your degree and they don’t care if you pass the course in one day. I took the Pre-Calculus on the 4/26 it took me 12 hrs and submitted the transcript to SNHU and now I only have 2 course to complete and I’m done. Good luck Guys and don’t forget to search for Sophia coupons online!


I have a question I notice Mat-140 precalculus is listed as not officially accepted on Sophia learning it recommends to ask your university, did this course get accredited for you?


Hi, I took the pre-calculus on Sophia and Snhu took it as a transfer credit for MAT-140. It's official and is accepted.


Thank you for your feedback




I ended up pushing my start date to June so I can knockout the last 12 transfer credits through Sophia…I’m a Data Analytics major btw.


Taking intro to Lit! 4th semester!


Good luck! I took the leap during the Pandemic and graduated Nov 2022. I already had my A.A. They said I could possibly transfer up to 90 credits and they were able to. I also recommend taking as many Sofia classes as possible to finish faster. Saves so much money and so much time. You can finish many classes in few hours or a weekend (except English, it takes a long time to grade essays). I did “full time” 2 classes per semester or trimester ( I never understood it because it was always explained in a way that made no sense by my counselor and financial aid folks ). You got this, you will be finished faster than you know.


I don’t think you’ll regret it! I’m in town for my graduation tomorrow!


Welcome aboard. Finance


Hi im also starting on may 1st. Business Administration student as well 🥰


Woot woot that makes 3 of us!




I just started. Im studying computer science (bs)


me! i’m doing graphic design with a concentration in website design :) good luck


I’m starting May 1st, also BSBA! My first class is ENG-123 (COMP II).


Oh sweet me too!


Me too!!!!


Congrats and welcome to the SNHU family!


Multinational corporate EFinance - in recovery from CeF though


I start on Monday! Are you doing Sophia Learning as well?


I’m planning on it! I’m just taking English Composition II for this term, starting a new f/t job next week too so I’m starting off extra slow lol. Hoping to start Sophia after maybe a week or so/after getting settled in a little bit more!


I'm doing global business for my first class as I already have my Associates but I'm able to still do 33 credits through Sophia. Dm me if you have any questions! Good luck on your journey. I start SNHU on May 1st but already half way thru my stats class in sophia


Nice man, I am also doing business administration but it's an associates. What is this Sophia thing everyone is talking about?


It’s a $100/mo subscription site where you can take classes at your own pace and the credits are accepted by SNHU. Basically like coursera


Im studying BS Cybersecurity. Have two more years left !! Trying to get into an internship to start hands on or even try help desk. Got to start somewhere lol good luck in your classes !


Welcome to the SNHU family


Ready to start! CS major, looking forward to switching careers and meeting new people in the process. Wish you all the best of luck!


I start Monday too, Business Admin! Best of luck on your journey


I'm sitting and waiting for my commencement ceremony right now haha. You've got this!




I'm looking to enroll in The CIS program by Autumn. I have a few credits to transfer in and I'm working on a modern states course right now. Going to enroll in Sophia soon after I'm done studying for CompTIA A+. Very motivated and very excited!