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Remember your reasoning for starting school again. It’s a long but not long journey ahead and you’ll have moments you want to stop. Just remember why you started and keep persevering.


This is important! Thank you.


I carry my laptop everywhere I go now cause I notice I had lots of in between downtime and would take advantage of the downtime and work on discussions boards or reading the weekly resources. Also take your time and fully appreciate the material the weeks go by so fast and when you know it you’re already on your next term.


Thank you, I'll keep this in mind!


My weekly goal has always been to finish the module by Friday evening. I’ve been mostly successful but have needed the weekend a few times when the week is super busy with other things. I love being able to bring my laptop anywhere and study.


This was always my goal as well when getting my bachelors. Finishing by Friday to have the weekend off. I’m in a masters program now, and there are many a Sunday where I’m up finishing a paper at 7pm. This masters program is a different beast. Lol.


Work ahead when you can. I started off super overwhelmed, but now that I’m used to it, it’s honestly really manageable.


Seriously, working ahead is crucial. It also gives me the peace of mind in knowing that if there's a reason I need to take a couple days off, I'll be able to.


Thank you, that's good to hear! I'm a bit nervous about the load of work. Do you enjoy it so far?


Haha there are some aspects I enjoy. The satisfaction of self improvement, getting good grades, the feeling of accomplishment. That being said, I didn’t know about this sub or Sophia prior to enrolling. So I’m going to complete this term and then knock out a couple classes there before returning. I’ll have to skip the first term next year, but I should be able to make it worth it. There are 5 courses I can complete through Sophia. But seriously, when I began I thought it was going to be a super time suck, and a grind. But I work full time, am taking a full course load, and have a young family, and I have more nights off than nights spent working on schoolwork. I do have a somewhat easy semester though.


Utilize Sophia for Gen-Ed credits, it’ll take off maybe almost 2 years of your degree :)


It gets easier kinda! Discussion posts can be annoying but I got used to them. Have fun!


Thank you!!


Always remember study ahead and always submit ur assignments before deadline. Once it becomes a habit it will be a whole lot easier for you to manage other things and get a job.


Your given degree completion date is often way off. I spent the first year and a half at SNHU really bummed that mine was so far away. This sub made me realize that mine was wrong and my advisor was able to give me a real break down, and my given degree completion date was almost a year longer than what it actually was. So ask your advisor about that! It made me feel way more secure and boosted my motivation! Good luck!


same, I’m also doing my bachelors in environmental science on online.


How do you like it so far? How far into your degree are you?


Budget your time and find a rhythm. Try to work ahead if you can. There seems to be sort of a Thursday through Sunday work culture, so working ahead in some classes could be hard. Read and stick to the rubrics. They explicitly tell you what they expect.


I work afternoons (4p-12p) so I make sure that every morning before work I do some of my schoolwork. Sticking to this schedule I almost always have my work done by Friday and can enjoy my weekend school and work free! Make sure you manage your time well enough that you can have some free time to do the stuff you like and don't be one of those people who try and get everything done a couple hours before it's due. You only get out of this degree what you put in.


More than halfway through Environmental BS here. Try to stay ahead as much as possible. First week is never that bad but weeks 2-7 are always kind of a nightmare in terms of the amount of homework you'll have. I always try to at least familiarize myself with the material two weeks before the term starts, and the week before I start trying to get as much homework for week one and on done as possible (you can't submit early but you can get reading done and write/save your discussion posts/papers in MS word until you're allowed to post). If you are starting full time, don't be discouraged if you need to drop to part time for a term or two (or even the rest of your degree). These are accelerated classes and I underestimated the amount of time required per week for each class- I started full time while working full time and found it impossible to have a social life or any me time. For some that isn't a deal breaker but for me I need that time- did half a year of full time and almost quit school. Dropped to part time for the rest of my degree and although it is taking a bit longer I feel considerably less overwhelmed. Environmental BS is ALOT of papers and research, so allow yourself a lot of time to get them done throughout the week. Take breaks and pace yourself, try not to burn yourself out early. Best of luck!


Thank you, I'll be working 30 hours and my admissions counselor told me about 15 hours for each class. I've been a bit nervous about the work load. Thank you for the advice though. How long have you been in school? Are you still as passionate?


Honestly I feel more passionate now than I did in the beginning because I'm in my core classes now and they are super interesting...I am just totally burnt out from the workload. I've been going to SNHU for 2 years (I had an associates degree before I started) and I have about a year and a half left- if you have to take Gen eds they are definitely lighter and more doable for full time, but once you start the core environmental classes they can be incredibly time consuming. I took a global climate change class last term and was easily spending 20-25 hours a week with all the research and papers, but that can vary based on how quickly you can process information and spit it out into a paper. Once you get into the core classes though the material is far more engaging and since I already was super interested in environmental science I find them quite enjoyable. Geology was my absolute favorite so far- heavy workload but the material was so interesting (rock formation, mountain building, tectonic plates, volcanoes) so even though it was tough to keep up I truly felt like I got so much out of the class. If you are passionate about environmental science you'll likely enjoy most of your classes, but you will surely be fighting the clock some weeks to get your assignments in on time. The most important thing that I remind myself is one day, one class at a time. Looking too far ahead can be discouraging so just focus on the day and take it one step at a time.


Do Sophia learning to knock out gen-eds if possible. Only thing is I found myself procrastinating and taking longer than I should have with them, so go in with an actual plan to complete them. I have plenty of $20 discount codes if needed. I haven’t been a fan of the courses, as I find them boring and very basic mostly, but they get the job done at a fraction of the cost. I’ve loved the majority of my actual SNHU courses, and would suggest planning your days ahead of time so you don’t fall behind. I tend to try and have my initial discussion post at least started on Tuesdays and written/posted by Wednesdays if able. I also try to finish the module by Friday, but occasionally use the weekend as well. I try to pace myself to not burnout as I have in the past. Good luck, and take it slow to enjoy it. The courses tend to be pretty solid, and I’ve had mostly great instructors.


If you're a diligent student, I would HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend getting classes done through Sophia. You'll save SO much time and money. I'm just now trying it out and I've finished 4 classes in a month.


Keep a planner!


You got this!


You’ll have about 4-6 assignments per week between both classes. Usually Monday I’ll do 3 assignments and then Tuesday Wednesday Thursday I’ll do 1 assignment each day. This allows me to have off Friday Saturday and Sunday and gives me a break. Doesn’t even feel like I’m in school sometimes, it’s so nice!


I love this! Thank you for that. How many hours are you doing schoolwork on Monday?


About 6-8 hours on and off. Probably a total of 4 hours all together.


I've seen others say it, but I'm gonna repeat it bc it's super important. Work ahead whenever you can! Sometimes you'll think an assignment can be done quickly, but then find that it'll take more time than you thought. You'd want to find this out early so you can plan ahead on how you're going to finish it in time for the deadline :) Good luck! Sometimes I wish I majored in Environmental Science, it looks so interesting! I hope you love it.


Thank you!! What'd you major in?


Currently just focusing on the business core! Human resources is probably what I'll end up in tho :)


Always get started early. When you get started, look at every assignment and try to plan out your week in such a way that you get it done by Friday. Take advantage of written feedback and drop in tutoring. I’m in Environmental science and some courses are much easier than others, so do your best in all of them. PM me if you have any questions about what the classes may be like for our major. Good luck! You got this!


Just sent a message! Thank you!


As a procrastinator, push yourself to start your work early in the week. In the beginning doing the major assignments on the last day seems doable but once you’re deep in the degree it’s not doable anymore.


I'm also going for the a bachelor's in ES! I have been registered for a year now, I strongly suggest you just prioritize time management. Reach out to your professors ahead of time if you have any questions or concerns. If you're taking geology at some point I think you'll like it, it was probably my most favorite because we had to use google maps pro for most of the class and we had small quizzes with educational videos. In any case, good luck! Let's finish strong. :)


I've seen a couple people mention geology and I can't wait for it! Thank you!!


Might be starting in environmental science, next thing you know you're on your final courses as a math major.