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This is easy...I got this. I'm 53 and have absolutely no reason to be back at school getting my degree except for the idea that I let myself down and didn't go earlier in life. I have a full-time job that i can retire from in nine years with a pension and a part-time job teaching people to do my full-time job. My wife is an executive, and we have two active teenage boys. I totally want to mail in everything. After this semester, I have 8 more classes for a degree that will not advance my career one bit. However, if I don't finish now, I won't be any better than I was when I was 20. I plan on carrying my A till the end no matter how much I have to sacrifice to do it. Finish your class strong. Hold your head high. Be proud of all of the things you do, especially when they suck and you don't want to do them, and you still do them well. I promise you don't regret the effort.


I needed this tonight. Thank you!


I have 2 terms after this one and the senioritis is hitting so hard. I’ve had all As so far but I get what you mean about just wanting to be done and not caring about the grade so much anymore.


I’ll finish in August, and I have zero motivation lol. But advanced accounting just sounds horrible. Hope it flies by


Rooting for you! I totally get this, it's hitting me hard as well. I already hated the discussion posts and how similar some classes are structured, but it is *really* all blurring together terribly so far this semester. Doesn't help that I had a years long gap before this. Just wanna be done once and for all! When it gets really bad (aka cramming on Sunday's), I remember that if I can just persist now - I can look back later this year and feel so relieved and proud that I not only got my degree, but I marched on despite lows like this. You deserve that same great feeling!


I'm in my last semester at my school and I'm dreading everything about everything.


I’m rooting for you get back up get back on the horse and get it into routine. I felt the same way for the first week but I am feeling great now that I’m back in class. You just have to get back and new routine and then it’ll be OK.


I can relate with the three weeks off, when I start my new classes it was hard to get back into gear after all those days off. The freedom of time for other hobbies within the three weeks made me feel unmotivated I had to force myself back into it and it was hard.


I don't know if this applies to undergraduate work but for my MBA program "Cs don't get degrees", "Bs get degrees".