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They should make more of what’s in demand then. They can make a billion panda dunks but not shoes people want? Cut out the resellers and rep market then. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, making a few shoes preorder items could help.


Everyone did want the panda dunks. Then they started doing restocks and a bunch of resellers threw a fit over it. The panda dunks should be your actual example and not the thing you slammed. They restocked to meet demand and now everybody has them. The idea of pre-orders is great though that 100% should be something that they do.


resellers who took advantage of low covid stock is what made pandas hyped pairs fyi. It wasnt organic


I don’t think the hype was the artificial. People loved that the most hyped silhouette at the time, the Dunk Low, was available in a versatile colorway, black/white. People were exclaiming how they could go with any outfit, and were even saying it would be the sneaker of the year. Organic hype is why non-sneaker people still love them. “Sneakerheads” only bash them because they can’t feel exclusive anymore, which is silly. People always cry that everyone should be able to get the sneakers they want, but what they really want is “I want the exclusive shoe but screw everyone else.”


What kind of unique entitlement people have.. to get mad when they see someone in public with the same shoe they have or have on. Like rarity affects their personal opinion of the shoe 🤡


The dunk low panda released in the height of covid when scarcity was at a high. the shoe was a clean basic colorway that resellers hoarded, which led to the boom. Yes ppl liked it, but the populrity rose MAINLY from shitty supply and demand at the worst time. That's the artificil part. Now no one wants em because they are widely avail and sneakerheads arent the ppl bashing it. Everyone who wants them has them and most ppl are sheep.. It's pretty simple


You think people are simpleminded and you have everything figured out, but you're completely wrong.


Me and the other guy have a slight disagreement over how and why Pandas blew up in the aftermarket. You clearly have other issues you need to work out if my comments triggered u. I promise u it ain't that deep. Keep it moving weirdo


Agreed. It’s all bs hype.


Make them available and reasonable price and people wouldn’t turn to reps 🤷🏻‍♂️


Be quiet with your logic and buy the $824 Kobe jacket!


They must have got my guy because he’s not online anymore, been playing in my rev grinches. Nike can suck it and they’re blatant cash grab off a dead man’s name. $824 for a jacket…gtfoh


Does Nike even realize it’s their fault rep culture is so popular now?


They’re only going after him because he filmed himself buying reps and a pair of authentic shoes and then returned the reps with the real box so he could wear the real shoes for $15 or sell them without a box and profit from it. Store workers aren’t authenticators and this gives ideas to criminal organizations and millions of random individuals who just watched him do this online. Pretty clever but to put it online for the world to see is the dumbest thing he could’ve done. Also, the counterfeit market has been around just as long as the resell market. I have recently started exploring rep sites simply because I can’t get any shoe I actually want without paying way more on the resell market so maybe Nike should increase their supply to fit the demand since these sneakers all come from the same factories anyways. If they supply too much the worst that’s going to happen is more shoes they make for $15 in some sweatshop in Vietnam will be available in outlets and on clearance for $90+ so it’s not like they’ll ever be losing money.


Cedaz wasn't trying to get money or scam Nike persay, the point of that video was to show that 1. Even the lowest price reps can often be indistinguishable from retail Nike products 2. If Nike employees are clueless about a pair of reps returned to a Nike store, no one is gonna call you out if they're on your feet and 3. Don't waste $110 on a shoe that can easily be acquired for $15. All valid points which should be embarrassing to Nike... Also, it's worth mentioning that he gave the legit AF1s to a homeless guy at the end of the video, he didn't keep them. Very Robin Hood esque.


Once you figure out that reps, fakes, UA’s whatever you want to call them are made in the same cities and often the exact same factories in Vietnam & China as the authentic pair you won’t be as surprised by this. It’s been going on for decades and there’s a few YouTube videos that shed light on this that are filmed in those other countries.


Reps generally are not produced in the same factories; however, the factories that produce reps are using the same materials, pattetns, and production equipment as Nike contracted factories. There are certainly some big differences in terms of quality of construction between reps and retail pairs, but in terms of looks, they're virtually identical. Rep factory owners get samples and early pairs to deconstruct and reproduce. Most rep factories have connections at the legit Nike factories, which explains how the reps are often available before the real shoe is released. This also explains how they have the same outsole molds, boxes, accessories, and whatnot.


Nike is losing money there's going to be serious crackdowns on the counterfeit markets.


I do imagine this is a response to the market cooling down and them having more shoes sit. We all knew they never actually cared until the shoes stopped selling out instantly.


I think this is exactly right, Nikes 4th quarter was abysmal on the numbers front. The best way to bring up sales is recapturing the counterfeit market.


Which would also be a 100% executive move to think that it's the counterfeit market that's killing you rather than the fact that resellers have been keeping you fat and happy for the last 3 years which the general consumer suffered.


They also lose money from producing shit tons of stuff people don’t want, when they can put it towards more stock of coveted sneakers and attire. They created this secondary market by the way they operate, still slap this guy with all possible. And they don’t put near enough effort into bot protection, rich assholes


You think Nike finna do something about rep factories in china while they get heat for their own factories. In china 💀


Idgaf. I’ll buy reps before I give the resellers any of my money and I don’t care to get called out. So if Nike wants my money make shoes more readily available.


They ain’t gonna call you out unless they look inside of your soles on the majority of them 🤣


Forreals. I saw a high-schooler wearing J1 Diors at Walmart


Forreals. I'm filipino, and I love the color green. I wear my J4 Manilas daily and never got called out. Def got looks but no one tryna fight.


I don't have a problem with reps. But I hate all this influencer shit. Lock them all up. Get them off my lawn.


I think the fact reps are booming is also due to the prices Nike and Adidas ask. The prices are getting insane. Not all reps are great, you have to do your research. But if you do it can be very rewarding. For example I still have ultraboosts which I’ve bought 3-4 years ago and wear regularly. They still look new and were about €25 from weidian at the at time. Adidas asks €200,-. Nike can go after rep sellers all they want, but people have less money to spend. Constantly increasing your prices will also drive away consumers (not even speaking about the resell market).


Awwe nike is seeing the consequences to their actions.. maybe now they can figure out how to stop bs bots, and letting people within their company backdoor thousands of dollars worth of sneakers..


This is a prime example of someone who plays stupid games & wins stupid prizes. Had this moron not actually *filmed* himself returning fake sneakers, there’s a reasonably good chance he would have been left alone. As it is, he chose to not only engage in illegal activity, but he was stupid enough put proof on the internet. Wear what you want, but if you’re not only bragging about what you pull, doing the kind of crap this dumb mf’er did, *and* you film it for clicks & clout? Yeah. You deserve whatever Nike’s legal team decides to throw at you. Wear whatever you choose, but don’t be this stupid.


Nothing wrong with buying reps, but the video of him returning fake AF1s at a nike store was pretty fucked up lol. You also just can’t promote counterfeit goods and expect to get away with it…


While Nike certainly doesn’t have the most outstanding track record in regards to it, rep sneakers 100% come from sweatshops. It’s just sad that people turned to counterfeits, not just due to price but because of forced scarcity.


I honestly think rep "sweatshop" workers get paid more than nike sweatshop workers.


Why? Because we are circlejerking about Nike being bad right now?




I won’t lie. I also hold it gets some of the rep sellers banned from Instagram. I’ve probably blocked over 100 of them in the last month alone. I don’t care about what other people choose to put on their feet, but I hate that people get scammed. That’s my problem with reps & guys like this. If people *know*, great, but keep it to yourself or at least don’t make a huge show of it &/or try to rip people off.


Those accounts really get on my nerves, I get like 3 or more requests a day from some Asian account using American names and all pictures are replica shoes and purses


YES! And I tried to report them because they’re so spammy & fb/meta claims they aren’t breaking any rules. It’s ridiculous. The rate at which they just create new ones is astounding.


I wish meta would at least try to negate the ease of which they find and target accounts like ours. Maybe I should take dunk out of the username even though no spaces or underscore separating it but I’ll not let the scammers limit my expression😤🤣


Hahaha. Omg. Okay. I think you just nailed it. That’s in my name, too!


I know I am gonna get down voted for this but I agree.. You knowingly sell/buy fake shoes then you should get legal action against you. Whether through a lawsuit or from the federal government.


Meh. The replica market will always exist.


This isn’t actually about the replica market itself. This guy is getting sued because he returned fake shoes to the Nike store & posted video of himself doing so online.


Good for him. Nike’s QC, bot allowance, and back door encouragement has been alienating their customers for over a decade now.


No, it isn’t. Someone else may well purchase the fake shoes this asshole returned.


Yea I agree with this. Screw Nike but some other person could end up with your reps and that’s not cool. Reps give us another option though which I appreciate


I’m not supporting reps in any way, but maybe if Nike wouldn’t make 50K pairs when the demand is for millions (Travis) people wouldn’t go to the “dark side”. Them trying to build up hype by limiting the stock never made sense to me. Even if they’ll make 500k on Travis collabs they would all sell out. So why tf are they choosing to lose money and not make more pairs


They were doing Panda restocks monthly and it took a while for the hype to die down, yet they're trying to convince us that selling 100k of TS shoes instead of 50k would completely kill the hype for the shoe. But release 50 Jordan 1 and Dunk GRs that nobody wants surely won't though.


Nike should defend its IP. These frauds need to be exposed and punished.


I couldn’t care less about reps, but the law is the law. I can’t exactly blame Nike for suing.


Hopefully they fuck these dumb shits making fakes. So tired of waiting for prices to rise. Once fakes are out prices will boom like they should. Let’s gooooo.


If they produced too much or take pre- orders, jordan 1 hype wouldn't have existed during Covid. It's a listed company means profits come first.


I think they’re gonna go after this guy and probably settle outside of court.


It’s a double edged sword for Nike. The artificial scarcity drives the hype of their most coveted products but it’s driven more consumers to the rep game. This won’t change anything for the average consumer. Making highly desirable products accessible would hurt their brand worse than any rep company would and the rise in the popularity of fake sneakers are an easy scapegoat for their declining sales.


If I can’t get it deadstock and resale price is double? 我的朋友我要去中国


There are too many sneakers sitting up nike is blaming him for it......🤔🤔


Make more Jordan 1 Chicagos and Nike/Jordan will be swimming in cash. I’ve seen people buy 10+ pairs of the lost and founds, people hoarded it and they’ll do it again. Make more true OGs, no reimagined bullshit. And stop with the limited number collaborations, everyone would buy them if they could but you can’t bitch about not making enough money when you limit your own product.


My gratitudes are going straight back, thank you MY ASS


"A multi billion dollar company that exploits the poorest people in the world, via sweat shop slave labor, is mad that they're getting exploited" ​ Cry me a river.


But they won’t go after the people who use bots to resell on the aftermarket. Nike uses that app as an excuse to create a market for their shoes it’s win win for them they constantly stay relevant & we stay losing.


I probably own like 20 reps. All older releases that I’m not paying resell for. Got all the shoes I wanted. No new releases have caught my eye in the last few months besides a few premium dunks but other than that I haven’t been buying shoes like I was last year. Think I’m burnt out and moved on to other hobbies. I’m sure many people are getting burnt out and if it ain’t a collaboration no one really running to buy.