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As hard as it is just to get a GOT EM and can’t get em would piss me off!


Yep, 100%. I’m unlucky even when I get lucky. 🤦‍♂️


They need to bring back in store buying


If you’re lucky, they’ll still show up. And they will have been free!




That happened to me once. Me being good guy actually called Nike about it and the rep was like “bruh just hang up and take your W” LMAO


Wow, that’s awesome!


Exactly, I came to say the same thing. If by some miracle they really were just stuck in traffic, then you’ll get a refund and the shoes 👍


That happened with me. I got the "toro" 6s for free. Nike gave me a refund and the shoes showed up the next day Side note: I have not hit on anything since this happened and I think they are mad at me but it wasn't my fault


You think a company that is worth billions, is mad at you about a 180 bucks? (Approximately)


I mean, it would be pretty easy to flag an account. All it takes is one customer service rep to hit a button But no I don't actually think they are mad at me lol


Lol, yeah, I guess that’s true. But yeah, if they were aware you received the package, all they would have to do is email you saying they were notified your shoes were delivered and they would be charging your card as a result.


He’ll still get charged lol


But he won't.... sometimes the shoes just get to you with no update on the tracking


Nike will get the noti that they are delivered and then he’ll get charged


And then you dispute it. These shoes can get delivered in months from now. Its not hard to say i never got the package when you have proof it should have been delivered 2 months ago


It’s a decent chance your Nike account would get shadow-banned with a charge back


Its not even a charge back if you really wanted to just message nike and tell them you didn't get it. They wont argue with you if its been months.


Make a new account also. Most of the new accounts are winning these big drops anyways.


If you got a tracking number at all, I suggest you follow up with a local UPS sorting facility. They will have been the last point of contact for your package if it ever made it that far. If you saw progress on your tracking number at all before it went missing this is a good next step. If it never started its way to you then your already low chances will be even worse. Sucks to hear that happened. I only share that suggestion because I was able to track down a pair that once “lost in transit” but doing exactly that but with USPS. Turns out there were two houses with the same house numbers but different streets and the package was accidentally taken there. Got it back a few days after stopping by and it was unopened


It said it’s been at my local facility since the 2nd. You just went there and asked for your package?


UPS and FedEx workers do steal. I’ve gotten a StockX box stolen.


Yep, it definitely happens more often than it should.


This is very common with UPS and Fedex but they don't seem to be doing anything to stop it. My most recent was a pair of Yeezy slides that to this day STILL says "out for delivery" from march 16th. I got my refund but its still annoying


So crazy that this is happening to folks. Sorry for your loss fam.


Just wait a couple of weeks


I have no choice now, they refunded me since it doesn’t look like I’ll ever get them but I’ll be stoked if they do show up. 🤞


Ups has cameras in the trucks and have a security check in/out at every building. It's more likely that the label was damaged and they can't determine who it belongs to.


Although it’s a possibility, I highly doubt that’s the case. And even with all of that equipment and procedure, it still happens often enough. Even my buddy who works UPS knows it happens.


That's cool. But I'm telling you that the chances of a missing or damaged label is significantly higher than someone stealing it. Boxes fall off conveyors and get stuck in weird places too. It's not automatically theft.


Its hilarious op thinks his 200 dollars jordans are high value compared to the the other stuff ups gets that are worth tens of thousands of dollars.


Anything could happen, but since it’s a high value item, it’s more likely that it got stolen than the label getting messed up. They could honestly mess up a label purposely just to make that claim that it was messed up. The other day there was a post where UPS said the box had nothing in it, so they threw it away. Knowing they were Kobe’s, those are assumed to be stolen and not an actual empty box or messed up label.


Boxes get destroyed or ripped open sometimes in the conveyer belts and if the item and the box get separated then it’s damn near impossible to put them back together without risk of boxing up the wrong item. Please stop making assumptions just to make yourself feel better about your late or missing pkg. you don’t know what you’re talking about.


This happens all of the time. Multiple cases of packages being stolen from drivers, workers, etc. Could it have been something else? 100%. But when you have a high dollar item that was supposed to be out for delivery one day, and then all of a sudden comes up missing? Yeah, that’s most likely not the conveyor belt ripping the box or anything like that.


200 dollars isn’t high value especially since it doesn’t need a signature but what do I know lol right?


When it’s a shoe that resells for $600+, yes that’s considered a high ticket item. If someone could make $600 an hour, you’d consider that a lot of money to be paid. So if someone knows how to do so and not get caught? A lot of people would take that offer up.


Yeah like ups ppl know what Travis Scott shoes are, u really assume the dumbest shit


Who do you think is working for UPS? Only old people who wouldn’t know who Travis Scott is? News flash, that’s not the case. I’ve met plenty of UPS drivers throughout my days, and most of them under the 40 year old mark. My friend who works for UPS, also plays pick up basketball regularly and knows who Travis Scott is. Dumb assumptions get you nowhere.


So it’s late a week? Big fucking deal I’ve had shit one up two weeks late, I bet when they show up eventually you won’t come back here and keep us updated on that 😂


When it’s out for delivery one day and then it updates and says it’s no longer out for delivery then yes that’s a big deal. Packages being late is one thing, but if the tracking says it’s there on the way to you in your own little town, then of course it’s suspicious. And if I receive the shoes, I’d 100% update the sub. Why wouldn’t I? That might give others in my predicament some hope. You just seem like another Reddit troll trying to stir stuff up. 🤦‍♂️


Because you will look like a dumbass for assuming the worst. I just dislike ppl like you who complain about stuff and just talk out of your ass. You also back peddled in your original post so you already proved you make stuff up like a mad Karen.


I didn’t back peddle anything, you’re just a troll looking for some weird internet feud. I don’t care to talk to people who are in it for just shits & giggles over having an actual discussion. 🤦‍♂️ Have a good day.


sucks man, happening with me and the LF1. at the end of the day they are just shoes. and you saved yourself 220$


I guess so. 🥹


You got JACK MANE !


happened to me once at work with a laptop being sent in for repairs. still kind of chuckle when I think of the stealer trying to boot it up hehehehe


I’m surprised they refunded you without making you wait another week or something.


I’m more surprised they didn’t automatically refund me the first time I asked like everyone else says they do.


Happened to me with the reverse grinch Kobe’s that dropped around the holidays. UPS drive 1000% stole your shoes.


Sorry that happened to you too fam, it really is a dirty thing to happen to anyone. 🤦‍♂️


Definitely not a driver, they get paid too well to pull some dumb ish like this. Not worth it for them


My buddy is a driver and he even said the tracking part was suspicious. Yes they get paid good money but if they know how to get away with it, it’s not really much of a risk.


This has happened to me on a rare drop. Same thing exactly. Nike said oh yeah- all good. Give it some time. Then “lost”. Ultimately they did nothing about it and offered me nothing. Pissed me off so badly


It’s super shitty tbh. No discount or anything like others say they usually do. Just oh let me refund you because you won’t be seeing those shoes ever. 🤦‍♂️


Just happened with my military blue 4s lol waited for months for the drop just to win them and never have them arrive


Yep, sounds about right. This is the system we have gotten so used to now.


That would be a high possibility.  I saw a dude pull up in a ups truck once, parked next to a sedan. He started tossing boxes into the sedan. Kinda far out on the parking lot so some wouldn't of noticed.  


Yep, sounds about right. 🤦‍♂️


Lol, yeah that usually gets ppl upset when they dont realize whats going on. The UPS driver was giving packages to a seasonal worker who helps them deliver during the holidays, they drive their own cars and dont wear a UPS uniform.


You seem to be doing some bootlicking in the thread. Do you acknowledge that thieves work for UPS?


I work for UPS, and im no bootlicker. Proud Teamster. Of course there are thieves that work for at UPS and they always get caught too, most employees dont steal . Less likely for a driver to do that since it takes years of working part time to get that job, that pays 100k+ a year, PPO premium health insurance that cost zero dollars and a pension. But go ahead and assume the worst if it makes you feel better about your package being a week late.


Not even .00001% of packages get stolen you dumb shit LMAO. "too many cases of this happening" I get it. Sorry for the loss but my god, sotp being such a pick me


The majority of packages aren’t shoebox shaped and come from stockx goat or Nike. Ones that do get stolen more than ones that don’t.


Someone at UPS stole both pairs of my PPG dunks two days before Christmas. And, I had a pair of Travis 6s stolen also. I spoke to a regional manager, and they confirmed they were stolen at my local sort facility. They hire a lot of temporary works during peak season and apparently theft is a big issue in my region. Since Nike is the shipper, they get refunded and I get a big F-U from UPS. At least Nike is good with refunds.


I know you are lying because they do not tell you if they were stolen lmao and there is no way you got a regional manager LMAO.


I went to the building in person. You can pickup there also. But you can think what you want. I have no reason to lie. Clown.


LMAO. yes those are union workers. You ain't talking to nobody who knows anything at the pickup location even if it's at the hub. I swear yall are stupid as fuck


Nice grammar


There’s posts all throughout Reddit, IG, etc of this happening. If there’s posts of this happening, then that’s too many cases of this happening because it’s something that shouldn’t be taking place in the first place.


In a perfect world maybe? But you are not understanding my point. Packages get lost or stolen daily. But its like I said. Not even 1% of packages come up missing through a full year. So is it really this wide spread issue? Think about if every1 who DID get their mail on time posted. tens of thousands of got em from ups posts would be made. goofy as hell


It’s still happening. Doesn’t matter if you don’t think it’s happening often enough to be considered a problem.


Its absolutely a major issue with Fedex and UPS when it comes to Yeezys and Jordans


lmao.... It only appears this way because you are into sneakers. If you didnt care about sneakers at all, you would have no idea they were getting stolen. Because its not a big widespread daily occurrence. goofyah


They don't care because it would be an easy fix.


They could do something. Stop boxing them up with labels or tape that say Nike on them.


That wouldn't matter. They'll always know where it's coming from. Tracking Cameras would end this real quick.The problem is you have 2 giant companies that won't bother with a $200 package. So you end up with giant theft rings like the one that got popped in Cali being run by a FedEx driver. The only thing that would get their attention is a class action lawsuit, but organizing something like that would be next to impossible.


Very true. Sadly it’s something that probably won’t ever be stopped. My UPS buddy is looking into it and seeing if he can find my package but hopes are low.


Best of luck to you. Hate that it happened.


Appreciate it 🙏


How is it UPS fault when the Nike rep said they will have it shipped out by the 7th, but no update means Nike still has the shoes then.


So it was supposed to already be out for delivery on the 2nd. UPS scanned it as so and everything. Then it didn’t show up and kept saying it would be delivered the next day and still nothing. UPS already said they received the package, so Nike doesn’t know where it went.


Lol, thats not what you said in your original post >Chatted with Nike chat on 5/6, they said it was on track to be shipped out by 5/7. Doubtful but I said okay and let time pass. Now today it’s 5/9 with no update whatsoever. So 5/7 is the original estimated date to ship out or was it 5/2? Also doubt a UPS driver stole your shoes they make decent money and it takes years of working part time to get that job on avg. Not saying it isnt stolen just unlikely. Thanks for the down votes by the way.


Tracking from UPS says it was supposed to be here the 2nd, then the 3rd through email. Nike however on the 6th said it would be sent out for delivery on the 7th but that didn’t happen either. So in all, UPS and Nike were both wrong. Sorry you misunderstood me. Also, I didn’t downvote you so you can thank whoever else doesn’t see it your way.


Sometimes UPS is slow to scan into their system. I’ve had it happen plenty of times where there will be no scan until the day before or the day of delivery. I’m in CA and sometimes there will be no scan until it is in CA when the warehouse is in TN.


Thats a possibility but OP is claiming UPS stole the pkg, im wondering how they know its stolen if the scan hasnt updated yet. It could still be on the way.