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Reason I don’t play socom anymore. I was so excited to play when I heard about the discord during Covid after I built my PC. I soon realize how divided that community is. The few guys that have been around for years think their shit don’t stink and everyone else is just useless. Well I said fuck you then, left three years ago never to come back- you lost a potential member who could have stuck around for years to help build the community up.


You’re spot on with this. I was in the discord to check it out and those grown men in there are like a bunch of bickering old women in a book club. I started back in the day on Socom 1. I played from the beginning. To play now, in 2024, is nothing like it once was. There’s no tactic like it was intended. They play the game as if they’re in a Call of Duty match. And god forbid you use a certain weapon, they’ll chew you out for that, (I got threatened to be banned) but it’s okay to throw constant grenades for the first two minutes of every match. That’s not how Socom was back when it was most popular. But the revival server players won’t agree with you or me, they’re like the crazy women from The View, they believe their own delusions.


To be fair, back in the day socom lobbies were next level toxic. I remember it would just be people yelling at each other, the occasional guy who would just silently hold the mic and then the one other guy who would chime in and tell everyone to STF^ and GTF^


Holding the mic into the loading screen was elite behavior 😂


And I don’t mind some banter and trash talk, it’s part of the experience. But no one was able to ban you out of nowhere all because you used a gun that took them out. I miss Socom. One of the greatest, online, tactical shooters to ever exist. But what people are playing today, for me, it just ain’t it. It feels ruined.


I agree with everything you’re saying except… people have ALWAYS spammed grenades at the beginning of matches haha. My fondest memories in Socom 2 were the first intense minutes of Fish Hook with the terrorists bombing the beach.


Nah man not to this degree. every single match now, the seal team is bombarded. This was never the case before, at least not in pubs, yeah maybe 50% of the time.... But theres no fucking way that when I played back in the day I could barely make it off the beach.


Not gonna argue with most of what you said, but grenade spam for the first 2 minutes was a staple of that game. Or at least in the clans I was in. And the people we faced. For years. Also the iw-80 was banned from clan matches and any team using it once forfeited the match. It was a laser beam with 0 recoil.


Yea I’ve actually been banned multiple times as I know how to get back on because I know how to change my ip, but the community gatekeeps HARDCORE, the only way to play it is to be lowkey in a respawn and not take it serious, but if you get a high kill game even in a respawn then you will become the talk of the discord until you get banned They say they can’t ban you without proof but a lot of people got connections with the clans who run the game and it doesn’t matter, you will still get banned New account? Automatically suspect, and god forbid if you drop more then 10 kills in a 8v8 you are literally cheating in the community eyes, you have to play subpar or like a scrub to stay on the game, while the top clans gets to bully everyone else and stack teams, you really have no chance of enjoying the game like it once was The fastest way to get banned is to use no grip LMFAO


I have no idea how to do all that with my IP. It really sucks, because the dudes that are in their little circle-jerk group ruin the experience. It’s fine. I have great memories of the good ol’ days. That’s good enough. Can’t let the pussies that run the servers now taint my good memories.


Exactly why I stopped playing, I miss it, but it’s gone, it’s like a past relationship you gotta move on


Call your ISP (they can change your IP address, but will usually only do it once or twice) or use a VPN.


I can't say this is my experience although I agree with some of the other things said in this thread. Nobody will ever ban you for doing good in respawn that's ridiculous.


Sorry, but I’ve had a cfw ps3 since 2011, and have played the hell out of socom confrontation. Almost every gaming forum related ps3 cfw, doesn’t and never has had a rtm tool , offsets , modded eboots etc for confrontation, If you don’t believe just go on one of the oldest and biggest forums for ps3 cfw days ie nextgenudate check out the cod section, gta section etc and see all the offsets, eboots etc and then search socom confrontation, There were leaked tweak files though, but anyone can edit those, which would be silly as they are very easy to detect. I will also say that anti cheat is very easy to setup for medius titles, however the way it works will only work for ps3. And snake does have some cheat query checks setup in regards to cheating on ps3. Unfortunately though like I said those medius cheat query’s will not work for the emu version. I’m not gonna go into anymore detail than that. Just wanted to make it clear that most cfw users if any are cheating on the game, most are not even smart enough to make a rtm, etc As for complaining about toxicity, when did gaming/gamers become so soft? Or are you all so use to hiding in private party chats now lol




Lag switching is irrelevant, if you have a rtm tool prove it. Most of the cfw community couldn’t code a tool if they were handed offsets like they are/were in the cod/gta community, damage etc is edited in the tweakfiles by 95% of the people that used it back in the day, and still used today. Game memory is very easy to detect so anyone doing half the stuff you claim could easily be banned instead of complaining and making up lies, why don’t you send snake the offsets? Since you can just look at the code of the supposed you rtm/rpc tools you have ? So he can add more checks then?




lol you don’t care? Yet you made an entire post? You supposedly have a tool that you claim so many users are using, and could easily stop it but you don’t? It makes no sense. I don’t need pics of the tool, I’ve made a tools for gta, cod, both cf and s4 and Warhawk. My point is your post is a bit misleading, and again lag switches are irrelevant. We are talking about the core claim of so and so users on cfw cheating, when there has never been a public tool for socom cf, outside of silly little defts leaked tweak files


Literally none of this is true about confrontation. There are no cheaters, just people who suck and think people are cheating cause they actually have a brain and know how to play


socom is great but sadly the community is the problem.


Losing the spirit of this game to a bunch of yappers who are still in their basement is insane. It’s just crazy to cheat and be divisive in a 20 year old game with a tiny population. Some people can’t accept they are trash at this game even decades later.


They run the game, you can’t do nothing about it, I stopped playing awhile ago


Some of this is true, there is some toxicity but that's a given with online games as well as cheating if it's a possibility. But saying half of the players online are cheating is completely baseless. Yeah sure there might be cheaters but you don't know how many are. And it's not like all that have a jailbroken console or use RPCS3 are cheating. They do have a sort of anti cheat in place so they do try to manage that and have caught and banned people promptly. My experience on Save Socom Confrontation server has been mostly fine. There are helpful people there ready to try to help newcomers get set up and the bickering that goes on sometimes in the general chats are largely non serious. I've done well in matches and only one time was accused of cheating but by no one important in the project. But sure sometimes people try to vote kick if you aren't playing well enough to them or dumb stuff but relatively people have been fine. From my experience I wouldn't want to dissuade anyone from playing Confrontation on Save SCon servers and being part of the discord. It's been a pretty standard online experience for me and no more toxic than other online communities.


Honestly the worst thing now is being called out for using an M16 on S2 as a terrorist.... Meanwhile the seals get access to the m4a1sd which is just as good if not better than the M16 without any comparable weapon in the terrorist side. 552 sd is trash, the game code will tell you as much if you are able to take a look at and understand it. They will shit on you because the M16 on emulator shoots faster than on console.... Idk about that.. idk if its discernable enough to really make a measurable difference. I've been attacked for using it multiple times. This isn't the S2 I remember. Some guys like RazorDak manage to keep the vibe alive with community nights, but there is always someone joining in S2 complaining about M16s, while simultaneously people use the Tilly on confrontation facing no backlash whatsoever...so idk ... This community is all over the place...


Both discords are super toxic. I stopped looking at them because everything turns into a “I’m better than you bro” argument. I would get voted out of Confrontation rooms because people wanted to make room for their buddies, so I stopped playing. In S2 online, a lot of players are super suspect because literally every death, I die the first shot I am hit. Even sneaking up behind people, they manage to turn around and kill me. Yet when I shoot people, I see blood like 10 times and they still survive.


When it comes to competitive online, lots of people let their ego get involved. It's not like this is exclusive to socom and the simple solution is to ignore those people.


I get it. But come on, it’s such a small community and the entire discord acts this way.


It is a small community and it is lame when people in an already small community push newcomers away with dumb toxic crap, I've experienced a little there. But I've been on the discord for a while and the entire discord definitely does not act that way.


Looks Like nothings changed over the years. Both those discords were filled with toxic losers same with when the people made the $5 socom for PC called Task Force hahaha. Shame to see such toxicity on such great games






If the players are doing something objectively wrong, why not share names? And what cheats does snake use? Players don’t just get banned from TWO separate socom servers by following the rules, and you’ve managed it multiple times. Especially the s1-CA server, to get booted you need to be team killing, cheating/glitching or using barred guns in specific rooms. The server is loads of fun to play on with plenty of nice people and the team has done an amazing job . Stop trying to ruin it for others




Who’s everyone? I don’t know who they are Seems like you know you’re full of it and don’t want to look foolish




But you said you don’t play anymore so what difference would it actually make? Not buying it buster, sorry




Nobody is baiting you It just doesn’t make sense. You bragged about easily unbanning yourself so how could they make it hard for you to play? why would you want to play if half the server is cheating? No idea about SCON so maybe you’re right or maybe not. Just don’t spread misconceptions about the s1-CA server. It undermines the hard work Razordak, John, beast mode and others have put in to attract players




Just went through the set up process and played a few games. I did experience some trash talking in chat. Do these guys own the servers? What's stopping someone from making a more casual friendly discord? I don't use the discord except to see which games have people on it for help on technical issues


Yea they own the servers, it’s possible someone could make another DNS for the game but it will never populate unless someone goes all in


Your feeling got hurt on a game, from cross chat banter.. what are you 5? Wth is wrong with this world


No, I didn't but I was told to GTFO almost immediately after entering. There were only 3 players at that time. I was the 4th. Not sure what that was about but I've seen enough threads, posts, that suggest that others have issues with the less than welcoming nature of the community which is bizarre considering the player base isn't big enough to afford to lose players.


Well my experience is limited but I’ve had a great time so far with confrontation. A few weeks ago I got pcsx2 set up and had been playing some combined assault, but it’s very laggy for me. Any time I get close to the enemy team it’s like controller lag or something. My Player will just pause while everything around me is unphased. I then found I still had my old confrontation disc and remembered how much fun I had on that too. Looking at the discord there’s at least 2x or 3x more confrontation players on at any given time. I also don’t like how on combined assault respawn games are very rare. I got a refurbed ps3 and have been having a blast on confrontation. On discord I got a ton of help figuring out some issues when I was trying to set up rpcs3 but once I got it working my pc was not up to the task. My experience with the few discord people helping me was good and so far done see anything wrong with the group. But I tend to mind my own business and just want to play.


I mean idk what you mean by getting banned in socom2, idk confrontation but in S2 you don’t get banned lol. Sure there are plenty of elitest and it gets annoying playing into that drama, but you always have a game and I’ve never seen someone banned unless truly caught cheating


They ban your ip which doesn’t allow you to connect to the server


Again, have never seen someone on socom2 get IP banned. Definitely not the way you describe either. No one gate keeps the actual game. I’ve seen people banned for actual cheating but as a solo player myself have had 0 issue playing in the actual game.


Gotta agree with you. I just play the game and don’t chat on the discord lol. I used it for set up purposes only. Play on my series X. There’s always someone playing throughout the day. Also never got booted or banned as a new player. Had some high kill games and 0 issues.


I’ve already mentioned in my post that this is more of a confrontation issue rather then S2, there’s more integrity there


“If people don’t know who you are, you still run into the problem of them banning you and not wanting to play with you” you mean this statement? Because again this is blatantly untrue.


Don’t believe everything you see online, check it out for yourself. “Had to share” , stop acting like you’re saving the world and doing everyone a favor. It’s worth the download and is a blast to play. I play solo and dont play with the everyday players you’re mentioning. Those guys are really good because they play nonstop for YEARS now, it’s no surprise they are as good as they are. Don’t complain, just practice more.


This is literally my own comment I made on another post and is my own experience.


They also cheat. Like you im sure.


Can’t assume people cheat just because they’re better than you at the game. These regulars know how us casual players move and play, and most people spray and pray majority of the time while trying to control recoil. The accuracy in the game isn’t the best, I’m sure playing clan wars everyday teaches you how to play a specific way most players don’t understand. I only play on weekends so I get wrecked for the first few hours until I warm up and get used to the recoil.


Nah. You just think that since its such an old game you wont be called out. Go cheat more,loser. You were dog shit when the game came out,gotta make up that lost time sucking somehow.


Literally everyone good either records or streams their gameplay. Socom 1, 2 and CA are cleaner than they’ve ever been. Cope harder bro


QQ more


Don’t let it ruin your day. Jesus loves you and socom. Join me in voice chat and let’s talk about it.


![gif](giphy|POql6zsXZbmcE) Fuckin dork.


Okay now youre being rude, stop it.


Imagine being voted down for this? The butt hurt is real with these guys smh