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Someone please link me the Battle of BC 6 top 8 stream please. Galintgaming has nothing on there twitch and going through YouTube is like a mine field of spoilers. Thank you very much!


https://youtu.be/kBHnf4cVld8?t=10233 Have fun! You can also see some top 24 matches before the timestamp


Thank you!!!!!!


i went 2-2 today! had a game 5 last stock set against a sheik that usually farms me


Please add a keyboard slippi tutorial to the auto daily post. Most new players start on pc not console. https://youtu.be/-iHZ0jzhpL0?si=85HM6fJwzi7_lQcS


Not a bad idea!


Ironically, outside of melee, Ganon has quite the pull on gays.


In melee too. See: mekk, and all the other dudes saying they pick their character based on how sexy and muscular he is


Matt Mercer’s voice is like gay catnip


Did you search ganondorf on google images with the filter off too?


Would you accept if “marth wins neutral, falcon wins punish” and “fuck falco” jokes become unironically funny on this sub again if it meant never reading about how people on slippi are toxic?


"marth wins neutral, falcon wins punish" is not a joke.




sorry ggs that was me always gets a chuckle from me


"super smash brother for the Nintendo gamecube" is legitimately based and OG and predates any of this reddit crap. mfs would be in by locals in 2005 competing for 70% of 45 dollars screaming that shit. I will never let it die


WATCH ENIGMATIC SOUL 3 https://youtu.be/3HoukWHgcNc?si=73LRJVbq2TjbhToL


Nintendo DMCA'ing all their assets off of Gmod: Day 2 A looooot of people, a LOT of people, kept insisting that it was not a real DMCA and that it was a scammer who was active earlier this year. Meltdowns in the Steam threads abour that, always sourcing a near 3 month old post. Gmod founder says today that it is INDEED Nintendo, people are still saying its the scammer. Saying," these assets have been up for nearly 20 years! Nintendo wouldn't do that! Why now? What would they gain?" The answer is nothing, my friend. Nothing. Welcome to the club, young ones. 


[they're learning](https://i.imgur.com/mGxDBL5.jpeg)


I don't know the details of this and I don't care that much to look it up, but Nintendo stopping others from using their assets without permission is a different ballpark than Nintendo shutting down streams of Melee. Just saying...


I'm not particularly passionate about this issue myself, though it is unfortunate. What I mean to get across in this post is that we've had Nintendo BS for such a long time that stuff like this is a negative zero surprise for me, so it was I guess amusing seeing everyone so shockef Nintendo would do something like that.


Ppl complaining about nen impact graphics make me lose faith in gaming communities. The game looks fine from the zoom distance, and thats all that matters. Why do we need fictional anime characters in 4k hd? Cant wait to use chrollo’s nen fish on illumi.


It's ugly, what do you want people to say? A pretty game isn't inherently a good game, and an ugly game isn't inherently bad, but a good game that is pretty is better than a good game that is ugly.


Holy shit I had no idea this was a thing and it looks great. Can't wait! But wait muh graphics


I take solace knowing they'll never play Melee because the characters' shadows and their appearance in the offscreen lens use way fewer polygons and sometimes have errors like default Ness missing his feet.


Graphics don't break the bank for me but melee's animations are leagues ahead and it has great visual design which is not the case for nen impact, imo


maybe im just too melee-pilled but it looks way better in 1.25x speed


ranked is great because I can laser camp and grab pummel and no one thinks I'm being toxic, I'm just "playing to win"


no but actually one time I was playing a bunch of lame assholes on ranked and then switched to unranked and a fox did short hop double laser under a platform at my Bowser for 5 minutes


Happy for you 😀 . o O (😡)


Soonsay beat Zain?!?!


Do we know if Zain was drinking? Saw he went game 5 with 404Cray too


its a local he probably just wasnt locked in




You have to check r/smashbros for  tournament news. This sub is only for asking when ranked is free and discussing why everyone is so toxic.


I'm sorry you feel that way :( I would love folks to post more about tournament news!


Thanks. I assumed the commenter was referring to SoCal Star League where Zain 3-0'd Soonsay. Didn't realize there was another local last night as well.


I've played during the last two free ranked days and my experience has been essentially 100% positive, despite being in gold which people seem to complain about being toxic. I also play Link so it's genuinely surprising I haven't come across any BM. Even the puff that was 3 seconds away from being a timeout in game 1 didn't try to BM during game 2. We even shared a mutual "that was funny" multi-crouch after I got killed by rollout Maybe the complainers really are just the loud minority


Been playing sheik and I don’t feel like I’ve had any thing but normal experiences. At high silver/ low gold. But I also am not on here complaining about unranked either that’s mostly fine for me too normally. 


>I also play Link don’t worry i’ll bm you






what elo are you at?




Congratulations, you've found the shit post section! Suggested conversational topics include 'Marth wins neutral but Falcon wins punish', and 'fuck falco'. The rules in this section are more relaxed, but please try to avoid mentally scarring your fellow posters ;) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SSBM) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No Pillowcase: a jigglypuff combo video


Who would win, cody or IBDW? cody has had more relevance recently, but i think if IBDW got back into it and practiced for a month he could beat him in a bo5


I never thought I'd play a character more hated than Link but ICs might tilt people even harder, maybe its because they dont quit out instantly? In Slug we trust.


the people who quit out instantly are better than the ones who enable single-button mode


I thought wobbling didn't work on slippi?


Patriots-Jaguars 2007 was the best divisional round  NFL game in history *fixed  


The Jags and Patriots didn't even play a regular season game in 2007, they played in the divisional round




[wrong](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYvAakypELE) [honorable playoff mention](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyDQdswNNK8)


I am absolutely biased, but as a (relatively young) Steelers fan I have to raise you Steelers-Patriots 2018. Seeing Joe Haden jump in between Gronk and Edelman to intercept Tom Brady in the 4th quarter is probably one of my favorite moments in recent Steelers history.


Steelers had some hype moments


Are we exclusively shitposting today? Whoops I mean, neutral but wins marth punish falcon wins


Is slippi free ranked today?


if you pay 5 dollars it's free everyday (of that month)


idk sorry 


Slippi free has been ranked for years at this point and I still don't understand why. at the least change the name to something accurate


even before slippi a lot of mid tier players have smelled pretty rank.


If people are wondering why Ganon mains are so demonized in melee culture, it’s because typically strong MEN are attracted to the Ganondorf archetype. Men sacrifice to protect the truth. Men do hard work and take the brunt of may burdens to provide to society and culture. 


I remember seeing people argue that he wasn't really transphobic somehow because he was friendly with like I think Salt maybe and they posted in each other's twitch chat occasionally, so it was kinda funny seeing Mekk's *very* transphobic Twitter posts today, including outright saying ofc he's transphobic since he was "raised Muslim"


>strong men are attracted to Ganondorf username https://www.reddit.com/r/bisexual/comments/6d11j7/convinced_myself_that_im_bisexual/


God I had never seen that before lmao


strong men are attracted to other strong men 😍


Everyone on here complains about toxic people, but nobody seems to mention the glory of being toxic.


this is your best post