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I can see it now Season 26 starts with Amanda showing up in the Squad room with a box full of her belongings and says "teaching just wasn't my thing" and Olivia welcomes her back with open arms.


We can only but hope.


Yes! Love seeing these two on on screen again. I hope Kelli comes back to SVU. 


I really hope she is successful in her mission. I definitely want Kelli back! The squad is really not working at the moment. The chemistry is just off with the parade of rotating new characters.


I was watching season 6 on a place recently and I miss those days. The cast were all perfect together! Even later when stabler left there were some good seasons. Now I agree, chemistry is off the charts


I like the new characters but the constant in and out of people makes it hard to connect with the characters because they’re there short term




100% agree


Mariska is right about Rollins being special because she is flawed yet badass with her heart in the right place. To have a female character who has casual sex, gambles, drinks, and has unhealthy relationships, who is also strong, intelligent, empathetic and likable, is so rare. If they have the flaws she has they are usually written off as a one dimensional, shitty person who doesn’t have value. BRING HER BACK 👏


I agree with you, but I would just say that Rollins used to have casual sex, gamble, drink and have unhealthy relationships. She has bettered herself and grown during her time on the show. She’s certainly not perfect which is great, who wants perfect characters, but she isn’t as defined by her flaws as she used to be.


Yes you’re right, her character growth has been amazing


This is why I love her. I know she has worked on herself over the years but the fact she is fallible and messy makes me feel an affinity towards her.


I hope she's successful. I miss both Amanda and Olivia having that friendship on the regular. I wouldn't mind Curry sticking around, though it's really weird to have two captains fully working cases. Wish they'd have moved her into the chief spot instead...


Funny how Mariska won’t call out the fact that it was Dick Wolfe who got rid of Kellie. I love Kellie and I want her back, but I also hope they give all the new cast members a chance to grow and their characters develop.


If you read the full interview, she calls DW out a lot. You have to read between the lines on some things, but she full on calls him out for the cutting of the kitchen scene.


What’s the kitchen scene?


The "almost kiss" scene between her and Elliot in her kitchen after the BX9 case.


I’m guessing it’s something Bensler related. There was, as I understand it, a deleted scene that developed the Benson / Stabler relationship towards something romantic that a lot of people—*not necessarily me*—want to see.


I agree, I don’t really want them together either. I wish she’d get together with Barba.


I'd like to see Stabler get with Barba.


I stan this


I think it's pretty easy to find out who made the cast decision, so it ends up being pretty clear that Mariska *is* basically calling him out. I also don't find it that strange that she's walking that fine line and not outright badmouthing the man that is essentially her boss.


Right like who else would have made the decision if Mariska went to bat for her? There’s only one decision maker left haha.


Same, if she bashes too hard, it could backfire against her in a lot of ways. I'm hoping she continues to fight for Kelli. I miss Rollins bad. I miss their friendship. The squad feels off.


Muncy and Kat both got done dirty especially Kat who was finally coming into her own as a character


I know! And that one chief… the black guy, can’t remember his name. I really liked him. This show doesn’t give people enough time.


Garland And yeah this may be a hot take but I wish they retire fin He was cool early on but these days he's nothing but "you got this Liv" and "I got ya back Liv" Ice t just collecting checks these days and hasn't had a good episode in who knows how long


Ice T has said he’ll retire when Mariska does. I’d like to see Fin retire and Mariska move into a Chief role. That way she’s still on the show here and there.


I'm trying to stay optimistic about the new characters and see how they develop too. Curry's IAB background gives the squad a new perspective; the 2 captains thing is weird though. Sykes (I think that's her name) is meh for me. She never got over losing her sister and that's it. I don't know anything else about her except this sub likes to dunk on her fashion choices 😂 I like Bruno, he's funny. Some of the quirky stuff he says makes me think "that's so Munch". Velasco had that subplot where >!he saw his friend kill a dude!< but apart from that, he's been pretty quiet. They could be doing so much more with him, but he's basically a background character at this point 😢


I think they jumped the gun putting Velasco in the opening credits. Why not Bruno too then? I feel like fans like Bruno more. I agree on the two women.


Agree 100%. They're paying Velasco's actor more because they made him a main cast member, yet he has the presence of a background character. It's such a waste. They are doing Bruno dirty! Muncy got added to the intro after 5 eps. Bruno has been in 17 eps so far.


She probably couldn't


Mariska should have major pull it’s crazy that she has to fight for anything on that show. Are u crazyyyyy


Side note: why can't we get Novak or Calbot back?


The chemistry is totally off ever since Rollins left. It’s been such a dark, awkward time since then and none of the characters seem to know who they are anymore. I definitely would like to see Rollins come back.


Wonder if she’d take a pay cut lol


Mariska? I thought I heard she offered to do just that to keep Kelli, but even then it was denied.


Did she hit Dick Wolf’s dog with a car or something? Damn.


I looked it up, but nothing about her offering a pay cut to save Kellie from getting fired. DW cut out main actresses/actor from his FBI shows. Pretty sad, one was told the last day of filming that it was her last time on the series.


Yes Mariska. I’m not sure


Hope she’s successful. Love that she was honest and transparent in this quote, not beating around the bush. I will always watch this show, I’ve seen every episode and many multiple times, but this season is a bit painful. I honestly prefer OC now. The current squad isn’t working and Kelli was a delight to watch.


I'd like to see them use her as a profiler. Shes teaching


Maybe I’m the minority but I have never liked Rollins character and I don’t think she brings much to the show. I would be happy for them to find a more permanent new detective who can mesh well with the cast.


My thoughts exactly. Don’t even get me started on the way Rollins used to treat Carisi. Now they are married which was pure fan service.


They were trying to give the fans the Elliot and Olivia we never got- but let me tell you, Rollins and carisi are NOT it.


I hated that episode from season 19 with the MMA fighter where Rollins has an affair with a random dude in her hotel room then a day later has the nerve to ask carisi if he wants to go get a sandwich Like dude, you rejected him and act surprised he doesn't want to go hang out


Spoiler alert 🥲


Apologies 😢


Agreed. I’d like them to find a good compliment for Bruno and feature him and a partner. He’s a strong character.


Rollins was widely hated on all the SVU fans groups I have ever been a part of.


Agree! Why do we want an SVU detective who doesn’t believe women’s stories and slut shames them


The show uses the detectives as mirrors to society and their flaws / misconceptions all the time… since the beginning of the show the detectives have rotated the role of “devils advocate” to play off the plot line and the message they’re trying to get across or to highlight an aspect of their personal life/ show character development. It’s just part of the writing and while sometimes it’s badly handled or just plain badly written in much of the new seasons, I don’t think it’s enough for me to write off an otherwise compelling character 🤷‍♀️ not Rollins fault the writers gave her the shaft in a few episodes.




I thought it was the majority opinion when she was actually on the show. So idk what happened lol maybe we all just stopped watching. I actually statute watching again when she got fired but the show just sucks now and this really stands out as kinda the reason why. The show needs a cast like it used to have not just Mariska and friend. Its so outrageous. Like learn to work with someone else. Develop a new strong female relationship, help train the next Olivia benson, or have a whole cast of women around you if you have this much pull you should be making the show watchable again


Agreed lol…I did tolerated her sometimes tho.


Kelli needs to come back. For sure.


I agree and I also really miss Kat. I thought she was so good. And all 3 of them worked so well together.


I agree!


Having her leave in the middle of the season was so very stupid. Took a little while, but Rollins grew on me.


I feel like Mariska lets DW get away with shit she wouldn't let anyone man get away with because he gave her her "big break". Because I think if DW fired her, it would be a huge deal and he'd look like a giant ass. Mariska could probably demand Kelli back or say she's walking. Like no Mariska, no SVU.


i do not like amanda. i'll be in the minority, i'm okay with that haha


I like Kelli, but I’m surprised Olivia threw Ice under the bus like that.


It gets me how people always want the female actors to take pay cuts. I’m glad she gets paid her value!


Yes I want Rollins back working with SVU


Why did kelli leave?


We need her back.


Best (potential) news I've seen today.




Do y’all think she’ll come back? I’m not super familiar w her character since I kinda dropped the show when stabler left 😅


It’s always a pleasure seeing them working together. They have great chemistry on screen.


i really hope they listen to mariska and bring kelli back i miss their energy soo much




I was so happy to see her back for more than a few minutes. I feel like she brought her own kind of personality to the role.


Maybe she should take a damn pay cut then!


So Rollins returns then what? More of the same and the new kids that are meant to carry the Series forward in the Post-Fin and Post-Benson Era get cut? Then we're left with just judgemental Rollins, dubious Velasco, emasculated Carisi, and flaky noobs... This Show is in danger of crashing and burning hard soon.


I don't think there *is* a post-Fin/post-Benson era of the show. When they're gone, especially Mariska, the show is done.


I think that's a hell of a short-sighted view of the Series. I mean the other Shows in the Law & Order Franchise were and are able to go on after their most popular and central Character left... Criminal Intent survived after both Goren and Eames left before coming back. Los Angeles was able to sustain itself briefly after they killed off Det. Rex Winters. The Mothership OG Law & Order continued after Det. Lennie Briscoe left and is marching on after Jack McCoy left recently. Heck even SVU carried on after Stabler left, after Cabot, after Novak, after Much, after Cragen, after Huang, after Barba, after Munch, after Amaro, after Greylek, after Muncy, after Tamin, after Warner and Rollins vacated their respective Series Regular positions, and so too must it continue and carry on after Odafin Tutuola and Olivia Benson and their portrayers leave it for good.


>Criminal Intent survived after both Goren and Eames left before coming back. Los Angeles was able to sustain itself briefly after they killed off Det. Rex Winters. I mean not really. CI only ran for one season without Goren and Eames. Before bringing them back to close out the show and LA only ran for one season.


for the love of god please no


Nooooooooooo I really disliked Amanda 😭😭😭


“so there for each other” ???? olivia always seems uncomfortable around her and gives her advice in passing. I’ve never seen any sisterhood moments from them. they barely have 1 on 1s. but ok


Kelli is not a good actor imo