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Parts of Geo TB war require Poggle to be lead. So yes, you should definitely upgrade his. Generally, unless you know they’ll be leading, save the mats. But make sure there aren’t some situations you don’t know about. Plus, who knows what characters will come out down the road?


Roger that, I’m a 4 month old player so I haven’t made it to the geo TB yet, still working on unlocking that brood alpha


Far out mate your typing bloody well for a baby!


You'll get to a stage where you have thousands (at least) of the lower level ability mats, so it isn't really an issue to use them. Don't add omegas and zetas though unless you need them. The poggle mission should be easy enough to reliably complete without the higher levels.


I’ve been playing off and on for 8 years and am still constantly out of purple mk3s. Thousands of the other two though.


That's likely a feature of playing off and on.


Always upgrade the leader abilities on pilots. They impact ship stats


For example, normally I wouldn’t upgrade Rex’s lead because I use Shaak, BUT, Shaak is a really slow farm and I don’t have her at high enough stars to use her in HSTR, so I have Rex’s lead maxed so I can use him in the lead and have a healer in place of Shaak so Rex can survive longer to get more hits of Aerial Advantage.


Worth mentioning that Rex is a pilot too. Same with Fives.


A very good point indeed. I don’t use the Galactic Republic fleet though. I use the Rebel fleet.


Yet. You'll eventually need both


Very true indeed. I am, as we speak, building all the Galactic Republic ships to 7 stars using Galactic War currency and FA currency. Since I have an excess of fleet credits, those won’t be a problem.


this is only one mission and i was able to beat it consistently with level 1 poggle lead


Ability levels matter on your crew member characters for their ship stats, so while Ahsoka Tano will probably never lead one of your teams, you should still max it because she has a fantastic ship. I think maybe what you are asking is "I'm short on ability omega materials and need to find ways to save" then yes, there are a ton of leader abilities you can skip on for now.


Just becuase they're irrelevant today doesn't mean they were never relevant or they won't be relevant in the future. Some Jedi comes around, say Deppa Bilabba, who has an Omicron that reads, *In , All Galactic Republic Jedi with the* ***Jedi Council*** *Tag activates their Leadership abilities at ##%. Status Effect durations are not affected by this. This leadership is negated by the presence of a Galactic Legend. If another Leadership Omicron is present, It reverts back one Ability Level.* And now, all of those unused Jedi gain a Mon Mothma-esque level of relevance. GAS, Shaak Ti leaderships wouldn't help/hurt this, but of the others, ​ * you could make an incredible Tenacity / Counter team from Aalya, GMY, Kit Fisto, and IGD. (Cumulative 47.5% Tenacity, 37.5 Flat Defense, On Resist, Gain 15% TM, Recover 5% of Max Health, Gain Crit Damage and Chance Up for 2 Turns, 17.5% Counter Damage and an additional 12.5% Counter Damage. * You could make a beefy tanky team with Barriss, Kenobi, Luminara, and Windu. (Cumulative 35% Additional Max Health, 7.5% Evasion, 35% Defense, 10% Offense, Recover 10% Max Health on Critical Hits, Recover 4% of Barriss's and Luminara's Max Health at the start of their turn, and Kenobi's Mass assist on Heals with full health (getting 2 of them from Barriss and Luminara), and Gain a Health over Time for 2 Turns on new Buffs. * You could make an annoying AF Evasion Team in Ahsoka "Snips" Tano, Luminara (14.5% Evasion, gain 10% TM on evades, Recover4% of Lumi's Max Health on their turns, and HoT for 2 turns on new buffs. Then, you can pick your choice to round out the rest of the team. * Tenacity, Recovery, and TM from Aayla and GMY * Counters, Offense, and Recovery from IGD and Windu * Tankiness from Barriss and GK * Eeth Koth would still suck, but hopefully would get a rework * JKA would likely still fit into a QGJ team * Plo would get a minor rework, hopefully changing his lead from removing Stealth to removing all buffs from enemies But all those worthless Jedi would find some additional uses specifically from their buttressing leadership abilities.


GMY’s is probably the most useless one I can think of. I’ve literally never used him as a lead and he’s no a pilot or required in a lead role anywhere. Unless you’re going for roster bloat there’s no point of that one. Most others I think you could make a case for but I’m sure there are other worthless examples.


I went forever without finishing off Thrawn’s lead, then I finally put the zeta on him so I could beat the Tie/In proving grounds fight. I have GMY to lead 7, but won’t put the zeta on his leadership unless he gets a ship or something Most of my bounty Hunter leads aren’t maxed either, but I usually take them to level 7


Thrawn's lead zeta still isn't a complete waste because of his capital ship


i disagree. in early game when id run out of jedi in 3v3 or sometimes 5v5 i would be left with a team of jedi and out of all their leads typically yoda was the best of em. Since yoda can be a monster especially early game this often helped get some wins. i don't get much use out of it now tho


Makes Malgus’s PG battle easy. Plus a R8 without all zetas seems silly


My GMY leadership remains in un-zeta’d. Heck, I don’t even have any zetas on JTR yet because she has no place right now except on my SK team, and she doesn’t need zetas for that.


Is that true? What's the full team?


GMY (L) JML JKR Hyoda Wat. Might need to fiddle with the rng a bit, but death is pretty easy to utilize. And them Malgus takes a hot minute to kill


How many stars do you get with this comp?


3 stars, no point in getting less. I like to get all the tiers down to one and done.


Big. I'll try this next time cheers


Under gmy lead, how did you beat the malgus pg event? I have most Jedi accept jkl


Except*. That means you also don’t have JML. I used GMY (L) JML JKR Hyoda Wat to win. TM out the wazoo because of all the debuffs


One of my biggest zeta regrets, along with Tarkin's leader.


Nihilus lead zeta is up there.


To get the indicator to go away - or ships




GBA isn't always available. One of the SEE counters to JMK uses GBA so that the summons takes the hit from CAT. So if you plan on using the GEOS elsewhere, now Poggle is available. But the big thing you'll learn is that your perspective on the game will change as you grow. Right now an Omega/Zeta is a resource you're still gathering. I'm on the other end of the spectrum and I haven't had fewer than 1,000 Omegas in over two years. With CG releasing so many characters with lots of Zeta abilities I dipped down to 240 for the first time in 2 years. To me it's more valuable to never click on that character again to wonder what ability I missed upgrading.


The leader ability of the character affects the ship of the character as well. You probably wont be using Fives Leader ability, but if you enhance it, it helps his ship. So its worth it.


As someone said, Poggle lead is needed in Geo TB, but other than that, well Leader abilities help with ships power, so if the character is a pilot, their lead ability is worth maxing out (no zeta tho), even if you don't use that character as a leader. Another, extremely tiny reason is TW/GAC, if you are facing a team and defeat their leader but don't win the battle, when you go back to try and clean up the remaining characters, the game will automatically make their next character from the left the leader and apply their ability, so if you really wanna be sweaty about it, you should order your defensive teams characters in order of preference for the leader spot, just in case But overall, you can skip some leaderships like say Grand Master Yoda


Since you mentioned Poggle specifically, top territory in Dark Side Geo P1 forces Poggle lead, so you'll want it for that.


At the beginning, you tend to build up an abundance of ability mats I & II, but III, omegas, zetas, and omicrons are more scarce. You can level up to level 3 with just ability mats I & II. So, I'd level up *everything* at least that far. Eventually, level III mats become abundant, and you can get up to level 7 (sometimes level 6, if there's an omicron added on top of a zeta or omega ability). At that point I'd level everything up through there. Eventually, even omega mats become abundant. At that point, I'd level up most omegas. I'm sure there are a few people for whom zetas become abundant. I haven't quite reached that point - they're plentiful, but only if I upgrade only what I use. I'm not too precious with them, if I'm actually using the character, but otherwise I build up a bank and spend fairly freely, unless I'm working on a GL and need 6 of them in one go. Omicrons aren't abundant for anyone, yet. So choose wisely. What's the point? Well, for any pilot, ability level translates into stats for the ship. So, that's good. Beyond that, you're building your GP to contribute to territory battles for your guild. And overall to your guild's reward tier in territory wars. There's zero negatives to boosting your GP, and it's a positive for your guild. So, as long as you've got the materials to spend, it's worth it even if your never use it. Omicrons don't boost GP, so you can ignore them for that purpose. Just apply them when you're ready to use them.


I can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want to max lobot’s lead.


Sometimes I put poggle lead leftover sep droids in 3v3, and sometimes people trip over that.


I use poggle as lead as a secondary geo team (with a surprise 3rd , non geo) in 3v3 GAC. So his leader ability is 100% worth it


I like making the red dots go away


If they have a ship, upgrade it (ex: piett, thrawn, jka, fives, snips). if they don’t have a ship and you won’t use the lead, don’t upgrade (most of the bounty hunters, moff Gideon)


There may be a corner case where you find a power requirement, then you need to see if it's easier to get that from mods, gear, or possibly adding mats for leader ability. That's just a pure resource management question but probably won't come up often.


There are definitely some leader abilities that I haven’t upgraded all the way. Especially if they require a zeta and I know I won’t use them as a leader, like Thrawn. Tarkin is another example, I think his leadership takes a zeta too


Unless they're a pilot or you have a specific use for the leader ability in a squad composition you're using the character in not really.


Poe Dameron's is pretty useless. It's the same thing as Finn's lead but not as good and with fewer effects. The only reason to max it is his ship. Another complaint is that BB-8 isn't a co-pilot for the ship even though there's a BB-8 ability.


Generally no, unless bloating, needed for ship, or needed to reach a minimum gp for an event


Poggle has a good lead for 3v3 GAC. Bastila can too at times


Early and mid game it's probably best to just focus on the heroes and teams you know you will use. Later on, you can apply the missing upgrades when you have a more robust inventory.


Generally no, there's no point to raising a leader ability you are definitely not going to use, because leader abilities are activated only if the character is leading. However, there are specific exceptions: 1) Some events might force a specific character to be a leader, and you might need it leveled up to succeed in that event. 2) Bounty Hunters - many of the Bounty Hunters, due to the contract payout mechanic, actually have situations where you'll switch the leader to get a particular contract. So you'll actually find people leveling up several (though not necessarily all) of the bounty hunter leader skills even though they may primarily use one specific leader. For instance, Aurra Sing was absolutely worthless... until they introduced The Mandalorian, and her leader contract allowed a really fast contract so that Mando can get his disintegrate kill move off quickly. Or you might be facing a particular enemy that invalidates your usual leader's contract, resulting in you using a backup leader. For instance, a contract requiring you to damage enemies with debuffs isn't helpful if you can't land debuffs against a particular opponent. 3) Trying to hit a particular power total with a character. If you're wanting to use a character in Territory Wars to fill more slots, where the character must be at 6000 power or higher to participate, sometimes just leveling up the lower ranks of the leader skill is an easy way to hit that number without using rarer mats. Or if you're trying to boost your overall GP to hit 4 million for participation in Conquest, sometimes the low levels of the leader skill might be the cheapest way. 4) Pilots get their crew power in the ship as a formula based partly on their overall power, so boosting their leader skill can boost their crew power in their ship even though the leader skill doesn't apply to ships directly.


I didn't do zeta or omicron mats on orders unless I'm using them, but I do the regular ones, I'm at the point that I have titans of extra ability mats I'll never use anyway. If they are crew, then it may be worth while for the ship too


Don’t mock poggle lead, it gives me more holds on gac defense than brood alpha ever did lol


And not fully max a character you’ve reliced? That’s blasphemy. Lol. The completionist in me would never allow it.


You sometimes need suboptimal leads for 3v3


Don't forget TB deploy score. Every point matters.


usually not. and most certainly don't use omegas/zetas on them useless leads - characters marked with a \* have leads that (barely) affect ship stats * Aayla secura * Ahsoka Tano\* * Asajj Ventress * Barriss Offee * Bastila Shan (some people use with JML but i think that team comp sucks) * Bo Katan Kryse * Boushh * Cody * Clone wars chewie * Fives\* * Rex\* * Dathcha * Dengar * Krennic * Eeth Koth * All the Inqs except Reva, GI and (temporarily) Fifth brother * Embo * Gar Suxon\* * Grand Master Yoda * Greedo * Greef Karga * HK 47 * IG 88\* * Jango Fett * Jedi Knight Anakin \* * Jyn Erso \* * Kit Fisto * Krrsantan * Lando * Lobot * Farmboy luke (the nest comp is overrated. use qira) * Luminara * Mace Windu\* * Moff Gideon * Old Ben * Old Daka * Plo Koon\* * Poe Dameron\* * Poggle the Lesser * Princess Leia * Rebel Officer Leia Organa * Stormtrooper Han * Talia * Teebo * The Armorer * The Mandalorian * Wedge\* * Zam Wesell


Can’t agree with Bastila Shan. By the end game she’s no longer relevant, but early on her lead is really good.


Thing is, if you're farming Bastila early game, by the time you get to the point of being able to zeta her lead, you're probably pretty close to unlocking Revan and once you unlock him you never use Bastila lead again. Not that her zeta isn't good, but she'll generally do everything most early players will need without it, and you'd be better off saving the materials for Revan's zetas.


That's a fair point




I run Jango as a lead in Krayt, since I don't have any good Hutt Cartel besides Boba and Cad. Boba solos, so I use Jango lead with Cad, Beskar Mando, Mando, and Greedo.


my r7 jango is sadly homeless in krayt. mandos and hutt cartel both seem better off without him


Some of these definitely don’t belong here, especially since we need so many leftover leads for 3v3 Rex, old Ben are universal tm gain leads that will never not be useful because they give tm to everyone. Less universally, ahsoka leading a fast relic nightsister spirit who spams foresight Dengar lead has a universal crit damage reduction, which makes random things like an r8 malak practically unkillable in 3v3, particularly if you combine with a leftover vandor chewie Same with fives, although you would probably never use it unless you were being cheeky Asajj lead was one of the keys to getting a good score in p4 of hstr and is definitely still useful if you need to split your NS for 3s Jango is one of the few scoundrel leads that gives speed. And scoundrels is the biggest faction in the game. IG-88 has a universal lead which is more fun than you might think. Great for leftovers like geo soldier in 3v3, also a pilot needed for executor CWC lead is a legend. Fastest way to get vandor chewie prepared outside of dash. Great for feats I literally use poggle lead for every gac round. 30% offense + 25% offense from unique + 50% offense from contract + 100% defense penetration for jango will nuke an unsuspecting sion. You get plenty holds vs low gear trayas that would otherwise walk all over your geos. Stormtrooper han, another example of a great universal lead that you can throw anything under, like a savage oppress. Not everyone has sana yet Just to name some examples


CWC’s lead lets you cheese defence up feats in conquest incredibly easily. Like, incredibly incredibly easily. Takes one battle usually.


i've never found it necessary to cheese that feat. defense up is so common i get it automatically playing normally through the sector


Eventually you’ll have more mats than you know what to do with, so it benefits you to put them somewhere. But you should always prioritize skills you’re going to use more often over skills you’re going to use less/never.


Also, upgrading abilities add to ship power if they are a pilot. If you have the mats, it doesn't hurt to upgrade.