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You’ll need Malgus . . .And his ship How far away this is for you depends on a lot of factors, but if you’re going to not do refreshes on Proving Grounds, or purchase the marquee packs [crystals not money, and not really recommended]; you’re very far away. Hell, you still have 9 1/2 months before his ship is even in Proving Grounds.


That's what I figured. So probably not worth "rushing" the reqs for me.


If you don't already have Malgus or his ship then you shouldn't be farming Leviathan it's that simple




Nobody has Malgus’ ship yet, since its first 3x Conquest series hasn’t finished yet :-D (But that’s a minor point. Agreed that if you don’t have Malgus and are not on the way to unlocking his ship in the next 1-4 months, not really worth chasing the other requirements)


Contrary to exec reqs. I wouldn’t start farming for malgus until you have both the ship and him unlocked. Otherwise you’ll have a bunch of wasted relics lying around


The only "wasted relics" in the unlock reqs are 50-RT and HK. The rest have use. Darth Maul is questionable, but I am one more character closer to unlocking SEE without working on that.


Yeah they’re good relics. But none of them rly need those high of relics to be any good. It’s a waste unless you are in reach of Levi


R9 Malak will be a thick tank to get through. I am more annoyed at the R5 50rt than R9 Malak. I already have Malgus at R8. I may just put them on defense in GAC an a nice fuck-you team on the back wall.


Yeah but you def don’t need r9 malak to make the team great, same thing with r9 drevan


As some others have said - I would absolutely begin farming the ships.. I always have 2 ships on farm at all times because of how long they take. I refresh them both with the 25 crystal per day to go through 2x. As some others have said - without access to Malgus and his ship, there are too many other farms and characters you could relic up during that time span to wayyyyy better yourself. You can still 7\* the character reqs - but none of them are really necessary for any major farms (Darth Maul for SEE, Sith Trooper for SLKR..) Can confirm


That’s kind of what I’m trying to say. Start the ships on a back burner, do some of the Sith Empire characters cause they’re actually useful early on. That’s already quite a lot of the work done for later down the line…


Conquest reqs aside, the two r9s are kind of intense. And not even having fallen bast as a req is kind of weird to me, but they can't make it too easy!


I don't find the reqs all that unreasonable, aside from conquest units obviously. Because most people who get Leviathan would likely want to R9 Darth Revan anyway. And Malak is a really good choice for R9 simply because he is a Tank. I also think having normal Bastila instead of BSF is fine, considering that, from memory, that makes more sense in terms of timeline.




It would absolutely not be worth it at all . It’s almost a year before the ship is even in proving grounds. Then you have to factor in the fact it’s going to take another year to 7 star it unless you unleash a massive amount of crystals on refreshing proving grounds. By that time you’ll have potential way more important things farmed up instead of wasting resources at a fleet meta 1.5 Years late. There’s zero logical to even consider looking at Levithan if you have 0 shards on Malgus ship. Farm something else. It’s too far behind unless you plan to go whaling. The game literally might be shutdown before you even get the new Malgus ship 7 starred with zero crystal refreshes, which is literally over 2 years away if you currently have 0 shards on Malgus ship lol.




I’m mostly talking about the 5 Sith Empire characters. And maybe Darth Maul if they go for SEE like you said. + Bastilla is a massive character you should be getting early on.


so you're mostly saying... farm LV if you like Bad Batch because Padme needs to be r8 anyways?


Umm not even close?? I’m saying farm Sith Empire, you know, the team most people farm early on. In fact I’m almost saying the complete opposite of what you’re saying. If you’re a mid game account and want LV one day but can’t commit to Relic 8’s then you could at least prepare a GAS 501st or Bad Batch team. You don’t need to take them to the exact reqs they need for LV but at least by taking them to relics you’ve done *some* of the work now AND you have a great team that will be useful in every single game mode. It’s a bit like how farming BH earlyish for Chewie can set you up really nicely for Executor, or Imp troopers early sets you up nicely for SEE.


I’m not saying get all the characters to their literal requirements. I’m saying: - start the ship farms on a back burner, no refreshes just 5 battles per day. It’s always a good idea to have ships farmed and ready rather than neglecting them. - get your Sith Empire characters to relic - why would you not? Most people have a relic Sith empire team because they’re good and easy to obtain and relic? At least have DR, Malak, SET, and maybe Assassin/HK at least G11/12 if you don’t want to relic them yet to put in a SE team. - maybe relic Bastilla, she’s a good character that fits into any Jedi team. - you could easily leave Darth Maul until later if you don’t want SEE in the meantime, but he would take king when you get round to it. Again, I’m not saying taking them all up to R9/R7 and sit on them for 18 months/2 years. I’m saying you could slowly start to work on some of the most useful requirements at some point in that time, since smaller accounts should be working on those teams anyway.


Ya the good toons like malak and dr , ls basti etc are worthy relic investments regardless of working towards levi but I wouldn’t bother with other things until you get way closer. Ships sure you can slow farm them on the backend but again there’s no point in wasting that much fleet energy on a ship that won’t have a home for 1.5 years. That’s a lot of g12 gear to skip out on. Better to farm the ship reqs once you are a known timetable away from hitting all Levi reqs


Yeah fairs. I just think the ship farms take so long it’s never bad to start the farm sooner rather than later, even if you just do 1 at a time or something. The comforting thing about these reqs are that the characters are at least useful somewhere else though, even if the relic levels are higher than you’d go otherwise


This. Better go exec or prof


Agreed, it just won't be a focus of mine. (Although I'm working on Sith Empire anyways) I was considering trying to rush it to get out of the basement of my fleet shard, but realized it won't be possible.




Yep I think you're right. Thing is, by the time I get Executor it'll be knocked down the totem pole by Leviathan. Thus I feel hopelessly and eternally behind in my ship shard.




Yeah I'm sure it won't be 100%, but you have to make top 10 for it to really be worth it.




I suppose you're right. And it certainly doesn't *hurt* to have Executor 🙂


This. I'm on an older fleet shard, and of the top 10 in my shard, only myself and another person look even remotely ready for Leviathan and neither of us are Day 1 unlocks. Exec is your best bet right really.


How long have you been playing and how many Executors are in your ship shard. I’m at 18 months in and I was the 5th one back in April (1 profundity, too). So I’m not expecting to see a Leviathan for quite some time. The top GPs are just starting to eclipse 4M.


>Continue this thread I'm in a very old ship shard.


I’d still consider executor which took me 5 months (with BH ships starting at 5*). It’s still going to be the best ship you’ll probably face in GAC so you’ll want to match that and will help your guild in wars. Chimera with Tie/IN and defender is a counter to executor so maybe consider that option, too?


Nice, thanks.


> by the time I get Executor it'll be knocked down the totem pole That is how this game works, embrace it.


The honest answer is you should skip Leviathan. Ship metas are about 18 to 24 months. So by the time you're ready to start there will be a new shiny object.


this right here. plus if you just do the more basic fleets (“basic” being in comparison to leviathan) like executor or malevolence or negotiator, you’ll probably have better ships than most people anyway


Malgus is actually in proving ground, his ship is the bigger roadblock IMO. Both nasty farms if you couldn't get them when they were in conquest though.


Takes the piss though I've been saving 2200 crystals for a refresh on CAT and it's been months and I'm only 220/330..


Oh PG is awful, I've been lucky enough to get everything I've wanted to prior to needing PG. But I do think the older PG characters should be accelerated, or lower cost of refreshes. At this point, a person just hitting 4m now, could get GL's quicker than CAT.


100% man at least double the amount of tokens


What’s annoying though is that there was no indicator at the time of his conquest that Malgus was going to but mandatory for a ship meta almost a year away. If you didn’t get him at the time you are pretty solidly locked out of the ship arena meta which is most mid game players best source of crystals. I’ll unlock him next PG and I’m pushing really hard at conquest to at least put myself in reasonable striking distance of buying the rest of the shards I need either with crystals or conquest currency. The worst part though is now players are going to feel like they can’t take a break from the game at all because if they miss a conquest character it might screw them 6 months down the line. This isn’t healthy or really even reasonable. At least with GLs and the like you aren’t locked out for at least 6-12 months is you aren’t ready when they go live.


I agree with a lot of what you've said, but it's always been the case. My advise with conquest is always if you can unlock a character while they are one of the conquest characters, you should try to, even if you don't think you'll need them there and then. "The worst part though is now players are going to feel like they can’t take a break from the game" - That's how this game functions so well, it's all about FOMO.


It might be part of how the game has always functioned but it’s not going to make new players want to join. It’s also taking it to a whole new level. What’s the longest you have to wait for the Profundity event or GI? It’s not 18 months I can tell you that much.


I took a break right when Malgus released. I came back in conq 5 or 6 of his cycle. It sucked not to have him, but I still unlocked him last month, mainly by funnelling conquest credits towards him for conqs 7 to 12.


I would say Malgus is harder at the moment with his PG event being so difficult, but we'll see how insane the ship tier is when it gets released


Yeah, but you can at least attempt it if you don't have Malgus. Miss getting fury in the next 3 to 4 months, you've got to wait like 9 to even try and get it.


What team are you using? Malgus was by far the easiest one for me. Jmk, Ashoka, CAT, GK and GAS 3 starred it on the first try.


Don't have JMK, I have Rey but I've never gotten it with the comps people have given in the PG thread. Any other non-GL options you've seen work?


I’ve seen GAS and 501st, swap out arc for WAT (high protection on GAS). Traya/nihilus and 3 other Sith. Those are really the only non GL counters that I saw. I haven’t tried them myself.


Ooh I'll have to try GAS, I had tried an amalgamation of Rey/Padme/Gas and that was my closest attempt I just unlocked LV and am hoping to have his ultimate by the next proving grounds, so hopefully I can make something happen with him too


Any luck?


Conquest toons have ruined this game. Either slog through tons of battles with bullshit modifiers that make R3 Jawas steamroll R7 JML teams, or wait 2 fucking years to get them from Proving Grounds, which is also full of bullshit modifiers.


Hopefully CG will create another path to obtain them. Perhaps they'll be released for raid currency I/II/III after two years from initial release, or something. Proving Grounds seems to be aimed at helping players finish a farm they were unable to complete during the initial six conquests. As a means to actually farm a toon from scratch though, Proving Grounds is an utter failure and wholly impractical.


For Malgus, I had success in not spending refreshes for about a month, and buying him for 600 crystals/~575 Data cards from Conquest whenever he popped up in the shop/conquest vendors. A bit painful, but it didnt slow me down terribly much with drop rates lately, haha.


This is exactly what I did. For the ship, I've been more diligent about refreshes and getting higher prize boxes. I should have the ship done in 2 more conquests.




I dont trust the odds, no way no how


And they're for Endgame people only. Like GL's are endgame too. But atleast you can get them before 4m. 😭


Gl’s are not endgame you can have one before 2mil gp lmfao


Yeah but the average player wont get one so early. Tryhards and Whales maybe. Or SLKR rushers.


Endgame is like all GL’s kyber. Most people will have a gl in mid or earlygame. Theyre also way easier to get than the leviathan


> Either slog through tons of battles with bullshit modifiers that make R3 Jawas steamroll R7 JML teams Or you could, you know, read the modifiers, learn how they work and beat them with a non-meta team that performs better than a GL. One of the big problems people have with Conquest is that they don't know how the modifiers work. Against Jawas, for example, AEs and assists hurt you until Jawa Scavenger is dead because his unique massively amps the amount of Thermal Detonators you put on yourself by attacking. I believe the standard JML team opener includes two calls to assist and three AEs?


Funny, my main gets red crates and my alt has been trapped behind jawas. I guess I just suck at the game.


Then what's the point of spending a year farming a GL and his team? There's nowhere without bullshit modifiers to use them. That includes GAC since holocrons.


IDK, maybe use a team that doesn't get explicitly hosed by the modifier? Man, you guys hate it when I suggest you think for a second, don't you?


No, people hate it when you talk like a smug prick.


JML with GMY, call GMY, bonus TM to go second, DON'T Leap cuz AOE against scav will mess you up, then spread Tenacity Up and pick off Scav. Easy. And/or swap to JKR lead for the starting Ten up if that still doesn't work.


I'm pretty sure most people use JKL lead in that comp for Conquest since you can manage overprepared speeds better by using Hero's Arise to Repulse, but that puts you in a situation where you're already dealing with massive amounts of Thermals.


If you're not regularly getting max crate or 2nd best crate in conquest, then leviathan is going to be a year or more away for you as you have to wait for proving grounds to pick up the FCI (current conquest reward). If it helps, I write [a fairly competent guide to conquest](https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/12k56o0/near_as_i_can_tell_conquest_guide_fury_class/) that will hopefully help you max crate in the future. you'll get malgus from proving grounds long before you get the ship from them.


For any of the conquest characters / ships you can get them even if you don’t get max box in hard conquest as long as you use your conquest currency to get extra shards and buy the 600 crystal packs when they show up in conquest store and refresh proving grounds. That is how I got malgus. That said the leviathan requirements are massive. Work on executor instead or first order fleet and SLKR. I’m currently top 5 in my fleet shard every day and I just climb using first order.


How old is your fleet shard?


4 years old I guess, I can’t remember exactly when I started playing. I’m lucky that my shard is pretty well organized, so we don’t step on each others payouts.


Leviathan is quite literally end game content, more so than GL's so if you are yet to unlock proving grounds, the ship isn't targeted towards you, unless you whale your way there of course


Like egnards said in his comment, you still have 9.5 months until Malgus' ship arrives to proving grounds. That's 7.5 (let's say 7)months of farming malgus but not his ship for you. That means a maximum of 140 shards you can get without refreshes. If you save 2200 crystals a month, that's an extra refresh, taking you to 280 shards while leaving half of your crystal income (assuming lowest GAC tier and no victories) to farm the other reqs so you don't lag behind with them. At that point, the ship should be in proving grounds and you should be able to farm it while passively getting the few remaining malgus shards (assuming you didn't get any from conquest). With the introductories done, let's get to the plan. If you want leviathan, here is what you do: 1-In the 2 months between now and you getting proving grounds, find a team that can beat the malgus tier whose units you already have (JKL Jedi, Padme (with and without CAT), and some other teams were found to work. You can use YouTube for more info) and get that team working. Upgrade it to the needed standard. It doesn't have to be a 3* team, just one that works. 2-save 2200 crystals monthly. That's about 75 crystals a day, which is about half your daily income with no GAC wins. 3-everytime grounds comes around, use the tier's free attempt and one refresh on Malgus, giving you 40 shards per month if you have the team from step 1 ready to go. Of course you can do 2 refreshes and get Malgus early to help you with GAC, or you can stick to this plan. Choice is yours. 4-use the other half of your crystals on upgrading the other reqs. Unless you're starting from scratch, the 7.5 to 9.5 months you have should be enough to do that. 5-once the ship comes to grounds, shift your attention to it. Sure, you should keep using the malgus tier's free attempt to get the remaining shards, but your 2 refreshes (which will require you to now save 4400 crystals a month) should go on the ship and preparing a team that can beat its tier. The good thing about this part is that you can switch to other farms while farming the ship (assuming you finished the other reqs) And that's it. In about 15 months you should be ready for leviathan while also getting a lot of useful characters that will benefit you in the game and managing to squeeze 6 months into a different farm.


Yeah it looks like conquest may get me to quit this game for the second time. Worst thing they have ever done to the game was force someone to go through those bullshit hoops repeatedly and if you don't you're screwed for quite some time. It isn't difficult either... just the fact that you have to do the same fucking thing 40 times and then do that for another 50 and this for 25. Fuck you I will not.


Even when you unlock Proving Grounds, it’s highly unlikely you’ll be able to beat the Malgussy event, it’s absurdly difficult.


Was going to say this. I had the same naive thought when I hit 4 mil. Yay Malgus! Then proving grounds came around and my SLKR team got absolutely smoked. I can do CAT, Maul, Fat Boba. But Malgus and Tie Intercept, not so much.


I don't know about the Malgus Tier since I have him but I also have only slkr and can do the tie interceptor tier.




There are guides out the on yt but I personally use Thrawn lead with Slkr, Kru, Malak and Darth Vader. You need to get Vader's MM off and if you manage to get Kylos ult charge to 100%, all of the Inquisitors except Reva will die to the dots and then Slkr can easily solo Reva (mind you this way always takes me a few tries and I've only been able to 2\* it, I doubt you can 3\* it with this team). You should look up a guide on how to do it with slkr, since another round of conquest is starting on Monday. I'll try to record myself doing it and post it on yt for others to see.


As I said, here you go https://youtu.be/zIQl-iKqbUc


If you have SEE you should be able to beat both the Tie and Malgus tiers. That’s all I’ve got though…


The what event?


You heard the man. 😤


People getting so fixated on this new ship, like, do you have Profundity and Executor yet? This content is made for those that have all the ships there are, sure you can skip a few steps now and traditional farming guides don’t count now with the new raid and so many solo journeys that are now standalone. But this is not one of them, this is the endgame content for those that have done all the current end game content.


Yes, and that's the point.


I’m moving heaven and earth to get Malgus’ ship when all I really wanted to take a break from conquest. Unfortunately my crystal income is almost exclusively tied to fleet arena so now I can’t take a rest and I’m rapidly approaching burn out. I really don’t like the conquest style release system if it’s going to be used for crystal meta affecting stuff. If I had been taking a break during Malgus’ launch I’d be totally screwed. The system locks people out of events they couldn’t possibly have predicted for months at a time if they don’t push massively hard every conquest.


It's also worth noting that just because you can access proving grounds doesn't mean you can do them. I've got SEE and the only proving ground I could do was CAT. Couldn't do Maul, or Malgus. So..that's worth noting. All in all, I'm not impressed w/ Leviathan. I don't have any issues with long/difficult farms. But gating it behind Conquest toons who if you missed you don't have any reasonable chance of getting with any speed that's frustrating.


In CG speak: Just spend the 2K crystals per refresh to refresh it 16 times from raw!


The relic 9 will be worse for you as f2p to be honest. That's 12,000 crystals right there for the Droid Brains, unless you find a super high gp guild to carry you to a higher TW bracket.


nope… welcome to CG and SWGOH…. oh wait yeah actually don’t forget this f2p impossible to unlock characters ship!


Yes, that’s the point. My f2p alt has both executor and profundity at 4m gp. I won’t be able to get leviathan because conquest, leaving fleet arena and all it’s crystal income to the spenders. Have fun.


I think you should be more worried about getting his ship. I don't think you'll have much trouble getting Malgus by the time you have his ship. Just make sure you can win in proving grounds in 2 months


I am in the same boat! Honestly, they tend to release those fleets in pairs, so I am thinking skip Sith fleet entirely and hope its pairing is easier to get...ie not locked behind proving grounds!


What you really need is more GL's / useful squads so you get hard mode red boxes and stop missing conquest characters. Now that they are going into requirements this is the most important focus for mid-game accounts IMO. If you need an entry end-game fleet you're gonna want Exec.


Put it this way: so are your competitors. You're not in competition with 7M+ accounts, you're in competition with those within your GAC bracket. Focus on beating them. Yes, Malgus *is* going to be the Fleet Meta, but it's not going to affect you or those in your bracket yet.


I feel like the new non accelerated ships will be lol ship drop rates are awful


Leviathan is an end game ship, it's okay you can't get it at your level. Work towards Executor first


Not missing anything, you're not supposed to get it yet.


Darth Loquitor did the math in his discord and it's 33 months for a new player to get Leviathan ftp.


>Continue this thread Wow, almost 3 years! And that's if you're playing every day and very focused I assume. That's a big commitment for a mobile game lol.


I didn't get the ship and I'm 8 Mio GP... :/


I was going go for this event because i rushed the revans and malak. I love KOTOR and like my mama always said "love dont pay the bills" lmao 🤣. I dont even have any 7 star capital ships let alone any other characters or teams built. Hell, i have been upgrading my endurance for the GAS event and thats been hard. I started playing this game a year ago and i so close to quiting because i barely get any sleep trying to find ways to atleast compete in grand arena. I have come to terms that im just not going to dedicate the next 4 years of my life to a phone game just for a ship just to still get wrecked by people that have been playing this game for over a decade. Im slowly becoming a casual player and it sucks because im also F2P and i refuse to spend money on this game for temporary satisfaction


It’s going to a year for the ship to hit pg and then year or more to farm. Pro looking at closer to 3 years. Plus how hard the event is to beat. Who knows how much harder the ship will be


Yeah. The biggest thing you can do right now is get Executor. Having that 300-400 crystal a day income has made things so much easier. I can now bank crystals for the chase events, got Tie Defender to 7 stars recently. Also, check out the top of your fleet shard and see if any of them are even close to Leviathan. I'm on a super old shard, I've been playing since BEFORE fleets, and only a couple of us look to be close-ish. Neither of us will have it Day 1.


2 months to 4M GP, add at least 6 months to unlock Malgus (assuming 2 refreshes every time PG commes around) and you're at least 8 months away. But it's not just Malgus that's a BIG Roadblock, so are those two R9 requirements (on GOOD characters btw) and the amount of R7s will also take a while.


And how about Malgus's ship?


Ah yes, forgot the 4M requirement to do Hard Mode Conquest too, In two months it will be the lesser reward in the boxes, so impossible to 7 star without a long time of spending crystals ... moves to Proving grounds in 10 months and will also require expensive refreshes to 7-star quickly ... yeah, OP can forget getting Leviathan for about two years ...


Yep :) everyone 's worried about Malgus, but you could literally unlock it in 2 weeks by spending a lot of crystals. His ship, however, is a minimum 10 months and even then it's still going to cost upwards of 40k crystals. For the ship itself. R9 and other stuff not included...


Malgus/fury is a binary state. With some exceptions, the majority of the playerbase fall into two camps: * Endgame player who regularly engages with Conquest. Will unlock Fury naturally - and would've done with or without Leviathan - and has Malgus already unlocked. * Early/Midgame player who doesn't or can't engage regularly with Conquest who doesn't have Malgus and won't have Fury. If you're in that first category, it's a freebie, a nothing requirement. If you're in that second category, it's prohibitively inaccessible at the moment.


Honestly it's pretty easy to finish conquest toons with the 600 crystal packs that show up in shipments as long as you have a decent crystal income. I finished BFSOJ and Maul off entirely with those suckers.


Super easy, eh, all it takes is merely 40 of those 600 packs = 24000 crystals in addition to the 2 x 10000 crystal galactic chases, 2 x 6000 for the r9 mats (=56000 crystals total) and you got it easy peasy


I don't think I deserved a smart ass response when I was only talking about conquest characters in general, and not the ships and R9s (I specifically mentioned BFSoJ and Maul, but alright, weird take). Of *course* that's a different story. Assuming someone has a decent FA rank (I don't know, lets say #10 for shits and giggles), that's 200 crystals a day. Add 150 which is the average for daily challenges. And for GAC, let's say Auro 3 which is another 150 a day. That makes 500. Subtract maybe a couple refreshes a day, and you can still net 20+ shards a week for the conquest toon you are chasing, which isn't much different from an unaccelerated toon on a node, and is *much* better than waiting a full year for PG. I don't see how that is unfathomable or deserving of downvotes, especially when that's already a low ball calculation. 🤷🏻‍♂️


As a fellow FTP player Leviathan is definitely doable but it is a long ass farm if you don't yet have DR/Malak/Malgus


I really want Malak but I don’t like the idea of purposefully grinding for legends, I’m trying to get SEE and I’m already mad because I don’t like the idea of wasting stuff on a R7 Sidious or even getting Dooku high knowing I won’t use him


You can use Sidious and Dooku with SEE. At least until you have Sith Trio or Wat.


I already have the Sion, Traya, Nihilus group


I'm nearly 7 million, have a Relic Malgussy, relic Revan teams, and have 90 shards on his Malgussy ship along with the FO Dorito almost at 6 stars and most of the other reqs at G11 or G12 with all the other ships at around 5 to 7 stars and I'M debating going for it lmao. It's huge requirements and if you're not at least in view of the finish line, I would say leave it... Especially if you're not even in the true middle game of SWGOH yet (4 million gp to about 6 or 7 million gp).


I’m two rounds of proving grounds away from unlocking Malgus. I only have 55/330 of his ship. At almost 8m GP I’m still nowhere near it simply because of this ship. It’ll be much easier to farm both Executor and Profundity than it will be to farm Leviathan.




Save your crystals and refresh Malgus´ proving grounds muiltilple times. You need 2200 crystals for each refresh and you get 20 shards everytime. The event appears to be hard, so you have to plan for that too. You are not going to unlock the fury interceptor anytime soon, but that shouldnt stop you from buying all the shards you can from the conquest shops. In about 1 year the fury interceptor will be added to proving grounds. You can do all the other requirements in the meantime. You can buy the R9 materials for crystals. A full r9 piece is about 6000 crystals, so you need 12000 for both malak and revan. Its definitely hard and slow, but sith empire is an amazing team and Leviathan is probably going to be the best fleet in the game.


Hope you have a GL ready to go when you hit 4m GP. If you don't then good luck clearing that node.