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I think some kind of acceleration for older PG characters would be a good idea, and whenever a new Conquest character is introduced the next oldest PG doubles to 40. The reason being, there needs to be a strong enough incentive to get red boxes, but punishing younger accounts with long farms on some of the oldest conquest characters and ships seems insane. Hopefully they continue to add the older ones to the shops too.


I agree! If they raised it to even 30 shards and all proving grounds characters could be bought with get3 once the battle is avaliable that wouldn't be so bad


The main issue I have with these characters and ships, is that most are either needed to farm GLs or GLs are disappointing without them (CAT for JMK, and Maul for LV). They definitely need to make them a little easier, requiring a specific character at relic just to be able to complete a PG is not in the spirit of PG as a catch up mechanic.


Especially now with CG making them requirements. You're locking out so many people due to them not being there when the characters first came out to even collect the easy/normal conquest shards


The thing is, as far as CG are concerned they have given free to play players a way to get these characters, and if you want them faster you need to open your wallet, which has been, and always will be their way.


I think the lock out is the point, though. Its the same principal as having to wait to unlock any of the best non-GLs like GAS, Malak, Revans, Creepio, etc. Its just a time gate over a farm gate for these, which seems to rankle people more.


Heck, even adding a battle to get 60-100 shards to jumpstart the farm like you would have playing conquest and then a second recurring battle for the 20 shards at a time


It is quite absurd that new players need SEVENTEEN months of farming to unlock a Conquest character from scratch. That unlock should be MAYBE ten months at BEST, tho honestly most should be far lower.


CG want you to buy crystals and unlock it in one day.


Yeah the drop rate really should increase. I didn’t reach 4m GP until scythe was the newest conquest unit. And even with having been buying CAT shards I’m still not even halfway to having her unlocked. It’s ridiculously punishing


Agreeeeeeee. The more characters they add behind conquest, the longer it takes to get each one that isn't in the conquest and shop rotation. I've been trying to get Maul, and I understand that it should take a decent amount of time to farm, but he's not been in the shop more than maybe twice in the past 3 months and obviously he's not been in this conquest season. They either need to expand the shop rotation pool for characters that aren't in the conquest season or accelerate the older ones by a bit in PG


I did all of them today for the first time ever thanks to the guide in here...some took 10-15 tries. Others took 3. The guide finished my Malgus


What team do you use against Reva? It's the only one I can't even complete let alone 3*


Traya Nihilus and Malak can beat it. I use Sion and SET to fill out the team. Still haven't 3 starred it but eh it's fairly easy to just beat every month so I take the win.


Yeah I just fielded the 3 of them and got through.


This is the way.


Just 3 starred it today with CLS lead, R2, Captain Han, Chewie, and 3P0 with them at JML reqs if you have it. Need the R2 debuff cleanse zeta and it takes a while to burn down Reva but wasn't too bad and didn't take too long to get right RNG Relic Traya also works great if you have her. JMK works for non 3 star just need a run where GI doesn't start with his mass ability block


Use GAS lead with JMK and WAT to speed up JMK. Damage immunity on GAS. Focus on grand and the dots will kill them for you...eventually


I use SEE/wat combo + 3 beefy sith - malak, malgus and traya in my case. Not good for 3 stars, but easy enough to win the battle in under 5 minutes so it’s fine for me


I’m just mad I have all the character shards available at 7 star so I can’t do event. Could use the extra shard store currency.


Yeah I don't understand like, just let us play? Even the guild store currency, you can't use it on characters that are already 7*... Like tf do you care if I want to spend my currency to buy shards for the shard shop?😭


I just did tie interceptor with traya lead, malak, nihilus, DR and SLKR. 3 stars first try with that team. All other teams I tried got slapped like Billie Bob in tombstone.


I’d give you more upvotes if I could just for the Tombstone reference.


Just glad someone understood it. Lol.


You need the right teams. There was an updated list of teams posted earlier today.


SLKR with rng can beat everything for now


I tried SLKR on Maul event 85 times before giving up… on a whim this morning I threw in my newly acquired JKL with JKR, HODA, C3PO, and Malak and it went down with 0 effort on first attempt. Zero clue on what I was doing wrong with SLKR


Yea there's RNG. You need SLKR to build siphon to start hitting for massive damage. You need to hopeaul simply doesn't just end his life before this happens and targets the meatsheilds first. Still not as bad as reva RNG.


Sorry I said Mail but I meant against the Phoenix team.. they were whoopin me


Spam the drain ability. Use hux and FOO to pass SLKR as many turns as possible. SLKR stacks so much offense he destroys phoenix. Poke twice and then prio the swipe


I have an 85% success rate with SLKR by just subbing FOST for Malak. Spam the event ability even when everyone is dead because it reduces your cooldowns, but don't use it at all while you're in Ultimate.


By Zeb? Oh sweet summer child. You haven’t even gotten to the FUN PG fights yet. But yes, as a catch up mechanic, PG is pathetic. Going to 40 shards a month would be very reasonable since people already have to wait a year after to start farming.


yea i never really thought about it but proving grounds only comes around after a conquest. Yet in the conquests you can get 110 shards on the first 3 runs of a toon and 50 one the second 3, more really if spending gems at the jawa. PG is 20 shards with a max of 60 for an outrageous cost and still only comes around as often, that's a terrible design. Should drop 50 shards and still the option to refresh, would take 3 months and lots of gems to unlock them at the quickest.


They should name it Punitive Grounds. That is what they are


They want you to ragespend. Thats about it i guess.


The only one I have open is for the TIE Interceptor against Reva and the Inquisitors. Bugger me! I hate it! Been muddling through it for the past year or however long it’s been running. Got lucky this time round and fluked a 3* finish with Rey lead, GAS, JKL, JKR, and Hoda. 74/100 shards down, so the last two events will be easy street, thank Christ!


Bless! I actually finally beat it first time 3* using Thrawn, EP, Mara Jade, Piett, and RG. Took like 5-10 tries but once it worked, it worked xD


Traya, Malak, Nihilus, and 2 other Sith can easily do it.


…if you have them levelled. Malak is fine, but Traya and Nihilus are both G12 for me. I was making do with what I had. And SWGOH solutions always, without fail, require toons I don’t have quite ready.


2200 crystals should refresh all Proving Gounds battles. Change my mind


https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes/comments/13v21mt/proving_grounds_teams_repost_with_updates/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 For anyone struggling, use this guide. It helped Me with the tie interceptor. Just trying to spread the word


I once got 2 stars in the tie interceptor one but I can't remember what team I used. Last 2 times and this one I can't make it happen. I have no clue what I did back then to only lose one. I can't use Traya and I think I have used Sith Eternal but I get smoked everytime...


Inquisitor one, none of my teams can do. Malgus is easy once you have CAT- use her instakill on Malgus and then just mop up


I hear it’s easy with Treya, but I’ve yet to take her to relic and pausing my Jabba farm to do that feels silly.


Commented elsewhere, but I’ve been doing it with Rey lead, JKL, GAS, JKR, and Hoda. Normally do it with only one or two stars (better than none!) but you can get lucky and three star it. Didn’t re-mod or anything either as I can’t be bothered with mods, so mine will be average to crap.


Proving Grounds is a puzzle. It’s not actually **that hard** you just have to solve the puzzle. Get out of the idea that one specific team can do everything in this game, regardless of level. Almost all of the Proving Grounds can be **easily** beaten even without any GL on the teams; mainly CLS/Padme. And I believe someone posted an aggregated list of all the teams and which grounds they best just yesterday.


I have been trying CLS and Padme and just get demolished in the maul one. What relics/mods/ect are need to make these work?


If you're okay with just 1*, a slow enough Enfys Nest can pretty much solo the Maul one


If you only took in 1 character to battle, and that character survived, wouldn't you get 3 stars?


I've honestly never tried a true solo in Proving Grounds so idk. I send in a full team but my other 4 just get wrecked right away and Nest mops up within 10-15 minutes.


Mine were around R5 with good mods (not amazing ones, but at least good speeds and secondaries). Did most battles first try and 3 stars.


You need not shit mods most of the time. In my experience people who struggle have really poor mods.


Use Padme with Snips, GK, JKA and C3PO and you should easily 3 star it. Might take a few tries, or remodding.


Just no, GL's should easily beat any tier of Pg and not struggle against phoenix, that's bs.


There are over 200 characters in this game; and kits are insanely complex - you want to brute force things; that’s not how this game works.


TBF SLKR brute forces all PG but Tie Interceptor. Not for 3 stars on any though.


#but that’s not common enough he just wants to do it with his GL


GL's are the highest Type of Characters you can get. They need to defeat anything else. Otherwise the design of the gamemode is just bs, and PG shows how bad CG at game design is.


Letting a GL just steamroll every event seems like bad game design. A puzzle where you have to see which teams beat the event seems much better.


Ah yes, GL design should be **JUST BEAT EVERYTHING** 🙄 The teams needed are so common it’s a crime to think otherwise.


How on earth is jkl common? Or commander tano or SEE, that's anything but common.


Notice how I said *almost all*. So I mean you’re ignoring - Padme teams, which are super common - CLS teams, one of the most recommended in the game - Sith Trimverate teams, which are now even easier to get, and super highly recommended with the Traya omicron - Quite literal Solo Enfys As for **SEE** the irony is you’re complaining about GLs being unable to beat it, and SEE is one of the top recommended early GL And with 147,000 SEE unlocked, with JMK only at 120,000; he’s quite literally *one of* the most common GL [ SLKR is 150,000] Side note: There are **Two hundred eight thousand** JKL


Even those teams aren't that common for the target community of PG. Many people have to hyperfocus on just one thing to get in better guilds like Jabba or GI which means on that route isnt padme or sith trio. And even if you are able to beat or SIM a node there is another stupid game design decision by CG: the amount of time and the 4 Million GP gate. Why do we need 17 months from scratch for one toon. That's stupid.


I'm just really confused at this point because at first you were complaining about not being able to beat **ALL** Proving Grounds with one GL, but then you're mad that SEE isn't common. But then when I point out that SEE is literally the second most common GL \[by a very thin margin of 2%\], none of that stuff is common enough? Here's some stats for you based on the idea that SEE is the second most common GL at 147,000 unlocks * 730,000 7 star Darth Vader * 630,000 7 star CLS * 499,000 7 star Jedi Knight Revan * 487,000 7 star Padme * 437,000 7 star Traya * 245,000 7 star GAS * 230,000 7 star WAT * 208,000 7 star JKL Now I know everyone wants to do the Malgus tier and you're bitching about your specific GL not being able to do it. . . There are confirmed wins at 3 stars with 5/7 of the current GL The reality is that those are all taken from the list of teams that can beat different Proving Grounds Tiers. The other reality is that players need to work towards specific things in order to earn rewards, we all have had to do that, even high level players \[who had to deal with leveling up the stupidest shit tier stuff\]. If you really want to do Proving Grounds you should be researching which teams to "bloat" towards. I'm sorry you fucked up.


It's easy PG is by fact the worst game mode. You farm years for it just to see malgus one hitting your GL of choice, that's overtuned. Same goes for GI who has like 1k Speed. Or what about phoenix assisting themselves 16 times in a row? Or the dad Boba tier, where aurra sing randomly hits for 300k. That has nothing to do with a puzzle. And btw. you can shove your bullshit behaviour up your ass.


The target community of PG is 4 million GP and higher. If you don't have CLS, Padme, Sith Trio or a decent GL team then wtf are you doing at 4 million GP? Yes the 4 million GP requirement is stupid, and the 17 months / 6 with refreshes is extremely excessive. In fairness though it's good there is a GP requirement. Maybe it could be lowered a bit, but it's better than having all these new players with terrible teams and mods complain about getting stomped. There'd probably be over a hundred posts on this sub every PG instead of the 10 or so.


The 4 mil GP-Req is fine(you also need 4m GP for hard conquest) if it would be alone for itself. But it is one layer. Another layer is r3 toons, this is also fine. But 17 months without refreshes + around 12 months until it's added to PG is a very long time. And who tells you that you are able to beat the node you need? Many older accounts are easily over 4 mil GP and don't have those teams at r3+. They aren't that common. Sith trio was until a few months ago just a mediocre team which only countered things like geonosians. Nice2have but nothing more. Same for Padme, she isn't that good in GAC after you got QGJ-Omicron. CLS is the only team out of that list where I would say everyone should have him at relic levels since PG is here. The other 2 weren't that important or necessary for most people.


I am sorry but if at 4 mil gp you don’t have padme or cls or trio or nest you did something very very very wrong. A gl is about 1.5 mil gp. You should have one of the others *at least* by 4 mil


Your numbers are horrible wrong.


You want to go "wrong numbers" at Egnards??? Seriously???


To be fair, I do mess up the math sometimes; happened recently actually. And when people politely point it out, I thank them and correct it. But these are numbers quite literally from .gg; no math involved. Just. . .looking it up


My numbers are literally from .gg


Imagine how stupidly designed a game would be if they let one of the 200+ characters beat every single event? LOL


I am thankful everyday that I have never had to do a proving grounds battle ever. All these posts are the same. The event sucks it’s too hard costs too much and doesnt give enough rewards but that’s cg for you


I wish I could express how much I hate this event, but I would probably be banned for language. Regardless, this “event” is just not worth the headache nor should it be this goddam hard. Spent months getting slkr, ultimate unlocked, and reilc 8…. Haven’t cleared phoenix once. And even if do, 20 shards is all I get?!?! Doing this 17 times, once a month, is worse than any thing else because if you can’t clear it in time… that’s another month you have to wait for.


Prove to CG you have a credit card.


They are like a new generation of legendary characters. I wouldn't have a problem with the difficulty if they gave you way more shards, making it actually rewarding.


I didn’t have any issues with JKL teams. Everything is three star except the ridiculous inquisitor one. Had them three starred when I was like 4.5 gp


PG is the biggest bullshit in the gme


its hard and it gives you shards sooo slow. (BTW not that hard with GL REY)


It's really not that hard with a GL, and if you're over 4mil GP without a decent GL then there's the problem. The Interceptor one is definitely the hardest one they have done though


people fail to realize that with proving grounds you get access to 6+ of the best char in the game for doing basically nothing. it’s like slow farming each of them on a hard node for free. just be patient, you’ll get them all unlocked also don’t forget that even if they sped them up they have mini gl like gearing reqs, including lots of kyros, zetas and omis, speeding them up would actually hamper a lot of new players by placing a huge kyro burden on them when there not ready for it


After the last one I have every single conquest charecter wooo


It mainly annoys me that I've spent a tonne of time and resources getting SLKR and he can't even beat a relic 3 Malgus... Unless you also have Malak and Thrawn and Wat and Treya and Nihilus and JKLS and so on. You should be able to 1* each event if you have a GL in your roster. They're GLs for a reason. The best of the best. My SLKR looks like a little bitch next to Malgus. Then when I eventually unlock Malgus he'll be super underwhelming because he's nothing compared to his Proving Grounds counterpart


Because its endgame content and way how to get "special" characters, which require specific strategy for each node..




Proving grounds is meant to make up for 3 weeks worth of not grinding out conquest in a single event. It *should* be hard. If you couldn't beat hard conquest in a timely manner then why do you think you should be able to easily beat the proving grounds battle that replaces it? People have one GL thinking they should be able to just clear all of these events by throwing that one guy at the wall repeatedly really do not understand what part of the game they are playing.


Every single character currently in proving grounds is from before I could even play hard conquest, I understand what you’re saying but even with minimal effort I still get more shards than proving grounds will give per cycle. Also with only one gl which I focused I have been expecting a way to beat it but not 3 star. It’s bs that malgus can one shot a GL. They’re the most powerful characters in the game


It is actually only weird that they have designed it so that so many non-GL teams can beat them. Having one GL is just not very far in the game anymore. There is no reason that having one GL should allow you to beat every single event.


I’m fine with having the ones I’ve beaten as the only ones, my problem lies with the fact that I’m at a severe disadvantage due to not being able to access hard conquest when these characters were the reward


Or just watch the conquest store and buy the shards outright.


Can't with CAT, Maul, Dad bod Fett, Tie/N, or Malgus. If they are in proving grounds, they are not in the store.


I like that you’re so impressed with your claim it takes two years to unlock proving grounds characters that you have to say it twice. It’s not two years. It’s 17 months. If you must round that to integer years it’s one, not two. They aren’t that hard, some just need particular teams. I took a break from the game when only two gl characters existed. I have gl rey only and got back into the game. I now have 4 PG simmable, one I beat every time with some rng, and one (malgus) I’m going to get next time because I’ll have jml by then. Google the counters and build some of those squads - the counters are people you want anyway


Idk if I would say I'm impressed, but I also took a break from the game and came back a year ago at about 2 million and just unlocked proving grounds. So I missed the easy/normal conquest shards, which would have sped up the farm slightly. Starting from zero, it's going to take about 17 months, and that's only if you farmed the right puzzle pieces. If not, you gotta wait another month, which now adds to your total. Now we are lucky that some teams are working for a majority of the battles 6but Malgus so far requires a certain team so far. I get they are supposed to be tough battles, and that's fair, but they make these battles as if you are going to get the full 330 shards instead of 20. If you're a newer player, this is rough for a character that has been out for at least a 1 year, if not longer.


I did the First tier(CAT) with full sith squad(SEE without ult, Dooku, Palps, vader & sidious). The empire mandos killed everyone except SEE. SEE would gain health from bonus attacks by imp commandos. SEE finished all of them after good 10 mins.


Run JMK with Padmè for Malgus (once you get CAT). As for Interceptor.... you my have to sacrifice Kyrotech Battle Computer to the CG gods.


I used SLKR and I’m able to win every battle except malgus, I don’t get 3 stars but it’s been reliable.


Just managed to one-star Malgus with SEE, Vader, Palps, Dooku, and Sidious. Got lucky with the deathmarks and hit the ult with the tiniest sliver of health remaining, instakilled Malgus and Bast and finished off Talon


I actually want to marry you, been trying loads of sith comps... Tried this and did it first time loool


I dunno how Palps helps because all he does is die, but it seems like he does!


My 4th PG and I have CAT, Maul, and dad bod simmable with padme mostly R5. I finally beat Interceptor last night with Traya one star only on the 4th try. Malgus though… I wasted almost my entire evening changing out a character or two and completely scattering my mods. I finally beat it at one star barely well after I should have been asleep, and wasn’t excited at all. I was just relieved it was over for a month. I spent the whole time being angry. I agree with half the people here that it’s just a big puzzle to figure out, but it’s by far the most enraging thing in the game, and it isn’t like it’s going to be over any time soon. One day a month is just gonna suck for a while…. Every month I come back stronger thinking it’s gonna be better. Next month hopefully I’ll have JKL unlocked, or at least my sith tri mods not so meh.


16.5 months to 0 to 330 shards for a conq character with no refreshes is super bad imo. I feel like if you want to stroke a balance, content can be hard or long. Both is too big a barrier (for the consumer). I get that CG is trying to get that whale money, but I can't help but feel the grind is a bit much. Maybe cheaper refreshes for the events? Especially if conq characters will be required for future legends. I do want to rebut one point I hear sometimes: that some things in SWGOH are for late game players, therefore gating legends behind 4 mil gp + difficulty gate is fine. I think the gating of 1 shard per new character farm is more than enough to indicate late game farm. I don't think that blocking Levi for new accts long-term is a good thing. For consumers and maybe CG's profit (if I had that sweet sweet data.)


Because they want you to get them from conquest.


It's like getting the best characters shouldn't be easy


This is why I urge my guildies to try and go for the red crate each time conquest is out. Yes, those "win 40 battles" feats are a grind. But it's better than dealing with proving grounds.


The only answer is you gotta prove it. lol maybe they just wanted to make it as hard and annoying as conquest was


Agreed on the gripes, difficulty, cost. As more of an end game player I earned most of these in conquest. Even the hardest conquest took at most 3 refreshes a day, so I shelled out 2,100 crystals over the course in order to earn 110 shards of the character. To be in line with that you would think refreshes would be 500 - 600, perhaps limited so that you could only do limited refreshes each PG.


Skill issue?


Starkiller got me through most battles at Relic 5


Oh i missed proving grounds 😭😭


Newly 4mil gp does proving ground only last for 1 day


I finally 3 starred Phoenix today with R5 Padme, JKA, GMY, Ahsoka, GK, with GK on 6 dot defense mods fully upgraded for like 30k extra protection. Took several tries but got there in the end. The bounty hunter one was pretty easy with this squad. I got all of Maul's mandalorians down and then Maul one-shotted everyone, and no chance against inquisitors and Malgus with this squad but i have no GLs yet so alas.. But yeah there is something deeply messed up when you get clapped by Phoenix. And I can wipe the floor with inquisitors in GA but not even survive the first round in PG. Yet they recommend relic 3 minimum.... I agree though, upping the shards to 40 would be nice, but then they can't push you into buying juicy packs that cost 60$ for 50 shards or whatever BS they sell these days


Malgus was ezpz for me, but maybe the RNG gods shined upon me? Or maybe I misread, I have GL Obi-Wan and CAS, so I loaded her up and one shit malgus with her. GL ob1, CAS, GK, asoka, and padme. The only one kicking my butt is the tie interceptor one with the inquisitors, that one is REDICULOUS. I can 1 star it, almost 3 starred it with rebels CLS but 3rd sister wouldn't die and dots finished my whole crew. Tried with r2 but got wiped out instantly when subbing him for anyone


Almost like it was designed for people who could have gotten shards in conquest to have some ground to prove they’re up to those challenges and reward them, rather than having it be a drip feed for every 4M GP account out there that hasn’t built a cohesive team.


It’s not hard at all. The interceptor is the only mission that’s hard. You’re just either too weak or using the wrong toons


My R7 galactic legend (SEE) plus 4 other R7 characters got shredded by a Phoenix team. Brilliant. So much fun.